[Openmp-commits] [openmp] [openmp] Fixed Support for VA for record-replay. (PR #70396)

Johannes Doerfert via Openmp-commits openmp-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Oct 28 11:18:13 PDT 2023

@@ -49,40 +49,88 @@ struct RecordReplayTy {
   void *MemoryStart;
   void *MemoryPtr;
   size_t MemorySize;
+  size_t TotalSize;
   GenericDeviceTy *Device;
   std::mutex AllocationLock;
   RRStatusTy Status;
   bool ReplaySaveOutput;
-  uint64_t DeviceMemorySize;
-  // Record/replay pre-allocates the largest possible device memory using the
-  // default kind.
-  // TODO: Expand allocation to include other kinds (device, host, shared) and
-  // possibly use a MemoryManager to track (de-)allocations for
-  // storing/retrieving when recording/replaying.
-  Error preallocateDeviceMemory(uint64_t DeviceMemorySize) {
-    // Pre-allocate memory on device. Starts with 64GB and subtracts in steps
-    // of 1GB until allocation succeeds.
-    const size_t MAX_MEMORY_ALLOCATION = DeviceMemorySize;
+  void *suggestAddress(uint64_t MaxMemoryAllocation) {
+    // Get a valid pointer address for this system
+    void *Addr =
+        Device->allocate(1024, /* HstPtr */ nullptr, TARGET_ALLOC_DEFAULT);
+    Device->free(Addr);
+    // Align Address to MaxMemoryAllocation
+    Addr = (void *)alignPtr((Addr), MaxMemoryAllocation);
+    return Addr;
+  }
+  Error preAllocateVAMemory(uint64_t MaxMemoryAllocation, void *VAddr) {
+    size_t ASize = MaxMemoryAllocation;
+    if (!VAddr && isRecording()) {
+      VAddr = suggestAddress(MaxMemoryAllocation);
+    }
+    DP("Request %ld bytes allocated at %p\n", MaxMemoryAllocation, VAddr);
+    if (auto Err = Device->memoryVAMap(&MemoryStart, VAddr, &ASize))
+      return Err;
+    if (isReplaying() && VAddr != MemoryStart) {
+      return Plugin::error("Record-Replay cannot assign the"
+                           "requested recorded address (%p, %p)",
+                           VAddr, MemoryStart);
+    }
+    INFO(OMP_INFOTYPE_PLUGIN_KERNEL, Device->getDeviceId(),
+         "Allocated %" PRIu64 " bytes at %p for replay.\n", ASize, MemoryStart);
+    MemoryPtr = MemoryStart;
+    MemorySize = 0;
+    TotalSize = ASize;
+    return Plugin::success();
+  }
+  Error preAllocateHeuristic(uint64_t MaxMemoryAllocation, void *VAddr) {
+    const size_t MAX_MEMORY_ALLOCATION = MaxMemoryAllocation;
     constexpr size_t STEP = 1024 * 1024 * 1024ULL;
     MemoryStart = nullptr;
-    for (size_t Try = MAX_MEMORY_ALLOCATION; Try > 0; Try -= STEP) {
-      MemoryStart =
-          Device->allocate(Try, /* HstPtr */ nullptr, TARGET_ALLOC_DEFAULT);
+    for (TotalSize = MAX_MEMORY_ALLOCATION; TotalSize > 0; TotalSize -= STEP) {
+      MemoryStart = Device->allocate(TotalSize, /* HstPtr */ nullptr,
+                                     TARGET_ALLOC_DEFAULT);
       if (MemoryStart)
+    INFO(OMP_INFOTYPE_PLUGIN_KERNEL, Device->getDeviceId(),
+         "Allocated %" PRIu64 " bytes at %p for replay.\n", TotalSize,
+         MemoryStart);
     if (!MemoryStart)
       return Plugin::error("Allocating record/replay memory");
+    if (VAddr && VAddr != MemoryStart)
+      return Plugin::error("Cannot allocate recorded address");
     MemoryPtr = MemoryStart;
     MemorySize = 0;
     return Plugin::success();
+  Error preallocateDeviceMemory(uint64_t DeviceMemorySize, void *ReqVAddr) {
+    if (Device->supportVAManagement())
+      return preAllocateVAMemory(DeviceMemorySize, ReqVAddr);
+    uint64_t DevMemSize;
+    if (Device->getDeviceMemorySize(DevMemSize))
+      return Plugin::error("Cannot determine Device Memory Size");
+    return preAllocateHeuristic(DevMemSize, ReqVAddr);
jdoerfert wrote:

We ignore `DeviceMemorySize` here, is that expected? Should we not at least check against it?


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