[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR][python bindings] invalidate ops after PassManager run (PR #69746)

Maksim Levental llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Oct 20 14:33:37 PDT 2023

makslevental wrote:

> Stupid suggestion: if we could "revalidate" ops, we can invalidate everything including the root and than revalidate the root back.


but if "validation" becomes reversible then it might be wise to put `LiveOperationMap liveOperations` behind a mutex? Just so someone doesn't accidentally create a race condition at some point down the line?

One alternative is to make the walk `MlirWalkPreOrder`, do nothing but set a flag like `rootSeen = true`, and from then on check that flag instead of performing `mlirOperationEqual`. I should've done that in the first place I think...


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