[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [OpenMP][MLIR] Add omp.distribute op to the OMP dialect (PR #67720)

Kiran Chandramohan llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Oct 4 06:23:16 PDT 2023

kiranchandramohan wrote:

I was only pointing out that we cannot have the OpenMP loop transformation operations at the top-level. It will have to be nested whenever we are not dealing with `omp.canonical_loop` like the case of parallel here.

The previous proposal would have looked like the following.
%cli1 = canonical_loop(%i, 1, %l) {
   omp.parallel {
     fir.do_loop (%j,1,%m) {
       %cli2 = canonical_loop(%k, 1, %n) {
       %cli3 = omp.unroll(%cli2)
%cli4 = omp.unroll(%cli1)


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