[Mlir-commits] [mlir] 84cd51b - [mlir][sparse] Renaming "pointer/index" to "position/coordinate"

wren romano llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Mar 6 12:23:53 PST 2023

Author: wren romano
Date: 2023-03-06T12:23:33-08:00
New Revision: 84cd51bb97d5014195e50d9358478d1e450338b6

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/84cd51bb97d5014195e50d9358478d1e450338b6
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/84cd51bb97d5014195e50d9358478d1e450338b6.diff

LOG: [mlir][sparse] Renaming "pointer/index" to "position/coordinate"

The old "pointer/index" names often cause confusion since these names clash with names of unrelated things in MLIR; so this change rectifies this by changing everything to use "position/coordinate" terminology instead.

In addition to the basic terminology, there have also been various conventions for making certain distinctions like: (1) the overall storage for coordinates in the sparse-tensor, vs the particular collection of coordinates of a given element; and (2) particular coordinates given as a `Value` or `TypedValue<MemRefType>`, vs particular coordinates given as `ValueRange` or similar.  I have striven to maintain these distinctions
as follows:

  * "p/c" are used for individual position/coordinate values, when there is no risk of confusion.  (Just like we use "d/l" to abbreviate "dim/lvl".)

  * "pos/crd" are used for individual position/coordinate values, when a longer name is helpful to avoid ambiguity or to form compound names (e.g., "parentPos").  (Just like we use "dim/lvl" when we need a longer form of "d/l".)

    I have also used these forms for a handful of compound names where the old name had been using a three-letter form previously, even though a longer form would be more appropriate.  I've avoided renaming these to use a longer form purely for expediency sake, since changing them would require a cascade of other renamings.  They should be updated to follow the new naming scheme, but that can be done in future patches.

  * "coords" is used for the complete collection of crd values associated with a single element.  In the runtime library this includes both `std::vector` and raw pointer representations.  In the compiler, this is used specifically for buffer variables with C++ type `Value`, `TypedValue<MemRefType>`, etc.

    The bare form "coords" is discouraged, since it fails to make the dim/lvl distinction; so the compound names "dimCoords/lvlCoords" should be used instead.  (Though there may exist a rare few cases where is is appropriate to be intentionally ambiguous about what coordinate-space the coords live in; in which case the bare "coords" is appropriate.)

    There is seldom the need for the pos variant of this notion.  In most circumstances we use the term "cursor", since the same buffer is reused for a 'moving' pos-collection.

  * "dcvs/lcvs" is used in the compiler as the `ValueRange` analogue of "dimCoords/lvlCoords".  (The "vs" stands for "`Value`s".)  I haven't found the need for it, but "pvs" would be the obvious name for a pos-`ValueRange`.

    The old "ind"-vs-"ivs" naming scheme does not seem to have been sustained in more recent code, which instead prefers other mnemonics (e.g., adding "Buf" to the end of the names for `TypeValue<MemRefType>`).  I have cleaned up a lot of these to follow the "coords"-vs-"cvs" naming scheme, though haven't done an exhaustive cleanup.

  * "positions/coordinates" are used for larger collections of pos/crd values; in particular, these are used when referring to the complete sparse-tensor storage components.

    I also prefer to use these unabbreviated names in the documentation, unless there is some specific reason why using the abbreviated forms helps resolve ambiguity.

In addition to making this terminology change, this change also does some cleanup along the way:
  * correcting the dim/lvl terminology in certain places.
  * adding `const` when it requires no other code changes.
  * miscellaneous cleanup that was entailed in order to make the proper distinctions.  Most of these are in CodegenUtils.{h,cpp}

Reviewed By: aartbik

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D144773




diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir-c/Dialect/SparseTensor.h b/mlir/include/mlir-c/Dialect/SparseTensor.h
index 8027f319b28cf..7d560dd80a90a 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir-c/Dialect/SparseTensor.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir-c/Dialect/SparseTensor.h
@@ -41,40 +41,40 @@ enum MlirSparseTensorDimLevelType {
 // SparseTensorEncodingAttr
-/// Checks whether the given attribute is a sparse_tensor.encoding attribute.
+/// Checks whether the given attribute is a `sparse_tensor.encoding` attribute.
 mlirAttributeIsASparseTensorEncodingAttr(MlirAttribute attr);
-/// Creates a sparse_tensor.encoding attribute with the given parameters.
+/// Creates a `sparse_tensor.encoding` attribute with the given parameters.
 MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGet(
-    MlirContext ctx, intptr_t numDimLevelTypes,
+    MlirContext ctx, intptr_t lvlRank,
     enum MlirSparseTensorDimLevelType const *dimLevelTypes,
-    MlirAffineMap dimOrdering, MlirAffineMap higherOrdering,
-    int pointerBitWidth, int indexBitWidth);
+    MlirAffineMap dimOrdering, MlirAffineMap higherOrdering, int posWidth,
+    int crdWidth);
-/// Returns the number of dim level types in a sparse_tensor.encoding attribute.
+/// Returns the level-rank of the `sparse_tensor.encoding` attribute.
-mlirSparseTensorEncodingGetNumDimLevelTypes(MlirAttribute attr);
+mlirSparseTensorEncodingGetLvlRank(MlirAttribute attr);
-/// Returns a specified dim level type in a sparse_tensor.encoding attribute.
+/// Returns a specified level-type of the `sparse_tensor.encoding` attribute.
 MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED enum MlirSparseTensorDimLevelType
-mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetDimLevelType(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos);
+mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetDimLevelType(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t lvl);
-/// Returns the dimension ordering in a sparse_tensor.encoding attribute.
+/// Returns the dimension-ordering of the `sparse_tensor.encoding` attribute.
 mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetDimOrdering(MlirAttribute attr);
-/// Returns the higher ordering in a sparse_tensor.encoding attribute.
+/// Returns the higher-ordering of the `sparse_tensor.encoding` attribute.
 mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetHigherOrdering(MlirAttribute attr);
-/// Returns the pointer bit width in a sparse_tensor.encoding attribute.
+/// Returns the position bitwidth of the `sparse_tensor.encoding` attribute.
-mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetPointerBitWidth(MlirAttribute attr);
+mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetPosWidth(MlirAttribute attr);
-/// Returns the index bit width in a sparse_tensor.encoding attribute.
+/// Returns the coordinate bitwidth of the `sparse_tensor.encoding` attribute.
-mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetIndexBitWidth(MlirAttribute attr);
+mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetCrdWidth(MlirAttribute attr);
 #ifdef __cplusplus

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h
index 165b3af74ab4e..89065b15bf230 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ namespace sparse_tensor {
 /// This type is used in the public API at all places where MLIR expects
 /// values with the built-in type "index".  For now, we simply assume that
-/// type is 64-bit, but targets with 
diff erent "index" bit widths should
+/// type is 64-bit, but targets with 
diff erent "index" bitwidths should
 /// link with an alternatively built runtime support library.
 // TODO: support such targets?
 using index_type = uint64_t;
-/// Encoding of overhead types (both pointer overhead and indices
+/// Encoding of overhead types (both position overhead and coordinate
 /// overhead), for "overloading" @newSparseTensor.
 enum class OverheadType : uint32_t {
   kIndex = 0,

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorAttrDefs.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorAttrDefs.td
index 44a2b44ada694..a4ea438b5d991 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorAttrDefs.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorAttrDefs.td
@@ -19,6 +19,41 @@ class SparseTensor_Attr<string name,
                         list<Trait> traits = []>
     : AttrDef<SparseTensor_Dialect, name, traits>;
+// Type aliases.
+// These attributes are just like `IndexAttr` (include/mlir/IR/OpBase.td),
+// except that:
+// (1) the `summary` is more specific (i.e., the fourth parameter to
+//     `TypedAttrBase`), which helps tablegen provide better error messages.
+// (2) tablegen-generated getters will have the given `returnType`, in
+//     lieu of the `APInt` that `IndexAttr` uses.  This avoids the boilerplate
+//     of needing to say `get{FOO}().getZExtValue()`, as well as using
+//     C++ types which better document intent.
+def DimensionAttr :
+    TypedAttrBase<
+      Index, "IntegerAttr",
+      And<[CPred<"$_self.isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>()">,
+           CPred<"$_self.cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>().getType()"
+                 ".isa<::mlir::IndexType>()">]>,
+      "dimension attribute"> {
+  let returnType = [{::mlir::sparse_tensor::Dimension}];
+  let convertFromStorage = [{$_self.getValue().getZExtValue()}];
+def LevelAttr :
+    TypedAttrBase<
+      Index, "IntegerAttr",
+      And<[CPred<"$_self.isa<::mlir::IntegerAttr>()">,
+           CPred<"$_self.cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>().getType()"
+                 ".isa<::mlir::IndexType>()">]>,
+      "level attribute"> {
+  let returnType = [{::mlir::sparse_tensor::Level}];
+  let convertFromStorage = [{$_self.getValue().getZExtValue()}];
 // Sparse Tensor Dimension Slice Attribute.
@@ -92,73 +127,86 @@ def SparseTensorEncodingAttr : SparseTensor_Attr<"SparseTensorEncoding",
     The attribute consists of the following fields.
-    - Dimension level type for each dimension of a tensor type:
-        - **dense** : dimension is dense, all entries along this dimension
-          are stored
-        - **compressed** : dimension is sparse, only nonzeros along this dimensions
-          are stored
-        - **singleton** : dimension stores individual indices with no siblings
-      By default, each dimension level types has the property of being unique
-      (no duplicates at that level) and ordered (indices appear sorted at that
-      level). The following two suffixes can be used to make the last two
-      dimension level types not-unique (duplicates may appear) and not-ordered
-      (indices may appear unsorted).
+    - Level-type for each level of a tensor type:
+        - **dense** : all entries along this level are stored.
+        - **compressed** : only nonzeros along this level are stored.
+        - **singleton** : a variant of the compressed level-format,
+          for when coordinates are guaranteed to have no siblings at this level.
+      By default, each level-type has the property of being unique (no
+      duplicates at that level) and ordered (coordinates appear sorted
+      at that level).  The following two suffixes can be used to specify
+      that the level should instead be non-unique (duplicates may appear)
+      and/or non-ordered (coordinates may appear unsorted).
         - **-nu** : not unique
         - **-no** : not ordered
-      Currently, these suffixes, is present, should appear in this order.
-      In the future, we may introduce many more dimension level types and
-      properties, and separate specifying the two completely rather than
-      using this suffix mechanism.
-    - An optional dimension ordering on the indices of this tensor type. Unlike
-      dense storage, most sparse storage schemes do not provide fast random
-      access.  This affine map specifies the order of dimensions that should be
-      supported by the sparse storage scheme. For example, for a 2-d tensor,
-      `(i, j) -> (i, j)` requests row-wise storage and `(i, j) -> (j, i)`
-      requests column-wise storage.  By default, an identify mapping is used,
-      which implies that the original indices directly correspond to stored
-      indices.
-    - An optional higher-ordering mapping from the original index space of
-      the tensor to a higher-order index space, used to define block-sparse
-      storage or ELL (jagged diagonal) storage. For example, for a 2-d tensor,
-      the mapping `(i, j) -> (i floordiv 2, j floordiv 3, i mod 2, j mod 3)`
-      imposes an higher-order partitioning into 2x3 blocks along the matrix
-      layout. A dimension ordering can be used to define a desired ordering
-      on this higher-order index space. Likewise, the dimension level types
-      define dense or compressed storage along this higher-order index space.
-      For block-sparse, blocks are typically stored with compression while
-      dense storage is used within each block (although hybrid schemes are
-      possible as well). The higher-order mapping also provides a notion of
-      "counting a dimension", where every stored element with the same index
-      is mapped to a new slice. For instance, ELL storage of a 2-d tensor can
-      be defined with the mapping `(i, j) -> (#i, i, j)` using the notation
-      of [Chou20]. Lacking the `#` symbol in MLIR's affine mapping, we use
-      a free symbol `c` to define such counting, together with a constant
-      that denotes the number of resulting slices. For example, the mapping
-      `(i, j)[c] -> (c * 3 * i, i, j)` with the first two higher-order indices
-      stored dense and the innermost compressed denotes ELL storage with
-      three jagged diagonals that count the dimension `i`.
-      TODO: introduce a real counting symbol to MLIR's mapping, since an
-            expression like 3*c*i has no direct interpretation?
-    - The required bit width for "pointer" storage (integral offsets into
-      the sparse storage scheme). A narrow width reduces the memory footprint
-      of overhead storage, as long as the width suffices to define the total
-      required range (viz. the maximum number of stored entries over all indirection
-      dimensions). The choices are `8`, `16`, `32`, `64`, or, the default, `0` to
-      indicate the native bit width.
-    - The required bit width for "index" storage (elements of the coordinates of
-      stored entries). A narrow width reduces the memory footprint of overhead
-      storage, as long as the width suffices to define the total required range
-      (viz. the maximum value of each tensor index over all dimensions). The
-      choices are `8`, `16`, `32`, `64`, or, the default, `0` to indicate a
-      native bit width.
-    - An optional array of SparseTensorDimSliceAttr, which specifies how the sparse
-      tensor is partitioned on each level.
+      Currently, these suffixes (if present) must appear in this order.
+      In the future, we may introduce additional level-types and
+      properties, and split up how the level-format and properties are
+      specified rather than using this suffix mechanism.
+      TODO: This field is called "dimLevelType" for historical reasons,
+      even though the types are per-level rather than per-dimension.
+      (This will be corrected in an upcoming change that completely
+      overhauls the syntax of this attribute.)
+    - An optional permutation which maps (higher-ordering)-coordinates
+      to level-coordinates; defaulting to the identity permutation.
+      For example, given a 2-d tensor with the default higher-ordering,
+      `(i, j) -> (i, j)` specifies row-wise storage and `(i, j) ->
+      (j, i)` specifies column-wise storage.
+      TODO: this field is called "dimOrdering" for historical reasons,
+      even though it actually operates on level-coordinates rather than
+      dimension-coordinates.
+      (This will be corrected in an upcoming change that completely
+      overhauls the syntax of this attribute.)
+    - An optional higher-order mapping from dimension-coordinates to
+      a higher-order coordinate space; defaulting to the identity map.
+      This is applied before the `dimOrdering`, thus we have the composite:
+      dimCoords --higherOrdering--> hoCoords --dimOrdering--> lvlCoords.
+      The higher-order mapping is used to define block-sparse storage,
+      jagged-diagonal (JDS/ELL/ITPACK) storage, etc.
+      For example, given a 2-d tensor, the mapping
+      `(i, j) -> (i floordiv 2, j floordiv 3, i mod 2, j mod 3)`
+      imposes an higher-order partitioning into 2x3 blocks along the
+      matrix layout.  For block-sparsity, blocks are typically stored
+      with compression while dense storage is used within each block
+      (although hybrid schemes are possible as well).
+      TODO: the following example is out-of-date and will be implemented
+      in a 
diff erent manner than described here.
+      (This will be corrected in an upcoming change that completely
+      overhauls the syntax of this attribute.)
+      The higher-order mapping also provides a notion of "counting a
+      dimension", where every stored element with the same coordinate
+      is mapped to a new slice.  For instance, ELL storage of a 2-d
+      tensor can be defined with the mapping `(i, j) -> (#i, i, j)`
+      using the notation of [Chou20].  Lacking the `#` symbol in MLIR's
+      affine mapping, we use a free symbol `c` to define such counting,
+      together with a constant that denotes the number of resulting
+      slices.  For example, the mapping `(i, j)[c] -> (c * 3 * i, i, j)`
+      with the level-types `["dense", "dense", "compressed"]` denotes ELL
+      storage with three jagged diagonals that count the dimension `i`.
+    - The required bitwidth for "position" storage (integral offsets
+      into the sparse storage scheme).  A narrow width reduces the memory
+      footprint of overhead storage, as long as the width suffices to
+      define the total required range (viz. the maximum number of stored
+      entries over all indirection levels).  The choices are `8`, `16`,
+      `32`, `64`, or, the default, `0` to indicate the native bitwidth.
+    - The required bitwidth for "coordinate" storage (the coordinates
+      of stored entries).  A narrow width reduces the memory footprint
+      of overhead storage, as long as the width suffices to define
+      the total required range (viz. the maximum value of each tensor
+      coordinate over all levels).  The choices are `8`, `16`, `32`,
+      `64`, or, the default, `0` to indicate a native bitwidth.
+    - An optional array of `SparseTensorDimSliceAttr`, which specifies
+      how the sparse tensor is partitioned on each dimension.
@@ -179,8 +227,8 @@ def SparseTensorEncodingAttr : SparseTensor_Attr<"SparseTensorEncoding",
     #DCSC = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
       dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ],
       dimOrdering = affine_map<(i, j) -> (j, i)>,
-      pointerBitWidth = 32,
-      indexBitWidth = 8
+      posWidth = 32,
+      crdWidth = 8
     ... tensor<8x8xf64, #DCSC> ...
@@ -214,20 +262,20 @@ def SparseTensorEncodingAttr : SparseTensor_Attr<"SparseTensorEncoding",
   // Data in sparse tensor encoding.
   let parameters = (
-    // A dimension level type for each dimension of the tensor type.
+    // A level-type for each level of the sparse storage.
-      "per dimension level type"
+      "level-types"
       >: $dimLevelType,
-    // A dimension order on the indices of this tensor type.
+    // A permutation from (higher-ordering)-coordinates to level-coordinates.
-    // A mapping between the original and higher-ordering index space.
+    // A mapping from dimension-coordinates to (higher-ordering)-coordinates.
-    // The required bit width for pointer storage.
-    "unsigned":$pointerBitWidth,
-    // The required bit width for index storage.
-    "unsigned":$indexBitWidth,
-    // A dimension level type for each dimension of the tensor type.
+    // The required bitwidth for position storage.
+    "unsigned":$posWidth,
+    // The required bitwidth for coordinate storage.
+    "unsigned":$crdWidth,
+    // A slice attribute for each dimension of the tensor type.
       "per dimension slice metadata"
@@ -238,23 +286,23 @@ def SparseTensorEncodingAttr : SparseTensor_Attr<"SparseTensorEncoding",
     AttrBuilder<(ins "ArrayRef<::mlir::sparse_tensor::DimLevelType>":$dimLevelType,
-                     "unsigned":$pointerBitWidth,
-                     "unsigned":$indexBitWidth), [{
+                     "unsigned":$posWidth,
+                     "unsigned":$crdWidth), [{
       return $_get($_ctxt, dimLevelType,
-                         pointerBitWidth,
-                         indexBitWidth,
+                         posWidth,
+                         crdWidth,
   let extraClassDeclaration = [{
-    /// Returns the type for pointer storage based on pointerBitWidth
-    Type getPointerType() const;
+    /// Returns the type for position storage based on posWidth
+    Type getPosType() const;
-    /// Returns the type for index storage based on indexBitWidth
-    Type getIndexType() const;
+    /// Returns the type for coordinate storage based on crdWidth
+    Type getCrdType() const;
     /// Constructs a new encoding with the dimOrdering and higherOrdering
     /// reset to the default/identity.
@@ -316,9 +364,9 @@ def SparseTensorEncodingAttr : SparseTensor_Attr<"SparseTensorEncoding",
 // The C++ enum for Storage Specifier kind.
 def SparseTensorStorageSpecifierKindEnum
     : I32EnumAttr<"StorageSpecifierKind", "sparse tensor storage specifier kind", [
-        I32EnumAttrCase<"DimSize",    0, "dim_sz">,
-        I32EnumAttrCase<"PtrMemSize", 1, "ptr_mem_sz">,
-        I32EnumAttrCase<"IdxMemSize", 2, "idx_mem_sz">,
+        I32EnumAttrCase<"LvlSize",    0, "lvl_sz">,
+        I32EnumAttrCase<"PosMemSize", 1, "pos_mem_sz">,
+        I32EnumAttrCase<"CrdMemSize", 2, "crd_mem_sz">,
         I32EnumAttrCase<"ValMemSize", 3, "val_mem_sz">,
       ]> {
   let genSpecializedAttr = 0;

