[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR][NVGPU] Remove Memref Rank vs. Coordinates `tma.async.load` (PR #69584)

Guray Ozen llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Oct 24 09:25:58 PDT 2023

grypp wrote:

> Instead of relaxing the check, I feel that we would need to use a `collapse_shape` on the input `memref`.
> In particular, what would be the semantic of:
> ```
> nvgpu.tma.async.load %0[%c1, %c2], %1 to %2 : ... -> memref<Outerx64x128xf16, ..., 3>
> ```
> Is `c1` applied to `Outer` or to `64` dim?
> I think the motivating example only works because the leading dim of the input memref is 1.

It will be `Outer` (base pointer of memref).

For example:
1) `Load 64x128 into memref<128x128>' -> verifier error -> PR will relax this
2) `Load 64x128 to memref<64x64>` -> verifier error -> PR will relax this

I want to allow option 1. I guess you are concerned about option-2. I can improve the verifier so it complains for option 2. Let me do that.

> > The test https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/69913 needs this PR.
> Can you fold this change into the PR that needs it ?

Actually I could do this. But the test is large and requires a few more PRs. So I split them up for easy review :)


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