[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][ArmNeon] Adds Arm Neon SMMLA, UMMLA, and USMMLA Intrinsics (PR #80511)

Benjamin Maxwell llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Feb 6 02:09:43 PST 2024

@@ -120,6 +120,99 @@ def SdotOp : ArmNeon_OverloadedOperandsWithOneResultIntrOp<"sdot",[1], [
     "$a `,` $b `,` $c attr-dict `:` type($b) `,` type($c) `to` type($res)";
+def SmmlaOp : ArmNeon_OverloadedOperandsWithOneResultIntrOp<"smmla",[1], [
+                Pure,
+                AllTypesMatch<["src1", "src2"]>,
+                AllTypesMatch<["acc", "res"]>,
+              ]> {
+  let summary = "Matrix-matrix multiply and accumulate op";
+  let description = [{
+    SMMLA: Signed integer matrix multiply-accumulate.
+    Signed 8-bit integer matrix multiply-accumulate. This instruction multiplies
+    the 2x8 matrix of signed 8-bit integer values in the first source vector by
+    the 8x2 matrix of signed 8-bit integer values in the second source vector.
+    The resulting 2x2 32-bit integer matrix product is destructively added to
+    the 32-bit integer matrix accumulator in the destination vector. This is
+    equivalent to performing an 8-way dot product per destination element.
+    Source:
+    https://developer.arm.com/architectures/instruction-sets/intrinsics/#f:@navigationhierarchiessimdisa=[Neon]&q=smmla
+  }];
+  // Supports (vector<16xi8>, vector<16xi8>) -> (vector<4xi32>)
+  let arguments = (ins
+          VectorOfLengthAndType<[4], [I32]>:$acc,
+          VectorOfLengthAndType<[16], [I8]>:$src1,
+          VectorOfLengthAndType<[16], [I8]>:$src2
+  );
+  let results = (outs VectorOfLengthAndType<[4], [I32]>:$res);
+  let assemblyFormat =
+    "$acc `,` $src1 `,` $src2 attr-dict `:` type($src1) `to` type($res)";
+def UmmlaOp : ArmNeon_OverloadedOperandsWithOneResultIntrOp<"ummla",[1], [
+                Pure,
+                AllTypesMatch<["src1", "src2"]>,
+                AllTypesMatch<["acc", "res"]>,
+              ]> {
+  let summary = "Unsinged matrix-matrix multiply and accumulate op";
+  let description = [{
+    UMMLA: Signed integer matrix multiply-accumulate.
+    Unsigned 8-bit integer matrix multiply-accumulate. This instruction
+    multiplies the 2x8 matrix of unsigned 8-bit integer values in the first
+    source vector by the 8x2 matrix of unsigned 8-bit integer values in the
+    second source vector. The resulting 2x2 32-bit integer matrix product is
+    destructively added to the 32-bit integer matrix accumulator in the
+    destination vector. This is equivalent to performing an 8-way dot product
+    per destination element.
+    Source:
+    https://developer.arm.com/architectures/instruction-sets/intrinsics/#f:@navigationhierarchiessimdisa=[Neon]&q=ummla
+  }];
+  // Supports (vector<16xi8>, vector<16xi8>) -> (vector<4xi32>)
+  let arguments = (ins
+          VectorOfLengthAndType<[4], [I32]>:$acc,
+          VectorOfLengthAndType<[16], [I8]>:$src1,
+          VectorOfLengthAndType<[16], [I8]>:$src2
+  );
+  let results = (outs VectorOfLengthAndType<[4], [I32]>:$res);
+  let assemblyFormat =
+    "$acc `,` $src1 `,` $src2 attr-dict `:` type($src1) `to` type($res)";
+def UsmmlaOp : ArmNeon_OverloadedOperandsWithOneResultIntrOp<"usmmla",[1], [
+                Pure,
+                AllTypesMatch<["src1", "src2"]>,
+                AllTypesMatch<["acc", "res"]>,
+              ]> {
+  let summary = "Unsignged and signed matrix-matrix multiply and accumulate op";
+  let description = [{
+    USMMLA: Signed integer matrix multiply-accumulate.
+    Unsigned and signed 8-bit integer matrix multiply-accumulate. This
+    instruction multiplies the 2x8 matrix of unsigned 8-bit integer values in
+    the first source vector by the 8x2 matrix of signed 8-bit integer values in
+    the second source vector. The resulting 2x2 32-bit integer matrix product is
+    destructively added to the 32-bit integer matrix accumulator in the
+    destination vector. This is equivalent to performing an 8-way dot product
+     per destination element.
+    Source:
+    https://developer.arm.com/architectures/instruction-sets/intrinsics/#f:@navigationhierarchiessimdisa=[Neon]&q=usmmla
+  }];
+  // Supports (vector<16xi8>, vector<16xi8>) -> (vector<4xi32>)
+  let arguments = (ins
+          VectorOfLengthAndType<[4], [I32]>:$acc,
+          VectorOfLengthAndType<[16], [I8]>:$src1,
+          VectorOfLengthAndType<[16], [I8]>:$src2
MacDue wrote:

(similar comments elsewhere) 


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