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorBase.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorBase.td
index 2506da4042bd3..b0e9089c3230e 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorBase.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorBase.td
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ def SparseTensor_Dialect : Dialect {
     types first class citizens within the MLIR compiler infrastructure.
     The dialect forms a bridge between high-level operations on sparse
     tensors types and lower-level operations on the actual sparse storage
-    schemes consisting of pointers, indices, and values. Lower-level
+    schemes consisting of positions, coordinates, and values. Lower-level
     support may consist of fully generated code or may be provided by
     means of a small sparse runtime support library.
@@ -31,27 +31,29 @@ def SparseTensor_Dialect : Dialect {
     to tensor algebra by [Kjolstad17,Kjolstad20] in the Sparse Tensor
     Algebra Compiler (TACO) project (see http://tensor-compiler.org).
-    The MLIR implementation [Biketal22] closely follows the "sparse iteration
-    theory" that forms the foundation of TACO. A rewriting rule is applied to
-    each tensor expression in the Linalg dialect (MLIR's tensor index notation)
-    where the sparsity of tensors is indicated using the per-dimension level
-    types dense/compressed together with a specification of the order on the
-    dimensions (see [Chou18] for an in-depth discussions and possible
-    extensions to these level types). Subsequently, a topologically sorted
-    iteration graph, reflecting the required order on indices with respect
-    to the dimensions of each tensor, is constructed to ensure that all tensors
-    are visited in natural index order. Next, iteration lattices are
-    constructed for the tensor expression for every index in topological
-    order. Each iteration lattice point consists of a conjunction of tensor
-    indices together with a tensor (sub)expression that needs to be evaluated
-    for that conjunction.  Within the lattice, iteration points are ordered
-    according to the way indices are exhausted. As such these iteration
-    lattices drive actual sparse code generation, which consists of a
-    relatively straightforward one-to-one mapping from iteration lattices
-    to combinations of for-loops, while-loops, and if-statements. Sparse
-    tensor outputs that materialize uninitialized are handled with direct
-    insertions if all parallel loops are outermost or insertions that
-    indirectly go through a 1-dimensional access pattern expansion
+    The MLIR implementation [Biketal22] closely follows the "sparse
+    iteration theory" that forms the foundation of TACO.  A rewriting
+    rule is applied to each tensor expression in the Linalg dialect
+    (MLIR's tensor index notation) where the sparsity of tensors is
+    indicated using the per-level level-types (e.g., dense, compressed,
+    singleton) together with a specification of the order on the levels
+    (see [Chou18] for an in-depth discussions and possible extensions
+    to these level-types).  Subsequently, a topologically sorted
+    iteration graph, reflecting the required order on coordinates with
+    respect to the levels of each tensor, is constructed to ensure
+    that all tensors are visited in natural level-coordinate order.
+    Next, iteration lattices are constructed for the tensor expression
+    for every index in topological order.  Each iteration lattice point
+    consists of a conjunction of tensor coordinates together with a tensor
+    (sub)expression that needs to be evaluated for that conjunction.
+    Within the lattice, iteration points are ordered according to
+    the way coordinates are exhausted.  As such these iteration
+    lattices drive actual sparse code generation, which consists of
+    a relatively straightforward one-to-one mapping from iteration
+    lattices to combinations of for-loops, while-loops, and if-statements.
+    Sparse tensor outputs that materialize uninitialized are handled with
+    direct insertions if all parallel loops are outermost or insertions
+    that indirectly go through a 1-dimensional access pattern expansion
     (a.k.a. workspace) where feasible [Gustavson72,Bik96,Kjolstad19].
     * [Bik96] Aart J.C. Bik. Compiler Support for Sparse Matrix Computations.

