[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] Introduce wrapInZeroTripCheck in LoopLikeOpInterface (PR #80331)

Jerry Wu llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Feb 7 11:49:23 PST 2024

pzread wrote:

> Late to the party here, but I think these transformations dont belong in the interface. Looking at the `LoopLikeOpInterface` it is actually doing some very heavy weight transformations that not all loop ops that implement this interface can handle. I tried to do this too in an earlier PR, and it was rightly pointed out that those kind of transformations dont go into the interface definition.
> Instead of adding oto the interface definition, maybe these are just transformation methods that are written on the interface. My read of interfaces are that they are a wrapper around the core operation to have a unified way to interpret operations. Adding transformations of this kind to an interface seem odd to me.
> I am not pointing out something really off in this specific PR, but it is contributing to an aspect of the interface that I wanted to flag.

My initial thought is to create a common interface on loop ops so users can combine with utilities like `moveLoopInvariantCode` to hoist loop invariants and be op-agnostic:


I also have the same question when writing this as an interface. Do you have an example where you think this transformation should live?


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