[Openmp-commits] [openmp] [OpenMP] add loop collapse tests (PR #86243)

via Openmp-commits openmp-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 21 21:37:33 PDT 2024

github-actions[bot] wrote:

<!--LLVM CODE FORMAT COMMENT: {clang-format}-->

:warning: C/C++ code formatter, clang-format found issues in your code. :warning:

You can test this locally with the following command:

git-clang-format --diff 7c460c6205eedaa24f77d5de272dfd94dc3e9a38 d8655f4ffed2b3e9c99c4a9e1f7e0c567ff8920f -- openmp/runtime/test/worksharing/for/collapse_many_GELTGT_int.c openmp/runtime/test/worksharing/for/collapse_many_GTGEGT_int.c openmp/runtime/test/worksharing/for/collapse_many_LTLEGE_int.c openmp/runtime/test/worksharing/for/collapse_many_int.c openmp/runtime/test/worksharing/for/collapse_one_int.c openmp/runtime/test/worksharing/for/collapse_test.inc openmp/runtime/src/kmp_collapse.cpp


View the diff from clang-format here.

diff --git a/openmp/runtime/test/worksharing/for/collapse_test.inc b/openmp/runtime/test/worksharing/for/collapse_test.inc
index 8c88dc9860..7e9022cda0 100644
--- a/openmp/runtime/test/worksharing/for/collapse_test.inc
+++ b/openmp/runtime/test/worksharing/for/collapse_test.inc
@@ -65,127 +65,123 @@ LOOP_STYPE2 kA1, kB1, kStep;
 #define COMPARE2 >
-typedef struct
-    LOOP_IV_TYPE0 i;
-    LOOP_IV_TYPE1 j;
-    LOOP_IV_TYPE2 k;
+typedef struct {
 } spaceType;
-spaceType* AllocSpace(unsigned size)
+spaceType *AllocSpace(unsigned size) {
-    spaceType *p = (spaceType*) malloc(size * sizeof(spaceType));
-    memset(p, 0, size * sizeof(spaceType));
-    return p;
+  spaceType *p = (spaceType *)malloc(size * sizeof(spaceType));
+  memset(p, 0, size * sizeof(spaceType));
+  return p;
-void FreeSpace(spaceType* space)
-    free(space);
+void FreeSpace(spaceType *space) { free(space); }
 // record an iteration
-void Set(spaceType* space, unsigned count, unsigned trueCount, LOOP_IV_TYPE0 i, LOOP_IV_TYPE1 j, LOOP_IV_TYPE0 k)
-    if (count > trueCount) {
-        // number of iterations exceeded
-        // will be reported with checks
-        return;
-    }
-    space[count-1].i = i;
-    space[count-1].j = j;
-    space[count-1].k = k;
+void Set(spaceType *space, unsigned count, unsigned trueCount, LOOP_IV_TYPE0 i,
+         LOOP_IV_TYPE1 j, LOOP_IV_TYPE0 k) {
+  if (count > trueCount) {
+    // number of iterations exceeded
+    // will be reported with checks
+    return;
+  }
+  space[count - 1].i = i;
+  space[count - 1].j = j;
+  space[count - 1].k = k;
-int test()
-    int pass = 1;
-    LOOP_IV_TYPE0 i;
-    LOOP_IV_TYPE1 j;
-    LOOP_IV_TYPE2 k;
-    spaceType* openmpSpace;
-    spaceType* scalarSpace;
-    unsigned trueCount = 0;
-    unsigned openmpCount = 0;
-    unsigned scalarCount = 0;
-    unsigned uselessThreadsOpenMP = 0;
-    unsigned usefulThreadsOpenMP = 0;
-    unsigned chunkSizesOpenmp[MAX_THREADS] = {0};
-    unsigned num_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
-    if (num_threads > MAX_THREADS) num_threads = MAX_THREADS;
-    omp_set_num_threads(num_threads);
-    // count iterations and allocate space
-    LOOP {
-           ++trueCount;
-         }
-    openmpSpace = AllocSpace(trueCount);
-    scalarSpace = AllocSpace(trueCount);
-    // fill the scalar (compare) space
-    LOOP {
-           ++scalarCount;
-           Set(scalarSpace, scalarCount, trueCount, i, j, k);
-         }
-    // test run body:
-    // perform and record OpenMP iterations and thread use
+int test() {
+  int pass = 1;
+  spaceType *openmpSpace;
+  spaceType *scalarSpace;
+  unsigned trueCount = 0;
+  unsigned openmpCount = 0;
+  unsigned scalarCount = 0;
+  unsigned uselessThreadsOpenMP = 0;
+  unsigned usefulThreadsOpenMP = 0;
+  unsigned chunkSizesOpenmp[MAX_THREADS] = {0};
+  unsigned num_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
+  if (num_threads > MAX_THREADS)
+    num_threads = MAX_THREADS;
+  omp_set_num_threads(num_threads);
+  // count iterations and allocate space
+  LOOP { ++trueCount; }
+  openmpSpace = AllocSpace(trueCount);
+  scalarSpace = AllocSpace(trueCount);
