[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][nvgpu] NVGPU Tutorials (PR #87065)

Guray Ozen llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Apr 1 05:37:17 PDT 2024

grypp wrote:

> Shouldn't this be like the other tutorials and be under mlir/docs/Tutorials and mlir/examples? (in this case it could just be the latter and slides proper could be on mlir-www github side probably).

Regarding the organization - it seems we do not run and test `mlir/examples`, that's why I put them into `mlir/test/Examples/`. Because part of the tutorial is to pass numpy arrays to MLIR as input and get them back as output, and then verify them.

I can write text and add slides into `mlir/docs/Tutorials` after eurollvm

Does this sounds good to you?


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