[Openmp-dev] Perl+Makefile based system old and broken

Peyton, Jonathan L via Openmp-dev openmp-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Aug 20 13:58:30 PDT 2015

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to inform everybody of this patch: http://reviews.llvm.org/D12211
This patch gets rid of expand-vars.pl and uses CMake's configure_file() function instead.

One major consequence this patch introduces is breaking the Perl+Makefile build system.
I was wondering if everyone would be ok if I submitted a patch that has the default target in the top level make give an explanation to the user why he/she should use the CMake build system instead effectively deprecating the Perl+Makefile build system.
And to the LLVM experts, is there a documented way to deprecate something?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

-- Johnny

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