[Mlir-commits] [mlir] Revert "[mlir][vector] Move transpose with unit-dim to shape_cast pattern (#72493)" (PR #72918)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Nov 21 07:12:55 PST 2023

MaheshRavishankar wrote:

> @MaheshRavishankar, while we agreed that it's fine to revert this patch to unblock SPIR-V code-gen, it was also expected that there would be a test that would capture this sort of issues in the future. 
> Please, could a test be added _upstream_ so that patches are reverted based on **upstream** buildbot failures instead of users reporting issues **downstream**? 

Sorry, maybe I pushed the button too hastily. I'll try to create a repro upstream but it isn't always easy since it could be as complex as running the entire spirv lowering pipeline used in IREE.  Even with this particular revert the conversion is still broken. For this particular one though, having patterns in canonicalization should have a high bar since it applies everywhere in the stack, and I thought there was an agreement that this doesn't fit the bill of being a canonicalization. Hence I pushed it since I already had the PR. Let's continue the conversation on the other PR w.r.t having an upstream test and how to assess the broken spirv conversion.


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