[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][linalg] Enable fuse consumer (PR #85528)

Nicolas Vasilache llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Apr 22 06:17:04 PDT 2024

nicolasvasilache wrote:

> Definitely needs tests, but I didn't see a need for revert. Should be fine to add tests after the fact. @cxy-1993 and @Abhishek-Varma could we add some tests here

yeah, let's instead be consistent with what we've been oding so far: https://mlir.llvm.org/getting_started/TestingGuide/

Additionally, I believe this should also not have landed for the same reason as I am objecting to #88712 I'll just copy paste here:

Now, I am afraid I cannot subscribe to any large code changes to tiling transforms until https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/77874 is addressed to my satisfaction. I already gave a pass 6 months ago and another one 3 months ago when things were supposed to be addressed "in short order".

We're now past tech-debt reduction time: first let's address [mlir][TilingInterface] Use LoopLikeOpInterface in tiling using SCF to unify tiling with scf.for and scf.forall. #77874,


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