[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR][Presburger] Preserve identifiers in IntegerRelation::convertVa… (PR #67909)

Bharathi Ramana Joshi llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Sat Jan 20 12:14:10 PST 2024

https://github.com/iambrj updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/67909

>From 5a61c363c0b619df2bbd06080fa9e51f3ee838da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: iambrj <joshibharathiramana at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 01:39:04 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] [MLIR][Presburger] Implement preserve identifiers in

 .../Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelation.cpp   |  26 ++--
 .../Presburger/IntegerRelationTest.cpp        | 136 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mlir/lib/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelation.cpp b/mlir/lib/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelation.cpp
index 7d2a63d17676f5..a07a1fb07d4ea3 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelation.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelation.cpp
@@ -1452,28 +1452,22 @@ void IntegerRelation::removeRedundantLocalVars() {
 void IntegerRelation::convertVarKind(VarKind srcKind, unsigned varStart,
                                      unsigned varLimit, VarKind dstKind,
                                      unsigned pos) {
-  assert(varLimit <= getNumVarKind(srcKind) && "Invalid id range");
+  assert(varLimit <= getNumVarKind(srcKind) && "invalid id range");
   if (varStart >= varLimit)
-  // Append new local variables corresponding to the dimensions to be converted.
+  unsigned srcOffset = getVarKindOffset(srcKind);
+  unsigned dstOffset = getVarKindOffset(dstKind);
   unsigned convertCount = varLimit - varStart;
-  unsigned newVarsBegin = insertVar(dstKind, pos, convertCount);
+  int forwardMoveOffset = dstOffset > srcOffset ? -convertCount : 0;
-  // Swap the new local variables with dimensions.
-  //
-  // Essentially, this moves the information corresponding to the specified ids
-  // of kind `srcKind` to the `convertCount` newly created ids of kind
-  // `dstKind`. In particular, this moves the columns in the constraint
-  // matrices, and zeros out the initially occupied columns (because the newly
-  // created ids we're swapping with were zero-initialized).
-  unsigned offset = getVarKindOffset(srcKind);
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < convertCount; ++i)
-    swapVar(offset + varStart + i, newVarsBegin + i);
-  // Complete the move by deleting the initially occupied columns.
-  removeVarRange(srcKind, varStart, varLimit);
+  equalities.moveColumns(srcOffset + varStart, convertCount,
+                         dstOffset + pos + forwardMoveOffset);
+  inequalities.moveColumns(srcOffset + varStart, convertCount,
+                           dstOffset + pos + forwardMoveOffset);
+  space.convertVarKind(srcKind, varStart, varLimit - varStart, dstKind, pos);
 void IntegerRelation::addBound(BoundType type, unsigned pos,
diff --git a/mlir/unittests/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelationTest.cpp b/mlir/unittests/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelationTest.cpp
index 00d2204c9c8ef1..945b3d502f6973 100644
--- a/mlir/unittests/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelationTest.cpp
+++ b/mlir/unittests/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelationTest.cpp
@@ -485,3 +485,139 @@ TEST(IntegerRelationTest, setId) {
   EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1), Identifier(&identifiers[4]));
   EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 3), Identifier(&identifiers[6]));
+TEST(IntegerRelationTest, convertVarKind) {
+  PresburgerSpace space = PresburgerSpace::getSetSpace(3, 3, 0);
+  space.resetIds();
+  // Attach identifiers.
+  int identifiers[6] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+  space.getId(VarKind::SetDim, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[0]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::SetDim, 1) = Identifier(&identifiers[1]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::SetDim, 2) = Identifier(&identifiers[2]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[3]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1) = Identifier(&identifiers[4]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 2) = Identifier(&identifiers[5]);
+  // Cannot call parseIntegerRelation to test convertVarKind as
+  // parseIntegerRelation uses convertVarKind.
+  IntegerRelation rel = parseIntegerPolyhedron(
+      // 0  1  2  3  4  5
+      "(x, y, a)[U, V, W] : (x - U == 0, y + a - W == 0, U - V >= 0,"
+      "y - a >= 0)");
+  rel.setSpace(space);
+  // Make a few kind conversions.
+  rel.convertVarKind(VarKind::Symbol, 1, 2, VarKind::Domain, 0);
+  rel.convertVarKind(VarKind::Range, 2, 3, VarKind::Domain, 0);
+  rel.convertVarKind(VarKind::Range, 0, 2, VarKind::Symbol, 1);
+  rel.convertVarKind(VarKind::Domain, 1, 2, VarKind::Range, 0);
+  rel.convertVarKind(VarKind::Domain, 0, 1, VarKind::Range, 1);
+  space = rel.getSpace();
+  // Expected rel.
+  IntegerRelation expectedRel = parseIntegerPolyhedron(
+      "(V, a)[U, x, y, W] : (x - U == 0, y + a - W == 0, U - V >= 0,"
+      "y - a >= 0)");
+  expectedRel.setSpace(space);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(rel.isEqual(expectedRel));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::SetDim, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[4]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::SetDim, 1), Identifier(&identifiers[2]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[3]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1), Identifier(&identifiers[0]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 2), Identifier(&identifiers[1]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 3), Identifier(&identifiers[5]));
