[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [flang] [openmp] [Flang][OpenMP] Initial mapping of Fortran pointers and allocatables for target devices (PR #71766)

Akash Banerjee llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Nov 15 07:39:16 PST 2023

TIFitis wrote:

> Thank you @razvanlupusoru for the input. I don't believe the offload runtime currently accepts non-contiguous data, but it's good to see that this case has been thought about thoroughly.

I think https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/ebb8ffde94476333cb2e95aacfd2e023d7112efb/llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.h#L1663C37-L1663C37 allows mapping of non-contiguous data.


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