[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR] Pass hostShared flag in gpu.alloc op to runtime wrappers (PR #66401)

Guray Ozen llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Sep 26 08:45:07 PDT 2023

grypp wrote:

> @grypp do I need to do anything to get it merged? I see the CI is failing for windows...can you help merge this?

Is the HEAD correct? See the issues in the code formatter.
Warning: Unable to find merge base between 671e2ba45bf35a7c96a1a374c4956cce7e5d4d55 and 44f3978dae0b3e73e41566cbab42c2825164f62f
  Warning: Error checking commit history
  Warning: If this pull request is from a forked repository, please set the checkout action `repository` input to the same repository as the pull request.
  Warning: This can be done by setting actions/checkout `repository` to ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }}
  Error: Unable to determine a difference between 671e2ba45bf35a7c96a1a374c4956cce7e5d4d55..44f3978dae0b3e73e41566cbab42c2825164f62f

Let's try to rebase this PR on a clean HEAD


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