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorOps.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorOps.td
index 9d0b124ff5b47..dc6e795933431 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorOps.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorOps.td
@@ -54,82 +54,94 @@ def SparseTensor_NewOp : SparseTensor_Op<"new", [Pure]>,
 def SparseTensor_PackOp : SparseTensor_Op<"pack", [Pure]>,
-    Arguments<(ins 1DTensorOf<[AnyType]>:$data,
-                   2DTensorOf<[AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex]>:$indices)>,
+    Arguments<(ins 1DTensorOf<[AnyType]>:$values,
+                   2DTensorOf<[AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex]>:$coordinates)>,
     Results<(outs AnySparseTensor: $result)> {
-  let summary = "Returns a sparse tensor from the given (data, indices) pair";
+  let summary = "Returns a sparse tensor from the given (values, coordinates) pair";
   let description = [{
-    Packs the data/indices into a COO sparse tensor. The coordinates in `indices`
-    shall not exceed the dimension sizes of the returned sparse tensor. Note
-    that the returned tensor must be statically shaped because it is impossible
-    to infer the shape from sparse coordinates.
-    `$indices`: stored via a 2-D tensor of integer elements with shape [N, ndims],
-    which specifies the indices of the elements in the sparse tensor that contains
-    non-zero values.
-    `$data`: stored via a 1-D tensor with shape [N], that supplies the corresponding
-    values for the indices.
-    The operation can be used to materialize a sparse tensor from external sources.
-    E.g., when passing from Python as two numpy arrays for data and indices.
+    Packs the values/coordinates into a COO sparse tensor.  The length
+    of `values` must match the outer-length of `coordinates`, since these
+    two tensors are "zipped" together.  The `coordinates` argument provides
+    level-coords for each value, therefore, the inner-length of `coordinates`
+    must match the level-rank of the returned tensor, and each level-coords
+    must be valid for the level-sizes of the returned tensor.  Note that
+    the returned tensor must be statically shaped because it is impossible
+    to infer the dimension-shape from level-coordinates alone.
+    TODO: The returned tensor is allowed (in principle) to have non-identity
+    dimOrdering/higherOrdering mappings.  However, the current implementation
+    does not yet support them.
+    - `coordinates : tensor<NSE x lvlRank x iType>`
+      supplies the level-coords for each element in `values`.
+    - `values : tensor<NSE x V>`
+      supplies the corresponding values for each entry in `coordinates`.
+    This operation can be used to materialize a sparse tensor from external
+    sources; e.g., when passing two numpy arrays from Python.
-    ```mlir
-    %data    = arith.constant dense<[ 1.1,   2.2,   3.3 ]> : tensor<3xf64>
-    %indices = arith.constant dense<[[0,0], [1,2], [1,3]]> : tensor<3x2xindex>
-    %st = sparse_tensor.pack %data, %indices : tensor<3xf64>, tensor<3x2xindex
-                                            to tensor<3x4xf64, #COO>
+    ```mlir
+    %values      = arith.constant dense<[ 1.1,   2.2,   3.3 ]> : tensor<3xf64>
+    %coordinates = arith.constant dense<[[0,0], [1,2], [1,3]]> : tensor<3x2xindex>
+    %st = sparse_tensor.pack %values, %coordinates
+        : tensor<3xf64>, tensor<3x2xindex> to tensor<3x4xf64, #COO>
     // yields COO format |1.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0|
     //     of 3x4 matrix |0.0, 0.0, 2.2, 3.3|
     //                   |0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0|
-  let assemblyFormat = "$data `,` $indices attr-dict `:` type($data) `,` type($indices)"
-                                                   "`to` type($result)";
+  let assemblyFormat =
+    "$values `,` $coordinates attr-dict"
+    "`:` type($values) `,` type($coordinates) `to` type($result)";
   let hasVerifier = 1;
 def SparseTensor_UnpackOp : SparseTensor_Op<"unpack", [Pure]>,
     Arguments<(ins AnySparseTensor:$tensor)>,
-    Results<(outs 1DTensorOf<[AnyType]>:$data,
-                  2DTensorOf<[AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex]>:$indices,
-                  AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex:$nnz)> {
-  let summary = "Returns the (data, indices) pair unpacked from the input tensor";
+    Results<(outs 1DTensorOf<[AnyType]>:$values,
+                  2DTensorOf<[AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex]>:$coordinates,
+                  AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex:$nse)> {
+  let summary = "Returns the (values, coordinates) pair unpacked from the input tensor";
   let description = [{
-    Unpack is the inverse operation of `sparse_tensor::pack`. It returns the data/indices
-    extracted from a COO sparse tensor. Additionally, it also returns an integer value
-    indicating the number of entries in the source tensor.
+    The unpack operation is the inverse of `sparse_tensor::pack`.  It returns
+    the values, level-coordinates, and number-of-stored-entries extracted
+    from the sparse tensor.  The source tensor is allowed (in principle)
+    to have non-identity dimOrdering/higherOrdering mappings.  Regardless
+    of the mappings, the returned `coordinates` are always level-coordinates,
+    because this is what we mean by "unpacking" as opposed to other forms
+    of exposing sparse tensors to external clients.  This operation can be
+    used for returning an unpacked MLIR sparse tensor to frontend; e.g.,
+    returning two numpy arrays to Python.
-    The operation can be used to return an unpacked MLIR sparse tensor to frontend.
-    E.g., returning two numpy arrays for data and indices.
+    TODO: the current implementation does not yet support non-identity mappings.
-    The unpack operation ends the life time of the sparse tensor, and using this
-    after the unpack is undefined behavior.
+    This operation ends the lifetime of the sparse tensor, and using
+    the tensor after the unpack is undefined behavior.
     // input COO format |1.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0|
     //    of 3x4 matrix |0.0, 0.0, 2.2, 3.3|
     //                  |0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0|
-    %data, %indices, %nnz = sparse_tensor.unpack %st
-                          : tensor<3x4xf64, #COO>
-                         to tensor<2xf64>, tensor<2x2xindex>, index
-    // %data    = arith.constant dense<[ 1.1,   2.2,   3.3 ]> : tensor<3xf64>
-    // %indices = arith.constant dense<[[0,0], [1,2], [1,3]]> : tensor<3x2xindex>
-    // %nnz = 2
+    %values, %coordinates, %nse
+      = sparse_tensor.unpack %st
+      : tensor<3x4xf64, #COO> to tensor<2xf64>, tensor<2x2xindex>, index
+    // %values      = arith.constant dense<[ 1.1,   2.2,   3.3 ]> : tensor<3xf64>
+    // %coordinates = arith.constant dense<[[0,0], [1,2], [1,3]]> : tensor<3x2xindex>
+    // %nse = 3
-  let assemblyFormat = "$tensor attr-dict `:` type($tensor) "
-                                        "`to` type($data) `,` type($indices)`,` type($nnz)";
+  let assemblyFormat =
+    "$tensor attr-dict `:` type($tensor)"
+    "`to` type($values) `,` type($coordinates) `,` type($nse)";
   let hasVerifier = 1;
@@ -182,25 +194,25 @@ def SparseTensor_ConvertOp : SparseTensor_Op<"convert",
   let hasVerifier = 1;
-def SparseTensor_ToPointersOp : SparseTensor_Op<"pointers", [Pure]>,
-    Arguments<(ins AnySparseTensor:$tensor, IndexAttr:$dimension)>,
+def SparseTensor_ToPositionsOp : SparseTensor_Op<"positions", [Pure]>,
+    Arguments<(ins AnySparseTensor:$tensor, LevelAttr:$level)>,
     Results<(outs AnyStridedMemRefOfRank<1>:$result)> {
-  let summary = "Extracts pointers array at given dimension from a tensor";
+  let summary = "Extracts the `level`-th positions array of the `tensor`";
   let description = [{
-    Returns the pointers array of the sparse storage format at the
-    given dimension for the given sparse tensor. This is similar to the
-    `bufferization.to_memref` operation in the sense that it provides a bridge
-    between a tensor world view and a bufferized world view. Unlike the
-    `bufferization.to_memref` operation, however, this sparse operation actually
-    lowers into code that extracts the pointers array from the sparse storage
-    scheme (either by calling a support library or through direct code).
+    Returns the positions array of the tensor's storage at the given
+    level.  This is similar to the `bufferization.to_memref` operation
+    in the sense that it provides a bridge between a tensor world view
+    and a bufferized world view.  Unlike the `bufferization.to_memref`
+    operation, however, this sparse operation actually lowers into code
+    that extracts the positions array from the sparse storage itself
+    (either by calling a support library or through direct code).
     Writing into the result of this operation is undefined behavior.
-    %1 = sparse_tensor.pointers %0 { dimension = 1 : index }
+    %1 = sparse_tensor.positions %0 { level = 1 : index }
        : tensor<64x64xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
@@ -208,25 +220,25 @@ def SparseTensor_ToPointersOp : SparseTensor_Op<"pointers", [Pure]>,
   let hasVerifier = 1;
-def SparseTensor_ToIndicesOp : SparseTensor_Op<"indices", [Pure]>,
-    Arguments<(ins AnySparseTensor:$tensor, IndexAttr:$dimension)>,
+def SparseTensor_ToCoordinatesOp : SparseTensor_Op<"coordinates", [Pure]>,
+    Arguments<(ins AnySparseTensor:$tensor, LevelAttr:$level)>,
     Results<(outs AnyStridedMemRefOfRank<1>:$result)> {
-  let summary = "Extracts indices array at given dimension from a tensor";
+  let summary = "Extracts the `level`-th coordinates array of the `tensor`";
   let description = [{
-    Returns the indices array of the sparse storage format at the
-    given dimension for the given sparse tensor. This is similar to the
-    `bufferization.to_memref` operation in the sense that it provides a bridge
-    between a tensor world view and a bufferized world view. Unlike the
-    `bufferization.to_memref` operation, however, this sparse operation actually
-    lowers into code that extracts the indices array from the sparse storage
-    scheme (either by calling a support library or through direct code).
+    Returns the coordinates array of the tensor's storage at the given
+    level.  This is similar to the `bufferization.to_memref` operation
+    in the sense that it provides a bridge between a tensor world view
+    and a bufferized world view.  Unlike the `bufferization.to_memref`
+    operation, however, this sparse operation actually lowers into code
+    that extracts the coordinates array from the sparse storage itself
+    (either by calling a support library or through direct code).
     Writing into the result of this operation is undefined behavior.
-    %1 = sparse_tensor.indices %0 { dimension = 1 : index }
+    %1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %0 { level = 1 : index }
        : tensor<64x64xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
@@ -234,30 +246,31 @@ def SparseTensor_ToIndicesOp : SparseTensor_Op<"indices", [Pure]>,
   let hasVerifier = 1;
-def SparseTensor_ToIndicesBufferOp : SparseTensor_Op<"indices_buffer", [Pure]>,
+def SparseTensor_ToCoordinatesBufferOp : SparseTensor_Op<"coordinates_buffer", [Pure]>,
     Arguments<(ins AnySparseTensor:$tensor)>,
     Results<(outs AnyStridedMemRefOfRank<1>:$result)> {
-  let summary = "Extracts the linear indices array from a tensor";
+  let summary = "Extracts the linear coordinates array from a tensor";
   let description = [{
-    Returns the linear indices array for a sparse tensor with a trailing COO
-    region with at least two dimensions. It is an error if the tensor doesn't
-    contain such a COO region. This is similar to the `bufferization.to_memref`
-    operation in the sense that it provides a bridge between a tensor world view
-    and a bufferized world view. Unlike the `bufferization.to_memref` operation,
-    however, this sparse operation actually lowers into code that extracts the
-    linear indices array from the sparse storage scheme that stores the indices
-    for the COO region as an array of structures. For example, a 2D COO sparse
-    tensor with two non-zero elements at coordinates (1, 3) and (4, 6) are
-    stored in a linear buffer as (1, 4, 3, 6) instead of two buffer as (1, 4)
-    and (3, 6).
+    Returns the linear coordinates array for a sparse tensor with
+    a trailing COO region with at least two levels.  It is an error
+    if the tensor doesn't contain such a COO region.  This is similar
+    to the `bufferization.to_memref` operation in the sense that it
+    provides a bridge between a tensor world view and a bufferized
+    world view.  Unlike the `bufferization.to_memref` operation,
+    however, this operation actually lowers into code that extracts
+    the linear coordinates array from the sparse storage scheme that
+    stores the coordinates for the COO region as an array of structures.
+    For example, a 2D COO sparse tensor with two non-zero elements at
+    coordinates (1, 3) and (4, 6) are stored in a linear buffer as
+    (1, 4, 3, 6) instead of two buffer as (1, 4) and (3, 6).
     Writing into the result of this operation is undefined behavior.
-    %1 = sparse_tensor.indices_buffer %0
-    : tensor<64x64xf64, #COO> to memref<?xindex>
+    %1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates_buffer %0
+       : tensor<64x64xf64, #COO> to memref<?xindex>
   let assemblyFormat = "$tensor attr-dict `:` type($tensor) `to` type($result)";
@@ -348,8 +361,9 @@ def SparseTensor_StorageSpecifierInitOp : SparseTensor_Op<"storage_specifier.ini
     Results<(outs SparseTensorStorageSpecifier:$result)> {
   let summary = "";
   let description = [{
-    Returns an initial storage specifier value. A storage specifier value holds
-    the sizes for tensor dimensions, pointer arrays, index arrays, and the value array.
+    Returns an initial storage specifier value.  A storage specifier
+    value holds the level-sizes, position arrays, coordinate arrays,
+    and the value array.
@@ -364,22 +378,22 @@ def SparseTensor_StorageSpecifierInitOp : SparseTensor_Op<"storage_specifier.ini
 def SparseTensor_GetStorageSpecifierOp : SparseTensor_Op<"storage_specifier.get", [Pure]>,
     Arguments<(ins SparseTensorStorageSpecifier:$specifier,
-                   OptionalAttr<IndexAttr>:$dim)>,
+                   OptionalAttr<LevelAttr>:$level)>,
     Results<(outs Index:$result)> {
   let summary = "";
   let description = [{
     Returns the requested field of the given storage_specifier.
-    Example of querying the size of the index array for level 0:
+    Example of querying the size of the coordinates array for level 0:
-    %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 idx_mem_sz at 0
+    %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 crd_mem_sz at 0
          : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#COO>
-  let assemblyFormat = "$specifier $specifierKind (`at` $dim^)? attr-dict `:` "
-                       "qualified(type($specifier))";
+  let assemblyFormat = "$specifier $specifierKind (`at` $level^)? attr-dict"
+                       "`:` qualified(type($specifier))";
   let hasVerifier = 1;
   let hasFolder = 1;
@@ -388,7 +402,7 @@ def SparseTensor_SetStorageSpecifierOp : SparseTensor_Op<"storage_specifier.set"
     [Pure, AllTypesMatch<["result", "specifier"]>]>,
     Arguments<(ins SparseTensorStorageSpecifier:$specifier,
-                   OptionalAttr<IndexAttr>:$dim,
+                   OptionalAttr<LevelAttr>:$level,
     Results<(outs SparseTensorStorageSpecifier:$result)> {
   let summary = "";
@@ -396,16 +410,15 @@ def SparseTensor_SetStorageSpecifierOp : SparseTensor_Op<"storage_specifier.set"
     Set the field of the storage specifier to the given input value. Returns
     the updated storage_specifier as a new SSA value.
-    Example of updating the sizes of the index array for level 0:
+    Example of updating the sizes of the coordinates array for level 0:
-    %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %arg0 idx_mem_sz at 0 with %new_sz
+    %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %arg0 crd_mem_sz at 0 with %new_sz
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#COO>
-  let assemblyFormat = "$specifier $specifierKind (`at` $dim^)? `with` $value attr-dict `:` "
-                       "qualified(type($result))";
+  let assemblyFormat = "$specifier $specifierKind (`at` $level^)? `with` $value"
+                       " attr-dict `:` qualified(type($result))";
   let hasVerifier = 1;
@@ -429,16 +442,16 @@ def SparseTensor_NumberOfEntriesOp : SparseTensor_Op<"number_of_entries", [Pure]
 def SparseTensor_ConcatenateOp : SparseTensor_Op<"concatenate", [Pure]>,
-    Arguments<(ins Variadic<AnyRankedTensor>:$inputs, IndexAttr:$dimension)>,
+    Arguments<(ins Variadic<AnyRankedTensor>:$inputs, DimensionAttr:$dimension)>,
     Results<(outs AnyRankedTensor:$result)> {
   let summary = "Concatenates a list of tensors into a single tensor.";
   let description = [{
-     Concatenates a list input tensors and the output tensor with the same rank.
-     The concatenation happens on the specified `dimension` (0<= dimension < rank).
-     The resulting `dimension` size is the sum of all the input dimension sizes,
-     while all the other dimensions should have the same size in the input and
-     output tensors.
+     Concatenates a list input tensors and the output tensor with the same
+     dimension-rank.  The concatenation happens on the specified `dimension`
+     (0 <= dimension < dimRank).  The resulting `dimension` size is the
+     sum of all the input sizes for that dimension, while all the other
+     dimensions should have the same size in the input and output tensors.
      Only statically-sized input tensors are accepted, while the output tensor
      can be dynamically-sized.
@@ -470,24 +483,23 @@ def SparseTensor_InsertOp : SparseTensor_Op<"insert",
      AllTypesMatch<["tensor", "result"]>]>,
     Arguments<(ins AnyType:$value,
-               Variadic<Index>:$indices)>,
+               Variadic<Index>:$lvlCoords)>,
     Results<(outs AnySparseTensor:$result)> {
-  string summary = "Inserts a value into given sparse tensor";
+  string summary = "Inserts a value into the sparse tensor";
   string description = [{
-    Inserts the given value at given indices into the underlying
-    sparse storage format of the given tensor with the given indices.
-    The arity of indices must match the rank of the tensor. This
-    operation can only be applied when a tensor materializes unintialized
-    with a `bufferization.alloc_tensor` operation and the final tensor
-    is constructed with a `load` operation that has the `hasInserts`
-    attribute set.
-    Properties in the sparse tensor type fully describe what kind
-    of insertion order is allowed. When all dimensions have "unique"
+    Inserts the value into the underlying storage of the tensor at the
+    given level-coordinates.  The arity of `lvlCoords` must match the
+    level-rank of the tensor.  This operation can only be applied when
+    the tensor materializes unintialized from a `bufferization.alloc_tensor`
+    operation and the final tensor is constructed with a `load` operation
+    which has the `hasInserts` attribute set.
+    The level-properties of the sparse tensor type fully describe what
+    kind of insertion order is allowed.  When all levels have "unique"
     and "ordered" properties, for example, insertions should occur in
-    strict lexicographical index order. Other properties define
diff erent insertion regimens. Inserting in a way contrary to
-    these properties results in undefined behavior.
+    strict lexicographical level-coordinate order.  Other properties
+    define 
diff erent insertion regimens.  Inserting in a way contrary
+    to these properties results in undefined behavior.
     Note that this operation is "impure" in the sense that even though
     the result is modeled through an SSA value, the insertion is eventually
@@ -501,7 +513,8 @@ def SparseTensor_InsertOp : SparseTensor_Op<"insert",
     %result = sparse_tensor.insert %val into %tensor[%i,%j] : tensor<1024x1024xf64, #CSR>
-  let assemblyFormat = "$value `into` $tensor `[` $indices `]` attr-dict `:` type($tensor)";
+  let assemblyFormat = "$value `into` $tensor `[` $lvlCoords `]` attr-dict"
+                       "`:` type($tensor)";
   let hasVerifier = 1;
@@ -580,7 +593,7 @@ def SparseTensor_ExpandOp : SparseTensor_Op<"expand", []>,
                   Index:$count)> {
   string summary = "Expands an access pattern for insertion";
   string description = [{
-    Performs an access pattern expansion for the innermost dimensions of the
+    Performs an access pattern expansion for the innermost levels of the
     given tensor. This operation is useful to implement kernels in which a
     sparse tensor appears as output. This technique is known under several
diff erent names and using several alternative implementations,
@@ -588,15 +601,17 @@ def SparseTensor_ExpandOp : SparseTensor_Op<"expand", []>,
     [Pissanetzky84], in phase scan [Duff90], access pattern expansion [Bik96],
     and workspaces [Kjolstad19].
-    The values and filled array have sizes that suffice for a *dense* innermost
-    dimension (e.g. a full row for matrices). The added array and count are used
-    to store new indices when a false value is encountered in the filled array.
-    All arrays should be allocated before the loop (possibly even shared between
-    loops in a future optimization) so that their *dense* initialization can be
-    amortized over many iterations. Setting and resetting the dense arrays in
-    the loop nest itself is kept *sparse* by only iterating over set elements
-    through an indirection using the added array, so that the operations are
-    kept proportional to the number of nonzeros.
+    The `values` and `filled` arrays must have lengths equal to the
+    level-size of the innermost level (i.e., as if the innermost level
+    were *dense*).  The `added` array and `count` are used to store new
+    level-coordinates when a false value is encountered in the `filled`
+    array.  All arrays should be allocated before the loop (possibly even
+    shared between loops in a future optimization) so that their *dense*
+    initialization can be amortized over many iterations.  Setting and
+    resetting the dense arrays in the loop nest itself is kept *sparse*
+    by only iterating over set elements through an indirection using
+    the added array, so that the operations are kept proportional to
+    the number of nonzeros.
     Note that this operation is "impure" in the sense that even though the
     results are modeled through SSA values, the operation relies on a proper
@@ -620,18 +635,19 @@ def SparseTensor_CompressOp : SparseTensor_Op<"compress",
-                   Variadic<Index>:$indices)>,
+                   Variadic<Index>:$lvlCoords)>,
     Results<(outs AnySparseTensor:$result)> {
   string summary = "Compressed an access pattern for insertion";
   string description = [{
     Finishes a single access pattern expansion by moving inserted elements
     into the sparse storage scheme of the given tensor with the given
-    indices. The arity of indices is one less than the rank of the tensor,
-    with the remainder innermost indices defined through the added array.
-    The values and filled array are reset in a *sparse* fashion by only
-    iterating over set elements through an indirection using the added
-    array, so that the operations are kept proportional to the number of
-    nonzeros. See the `sparse_tensor.expand` operation for more details.
+    level-coordinates.  The arity of `lvlCoords` is one less than the
+    level-rank of the tensor, with the coordinate of the innermost
+    level defined through the `added` array.  The `values` and `filled`
+    arrays are reset in a *sparse* fashion by only iterating over set
+    elements through an indirection using the `added` array, so that
+    the operations are kept proportional to the number of nonzeros.
+    See the `sparse_tensor.expand` operation for more details.
     Note that this operation is "impure" in the sense that even though
     the result is modeled through an SSA value, the insertion is eventually
@@ -645,7 +661,7 @@ def SparseTensor_CompressOp : SparseTensor_Op<"compress",
   let assemblyFormat = "$values `,` $filled `,` $added `,` $count"
-                       " `into` $tensor `[` $indices `]` attr-dict"
+                       " `into` $tensor `[` $lvlCoords `]` attr-dict"
                        " `:` type($values) `,` type($filled) `,` type($added)"
                        " `,` type($tensor)";
   let hasVerifier = 1;
@@ -1161,17 +1177,16 @@ def SparseTensor_ForeachOp : SparseTensor_Op<"foreach",
      the dimensions are visited (e.g., row first or column first). This is only
      applicable when the input tensor is a non-annotated dense tensor.
-     For an input tensor with rank n, the block must take n + 1 (and additional loop
-     carried variables as described below) arguments. The first n arguments must be
-     Index type, together indicating the current coordinates of the element being visited.
-     The last argument must have the same type as the
-     tensor's element type, representing the actual value loaded from the input
-     tensor at the given coordinates.
+     For an input tensor with dim-rank `n`, the block must take `n + 1`
+     arguments (plus additional loop-carried variables as described below).
+     The first `n` arguments provide the dimension-coordinates of the element
+     being visited, and must all have `index` type.  The `(n+1)`-th argument
+     provides the element's value, and must have the tensor's element type.
      `sparse_tensor.foreach` can also operate on loop-carried variables and returns
      the final values after loop termination. The initial values of the variables are
      passed as additional SSA operands to the "sparse_tensor.foreach" following the n + 1
-     SSA values mentioned above (n coordinate and 1 value).
+     SSA values mentioned above (n coordinates and 1 value).
      The region must terminate with a "sparse_tensor.yield" that passes the current
      values of all loop-carried variables to the next iteration, or to the
@@ -1188,9 +1203,10 @@ def SparseTensor_ForeachOp : SparseTensor_Op<"foreach",
-     It is important to note that foreach generated loop iterates over the stored elements
-     in the storage order. However, no matter what storage order is used, the indices passed
-     to the block always obey the original dimension order.
+     It is important to note that the generated loop iterates over
+     elements in their storage order.  However, regardless of the
+     storage scheme used by the tensor, the block is always given
+     the dimension-coordinates.
      For example:

