[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][VectorOps] Extend vector.constant_mask to support 'all true' scalable dims (PR #66638)

Diego Caballero llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Sep 18 11:37:38 PDT 2023

dcaballe wrote:

THanks for the contribution. Really interesting... Is the constant input required to be always lower or equal to the scalable base?

For example, what these two examples would mean:

%mask = vector.constant_mask [2, 7] : vector<4x[4]xi1>
%mask = vector.constant_mask [2, 3] : vector<4x[4]xi1>

I'm also wondering if it would make sense to distinguish between `[2, 4] : vector<4x[4]xi1>` and `[2, [4]] : vector<4x[4]xi1>` as they may mean completely different things?


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