[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][arith] Add more canonicalization and integration tests coverage (PR #92272)

Jakub Kuderski llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu May 16 08:24:29 PDT 2024

kuhar wrote:


> Another question that I'd ask - how far do we go with testing? Do we want to exercise every possible combination? For example, looking at "test-int-trunc-ext.mlir" that you added, there are the following 3 cases:
> * `@extsiOnI1`
> * `@extuiOn1I1`
> * `@trunciI16ToI8`
> Why not more, i.e. other data types and operations? Once we consider all the possibilities, the potential set of all tests becomes really large. This can be a maintenance burden. Are we worried?
> Also, if we are to add _many_ more tests, it would be good to establish some structure so that it's easy to identify cases that are covered and to find cases that are missing. Otherwise, we tend to duplicate tests, I've seen examples in the Vector dialect, not sure about Arith. This can usually be improved with comments and consistent test function naming.
> > Are we happy with the regression test format right now (i.e. either as canonicalization tests, or a

Some good points here! IMO this specific PR falls under the broader umbrella of regression tests -- I think there's a lot of values in handling the corner cases we did not handle properly in the past. We should definitely have LIT test coverage there. In llvm it used to be much common to check in tests taken verbatim from bugzilla in individual regression test files. I wouldn't go probably go as far, and having the regression tests organized in some logical buckets makes sense to me. Similarly, exhaustively testing every permutation of types / operations is unlikely to add much value on it's own, but I wouldn't mind adding more bugs if we do discover that our coverage is insufficient and start seeing bugs being reported.

As for the integration tests, I think MLIR is really undertested. There's no in-tree frontend compiler (except for flang?) to truly exercise the conversions on real hardware and I think there's also value to have integration tests for conversions that may be tricky to get right (e.g., wide integer emulation) or easy to miscompile by the backend compiler. I think these extension tests fir in nicely here.


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