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorType.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorType.h
index c2adc2694e3ef..6b6163e75fdeb 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorType.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorType.h
@@ -226,22 +226,20 @@ class SparseTensorType {
   bool isOrderedLvl(Level l) const { return isOrderedDLT(getLvlType(l)); }
   bool isUniqueLvl(Level l) const { return isUniqueDLT(getLvlType(l)); }
-  /// Returns the index-overhead bitwidth, defaulting to zero.
-  unsigned getIndexBitWidth() const { return enc ? enc.getIndexBitWidth() : 0; }
+  /// Returns the coordinate-overhead bitwidth, defaulting to zero.
+  unsigned getCrdWidth() const { return enc ? enc.getCrdWidth() : 0; }
-  /// Returns the pointer-overhead bitwidth, defaulting to zero.
-  unsigned getPointerBitWidth() const {
-    return enc ? enc.getPointerBitWidth() : 0;
-  }
+  /// Returns the position-overhead bitwidth, defaulting to zero.
+  unsigned getPosWidth() const { return enc ? enc.getPosWidth() : 0; }
-  /// Returns the index-overhead MLIR type, defaulting to `IndexType`.
-  Type getIndexType() const {
-    return detail::getIntegerOrIndexType(getContext(), getIndexBitWidth());
+  /// Returns the coordinate-overhead MLIR type, defaulting to `IndexType`.
+  Type getCrdType() const {
+    return detail::getIntegerOrIndexType(getContext(), getCrdWidth());
-  /// Returns the pointer-overhead MLIR type, defaulting to `IndexType`.
-  Type getPointerType() const {
-    return detail::getIntegerOrIndexType(getContext(), getPointerBitWidth());
+  /// Returns the position-overhead MLIR type, defaulting to `IndexType`.
+  Type getPosType() const {
+    return detail::getIntegerOrIndexType(getContext(), getPosWidth());

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorTypes.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorTypes.td
index 3ae40d625c8a2..9a8c13ea810c2 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorTypes.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorTypes.td
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ def SparseTensor_StorageSpecifier : SparseTensor_Type<"StorageSpecifier"> {
     encoding ::= attribute-value
-    Values with storage_specifier types represent aggregated storage scheme metadata
-    for the given sparse tensor encoding.
-    It currently holds a set of values for sizes of sparse tensor dimension, index array,
-    pointer array and value array.
-    Note that the type is not yet stable and subject to change in the near future.
+    Values with storage_specifier types represent aggregated storage scheme
+    metadata for the given sparse tensor encoding.  It currently holds
+    a set of values for level-sizes, coordinate arrays, position arrays,
+    and value array.  Note that the type is not yet stable and subject to
+    change in the near future.

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/COO.h b/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/COO.h
index d004fe3e6ebb8..6f66a3884d649 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/COO.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/COO.h
@@ -27,24 +27,24 @@ namespace mlir {
 namespace sparse_tensor {
 /// An element of a sparse tensor in coordinate-scheme representation
-/// (i.e., a pair of indices and value).  For example, a rank-1 vector
-/// element would look like
+/// (i.e., a pair of coordinates and value).  For example, a rank-1
+/// vector element would look like
 ///   ({i}, a[i])
 /// and a rank-5 tensor element would look like
 ///   ({i,j,k,l,m}, a[i,j,k,l,m])
-/// The indices are represented as a (non-owning) pointer into a shared
-/// pool of indices, rather than being stored directly in this object.
-/// This significantly improves performance because it: (1) reduces
-/// the per-element memory footprint, and (2) centralizes the memory
-/// management for indices.  The only downside is that the indices
-/// themselves cannot be retrieved without knowing the rank of the
-/// tensor to which this element belongs (and that rank is not stored
-/// in this object).
+/// The coordinates are represented as a (non-owning) pointer into
+/// a shared pool of coordinates, rather than being stored directly in
+/// this object.  This significantly improves performance because it:
+/// (1) reduces the per-element memory footprint, and (2) centralizes
+/// the memory management for coordinates.  The only downside is that
+/// the coordinates themselves cannot be retrieved without knowing the
+/// rank of the tensor to which this element belongs (and that rank is
+/// not stored in this object).
 template <typename V>
 struct Element final {
-  Element(const uint64_t *ind, V val) : indices(ind), value(val){};
-  const uint64_t *indices; // pointer into shared index pool
+  Element(const uint64_t *coords, V val) : coords(coords), value(val){};
+  const uint64_t *coords; // pointer into shared coordinates pool
   V value;
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ struct ElementLT final {
   /// Precondition: the elements must both be valid for `rank`.
   bool operator()(const Element<V> &e1, const Element<V> &e2) const {
     for (uint64_t d = 0; d < rank; ++d) {
-      if (e1.indices[d] == e2.indices[d])
+      if (e1.coords[d] == e2.coords[d])
-      return e1.indices[d] < e2.indices[d];
+      return e1.coords[d] < e2.coords[d];
     return false;
@@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ class SparseTensorCOO final {
       assert(dimSizes[d] > 0 && "Dimension size zero has trivial storage");
     if (capacity) {
-      indices.reserve(capacity * dimRank);
+      coordinates.reserve(capacity * dimRank);
-  /// Gets the rank of the tensor.
+  /// Gets the dimension-rank of the tensor.
   uint64_t getRank() const { return dimSizes.size(); }
   /// Gets the dimension-sizes array.
@@ -149,37 +149,38 @@ class SparseTensorCOO final {
   ElementLT<V> getElementLT() const { return ElementLT<V>(getRank()); }
   /// Adds an element to the tensor.  This method does not check whether
-  /// `ind` is already associated with a value, it adds it regardless.
+  /// `dimCoords` is already associated with a value, it adds it regardless.
   /// Resolving such conflicts is left up to clients of the iterator
   /// interface.
   /// This method invalidates all iterators.
   /// Asserts:
-  /// * the `ind` is valid for `rank`
-  /// * the elements of `ind` are valid for `dimSizes`.
-  void add(const std::vector<uint64_t> &ind, V val) {
-    const uint64_t *base = indices.data();
-    uint64_t size = indices.size();
-    uint64_t rank = getRank();
-    assert(ind.size() == rank && "Element rank mismatch");
-    for (uint64_t r = 0; r < rank; ++r) {
-      assert(ind[r] < dimSizes[r] && "Index is too large for the dimension");
-      indices.push_back(ind[r]);
+  /// * the `dimCoords` is valid for `getRank`.
+  /// * the components of `dimCoords` are valid for `getDimSizes`.
+  void add(const std::vector<uint64_t> &dimCoords, V val) {
+    const uint64_t *base = coordinates.data();
+    const uint64_t size = coordinates.size();
+    const uint64_t dimRank = getRank();
+    assert(dimCoords.size() == dimRank && "Element rank mismatch");
+    for (uint64_t d = 0; d < dimRank; ++d) {
+      assert(dimCoords[d] < dimSizes[d] &&
+             "Coordinate is too large for the dimension");
+      coordinates.push_back(dimCoords[d]);
-    // This base only changes if indices were reallocated. In that case, we
-    // need to correct all previous pointers into the vector. Note that this
-    // only happens if we did not set the initial capacity right, and then only
-    // for every internal vector reallocation (which with the doubling rule
-    // should only incur an amortized linear overhead).
-    const uint64_t *newBase = indices.data();
+    // This base only changes if `coordinates` was reallocated.  In which
+    // case, we need to correct all previous pointers into the vector.
+    // Note that this only happens if we did not set the initial capacity
+    // right, and then only for every internal vector reallocation (which
+    // with the doubling rule should only incur an amortized linear overhead).
+    const uint64_t *const newBase = coordinates.data();
     if (newBase != base) {
       for (uint64_t i = 0, n = elements.size(); i < n; ++i)
-        elements[i].indices = newBase + (elements[i].indices - base);
+        elements[i].coords = newBase + (elements[i].coords - base);
       base = newBase;
     // Add the new element and update the sorted bit.
-    Element<V> addedElem(base + size, val);
+    const Element<V> addedElem(base + size, val);
     if (!elements.empty() && isSorted)
       isSorted = getElementLT()(elements.back(), addedElem);
@@ -188,8 +189,9 @@ class SparseTensorCOO final {
   const_iterator begin() const { return elements.cbegin(); }
   const_iterator end() const { return elements.cend(); }
-  /// Sorts elements lexicographically by index.  If an index is mapped to
-  /// multiple values, then the relative order of those values is unspecified.
+  /// Sorts elements lexicographically by coordinates.  If a coordinate
+  /// is mapped to multiple values, then the relative order of those
+  /// values is unspecified.
   /// This method invalidates all iterators.
   void sort() {
@@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ class SparseTensorCOO final {
   const std::vector<uint64_t> dimSizes; // per-dimension sizes
   std::vector<Element<V>> elements;     // all COO elements
-  std::vector<uint64_t> indices;        // shared index pool
+  std::vector<uint64_t> coordinates;    // shared coordinate pool
   bool isSorted;

