[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][vector] Add vector.transpose with unit-dim to vector.shape_cast pattern (PR #72105)

Mehdi Amini llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Nov 21 23:24:39 PST 2023

joker-eph wrote:

> . The solution here as Lei suggested is to move it out of general Vector lowering of transpose and use a separate populate method to use for different back ends.

I read Lei's message 4 times, but I don't quite see what you're referring to here?

I don't know what the "use a separate populate method to use for different back ends", but in general I would be concerned that we can't add canonicalization to the vector dialect because SPIRV is lacking support for lowering. That is a canonicalization isn't supposed to "lose information", so I assume that any problem is just "incompleteness in support of the vector dialect by the SPIRV lowering", but you can't just prevent adding canonicalization to the vector dialect for this reason: instead SPIRV folks needs to 1) have better support for the vector dialect and 2) be reactive in fixing the lowering when such issues are found. 


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