[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][ArmSME] Update tile slice layout syntax (PR #69151)

Andrzej WarzyƄski llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Oct 16 02:32:20 PDT 2023

banach-space wrote:

> > > The reason for this change is the current format doesn't play nicely with additional optional operands, required to support padding and masking (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/69148), as it becomes ambiguous.
> > 
> > 
> > Could you provide an example? Just to satisfy my curiosity. Ta!
> See [b99b39b](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b99b39b6ab62c65b50bbfdc1a45b9bd3306fc4f9) which is adding optional padding and mask operands to `arm_sme.tile_load`. The assembly format is updated to add these, with the current layout format it would be:
> ```
>   let assemblyFormat =
>     "$base `[` $indices `]` (`,` $padding `,` $mask^)? (`,` $layout^)?"
>       "attr-dict `:` type($base) `,` type($result)";
> ```
> which is ambiguous. This adds the `layout` prefix so it isn't so, which is actually consistent with other optional attributes (e.g. fastmath)

So the change would be:
  %tile_update = arm_sme.load_tile_slice %src[%c0], %tile, %tile_slice_index, <vertical> : memref<?x?xi8>, vector<[16]x[16]xi8>
  // AFTER
  %tile_update = arm_sme.load_tile_slice %src[%c0], %mask, %tile, %tile_slice_index layout<vertical> : memref<?x?xi8>, vector<[16]xi1>, vector<[16]x[16]xi8>

I don't quite see the ambiguity, but do prefer the more verbose/explicit form anyway :)


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