+TEST(IntegerRelationTest, convertVarKindToLocal) {
+  // Convert all range variables to local variables.
+  IntegerRelation rel = parseRelationFromSet(
+      "(x, y, z)[N, M] : (x - y >= 0, y - N >= 0, 3 - z >= 0, 2 * M - 5 >= 0)",
+      1);
+  PresburgerSpace space = rel.getSpace();
+  space.resetIds();
+  // Attach identifiers.
+  char identifiers[5] = {'x', 'y', 'z', 'N', 'M'};
+  space.getId(VarKind::Domain, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[0]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Range, 1) = Identifier(&identifiers[1]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Range, 2) = Identifier(&identifiers[2]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[3]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1) = Identifier(&identifiers[4]);
+  rel.setSpace(space);
+  rel.convertToLocal(VarKind::Range, 0, rel.getNumRangeVars());
+  IntegerRelation expectedRel =
+      parseRelationFromSet("(x)[N, M] : (x - N >= 0, 2 * M - 5 >= 0)", 1);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(rel.isEqual(expectedRel));
+  space = rel.getSpace();
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Domain, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[0]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[3]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1), Identifier(&identifiers[4]));
+  // Convert all domain variables to local variables.
+  IntegerRelation rel2 = parseRelationFromSet(
+      "(x, y, z)[N, M] : (x - y >= 0, y - N >= 0, 3 - z >= 0, 2 * M - 5 >= 0)",
+      2);
+  space = rel2.getSpace();
+  space.resetIds();
+  space.getId(VarKind::Domain, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[0]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Domain, 1) = Identifier(&identifiers[1]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Range, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[2]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[3]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1) = Identifier(&identifiers[4]);
+  rel2.setSpace(space);
+  rel2.convertToLocal(VarKind::Domain, 0, rel2.getNumDomainVars());
+  expectedRel =
+      parseIntegerPolyhedron("(z)[N, M] : (3 - z >= 0, 2 * M - 5 >= 0)");
+  EXPECT_TRUE(rel2.isEqual(expectedRel));
+  space = rel2.getSpace();
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Range, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[2]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[3]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1), Identifier(&identifiers[4]));
+  // Convert a prefix of range variables to local variables.
+  IntegerRelation rel3 = parseRelationFromSet(
+      "(x, y, z)[N, M] : (x - y >= 0, y - N >= 0, 3 - z >= 0, 2 * M - 5 >= 0)",
+      1);
+  space = rel3.getSpace();
+  space.resetIds();
+  space.getId(VarKind::Domain, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[0]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Range, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[1]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Range, 1) = Identifier(&identifiers[2]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[3]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1) = Identifier(&identifiers[4]);
+  rel3.setSpace(space);
+  rel3.convertToLocal(VarKind::Range, 0, 1);
+  expectedRel = parseRelationFromSet(
+      "(x, z)[N, M] : (x - N >= 0, 3 - z >= 0, 2 * M - 5 >= 0)", 1);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(rel3.isEqual(expectedRel));
+  space = rel3.getSpace();
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Domain, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[0]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Range, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[2]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[3]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1), Identifier(&identifiers[4]));
+  // Convert a suffix of domain variables to local variables.
+  IntegerRelation rel4 = parseRelationFromSet(
+      "(x, y, z)[N, M] : (x - y >= 0, y - N >= 0, 3 - z >= 0, 2 * M - 5 >= 0)",
+      2);
+  space = rel4.getSpace();
+  space.resetIds();
+  space.getId(VarKind::Domain, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[0]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Domain, 1) = Identifier(&identifiers[1]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Range, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[2]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 0) = Identifier(&identifiers[3]);
+  space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1) = Identifier(&identifiers[4]);
+  rel4.setSpace(space);
+  rel4.convertToLocal(VarKind::Domain, rel4.getNumDomainVars() - 1,
+                      rel4.getNumDomainVars());
+  // expectedRel same as before.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(rel4.isEqual(expectedRel));
+  space = rel4.getSpace();
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Domain, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[0]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Range, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[2]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 0), Identifier(&identifiers[3]));
+  EXPECT_EQ(space.getId(VarKind::Symbol, 1), Identifier(&identifiers[4]));

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