[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][llvm] Add zeroinitializer constant (PR #65508)

Tobias Gysi llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Sep 6 12:25:12 PDT 2023

https://github.com/gysit commented:

Thanks for the very thorough testing!

I would nevertheless suggest to reduce the test set a bit :). After removing the typed pointers some tests will not have a lot of value (e.g. the function pointer test). Additionally, you do not need to check every type in the context of a global and in the context of a function.

After all we are mostly testing an LLVM function (if I understand correctly):
plus the type conversion applied to convert the result type. This type conversion should already be tested though. 

I would suggest to keep some tests with global variables and some tests in the context of the function and using different types for all of them. Having some more complex aggregate type for sure is nice as well.


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