[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][scf] Add simple LICM pattern for `scf.while` (PR #76370)

Thomas Raoux llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Jan 5 09:41:55 PST 2024

ThomasRaoux wrote:

> After some thought, I actually like the idea of making general LICM part of `greedyRewriter`/`canonicalizer`. The plan will be:
> * Add `doLICM` option to `GreedyRewriteConfig` (`false` by default)
> * Have if enabled in `canonicalizer` pass (we can add a pass option to control it, if we really want it)

what is the advantage of doing that as part of the rewriter compared to including the LICM pattern explicitly when needed? LICM is kind of SCF specific in this case, is the idea to add a LICM interface that dialects can register?


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