[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][tensor] Add a tensor.concat operation (PR #72779)

Nicolas Vasilache llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Nov 20 04:50:29 PST 2023

@@ -471,6 +471,202 @@ void CastOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
   results.add<ChainedTensorCast, TensorCastExtractSlice>(context);
+// ConcatOp
+FailureOr<RankedTensorType> ConcatOp::inferResultType(int64_t dim,
+                                                      TypeRange inputTypes) {
+  if (dim < 0)
+    return failure();
+  if (inputTypes.empty())
+    return failure();
+  RankedTensorType init = dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>(inputTypes[0]);
+  if (!init)
+    return failure();
+  // The tensor rank must be greater than the concatenation dim.
+  int64_t concatRank = init.getRank();
+  if (concatRank <= dim)
+    return failure();
+  SmallVector<int64_t> sizes(init.getShape());
+  Type elementType = init.getElementType();
+  for (Type type : inputTypes.drop_front()) {
+    RankedTensorType tensorType = dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>(type);
+    if (!tensorType || tensorType.getRank() != concatRank ||
+        tensorType.getElementType() != elementType)
+      return failure();
+    for (auto [index, currSize] : llvm::enumerate(tensorType.getShape())) {
+      int64_t size = sizes[index];
+      bool hasDynamic =
+          ShapedType::isDynamic(size) || ShapedType::isDynamic(currSize);
+      if (static_cast<int64_t>(index) == dim) {
+        sizes[index] = hasDynamic ? ShapedType::kDynamic : currSize + size;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // If the sizes are statically different for a dimension other than the
+      // concated dimension, the concatenation is invalid. Both dynamic or
+      // mixed dynamic and static is fine.
+      if (currSize != size && !hasDynamic)
+        return failure();
+      // If the new size is not dynamic, use the additional static information.
+      if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(currSize))
+        sizes[index] = currSize;
+    }
+  }
+  return RankedTensorType::get(sizes, elementType);
+void ConcatOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, int64_t dim,
+                     ValueRange inputs) {
+  FailureOr<RankedTensorType> resultType =
+      inferResultType(dim, inputs.getTypes());
+  assert(succeeded(resultType) && "failed to infer concatenation result type");
+  build(builder, result, *resultType, dim, inputs);
+LogicalResult ConcatOp::verify() {
+  if (getInputs().size() < 1)
+    return emitOpError("requires at least one input");
+  SmallVector<RankedTensorType> inputTypes;
+  for (auto input : getInputs())
+    inputTypes.push_back(cast<RankedTensorType>(input.getType()));
+  RankedTensorType resultType = getResultType();
+  int64_t resultRank = resultType.getRank();
+  if (llvm::any_of(inputTypes, [resultRank](RankedTensorType type) {
+        return type.getRank() != resultRank;
+      }))
+    return emitOpError("rank of concatenated inputs must match result rank");
+  Type resultElementType = resultType.getElementType();
+  if (llvm::any_of(inputTypes, [&](RankedTensorType type) {
+        return type.getElementType() != resultElementType;
+      }))
+    return emitOpError("inputs and result element type must match");
+  if (static_cast<int64_t>(getDim()) >= resultRank)
+    return emitOpError("concatenation dim must be less than the tensor rank");
+  FailureOr<RankedTensorType> inferredResultType =
+      inferResultType(getDim(), getInputs().getTypes());
+  if (failed(inferredResultType))
+    return emitOpError("failed to infer concatenation result type from inputs");
+  for (auto [inferredSize, actualSize] :
+       llvm::zip_equal(inferredResultType->getShape(), resultType.getShape())) {
+    bool hasDynamic = ShapedType::isDynamic(inferredSize) ||
+                      ShapedType::isDynamic(actualSize);
+    if (!hasDynamic && inferredSize != actualSize)
+      return emitOpError("result type ")
+             << resultType << "does not match inferred shape "
+             << *inferredResultType << " static sizes";
+  }
+  return success();
+ConcatOp::reifyResultShapes(OpBuilder &builder,
+                            ReifiedRankedShapedTypeDims &reifiedReturnShapes) {
+  ValueRange inputs = getInputs();
+  int64_t dim = getDim();
+  FailureOr<RankedTensorType> maybeInferredResultType =
+      inferResultType(dim, inputs.getTypes());
+  if (failed(maybeInferredResultType))
+    return failure();
+  RankedTensorType inferredResultType = *maybeInferredResultType;
+  Value init = inputs[0];
+  int64_t rank = getType().getRank();
+  reifiedReturnShapes.resize(1, SmallVector<OpFoldResult>(rank));
+  // Pre-populate the result sizes with as much static information as possible
+  // from the given result type, as well as the inferred result type, otherwise
+  // use the dim sizes from the first input.
+  bool hasStaticConcatDim = false;
+  for (int64_t i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
nicolasvasilache wrote:

I would prob. also structure this differently to make it simpler to read: 
1. for all `ranks != dim`, copy the shape of the first tensor (assuming the interplay with the verifier is good)
2. for `dim`, take the static result size of the sum.

Looking deeper, it seems similar to what you are implementing here, I'd just expect this to take ~10 lines and be very easy to parse to human eyes (vs the ~40 I see here).


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