[Openmp-dev] Unable to generate entries table for device id 0.

Itaru Kitayama via Openmp-dev openmp-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 18 01:11:08 PST 2019

I can not get a simple loop like below:

#pragma omp target parallel for map(to: nranks)
  for ( thread rank = 0; rank < nranks;
        ++rank )

offload to the device at run time; I am getting these:
Libomptarget --> Entering target region with entry point 0x000010000191abd6
and device Id -1
Libomptarget --> Checking whether device 0 is ready.
Libomptarget --> Is the device 0 (local ID 0) initialized? 0
Target CUDA RTL --> Init requires flags to 1
Target CUDA RTL --> Getting device 0
Target CUDA RTL --> Max CUDA blocks per grid 2147483647 exceeds the hard
team limit 65536, capping at the hard limit
Target CUDA RTL --> Using 1024 CUDA threads per block
Target CUDA RTL --> Max number of CUDA blocks 65536, threads 1024 & warp
size 32
Target CUDA RTL --> Default number of teams set according to library's
default 128
Target CUDA RTL --> Default number of threads set according to library's
default 128
Libomptarget --> Device 0 is ready to use.
Target CUDA RTL --> Load data from image 0x000000001006bc00
Target CUDA RTL --> CUDA module successfully loaded!
Target CUDA RTL --> Sending global device environment data 4 bytes
Libomptarget --> Unable to generate entries table for device id 0.
Libomptarget --> Failed to init globals on device 0
Libomptarget --> Failed to get device 0 ready
Libomptarget fatal error 1: failure of target construct while offloading is

In a simple test code the above works as expected, so I am stuck at this
moment. Any help would be appreciated.
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