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/File.h b/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/File.h
index d8382de72630e..8d5eb48f38048 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/File.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/File.h
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ struct is_complex<std::complex<T>> final : public std::true_type {};
 /// then returns an arbitrary value.  If `IsPattern` is false, then
 /// reads the value from the current line buffer beginning at `linePtr`.
 template <typename V, bool IsPattern>
-inline std::enable_if_t<!is_complex<V>::value, V> readCOOValue(char **linePtr) {
+inline std::enable_if_t<!is_complex<V>::value, V> readValue(char **linePtr) {
   // The external formats always store these numerical values with the type
   // double, but we cast these values to the sparse tensor object type.
   // For a pattern tensor, we arbitrarily pick the value 1 for all entries.
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ inline std::enable_if_t<!is_complex<V>::value, V> readCOOValue(char **linePtr) {
 /// then returns an arbitrary value.  If `IsPattern` is false, then reads
 /// the value from the current line buffer beginning at `linePtr`.
 template <typename V, bool IsPattern>
-inline std::enable_if_t<is_complex<V>::value, V> readCOOValue(char **linePtr) {
+inline std::enable_if_t<is_complex<V>::value, V> readValue(char **linePtr) {
   // Read two values to make a complex. The external formats always store
   // numerical values with the type double, but we cast these values to the
   // sparse tensor object type. For a pattern tensor, we arbitrarily pick the
@@ -72,14 +72,12 @@ inline std::enable_if_t<is_complex<V>::value, V> readCOOValue(char **linePtr) {
   return V(re, im);
-/// Returns an element-value.  If `is_pattern` is true, then returns an
-/// arbitrary value.  If `is_pattern` is false, then reads the value from
+/// Returns an element-value.  If `isPattern` is true, then returns an
+/// arbitrary value.  If `isPattern` is false, then reads the value from
 /// the current line buffer beginning at `linePtr`.
 template <typename V>
-inline V readCOOValue(char **linePtr, bool is_pattern) {
-  if (is_pattern)
-    return readCOOValue<V, true>(linePtr);
-  return readCOOValue<V, false>(linePtr);
+inline V readValue(char **linePtr, bool isPattern) {
+  return isPattern ? readValue<V, true>(linePtr) : readValue<V, false>(linePtr);
 } // namespace detail
@@ -171,15 +169,17 @@ class SparseTensorReader final {
     return isSymmetric_;
-  /// Gets the rank of the tensor.  Is only valid after parsing the header.
+  /// Gets the dimension-rank of the tensor.  Is only valid after parsing
+  /// the header.
   uint64_t getRank() const {
     assert(isValid() && "Attempt to getRank() before readHeader()");
     return idata[0];
-  /// Gets the number of non-zeros.  Is only valid after parsing the header.
-  uint64_t getNNZ() const {
-    assert(isValid() && "Attempt to getNNZ() before readHeader()");
+  /// Gets the number of stored elements.  Is only valid after parsing
+  /// the header.
+  uint64_t getNSE() const {
+    assert(isValid() && "Attempt to getNSE() before readHeader()");
     return idata[1];
@@ -201,23 +201,22 @@ class SparseTensorReader final {
   /// Reads a sparse tensor element from the next line in the input file and
   /// returns the value of the element. Stores the coordinates of the element
-  /// to the `indices` array.
+  /// to the `dimCoords` array.
   template <typename V>
-  V readCOOElement(uint64_t rank, uint64_t *indices) {
-    assert(rank == getRank() && "rank mismatch");
-    char *linePtr = readCOOIndices(indices);
-    return detail::readCOOValue<V>(&linePtr, isPattern());
+  V readElement(uint64_t dimRank, uint64_t *dimCoords) {
+    assert(dimRank == getRank() && "rank mismatch");
+    char *linePtr = readCoords(dimCoords);
+    return detail::readValue<V>(&linePtr, isPattern());
   /// Allocates a new COO object for `lvlSizes`, initializes it by reading
-  /// all the elements from the file and applying `dim2lvl` to their indices,
-  /// and then closes the file.
+  /// all the elements from the file and applying `dim2lvl` to their
+  /// dim-coordinates, and then closes the file.
   /// Preconditions:
   /// * `lvlSizes` must be valid for `lvlRank`.
   /// * `dim2lvl` must be valid for `getRank()`.
-  /// * `dim2lvl` maps indices valid for `getDimSizes()` to indices
-  ///   valid for `lvlSizes`.
+  /// * `dim2lvl` maps `getDimSizes()`-coordinates to `lvlSizes`-coordinates.
   /// * the file's actual value type can be read as `V`.
   /// Asserts:
@@ -263,22 +262,22 @@ class SparseTensorReader final {
   void readLine();
   /// Reads the next line of the input file and parses the coordinates
-  /// into the `indices` argument.  Returns the position in the `line`
+  /// into the `dimCoords` argument.  Returns the position in the `line`
   /// buffer where the element's value should be parsed from.  This method
-  /// has been factored out from `readCOOElement` to minimize code bloat
+  /// has been factored out from `readElement` to minimize code bloat
   /// for the generated library.
-  /// Precondition: `indices` is valid for `getRank()`.
-  template <typename I>
-  char *readCOOIndices(I *indices) {
+  /// Precondition: `dimCoords` is valid for `getRank()`.
+  template <typename C>
+  char *readCoords(C *dimCoords) {
     // Local variable for tracking the parser's position in the `line` buffer.
     char *linePtr = line;
     for (uint64_t dimRank = getRank(), d = 0; d < dimRank; ++d) {
-      // Parse the 1-based index.
-      uint64_t idx = strtoul(linePtr, &linePtr, 10);
-      // Store the 0-based index.
-      indices[d] = static_cast<I>(idx - 1);
+      // Parse the 1-based coordinate.
+      uint64_t c = strtoul(linePtr, &linePtr, 10);
+      // Store the 0-based coordinate.
+      dimCoords[d] = static_cast<C>(c - 1);
     return linePtr;
@@ -334,8 +333,8 @@ SparseTensorCOO<V> *SparseTensorReader::readCOO(uint64_t lvlRank,
   const uint64_t dimRank = getRank();
   assert(lvlRank == dimRank && "Rank mismatch");
   detail::PermutationRef d2l(dimRank, dim2lvl);
-  // Prepare a COO object with the number of nonzeros as initial capacity.
-  auto *lvlCOO = new SparseTensorCOO<V>(lvlRank, lvlSizes, getNNZ());
+  // Prepare a COO object with the number of stored elems as initial capacity.
+  auto *lvlCOO = new SparseTensorCOO<V>(lvlRank, lvlSizes, getNSE());
   // Do some manual LICM, to avoid assertions in the for-loop.
   const bool IsPattern = isPattern();
   if (IsPattern)
@@ -352,17 +351,17 @@ void SparseTensorReader::readCOOLoop(uint64_t lvlRank,
                                      detail::PermutationRef dim2lvl,
                                      SparseTensorCOO<V> *lvlCOO) {
   const uint64_t dimRank = getRank();
-  std::vector<uint64_t> dimInd(dimRank);
-  std::vector<uint64_t> lvlInd(lvlRank);
-  for (uint64_t nnz = getNNZ(), k = 0; k < nnz; ++k) {
-    // We inline `readCOOElement` here in order to avoid redundant
+  std::vector<uint64_t> dimCoords(dimRank);
+  std::vector<uint64_t> lvlCoords(lvlRank);
+  for (uint64_t nse = getNSE(), k = 0; k < nse; ++k) {
+    // We inline `readElement` here in order to avoid redundant
     // assertions, since they're guaranteed by the call to `isValid()`
-    // and the construction of `dimInd` above.
-    char *linePtr = readCOOIndices(dimInd.data());
-    const V value = detail::readCOOValue<V, IsPattern>(&linePtr);
-    dim2lvl.pushforward(dimRank, dimInd.data(), lvlInd.data());
+    // and the construction of `dimCoords` above.
+    char *linePtr = readCoords(dimCoords.data());
+    const V value = detail::readValue<V, IsPattern>(&linePtr);
+    dim2lvl.pushforward(dimRank, dimCoords.data(), lvlCoords.data());
     // TODO: <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/54179>
-    lvlCOO->add(lvlInd, value);
+    lvlCOO->add(lvlCoords, value);
@@ -371,6 +370,10 @@ bool SparseTensorReader::readToBuffers(uint64_t lvlRank,
                                        const uint64_t *dim2lvl,
                                        C *lvlCoordinates, V *values) {
   assert(isValid() && "Attempt to readCOO() before readHeader()");
+  // Construct a `PermutationRef` for the `pushforward` below.
+  // TODO: This specific implementation does not generalize to arbitrary
+  // mappings, but once we functionalize the `dim2lvl` argument we can
+  // simply use that function instead.
   const uint64_t dimRank = getRank();
   assert(lvlRank == dimRank && "Rank mismatch");
   detail::PermutationRef d2l(dimRank, dim2lvl);
@@ -391,19 +394,19 @@ bool SparseTensorReader::readToBuffersLoop(uint64_t lvlRank,
                                            detail::PermutationRef dim2lvl,
                                            C *lvlCoordinates, V *values) {
   const uint64_t dimRank = getRank();
-  const uint64_t nse = getNNZ();
+  const uint64_t nse = getNSE();
   std::vector<C> dimCoords(dimRank);
   // Read the first element with isSorted=false as a way to avoid accessing its
   // previous element.
   bool isSorted = false;
   char *linePtr;
-  // We inline `readCOOElement` here in order to avoid redundant assertions,
+  // We inline `readElement` here in order to avoid redundant assertions,
   // since they're guaranteed by the call to `isValid()` and the construction
   // of `dimCoords` above.
-  auto readElement = [&]() {
-    linePtr = readCOOIndices<C>(dimCoords.data());
+  const auto readNextElement = [&]() {
+    linePtr = readCoords<C>(dimCoords.data());
     dim2lvl.pushforward(dimRank, dimCoords.data(), lvlCoordinates);
-    *values = detail::readCOOValue<V, IsPattern>(&linePtr);
+    *values = detail::readValue<V, IsPattern>(&linePtr);
     if (isSorted) {
       // Note that isSorted was set to false while reading the first element,
       // to guarantee the safeness of using prevLvlCoords.
@@ -421,10 +424,10 @@ bool SparseTensorReader::readToBuffersLoop(uint64_t lvlRank,
     lvlCoordinates += lvlRank;
-  readElement();
+  readNextElement();
   isSorted = true;
   for (uint64_t n = 1; n < nse; ++n)
-    readElement();
+    readNextElement();
   return isSorted;
@@ -434,21 +437,21 @@ template <typename V>
 inline void writeExtFROSTT(const SparseTensorCOO<V> &coo,
                            const char *filename) {
   assert(filename && "Got nullptr for filename");
-  auto &dimSizes = coo.getDimSizes();
-  auto &elements = coo.getElements();
-  const uint64_t rank = coo.getRank();
-  const uint64_t nnz = elements.size();
+  const auto &dimSizes = coo.getDimSizes();
+  const auto &elements = coo.getElements();
+  const uint64_t dimRank = coo.getRank();
+  const uint64_t nse = elements.size();
   std::fstream file;
   file.open(filename, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-  file << "; extended FROSTT format\n" << rank << " " << nnz << std::endl;
-  for (uint64_t r = 0; r < rank - 1; ++r)
-    file << dimSizes[r] << " ";
-  file << dimSizes[rank - 1] << std::endl;
-  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < nnz; ++i) {
-    auto &idx = elements[i].indices;
-    for (uint64_t r = 0; r < rank; ++r)
-      file << (idx[r] + 1) << " ";
+  file << "; extended FROSTT format\n" << dimRank << " " << nse << std::endl;
+  for (uint64_t d = 0; d < dimRank - 1; ++d)
+    file << dimSizes[d] << " ";
+  file << dimSizes[dimRank - 1] << std::endl;
+  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < nse; ++i) {
+    const auto &coords = elements[i].coords;
+    for (uint64_t d = 0; d < dimRank; ++d)
+      file << (coords[d] + 1) << " ";
     file << elements[i].value << std::endl;

