[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][vector] Add vector.transpose with unit-dim to vector.shape_cast pattern (PR #72105)

Diego Caballero llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Nov 22 10:56:07 PST 2023

dcaballe wrote:

I'm OOO this week and afk but I wanted to drop some quick comments until I'm back next week. Hopefully they are helpful!

- We are using `vector.shape_cast` in a few places, including some lowerings of `vector.transpose` so this PR is not adding anything fundamentally new.
- `vector.shape_cast` has effectively been used as a vector reshape for static shapes, which is a no-op in practice. We had some implementation gaps that lowered to vector shuffles but I haven't seen that lowering kicking in in quite some time. I think these lowerings were introduced for practical reasons (if I hit an implementation gap I just lower to inefficient code instead of crashing). Nicolas, correct me if I'm wrong. **Perhaps the solution to this problem should go along the lines of tightening `vector.shape_cast` to that actual use case in practice?**
- `vector.transpose` is a heavy operation which implies data movements so preserving a no-op `vector.transpose` has two main downsides: 
- 1) We will lower them to redundant data movement ops, which hopefully the backend compiler will optimize away (guess what, LLVM doesn't always :)). Otherwise, we would have to add special lowering for "no-op" transposes, which would make the already complex transpose lowerings even more complex. I don't think the added complexity would be justified when we have simpler ways to model this.
- 2) From an analysis point of view, a `vector.transpose` is an expensive op, which would be misleading for this case. This case is similar to optimizing away 1D transposes or transpose patterns that are not transposing any dimensions. In this sense, we have a bunch of patterns to optimize transposes away so I don't see this case any different. 
- I don't think `vector.transpose` should be a canonical representation of `1xN -> Nx1`. There is no data movement here so using a `vector.transpose` op would be misleading. There are also different vector ops that could implement the same transformation, e.g., `vector.extract` + `vector.broadcast`, so I don't think canonicalizing all of them to something as involved as a transpose op would work.
- Not sure I understand the SPRIV-V problem. If the lowering supports `1xN -> Nx1` transposes, how is that it can't support a simple static reshape? Is this just a missing rewrite or is something fundamental missing?


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