[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][spirv] Add folding for [S|U]Mod, [S|U]Div, SRem (PR #73341)

Jakub Kuderski llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Nov 24 13:25:03 PST 2023

@@ -462,10 +462,272 @@ func.func @const_fold_vector_isub() -> vector<3xi32> {
 // -----
+// spirv.SDiv
+// CHECK-LABEL: @sdiv_x_1
+func.func @sdiv_x_1(%arg0 : i32) -> i32 {
+  // CHECK-NEXT: return %arg0 : i32
+  %c1 = spirv.Constant 1  : i32
+  %2 = spirv.SDiv %arg0, %c1: i32
+  return %2 : i32
+// CHECK-LABEL: @sdiv_div_0_or_overflow
+func.func @sdiv_div_0_or_overflow() -> (i32, i32) {
+  // CHECK: spirv.SDiv
+  // CHECK: spirv.SDiv
+  %c0 = spirv.Constant 0 : i32
+  %cn1 = spirv.Constant -1 : i32
+  %min_i32 = spirv.Constant -2147483648 : i32
+  %0 = spirv.SDiv %cn1, %c0 : i32
+  %1 = spirv.SDiv %min_i32, %cn1 : i32
+  return %0, %1 : i32, i32
+// CHECK-LABEL: @const_fold_scalar_sdiv
+func.func @const_fold_scalar_sdiv() -> (i32, i32, i32, i32) {
+  %c56 = spirv.Constant 56 : i32
+  %c7 = spirv.Constant 7 : i32
+  %cn8 = spirv.Constant -8 : i32
+  %c3 = spirv.Constant 3 : i32
+  %cn3 = spirv.Constant -3 : i32
+  // CHECK-DAG: spirv.Constant -18
+  // CHECK-DAG: spirv.Constant -2
+  // CHECK-DAG: spirv.Constant -7
+  // CHECK-DAG: spirv.Constant 8
kuhar wrote:

Here and everywhere else: we should make sure that these constants are used correctly. In this instance we should match the returned values to make sure they are in the correct order.


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