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/Storage.h b/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/Storage.h
index c5e310937efe4..c38ed59068be5 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/Storage.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/Storage.h
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
 // This file contains definitions for the following classes:
 // * `SparseTensorStorageBase`
-// * `SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>`
+// * `SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>`
 // * `SparseTensorEnumeratorBase<V>`
-// * `SparseTensorEnumerator<P, I, V>`
+// * `SparseTensorEnumerator<P, C, V>`
 // * `SparseTensorNNZ`
 // Ideally we would split the storage classes and enumerator classes
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ class SparseTensorEnumeratorBase;
 // These macros ensure consistent error messages, without risk of incuring
 // an additional method call to do so.
 #define ASSERT_VALID_DIM(d)                                                    \
-  assert(d < getDimRank() && "Dimension index is out of bounds");
+  assert(d < getDimRank() && "Dimension is out of bounds");
 #define ASSERT_VALID_LVL(l)                                                    \
-  assert(l < getLvlRank() && "Level index is out of bounds");
+  assert(l < getLvlRank() && "Level is out of bounds");
 #define ASSERT_COMPRESSED_LVL(l)                                               \
   assert(isCompressedLvl(l) && "Level is not compressed");
 #define ASSERT_COMPRESSED_OR_SINGLETON_LVL(l)                                  \
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ class SparseTensorEnumeratorBase;
 // retained for the sake of future-proofing.
 #define ASSERT_DENSE_DLT(dlt) assert(isDenseDLT(dlt) && "Level is not dense");
-/// Abstract base class for `SparseTensorStorage<P,I,V>`.  This class
-/// takes responsibility for all the `<P,I,V>`-independent aspects
+/// Abstract base class for `SparseTensorStorage<P,C,V>`.  This class
+/// takes responsibility for all the `<P,C,V>`-independent aspects
 /// of the tensor (e.g., shape, sparsity, permutation).  In addition,
 /// we use function overloading to implement "partial" method
 /// specialization, which the C-API relies on to catch type errors
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class SparseTensorEnumeratorBase;
 /// and prone to introduce confusion whenever the qualifiers are dropped.
 /// Where necessary, we use "axis" as the generic term.
-/// The *size* of an axis is the cardinality of possible coordinate/index
+/// The *size* of an axis is the cardinality of possible coordinate
 /// values along that axis (regardless of which coordinates have stored
 /// element values).  As such, each size must be non-zero since if any
 /// axis has size-zero then the whole tensor would have trivial storage
@@ -129,8 +129,7 @@ class SparseTensorStorageBase {
   /// * `dimSizes`, `lvlSizes`, `lvlTypes`, and `lvl2dim` must be nonnull.
   /// * `dimSizes` must be valid for `dimRank`.
   /// * `lvlSizes`, `lvlTypes`, and `lvl2dim` must be valid for `lvlRank`.
-  /// * `lvl2dim` must map indices valid for `lvlSizes` to indices valid
-  ///   for `dimSizes`.
+  /// * `lvl2dim` must map `lvlSizes`-coordinates to `dimSizes`-coordinates.
   /// Asserts:
   /// * `dimRank` and `lvlRank` are nonzero.
@@ -213,28 +212,29 @@ class SparseTensorStorageBase {
-  /// Gets pointers-overhead storage.
-#define DECL_GETPOINTERS(PNAME, P)                                             \
-  virtual void getPointers(std::vector<P> **, uint64_t);
+  /// Gets positions-overhead storage for the given level.
+#define DECL_GETPOSITIONS(PNAME, P)                                            \
+  virtual void getPositions(std::vector<P> **, uint64_t);
-  /// Gets indices-overhead storage.
-#define DECL_GETINDICES(INAME, I)                                              \
-  virtual void getIndices(std::vector<I> **, uint64_t);
-  virtual uint64_t getIndex(uint64_t l, uint64_t pos) const = 0;
+  /// Gets coordinates-overhead storage for the given level.
+#define DECL_GETCOORDINATES(INAME, C)                                          \
+  virtual void getCoordinates(std::vector<C> **, uint64_t);
+  /// Gets the coordinate-value stored at the given level and position.
+  virtual uint64_t getCrd(uint64_t lvl, uint64_t pos) const = 0;
   /// Gets primary storage.
 #define DECL_GETVALUES(VNAME, V) virtual void getValues(std::vector<V> **);
-  /// Element-wise insertion in lexicographic index order.  The first
-  /// argument is the level-indices for the value being inserted.
+  /// Element-wise insertion in lexicographic coordinate order.  The first
+  /// argument is the level-coordinates for the value being inserted.
   // TODO: For better safety, this should take a parameter for the
-  // length of `lvlInd` and check that against `getLvlRank()`.
+  // length of `lvlCoords` and check that against `getLvlRank()`.
 #define DECL_LEXINSERT(VNAME, V) virtual void lexInsert(const uint64_t *, V);
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class SparseTensorStorageBase {
   /// iterating over the nonzero elements.
   /// Arguments:
-  /// * `lvlInd` the level-indices shared by the values being inserted.
+  /// * `lvlCoords` the level-coordinates shared by the values being inserted.
   /// * `values` a map from last-level coordinates to their associated value.
   /// * `filled` a map from last-level coordinates to bool, indicating
   ///   whether `values` contains a valid value to be inserted.
@@ -269,22 +269,22 @@ class SparseTensorStorageBase {
 // This forward decl is necessary for defining `SparseTensorStorage`,
 // but isn't sufficient for splitting it off.
-template <typename P, typename I, typename V>
+template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
 class SparseTensorEnumerator;
 /// A memory-resident sparse tensor using a storage scheme based on
-/// per-dimension sparse/dense annotations.  This data structure provides
+/// per-level sparse/dense annotations.  This data structure provides
 /// a bufferized form of a sparse tensor type.  In contrast to generating
 /// setup methods for each 
diff erently annotated sparse tensor, this
 /// method provides a convenient "one-size-fits-all" solution that simply
 /// takes an input tensor and annotations to implement all required setup
 /// in a general manner.
-template <typename P, typename I, typename V>
+template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
 class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   /// Private constructor to share code between the other constructors.
   /// Beware that the object is not necessarily guaranteed to be in a
   /// valid state after this constructor alone; e.g., `isCompressedLvl(l)`
-  /// doesn't entail `!(pointers[l].empty())`.
+  /// doesn't entail `!(positions[l].empty())`.
   /// Preconditions/assertions are as per the `SparseTensorStorageBase` ctor.
   SparseTensorStorage(uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimSizes,
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
                       const DimLevelType *lvlTypes, const uint64_t *lvl2dim)
       : SparseTensorStorageBase(dimRank, dimSizes, lvlRank, lvlSizes, lvlTypes,
-        pointers(lvlRank), indices(lvlRank), lvlCursor(lvlRank) {}
+        positions(lvlRank), coordinates(lvlRank), lvlCursor(lvlRank) {}
   /// Constructs a sparse tensor with the given encoding, and allocates
@@ -339,11 +339,11 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   /// are as per the `SparseTensorStorageBase` ctor; which is to say,
   /// the `dimSizes` and `lvlSizes` must both be "sizes" not "shapes",
   /// since there's nowhere to reconstruct dynamic sizes from.
-  static SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V> *
+  static SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *
   newEmpty(uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimSizes, uint64_t lvlRank,
            const uint64_t *lvlSizes, const DimLevelType *lvlTypes,
            const uint64_t *lvl2dim) {
-    return new SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>(dimRank, dimSizes, lvlRank,
+    return new SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>(dimRank, dimSizes, lvlRank,
                                             lvlSizes, lvlTypes, lvl2dim, true);
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   // that there's a feasible way to do so from within the library itself.
   // Therefore, when we functionalize the `lvl2dim` mapping we'll have
   // to update the type/preconditions of this factory too.
-  static SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V> *
+  static SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *
   newFromCOO(uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimShape, uint64_t lvlRank,
              const DimLevelType *lvlTypes, const uint64_t *lvl2dim,
              SparseTensorCOO<V> &lvlCOO);
@@ -375,9 +375,9 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   /// Preconditions:
   /// * as per the `SparseTensorStorageBase` ctor.
-  /// * `src2lvl` must be valid for `srcRank`, must map indices valid for
-  ///   `source.getDimSizes()` to indices valid for `lvlSizes`, and therefore
-  ///   must be the inverse of `lvl2dim`.
+  /// * `src2lvl` must be valid for `srcRank`, must map coordinates valid
+  ///    for `source.getDimSizes()` to coordinates valid for `lvlSizes`,
+  ///    and therefore must be the inverse of `lvl2dim`.
   /// * `source` must have the same value type `V`.
   /// Asserts:
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   // enable this factory to be used for performing a much larger class of
   // transformations (which can already be handled by the `SparseTensorNNZ`
   // implementation).
-  static SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V> *
+  static SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *
   newFromSparseTensor(uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimShape,
                       uint64_t lvlRank, const uint64_t *lvlSizes,
                       const DimLevelType *lvlTypes, const uint64_t *lvl2dim,
@@ -406,67 +406,67 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   ~SparseTensorStorage() final = default;
   /// Partially specialize these getter methods based on template types.
-  void getPointers(std::vector<P> **out, uint64_t l) final {
+  void getPositions(std::vector<P> **out, uint64_t lvl) final {
     assert(out && "Received nullptr for out parameter");
-    *out = &pointers[l];
+    *out = &positions[lvl];
-  void getIndices(std::vector<I> **out, uint64_t l) final {
+  void getCoordinates(std::vector<C> **out, uint64_t lvl) final {
     assert(out && "Received nullptr for out parameter");
-    *out = &indices[l];
+    *out = &coordinates[lvl];
   void getValues(std::vector<V> **out) final {
     assert(out && "Received nullptr for out parameter");
     *out = &values;
-  uint64_t getIndex(uint64_t l, uint64_t pos) const final {
-    assert(pos < indices[l].size() && "Index position is out of bounds");
-    return indices[l][pos]; // Converts the stored `I` into `uint64_t`.
+  uint64_t getCrd(uint64_t lvl, uint64_t pos) const final {
+    assert(pos < coordinates[lvl].size() && "Position is out of bounds");
+    return coordinates[lvl][pos]; // Converts the stored `C` into `uint64_t`.
   /// Partially specialize lexicographical insertions based on template types.
-  void lexInsert(const uint64_t *lvlInd, V val) final {
-    assert(lvlInd && "Received nullptr for level-indices");
+  void lexInsert(const uint64_t *lvlCoords, V val) final {
+    assert(lvlCoords && "Received nullptr for level-coordinates");
     // First, wrap up pending insertion path.
diff Lvl = 0;
-    uint64_t topIdx = 0;
+    uint64_t full = 0;
     if (!values.empty()) {
diff Lvl = lexDiff(lvlInd);
diff Lvl = lexDiff(lvlCoords);
diff Lvl + 1);
-      topIdx = lvlCursor[
diff Lvl] + 1;
+      full = lvlCursor[
diff Lvl] + 1;
     // Then continue with insertion path.
-    insPath(lvlInd, 
diff Lvl, topIdx, val);
+    insPath(lvlCoords, 
diff Lvl, full, val);
   /// Partially specialize expanded insertions based on template types.
-  void expInsert(uint64_t *lvlInd, V *values, bool *filled, uint64_t *added,
+  void expInsert(uint64_t *lvlCoords, V *values, bool *filled, uint64_t *added,
                  uint64_t count) final {
-    assert((lvlInd && values && filled && added) && "Received nullptr");
+    assert((lvlCoords && values && filled && added) && "Received nullptr");
     if (count == 0)
     // Sort.
     std::sort(added, added + count);
     // Restore insertion path for first insert.
     const uint64_t lastLvl = getLvlRank() - 1;
-    uint64_t index = added[0];
-    assert(filled[index] && "added index is not filled");
-    lvlInd[lastLvl] = index;
-    lexInsert(lvlInd, values[index]);
-    values[index] = 0;
-    filled[index] = false;
+    uint64_t c = added[0];
+    assert(filled[c] && "added coordinate is not filled");
+    lvlCoords[lastLvl] = c;
+    lexInsert(lvlCoords, values[c]);
+    values[c] = 0;
+    filled[c] = false;
     // Subsequent insertions are quick.
     for (uint64_t i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
-      assert(index < added[i] && "non-lexicographic insertion");
-      index = added[i];
-      assert(filled[index] && "added index is not filled");
-      lvlInd[lastLvl] = index;
-      insPath(lvlInd, lastLvl, added[i - 1] + 1, values[index]);
-      values[index] = 0;
-      filled[index] = false;
+      assert(c < added[i] && "non-lexicographic insertion");
+      c = added[i];
+      assert(filled[c] && "added coordinate is not filled");
+      lvlCoords[lastLvl] = c;
+      insPath(lvlCoords, lastLvl, added[i - 1] + 1, values[c]);
+      values[c] = 0;
+      filled[c] = false;
@@ -478,14 +478,14 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
-  /// Allocates a new enumerator for this class's `<P,I,V>` types and
-  /// erase the `<P,I>` parts from the type.  Callers must make sure to
+  /// Allocates a new enumerator for this class's `<P,C,V>` types and
+  /// erase the `<P,C>` parts from the type.  Callers must make sure to
   /// delete the enumerator when they're done with it.
   void newEnumerator(SparseTensorEnumeratorBase<V> **out, uint64_t trgRank,
                      const uint64_t *trgSizes, uint64_t srcRank,
                      const uint64_t *src2trg) const final {
     assert(out && "Received nullptr for out parameter");
-    *out = new SparseTensorEnumerator<P, I, V>(*this, trgRank, trgSizes,
+    *out = new SparseTensorEnumerator<P, C, V>(*this, trgRank, trgSizes,
                                                srcRank, src2trg);
@@ -498,11 +498,11 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   SparseTensorCOO<V> *toCOO(uint64_t trgRank, const uint64_t *trgSizes,
                             uint64_t srcRank, const uint64_t *src2trg) const {
     // We inline `newEnumerator` to avoid virtual dispatch and allocation.
-    SparseTensorEnumerator<P, I, V> enumerator(*this, trgRank, trgSizes,
+    SparseTensorEnumerator<P, C, V> enumerator(*this, trgRank, trgSizes,
                                                srcRank, src2trg);
     auto *coo = new SparseTensorCOO<V>(trgRank, trgSizes, values.size());
-        [&coo](const auto &trgInd, V val) { coo->add(trgInd, val); });
+        [&coo](const auto &trgCoords, V val) { coo->add(trgCoords, val); });
     // TODO: This assertion assumes there are no stored zeros,
     // or if there are then that we don't filter them out.
     // Cf., <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/54179>
@@ -511,58 +511,58 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
-  /// Appends an arbitrary new position to `pointers[l]`.  This method
+  /// Appends an arbitrary new position to `positions[lvl]`.  This method
   /// checks that `pos` is representable in the `P` type; however, it
   /// does not check that `pos` is semantically valid (i.e., larger than
-  /// the previous position and smaller than `indices[l].capacity()`).
-  void appendPointer(uint64_t l, uint64_t pos, uint64_t count = 1) {
+  /// the previous position and smaller than `coordinates[lvl].capacity()`).
+  void appendPos(uint64_t lvl, uint64_t pos, uint64_t count = 1) {
     // TODO: we'd like to recover the nicer error message:
-    // "Pointer value is too large for the P-type"
-    pointers[l].insert(pointers[l].end(), count,
-                       detail::checkOverflowCast<P>(pos));
+    // "Position value is too large for the P-type"
+    positions[lvl].insert(positions[lvl].end(), count,
+                          detail::checkOverflowCast<P>(pos));
-  /// Appends index `i` to level `l`, in the semantically general sense.
-  /// For non-dense levels, that means appending to the `indices[l]` array,
-  /// checking that `i` is representable in the `I` type; however, we do
-  /// not verify other semantic requirements (e.g., that `i` is in bounds
-  /// for `lvlSizes[l]`, and not previously occurring in the same segment).
-  /// For dense levels, this method instead appends the appropriate number
-  /// of zeros to the `values` array, where `full` is the number of "entries"
-  /// already written to `values` for this segment (aka one after the highest
-  /// index previously appended).
-  void appendIndex(uint64_t l, uint64_t full, uint64_t i) {
-    const auto dlt = getLvlType(l); // Avoid redundant bounds checking.
+  /// Appends coordinate `crd` to level `lvl`, in the semantically
+  /// general sense.  For non-dense levels, that means appending to the
+  /// `coordinates[lvl]` array, checking that `crd` is representable in
+  /// the `C` type; however, we do not verify other semantic requirements
+  /// (e.g., that `crd` is in bounds for `lvlSizes[lvl]`, and not previously
+  /// occurring in the same segment).  For dense levels, this method instead
+  /// appends the appropriate number of zeros to the `values` array, where
+  /// `full` is the number of "entries" already written to `values` for this
+  /// segment (aka one after the highest coordinate previously appended).
+  void appendCrd(uint64_t lvl, uint64_t full, uint64_t crd) {
+    const auto dlt = getLvlType(lvl); // Avoid redundant bounds checking.
     if (isCompressedDLT(dlt) || isSingletonDLT(dlt)) {
       // TODO: we'd like to recover the nicer error message:
-      // "Index value is too large for the I-type"
-      indices[l].push_back(detail::checkOverflowCast<I>(i));
-    } else { // Dense dimension.
+      // "Coordinate value is too large for the C-type"
+      coordinates[lvl].push_back(detail::checkOverflowCast<C>(crd));
+    } else { // Dense level.
-      assert(i >= full && "Index was already filled");
-      if (i == full)
+      assert(crd >= full && "Coordinate was already filled");
+      if (crd == full)
         return; // Short-circuit, since it'll be a nop.
-      if (l + 1 == getLvlRank())
-        values.insert(values.end(), i - full, 0);
+      if (lvl + 1 == getLvlRank())
+        values.insert(values.end(), crd - full, 0);
-        finalizeSegment(l + 1, 0, i - full);
+        finalizeSegment(lvl + 1, 0, crd - full);
-  /// Writes the given coordinate to `indices[l][pos]`.  This method
-  /// checks that `i` is representable in the `I` type; however, it
-  /// does not check that `i` is semantically valid (i.e., in bounds
-  /// for `dimSizes[l]` and not elsewhere occurring in the same segment).
-  void writeIndex(uint64_t l, uint64_t pos, uint64_t i) {
+  /// Writes the given coordinate to `coordinates[lvl][pos]`.  This method
+  /// checks that `crd` is representable in the `C` type; however, it
+  /// does not check that `crd` is semantically valid (i.e., in bounds
+  /// for `dimSizes[lvl]` and not elsewhere occurring in the same segment).
+  void writeCrd(uint64_t lvl, uint64_t pos, uint64_t crd) {
     // Subscript assignment to `std::vector` requires that the `pos`-th
     // entry has been initialized; thus we must be sure to check `size()`
     // here, instead of `capacity()` as would be ideal.
-    assert(pos < indices[l].size() && "Index position is out of bounds");
+    assert(pos < coordinates[lvl].size() && "Position is out of bounds");
     // TODO: we'd like to recover the nicer error message:
-    // "Index value is too large for the I-type"
-    indices[l][pos] = detail::checkOverflowCast<I>(i);
+    // "Coordinate value is too large for the C-type"
+    coordinates[lvl][pos] = detail::checkOverflowCast<C>(crd);
   /// Computes the assembled-size associated with the `l`-th level,
@@ -571,12 +571,12 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   /// storage, as opposed to "level-sizes" which are the cardinality
   /// of possible coordinates for that level.
-  /// Precondition: the `pointers[l]` array must be fully initialized
+  /// Precondition: the `positions[l]` array must be fully initialized
   /// before calling this method.
   uint64_t assembledSize(uint64_t parentSz, uint64_t l) const {
     const auto dlt = getLvlType(l); // Avoid redundant bounds checking.
     if (isCompressedDLT(dlt))
-      return pointers[l][parentSz];
+      return positions[l][parentSz];
     if (isSingletonDLT(dlt))
       return parentSz; // New size is same as the parent.
     if (isDenseDLT(dlt))
@@ -586,18 +586,18 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   /// Initializes sparse tensor storage scheme from a memory-resident sparse
-  /// tensor in coordinate scheme. This method prepares the pointers and
-  /// indices arrays under the given per-dimension dense/sparse annotations.
+  /// tensor in coordinate scheme. This method prepares the positions and
+  /// coordinates arrays under the given per-level dense/sparse annotations.
   /// Preconditions:
   /// * the `lvlElements` must be lexicographically sorted.
-  /// * the indices of every element are valid for `getLvlSizes()`
+  /// * the coordinates of every element are valid for `getLvlSizes()`
   ///   (i.e., equal rank and pointwise less-than).
   void fromCOO(const std::vector<Element<V>> &lvlElements, uint64_t lo,
                uint64_t hi, uint64_t l) {
     const uint64_t lvlRank = getLvlRank();
     assert(l <= lvlRank && hi <= lvlElements.size());
-    // Once dimensions are exhausted, insert the numerical values.
+    // Once levels are exhausted, insert the numerical values.
     if (l == lvlRank) {
       assert(lo < hi);
@@ -606,30 +606,30 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
     // Visit all elements in this interval.
     uint64_t full = 0;
     while (lo < hi) { // If `hi` is unchanged, then `lo < lvlElements.size()`.
-      // Find segment in interval with same index elements in this level.
-      const uint64_t i = lvlElements[lo].indices[l];
+      // Find segment in interval with same coordinate at this level.
+      const uint64_t c = lvlElements[lo].coords[l];
       uint64_t seg = lo + 1;
       if (isUniqueLvl(l))
