[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][VectorOp] Move VectorMaskOpConversionBase template to header (NFC) (PR #69341)

Benjamin Maxwell llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Oct 17 10:26:00 PDT 2023

MacDue wrote:

> LG but just a design comment. If you have a chance, make sure you lower the vector mask before we lower to LLVM when possible. Lowering both at the same time can get unnecessarily complicated.

Currently I'm doing the conversion within the lowering to LLVM, but with multiple patterns (as there's not another obvious place to put it). So it goes:

1. vector.mask { vector.outerproduct ... }
2. -> arm_sme.outerproduct ... %lhsMask, %rhsMask ... (rewrite 1: to intermediate operand-masked arm_sme op)
3. -> SME intrinsic (rewrite 2)

Which avoids one big rewrite.


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