+  // fill the scalar (compare) space
+  LOOP {
+    ++scalarCount;
+    Set(scalarSpace, scalarCount, trueCount, i, j, k);
+  }
+  // test run body:
+  // perform and record OpenMP iterations and thread use
 #pragma omp parallel num_threads(num_threads)
-    {
-#pragma omp for collapse(3) private (i, j, k)
-       LOOP 
-       {
-                unsigned count;
-                unsigned gtid = omp_get_thread_num();
+  {
+#pragma omp for collapse(3) private(i, j, k)
+    LOOP {
+      unsigned count;
+      unsigned gtid = omp_get_thread_num();
 #pragma omp atomic update
-                ++chunkSizesOpenmp[gtid];
+      ++chunkSizesOpenmp[gtid];
 #pragma omp atomic capture
-                count = ++openmpCount;
-                Set(openmpSpace, count, trueCount, i, j, k);
-       }
-    }
-    // check for the right number of iterations processed
-    // (only need to check for less, greater is checked when recording)
-    if (openmpCount < trueCount) {
-        PRINTF("OpenMP FAILURE: Openmp processed fewer iterations: %d vs %d\n", openmpCount, trueCount);
-        pass = 0;
-    } else if (openmpCount > trueCount) {
-        PRINTF("OpenMP FAILURE: Openmp processed more iterations: %d vs %d\n", openmpCount, trueCount);
-        pass = 0;
+      count = ++openmpCount;
+      Set(openmpSpace, count, trueCount, i, j, k);
-    // check openMP for iteration correctnes against scalar
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < trueCount; i++) {
-      unsigned j;
-      for (j = 0; j < openmpCount; j++) {
-        if ((scalarSpace[i].i == openmpSpace[j].i) && (scalarSpace[i].j == openmpSpace[j].j) && (scalarSpace[i].k == openmpSpace[j].k)) {
-            break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (j == openmpCount) {
-            PRINTF("OpenMP FAILURE: (%d %d %d) not processed\n", scalarSpace[i].i, scalarSpace[i].j, scalarSpace[i].k);
-            pass = 0;
+  }
+  // check for the right number of iterations processed
+  // (only need to check for less, greater is checked when recording)
+  if (openmpCount < trueCount) {
+    PRINTF("OpenMP FAILURE: Openmp processed fewer iterations: %d vs %d\n",
+           openmpCount, trueCount);
+    pass = 0;
+  } else if (openmpCount > trueCount) {
+    PRINTF("OpenMP FAILURE: Openmp processed more iterations: %d vs %d\n",
+           openmpCount, trueCount);
+    pass = 0;
+  }
+  // check openMP for iteration correctnes against scalar
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < trueCount; i++) {
+    unsigned j;
+    for (j = 0; j < openmpCount; j++) {
+      if ((scalarSpace[i].i == openmpSpace[j].i) &&
+          (scalarSpace[i].j == openmpSpace[j].j) &&
+          (scalarSpace[i].k == openmpSpace[j].k)) {
+        break;
-    // check for efficient thread use
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
-        if (chunkSizesOpenmp[i] == 0) {
-            ++uselessThreadsOpenMP;
-        }
+    if (j == openmpCount) {
+      PRINTF("OpenMP FAILURE: (%d %d %d) not processed\n", scalarSpace[i].i,
+             scalarSpace[i].j, scalarSpace[i].k);
+      pass = 0;
+  }
-    // a check to see if at least more than one thread was used (weakish)
-    if ((uselessThreadsOpenMP == num_threads - 1) && (trueCount > 1)) {
-        PRINTF("OpenMP FAILURE: threads are not used\n");
-        pass = 0;
+  // check for efficient thread use
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
+    if (chunkSizesOpenmp[i] == 0) {
+      ++uselessThreadsOpenMP;
+  }
+  // a check to see if at least more than one thread was used (weakish)
+  if ((uselessThreadsOpenMP == num_threads - 1) && (trueCount > 1)) {
+    PRINTF("OpenMP FAILURE: threads are not used\n");
+    pass = 0;
+  }
 #if 0
     // a check to see if the load was spread more or less evenly so that
@@ -197,8 +193,8 @@ int test()
-    // clean up space
-    FreeSpace(openmpSpace);
-    FreeSpace(scalarSpace);
-    return pass;
+  // clean up space
+  FreeSpace(openmpSpace);
+  FreeSpace(scalarSpace);
+  return pass;




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