[Openmp-dev] instruction 'vote' without '.sync' is not supported on .target sm_70 and higher from PTX ISA version 6.4

Kelvin Li via Openmp-dev openmp-dev at lists.llvm.org
Sun Feb 9 18:23:19 PST 2020

Is it a known problem?

int main()
  int t=-1;

#pragma omp target teams map(t)
  #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: t)
    #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: t)
      t = 1;

$ clang -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda tmp.c 
ptxas /tmp/thread_limit-984c26.s, line 1792; error   : Instruction 'vote' 
without '.sync' is not supported on .target sm_70 and higher from PTX ISA 
version 6.4
ptxas fatal   : Ptx assembly aborted due to errors
clang-11: error: ptxas command failed with exit code 255 (use -v to see 

$ bin/clang -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda tmp.c 
-Xopenmp-target -march=sm_60
ptxas /tmp/thread_limit-5cc9b6.s, line 1792; warning : Instruction 'vote' 
without '.sync' is deprecated since PTX ISA version 6.0 and will be 
discontinued in a future PTX ISA version


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