[Mlir-commits] [llvm] [compiler-rt] [libcxx] [clang] [mlir] [asan] Enable StackSafetyAnalysis by default (PR #77210)

Ulrich Weigand llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Jan 16 06:29:18 PST 2024

uweigand wrote:

> This now causes failures in the SystemZ build bot: https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/builders/94/builds/18295

Looking at this a bit more, before this patch the stack alignment test passes because the IR is instrumented to include a call to `__asan_alloca_poison` using a 32-byte aligned alloca.  *With* this patch, that code is missing completely and there is no 32-byte aligned alloca, and therefore the whole stack is never re-aligned to a 32-byte boundary.

Not sure why the `__asan_alloca_poison` call is missing now ...


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