[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [OpenMP Dialect] Add omp.canonical_loop operation. (PR #65380)

Jan Leyonberg llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Sep 7 09:31:23 PDT 2023

jsjodin wrote:

Potentially reordering might be an issue, Transforms it might think it would be okay to move code like this:
%cli = omp.canonical_loop %iv1 : i32 in [0, %tripcount) {
   store 42, array[%iv]
omp.unroll %cli
%t = load array[10]
%cli = omp.canonical_loop %iv1 : i32 in [0, %tripcount) {
   store 42, array[%iv]
%t = load array[10]
omp.unroll %cli
Maybe there are ways around this, and maybe there are more complicated cases with multiple loops that are harder to resolve?


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