[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [OpenMP][Flang] Add "IsolatedFromAbove" trait to omp.target (PR #67164)

Akash Banerjee llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Oct 16 10:09:47 PDT 2023

TIFitis wrote:

> That is a good point. I guess, we could distinguish between `user-provided` mapping and `implicit` mapping by adding another field to `omp.map_info` and then subsequent passes in MLIR can update or replace the `implicit` mappings. The `implicit` mappings can start by assuming the worst case if there are variables involved.

We can check the map_type flag for the OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags::OMP_MAP_IMPLICIT bit to determine if the map came from the user or was implicitly captured.


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