[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] Use arith max or min ops instead of cmp + select (PR #82178)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Feb 21 08:23:00 PST 2024

mlevesquedion wrote:

> LGTM. I'm having a dejavu, though... as if somebody else had already tried something similar in the Affine to Standard lowering and we realized that there was some semantic differences/corner cases... Could you please do a search on Phabricator to be sure that there isn't anything similar?

Thanks for taking the time to review! I'm actually not sure how to search on Phabricator. When I search "llvm phabricator" on Google I land on this page: https://reviews.llvm.org/, which does not seem to provide a way to search old changes. Do you know how to search on Phabricator? I asked on Discourse: https://discourse.llvm.org/t/how-to-search-old-pull-requests-on-phabricator/77133. (I also tried a search on GitHub and got no hits.)

Alternatively, are there additional checks/tests that I could add/do to validate this change?


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