[Openmp-dev] Leftover copyright notices in binaries

Alp Toker alp at nuanti.com
Wed Feb 26 23:56:25 PST 2014

We noticed the following two notices are still embedded in build output:

src/kmp_version.c:#define KMP_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 1997-2013, Intel 
Corporation. All Rights Reserved."
src/libiomp.rc.var:                VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright 
(C) 1997-2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.\0"

Core LLVM binaries don't contain a copyright notice so it's probably 
best to follow suite here.

Another option might be for individual contributors to each tack their 
organisations onto the end following a significant contribution -- thoughts?

(This is primarily an aesthetic observation given that copyright for 
LLVM code is held by the individual contributors.)


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