-        while (seg < hi && lvlElements[seg].indices[l] == i)
+        while (seg < hi && lvlElements[seg].coords[l] == c)
       // Handle segment in interval for sparse or dense level.
-      appendIndex(l, full, i);
-      full = i + 1;
+      appendCrd(l, full, c);
+      full = c + 1;
       fromCOO(lvlElements, lo, seg, l + 1);
       // And move on to next segment in interval.
       lo = seg;
-    // Finalize the sparse pointer structure at this level.
+    // Finalize the sparse position structure at this level.
     finalizeSegment(l, full);
-  /// Finalizes the sparse pointer structure at this level.
+  /// Finalizes the sparse position structure at this level.
   void finalizeSegment(uint64_t l, uint64_t full = 0, uint64_t count = 1) {
     if (count == 0)
       return; // Short-circuit, since it'll be a nop.
     const auto dlt = getLvlType(l); // Avoid redundant bounds checking.
     if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
-      appendPointer(l, indices[l].size(), count);
+      appendPos(l, coordinates[l].size(), count);
     } else if (isSingletonDLT(dlt)) {
       return; // Nothing to finalize.
     } else {  // Dense dimension.
@@ -661,29 +661,29 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   /// Continues a single insertion path, outer to inner.  The first
-  /// argument is the storage-level indices for the value being inserted.
-  void insPath(const uint64_t *lvlInd, uint64_t 
diff Lvl, uint64_t topIdx,
+  /// argument is the level-coordinates for the value being inserted.
+  void insPath(const uint64_t *lvlCoords, uint64_t 
diff Lvl, uint64_t full,
                V val) {
     const uint64_t lvlRank = getLvlRank();
diff Lvl <= lvlRank && "Level-
diff  is out of bounds");
     for (uint64_t l = 
diff Lvl; l < lvlRank; ++l) {
-      const uint64_t i = lvlInd[l];
-      appendIndex(l, topIdx, i);
-      topIdx = 0;
-      lvlCursor[l] = i;
+      const uint64_t c = lvlCoords[l];
+      appendCrd(l, full, c);
+      full = 0;
+      lvlCursor[l] = c;
-  /// Finds the lexicographically first level where the level-indices
+  /// Finds the lexicographically first level where the level-coordinates
   /// in the argument 
diff er from those in the current cursor.
-  uint64_t lexDiff(const uint64_t *lvlInd) const {
+  uint64_t lexDiff(const uint64_t *lvlCoords) const {
     const uint64_t lvlRank = getLvlRank();
     for (uint64_t l = 0; l < lvlRank; ++l)
-      if (lvlInd[l] > lvlCursor[l])
+      if (lvlCoords[l] > lvlCursor[l])
         return l;
-        assert(lvlInd[l] == lvlCursor[l] && "non-lexicographic insertion");
+        assert(lvlCoords[l] == lvlCursor[l] && "non-lexicographic insertion");
     assert(0 && "duplicate insertion");
     return -1u;
@@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
   // Allow `SparseTensorEnumerator` to access the data-members (to avoid
   // the cost of virtual-function dispatch in inner loops), without
   // making them public to other client code.
-  friend class SparseTensorEnumerator<P, I, V>;
+  friend class SparseTensorEnumerator<P, C, V>;
-  std::vector<std::vector<P>> pointers;
-  std::vector<std::vector<I>> indices;
+  std::vector<std::vector<P>> positions;
+  std::vector<std::vector<C>> coordinates;
   std::vector<V> values;
   std::vector<uint64_t> lvlCursor; // cursor for lexicographic insertion.
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
 /// `SparseTensorStorage` under a permutation.  That is, the `forallElements`
 /// method encapsulates the loop-nest for enumerating the elements of
 /// the source tensor (in whatever order is best for the source tensor),
-/// and applies a permutation to the coordinates/indices before handing
+/// and applies a permutation to the coordinates before handing
 /// each element to the callback.  A single enumerator object can be
 /// freely reused for several calls to `forallElements`, just so long
 /// as each call is sequential with respect to one another.
@@ -719,10 +719,10 @@ class SparseTensorStorage final : public SparseTensorStorageBase {
 /// outlive the sparse tensor they depend on.
 /// Design Note: The reason we define this class instead of simply using
-/// `SparseTensorEnumerator<P,I,V>` is because we need to hide/generalize
-/// the `<P,I>` template parameters from MLIR client code (to simplify the
+/// `SparseTensorEnumerator<P,C,V>` is because we need to hide/generalize
+/// the `<P,C>` template parameters from MLIR client code (to simplify the
 /// type parameters used for direct sparse-to-sparse conversion).  And the
-/// reason we define the `SparseTensorEnumerator<P,I,V>` subclasses rather
+/// reason we define the `SparseTensorEnumerator<P,C,V>` subclasses rather
 /// than simply using this class, is to avoid the cost of virtual-method
 /// dispatch within the loop-nest.
 template <typename V>
@@ -735,8 +735,8 @@ class MLIR_SPARSETENSOR_GSL_POINTER [[nodiscard]] SparseTensorEnumeratorBase {
   /// Preconditions:
   /// * the `src` must have the same `V` value type.
   /// * `trgSizes` must be valid for `trgRank`.
-  /// * `src2trg` must be valid for `srcRank`, and must map indices
-  ///   valid for `src.getDimSizes()` to indices valid for `trgSizes`.
+  /// * `src2trg` must be valid for `srcRank`, and must map coordinates
+  ///   valid for `src.getDimSizes()` to coordinates valid for `trgSizes`.
   /// Asserts:
   /// * `trgSizes` must be nonnull and must contain only nonzero sizes.
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ class MLIR_SPARSETENSOR_GSL_POINTER [[nodiscard]] SparseTensorEnumeratorBase {
   const std::vector<uint64_t> &getTrgSizes() const { return trgSizes; }
   /// Enumerates all elements of the source tensor, permutes their
-  /// indices, and passes the permuted element to the callback.
+  /// coordinates, and passes the permuted element to the callback.
   /// The callback must not store the cursor reference directly,
   /// since this function reuses the storage.  Instead, the callback
   /// must copy it if they want to keep it.
@@ -793,11 +793,11 @@ class MLIR_SPARSETENSOR_GSL_POINTER [[nodiscard]] SparseTensorEnumeratorBase {
-template <typename P, typename I, typename V>
+template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
 class MLIR_SPARSETENSOR_GSL_POINTER [[nodiscard]] SparseTensorEnumerator final
     : public SparseTensorEnumeratorBase<V> {
   using Base = SparseTensorEnumeratorBase<V>;
-  using StorageImpl = SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>;
+  using StorageImpl = SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>;
   /// Constructs an enumerator which automatically applies the given
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ class MLIR_SPARSETENSOR_GSL_POINTER [[nodiscard]] SparseTensorEnumerator final
   /// The recursive component of the public `forallElements`.
   void forallElements(ElementConsumer<V> yield, uint64_t parentPos,
                       uint64_t l) {
-    // Recover the `<P,I,V>` type parameters of `src`.
+    // Recover the `<P,C,V>` type parameters of `src`.
     const auto &src = static_cast<const StorageImpl &>(this->src);
     if (l == src.getLvlRank()) {
       assert(parentPos < src.values.size() &&
@@ -844,28 +844,28 @@ class MLIR_SPARSETENSOR_GSL_POINTER [[nodiscard]] SparseTensorEnumerator final
     if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
       // Look up the bounds of the `l`-level segment determined by the
       // `(l - 1)`-level position `parentPos`.
-      const std::vector<P> &pointersL = src.pointers[l];
-      assert(parentPos + 1 < pointersL.size() &&
-             "Parent pointer position is out of bounds");
-      const uint64_t pstart = static_cast<uint64_t>(pointersL[parentPos]);
-      const uint64_t pstop = static_cast<uint64_t>(pointersL[parentPos + 1]);
-      // Loop-invariant code for looking up the `l`-level coordinates/indices.
-      const std::vector<I> &indicesL = src.indices[l];
-      assert(pstop <= indicesL.size() && "Index position is out of bounds");
+      const std::vector<P> &positionsL = src.positions[l];
+      assert(parentPos + 1 < positionsL.size() &&
+             "Parent position is out of bounds");
+      const uint64_t pstart = static_cast<uint64_t>(positionsL[parentPos]);
+      const uint64_t pstop = static_cast<uint64_t>(positionsL[parentPos + 1]);
+      // Loop-invariant code for looking up the `l`-level coordinates.
+      const std::vector<C> &coordinatesL = src.coordinates[l];
+      assert(pstop <= coordinatesL.size() && "Stop position is out of bounds");
       for (uint64_t pos = pstart; pos < pstop; ++pos) {
-        cursorL = static_cast<uint64_t>(indicesL[pos]);
+        cursorL = static_cast<uint64_t>(coordinatesL[pos]);
         forallElements(yield, pos, l + 1);
     } else if (isSingletonDLT(dlt)) {
-      cursorL = src.getIndex(l, parentPos);
+      cursorL = src.getCrd(l, parentPos);
       forallElements(yield, parentPos, l + 1);
-    } else { // Dense dimension.
+    } else { // Dense level.
       const uint64_t sz = src.getLvlSizes()[l];
       const uint64_t pstart = parentPos * sz;
-      for (uint64_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
-        cursorL = i;
-        forallElements(yield, pstart + i, l + 1);
+      for (uint64_t c = 0; c < sz; ++c) {
+        cursorL = c;
+        forallElements(yield, pstart + c, l + 1);
@@ -913,29 +913,29 @@ class MLIR_SPARSETENSOR_GSL_POINTER [[nodiscard]] SparseTensorNNZ final {
     assert(enumerator.getTrgRank() == getLvlRank() && "Tensor rank mismatch");
     assert(enumerator.getTrgSizes() == lvlSizes && "Tensor size mismatch");
-        [this](const std::vector<uint64_t> &ind, V) { add(ind); });
+        [this](const std::vector<uint64_t> &lvlCoords, V) { add(lvlCoords); });
   /// The type of callback functions which receive an nnz-statistic.
   using NNZConsumer = const std::function<void(uint64_t)> &;
-  /// Lexicographically enumerates all indicies for levels strictly
+  /// Lexicographically enumerates all coordinates for levels strictly
   /// less than `stopLvl`, and passes their nnz statistic to the callback.
   /// Since our use-case only requires the statistic not the coordinates
   /// themselves, we do not bother to construct those coordinates.
-  void forallIndices(uint64_t stopLvl, NNZConsumer yield) const;
+  void forallCoords(uint64_t stopLvl, NNZConsumer yield) const;
   /// Adds a new element (i.e., increment its statistics).  We use
   /// a method rather than inlining into the lambda in `initialize`,
   /// to avoid spurious templating over `V`.  And this method is private
-  /// to avoid needing to re-assert validity of `lvlInd` (which is
+  /// to avoid needing to re-assert validity of `lvlCoords` (which is
   /// guaranteed by `forallElements`).
-  void add(const std::vector<uint64_t> &lvlInd);
+  void add(const std::vector<uint64_t> &lvlCoords);
-  /// Recursive component of the public `forallIndices`.
-  void forallIndices(NNZConsumer yield, uint64_t stopLvl, uint64_t parentPos,
-                     uint64_t l) const;
+  /// Recursive component of the public `forallCoords`.
+  void forallCoords(NNZConsumer yield, uint64_t stopLvl, uint64_t parentPos,
+                    uint64_t l) const;
   // All of these are in the target storage-order.
   const std::vector<uint64_t> &lvlSizes;
@@ -944,10 +944,10 @@ class MLIR_SPARSETENSOR_GSL_POINTER [[nodiscard]] SparseTensorNNZ final {
-// Definitions of the ctors and factories of `SparseTensorStorage<P,I,V>`.
+// Definitions of the ctors and factories of `SparseTensorStorage<P,C,V>`.
-template <typename P, typename I, typename V>
-SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V> *SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::newFromCOO(
+template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
+SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::newFromCOO(
     uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimShape, uint64_t lvlRank,
     const DimLevelType *lvlTypes, const uint64_t *lvl2dim,
     SparseTensorCOO<V> &lvlCOO) {
@@ -966,12 +966,12 @@ SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V> *SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::newFromCOO(
            "Dimension sizes do not match expected shape");
     dimSizes[d] = lvlSizes[l];
-  return new SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>(dimRank, dimSizes.data(), lvlRank,
+  return new SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>(dimRank, dimSizes.data(), lvlRank,
                                           lvlTypes, lvl2dim, lvlCOO);
-template <typename P, typename I, typename V>
-SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V> *SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::newFromSparseTensor(
+template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
+SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::newFromSparseTensor(
     uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimShape, uint64_t lvlRank,
     const uint64_t *lvlSizes, const DimLevelType *lvlTypes,
     const uint64_t *lvl2dim, uint64_t srcRank, const uint64_t *src2lvl,
@@ -989,24 +989,24 @@ SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V> *SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::newFromSparseTensor(
   SparseTensorEnumeratorBase<V> *lvlEnumerator;
   source.newEnumerator(&lvlEnumerator, lvlRank, lvlSizes, srcRank, src2lvl);
-  auto *tensor = new SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>(
+  auto *tensor = new SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>(
       dimRank, dimSizes.data(), lvlRank, lvlTypes, lvl2dim, *lvlEnumerator);
   delete lvlEnumerator;
   return tensor;
-template <typename P, typename I, typename V>
-SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::SparseTensorStorage(
+template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
+SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::SparseTensorStorage(
     uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimSizes, uint64_t lvlRank,
     const uint64_t *lvlSizes, const DimLevelType *lvlTypes,
     const uint64_t *lvl2dim, bool initializeValuesIfAllDense)
     : SparseTensorStorage(dimRank, dimSizes, lvlRank, lvlSizes, lvlTypes,
                           lvl2dim) {
-  // Provide hints on capacity of pointers and indices.
+  // Provide hints on capacity of positions and coordinates.
   // TODO: needs much fine-tuning based on actual sparsity; currently
-  //       we reserve pointer/index space based on all previous dense
-  //       dimensions, which works well up to first sparse dim; but
-  //       we should really use nnz and dense/sparse distribution.
+  // we reserve position/coordinate space based on all previous dense
+  // levels, which works well up to first sparse level; but we should
+  // really use nnz and dense/sparse distribution.
   bool allDense = true;
   uint64_t sz = 1;
   for (uint64_t l = 0; l < lvlRank; ++l) {
@@ -1014,16 +1014,16 @@ SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::SparseTensorStorage(
     if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
       // TODO: Take a parameter between 1 and `lvlSizes[l]`, and multiply
       // `sz` by that before reserving. (For now we just use 1.)
-      pointers[l].reserve(sz + 1);
-      pointers[l].push_back(0);
-      indices[l].reserve(sz);
+      positions[l].reserve(sz + 1);
+      positions[l].push_back(0);
+      coordinates[l].reserve(sz);
       sz = 1;
       allDense = false;
     } else if (isSingletonDLT(dlt)) {
-      indices[l].reserve(sz);
+      coordinates[l].reserve(sz);
       sz = 1;
       allDense = false;
-    } else { // Dense dimension.
+    } else { // Dense level.
       sz = detail::checkedMul(sz, lvlSizes[l]);
@@ -1032,8 +1032,8 @@ SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::SparseTensorStorage(
     values.resize(sz, 0);
-template <typename P, typename I, typename V>
-SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::SparseTensorStorage( // NOLINT
+template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
+SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::SparseTensorStorage( // NOLINT
     uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimSizes, uint64_t lvlRank,
     const DimLevelType *lvlTypes, const uint64_t *lvl2dim,
     SparseTensorCOO<V> &lvlCOO)
@@ -1046,13 +1046,13 @@ SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::SparseTensorStorage( // NOLINT
   // Now actually insert the `elements`.
   const auto &elements = lvlCOO.getElements();
-  uint64_t nnz = elements.size();
-  values.reserve(nnz);
-  fromCOO(elements, 0, nnz, 0);
+  const uint64_t nse = elements.size();
+  values.reserve(nse);
+  fromCOO(elements, 0, nse, 0);
-template <typename P, typename I, typename V>
-SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::SparseTensorStorage(
+template <typename P, typename C, typename V>
+SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::SparseTensorStorage(
     uint64_t dimRank, const uint64_t *dimSizes, uint64_t lvlRank,
     const DimLevelType *lvlTypes, const uint64_t *lvl2dim,
     SparseTensorEnumeratorBase<V> &lvlEnumerator)
@@ -1064,64 +1064,64 @@ SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::SparseTensorStorage(
     // Initialize the statistics structure.
     SparseTensorNNZ nnz(getLvlSizes(), getLvlTypes());
-    // Initialize "pointers" overhead (and allocate "indices", "values").
+    // Initialize "positions" overhead (and allocate "coordinates", "values").
     uint64_t parentSz = 1; // assembled-size of the `(l - 1)`-level.
     for (uint64_t l = 0; l < lvlRank; ++l) {
       const auto dlt = lvlTypes[l]; // Avoid redundant bounds checking.
       if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
-        pointers[l].reserve(parentSz + 1);
-        pointers[l].push_back(0);
+        positions[l].reserve(parentSz + 1);
+        positions[l].push_back(0);
         uint64_t currentPos = 0;
-        nnz.forallIndices(l, [this, &currentPos, l](uint64_t n) {
+        nnz.forallCoords(l, [this, &currentPos, l](uint64_t n) {
           currentPos += n;
-          appendPointer(l, currentPos);
+          appendPos(l, currentPos);
-        assert(pointers[l].size() == parentSz + 1 &&
-               "Final pointers size doesn't match allocated size");
+        assert(positions[l].size() == parentSz + 1 &&
+               "Final positions size doesn't match allocated size");
         // That assertion entails `assembledSize(parentSz, l)`
-        // is now in a valid state.  That is, `pointers[l][parentSz]`
+        // is now in a valid state.  That is, `positions[l][parentSz]`
         // equals the present value of `currentPos`, which is the
-        // correct assembled-size for `indices[l]`.
+        // correct assembled-size for `coordinates[l]`.
       // Update assembled-size for the next iteration.
       parentSz = assembledSize(parentSz, l);
-      // Ideally we need only `indices[l].reserve(parentSz)`, however
+      // Ideally we need only `coordinates[l].reserve(parentSz)`, however
       // the `std::vector` implementation forces us to initialize it too.
       // That is, in the yieldPos loop we need random-access assignment
-      // to `indices[l]`; however, `std::vector`'s subscript-assignment
+      // to `coordinates[l]`; however, `std::vector`'s subscript-assignment
       // only allows assigning to already-initialized positions.
       if (isCompressedDLT(dlt) || isSingletonDLT(dlt))
-        indices[l].resize(parentSz, 0);
+        coordinates[l].resize(parentSz, 0);
         ASSERT_DENSE_DLT(dlt); // Future-proofing.
     values.resize(parentSz, 0); // Both allocate and zero-initialize.
   // The yieldPos loop
-  lvlEnumerator.forallElements([this](const auto &lvlInd, V val) {
+  lvlEnumerator.forallElements([this](const auto &lvlCoords, V val) {
     uint64_t parentSz = 1, parentPos = 0;
     for (uint64_t lvlRank = getLvlRank(), l = 0; l < lvlRank; ++l) {
       const auto dlt = getLvlTypes()[l]; // Avoid redundant bounds checking.
       if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
         // If `parentPos == parentSz` then it's valid as an array-lookup;
         // however, it's semantically invalid here since that entry
-        // does not represent a segment of `indices[l]`.  Moreover, that
+        // does not represent a segment of `coordinates[l]`.  Moreover, that
         // entry must be immutable for `assembledSize` to remain valid.
-        assert(parentPos < parentSz && "Pointers position is out of bounds");
-        const uint64_t currentPos = pointers[l][parentPos];
+        assert(parentPos < parentSz && "Parent position is out of bounds");
+        const uint64_t currentPos = positions[l][parentPos];
         // This increment won't overflow the `P` type, since it can't
-        // exceed the original value of `pointers[l][parentPos+1]`
+        // exceed the original value of `positions[l][parentPos+1]`
         // which was already verified to be within bounds for `P`
         // when it was written to the array.
-        pointers[l][parentPos]++;
-        writeIndex(l, currentPos, lvlInd[l]);
+        positions[l][parentPos]++;
+        writeCrd(l, currentPos, lvlCoords[l]);
         parentPos = currentPos;
       } else if (isSingletonDLT(dlt)) {
-        writeIndex(l, parentPos, lvlInd[l]);
+        writeCrd(l, parentPos, lvlCoords[l]);
         // the new parentPos equals the old parentPos.
-      } else { // Dense dimension.
+      } else { // Dense level.
-        parentPos = parentPos * getLvlSizes()[l] + lvlInd[l];
+        parentPos = parentPos * getLvlSizes()[l] + lvlCoords[l];
       parentSz = assembledSize(parentSz, l);
@@ -1132,17 +1132,17 @@ SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::SparseTensorStorage(
   for (uint64_t parentSz = 1, l = 0; l < lvlRank; ++l) {
     const auto dlt = lvlTypes[l]; // Avoid redundant bounds checking.
     if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
-      assert(parentSz == pointers[l].size() - 1 &&
-             "Actual pointers size doesn't match the expected size");
+      assert(parentSz == positions[l].size() - 1 &&
+             "Actual positions size doesn't match the expected size");
       // Can't check all of them, but at least we can check the last one.
-      assert(pointers[l][parentSz - 1] == pointers[l][parentSz] &&
-             "Pointers got corrupted");
+      assert(positions[l][parentSz - 1] == positions[l][parentSz] &&
+             "Positions got corrupted");
       // TODO: optimize this by using `memmove` or similar.
       for (uint64_t n = 0; n < parentSz; ++n) {
         const uint64_t parentPos = parentSz - n;
-        pointers[l][parentPos] = pointers[l][parentPos - 1];
+        positions[l][parentPos] = positions[l][parentPos - 1];
-      pointers[l][0] = 0;
+      positions[l][0] = 0;
     } else {
       // Both dense and singleton are no-ops for the finalizeYieldPos loop.
       // This assertion is for future-proofing.

diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.h b/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.h
index 0c5c8c2db5bcc..21a02502e4a9e 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.h
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensor( // NOLINT
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvlSizesRef,
     StridedMemRefType<DimLevelType, 1> *lvlTypesRef,
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvl2dimRef,
-    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef, OverheadType ptrTp,
-    OverheadType indTp, PrimaryType valTp, Action action, void *ptr);
+    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef, OverheadType posTp,
+    OverheadType crdTp, PrimaryType valTp, Action action, void *ptr);
 // TODO: document what all the arguments are/mean for the functions below,
 // especially with regards to "dim"-vs-"lvl" and mappings/permutations.
@@ -74,43 +74,46 @@ MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensor( // NOLINT
-/// Tensor-storage method to obtain direct access to the pointers array
-/// for the given dimension.
-#define DECL_SPARSEPOINTERS(PNAME, P)                                          \
-  MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void _mlir_ciface_sparsePointers##PNAME(            \
-      StridedMemRefType<P, 1> *out, void *tensor, index_type d);
-/// Tensor-storage method to obtain direct access to the indices array
-/// for the given dimension.
-#define DECL_SPARSEINDICES(INAME, I)                                           \
-  MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void _mlir_ciface_sparseIndices##INAME(             \
-      StridedMemRefType<I, 1> *out, void *tensor, index_type d);
+/// Tensor-storage method to obtain direct access to the positions array
+/// for the given level.
+#define DECL_SPARSEPOSITIONS(PNAME, P)                                         \
+  MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void _mlir_ciface_sparsePositions##PNAME(           \
+      StridedMemRefType<P, 1> *out, void *tensor, index_type lvl);
+/// Tensor-storage method to obtain direct access to the coordinates array
+/// for the given level.
+#define DECL_SPARSECOORDINATES(CNAME, C)                                       \
+  MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void _mlir_ciface_sparseCoordinates##CNAME(         \
+      StridedMemRefType<C, 1> *out, void *tensor, index_type lvl);
 /// Coordinate-scheme method for adding a new element.
 #define DECL_ADDELT(VNAME, V)                                                  \
   MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void *_mlir_ciface_addElt##VNAME(                   \
-      void *coo, StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref,                                \
-      StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *iref,                                  \
-      StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *pref);
+      void *lvlCOO, StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref,                             \
+      StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimCoordsRef,                          \
+      StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef);
 /// Coordinate-scheme method for getting the next element while iterating.
+/// The `cref` argument uses the same coordinate-space as the `iter` (which
+/// can be either dim- or lvl-coords, depending on context).
 #define DECL_GETNEXT(VNAME, V)                                                 \
   MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT bool _mlir_ciface_getNext##VNAME(                   \
-      void *coo, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *iref,                       \
+      void *iter, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *cref,                      \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref);
-/// Tensor-storage method to insert elements in lexicographical index order.
+/// Tensor-storage method to insert elements in lexicographical
+/// level-coordinate order.
 #define DECL_LEXINSERT(VNAME, V)                                               \
   MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void _mlir_ciface_lexInsert##VNAME(                 \
-      void *tensor, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *cref,                    \
+      void *tensor, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvlCoordsRef,            \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref);
 /// Tensor-storage method to insert using expansion.
 #define DECL_EXPINSERT(VNAME, V)                                               \
   MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void _mlir_ciface_expInsert##VNAME(                 \
-      void *tensor, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *cref,                    \
+      void *tensor, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvlCoordsRef,            \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 1> *vref, StridedMemRefType<bool, 1> *fref,         \
       StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *aref, index_type count);
@@ -181,9 +184,10 @@ MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void readSparseTensorShape(char *filename,
 ///   nse:     number of specified elements (usually the nonzeros)
 ///   shape:   array with dimension size for each rank
 ///   values:  a "nse" array with values for all specified elements
-///   indices: a flat "nse * rank" array with indices for all specified elements
-///   perm:    the permutation of the dimensions in the storage
-///   sparse:  the sparsity for the dimensions
+///   coordinates: a flat "nse * rank" array with coordinates for all
+///            specified elements
+///   perm:    the permutation of the levels in the storage
+///   sparse:  the sparsity for the levels
 /// For example, the sparse matrix
 ///     | 1.0 0.0 0.0 |
@@ -193,11 +197,11 @@ MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void readSparseTensorShape(char *filename,
 ///      nse     = 3
 ///      shape   = [2, 3]
 ///      values  = [1.0, 5.0, 3.0]
-///      indices = [ 0, 0,  1, 1,  1, 2]
+///      coordinates = [ 0, 0,  1, 1,  1, 2]
 #define DECL_CONVERTTOMLIRSPARSETENSOR(VNAME, V)                               \
   MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void *convertToMLIRSparseTensor##VNAME(             \
-      uint64_t rank, uint64_t nse, uint64_t *shape, V *values,                 \
-      uint64_t *indices, uint64_t *perm, uint8_t *sparse);
+      uint64_t rank, uint64_t nse, uint64_t *dimSizes, V *values,              \
+      uint64_t *dimCoordinates, uint64_t *dim2lvl, uint8_t *lvlTypes);
 ///   rank:    rank of tensor
 ///   nse:     number of specified elements (usually the nonzeros)
-///   shape:   array with dimension size for each rank
+///   shape:   array with size for each dimension
 ///   values:  a "nse" array with values for all specified elements
-///   indices: a flat "nse * rank" array with indices for all specified elements
+///   coordinates: a flat "nse * rank" array with coordinates for all
+///            specified elements
-/// The input is a pointer to `SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>`, typically
+/// The input is a pointer to `SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>`, typically
 /// returned from `convertToMLIRSparseTensor`.
 #define DECL_CONVERTFROMMLIRSPARSETENSOR(VNAME, V)                             \
   MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void convertFromMLIRSparseTensor##VNAME(            \
       void *tensor, uint64_t *pRank, uint64_t *pNse, uint64_t **pShape,        \
-      V **pValues, uint64_t **pIndices);
+      V **pValues, uint64_t **pCoordinates);
@@ -242,8 +247,8 @@ MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensorFromReader(
     void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvlSizesRef,
     StridedMemRefType<DimLevelType, 1> *lvlTypesRef,
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvl2dimRef,
-    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef, OverheadType ptrTp,
-    OverheadType indTp, PrimaryType valTp);
+    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef, OverheadType posTp,
+    OverheadType crdTp, PrimaryType valTp);
 /// Returns the rank of the sparse tensor being read.
 MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT index_type getSparseTensorReaderRank(void *p);
@@ -251,8 +256,8 @@ MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT index_type getSparseTensorReaderRank(void *p);
 /// Returns the is_symmetric bit for the sparse tensor being read.
 MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT bool getSparseTensorReaderIsSymmetric(void *p);
-/// Returns the number of non-zero values for the sparse tensor being read.
-MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT index_type getSparseTensorReaderNNZ(void *p);
+/// Returns the number of stored elements for the sparse tensor being read.
+MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT index_type getSparseTensorReaderNSE(void *p);
 /// Returns the size of a dimension for the sparse tensor being read.
 MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT index_type getSparseTensorReaderDimSize(void *p,
@@ -278,7 +283,7 @@ MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void delSparseTensorReader(void *p);
 /// Returns the next element for the sparse tensor being read.
 #define DECL_GETNEXT(VNAME, V)                                                 \
   MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void _mlir_ciface_getSparseTensorReaderNext##VNAME( \
-      void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *iref,                         \
+      void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimCoordsRef,                 \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref);
@@ -306,15 +311,16 @@ MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void *createSparseTensorWriter(char *filename);
 /// SparseTensorWriter.
 MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void delSparseTensorWriter(void *p);
-/// Outputs the sparse tensor rank, nnz and shape.
+/// Outputs the sparse tensor dim-rank, nse, and dim-shape.
 MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void _mlir_ciface_outSparseTensorWriterMetaData(
-    void *p, index_type rank, index_type nnz,
-    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dref);
+    void *p, index_type dimRank, index_type nse,
+    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimSizesRef);
 /// Outputs an element for the sparse tensor.
 #define DECL_OUTNEXT(VNAME, V)                                                 \
   MLIR_CRUNNERUTILS_EXPORT void _mlir_ciface_outSparseTensorWriterNext##VNAME( \
-      void *p, index_type rank, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *iref,        \
+      void *p, index_type dimRank,                                             \
+      StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimCoordsRef,                          \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Bindings/Python/DialectSparseTensor.cpp b/mlir/lib/Bindings/Python/DialectSparseTensor.cpp
index da44141e28a2a..e84937df89ba1 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Bindings/Python/DialectSparseTensor.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Bindings/Python/DialectSparseTensor.cpp
@@ -35,27 +35,27 @@ static void populateDialectSparseTensorSubmodule(const py::module &m) {
           [](py::object cls,
              std::vector<MlirSparseTensorDimLevelType> dimLevelTypes,
              std::optional<MlirAffineMap> dimOrdering,
-             std::optional<MlirAffineMap> higherOrdering, int pointerBitWidth,
-             int indexBitWidth, MlirContext context) {
+             std::optional<MlirAffineMap> higherOrdering, int posWidth,
+             int crdWidth, MlirContext context) {
             return cls(mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGet(
                 context, dimLevelTypes.size(), dimLevelTypes.data(),
                 dimOrdering ? *dimOrdering : MlirAffineMap{nullptr},
                 higherOrdering ? *higherOrdering : MlirAffineMap{nullptr},
-                pointerBitWidth, indexBitWidth));
+                posWidth, crdWidth));
           py::arg("cls"), py::arg("dim_level_types"), py::arg("dim_ordering"),
-          py::arg("higher_ordering"), py::arg("pointer_bit_width"),
-          py::arg("index_bit_width"), py::arg("context") = py::none(),
+          py::arg("higher_ordering"), py::arg("pos_width"),
+          py::arg("crd_width"), py::arg("context") = py::none(),
           "Gets a sparse_tensor.encoding from parameters.")
           [](MlirAttribute self) {
+            const int lvlRank = mlirSparseTensorEncodingGetLvlRank(self);
             std::vector<MlirSparseTensorDimLevelType> ret;
-            for (int i = 0,
-                     e = mlirSparseTensorEncodingGetNumDimLevelTypes(self);
-                 i < e; ++i)
+            ret.reserve(lvlRank);
+            for (int l = 0; l < lvlRank; ++l)
-                  mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetDimLevelType(self, i));
+                  mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetDimLevelType(self, l));
             return ret;
@@ -76,14 +76,10 @@ static void populateDialectSparseTensorSubmodule(const py::module &m) {
               return {};
             return ret;
-      .def_property_readonly(
-          "pointer_bit_width",
-          [](MlirAttribute self) {
-            return mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetPointerBitWidth(self);
-          })
-      .def_property_readonly("index_bit_width", [](MlirAttribute self) {
-        return mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetIndexBitWidth(self);
-      });
+      .def_property_readonly("pos_width",
+                             mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetPosWidth)
+      .def_property_readonly("crd_width",
+                             mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetCrdWidth);
 PYBIND11_MODULE(_mlirDialectsSparseTensor, m) {

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/CAPI/Dialect/SparseTensor.cpp b/mlir/lib/CAPI/Dialect/SparseTensor.cpp
index 831cdd8a486da..1aa6d329d41ca 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/CAPI/Dialect/SparseTensor.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/CAPI/Dialect/SparseTensor.cpp
@@ -46,17 +46,17 @@ bool mlirAttributeIsASparseTensorEncodingAttr(MlirAttribute attr) {
 MlirAttribute mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGet(
-    MlirContext ctx, intptr_t numDimLevelTypes,
+    MlirContext ctx, intptr_t lvlRank,
     MlirSparseTensorDimLevelType const *dimLevelTypes,
-    MlirAffineMap dimOrdering, MlirAffineMap higherOrdering,
-    int pointerBitWidth, int indexBitWidth) {
+    MlirAffineMap dimOrdering, MlirAffineMap higherOrdering, int posWidth,
+    int crdWidth) {
   SmallVector<DimLevelType> cppDimLevelTypes;
-  cppDimLevelTypes.resize(numDimLevelTypes);
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < numDimLevelTypes; ++i)
-    cppDimLevelTypes[i] = static_cast<DimLevelType>(dimLevelTypes[i]);
+  cppDimLevelTypes.reserve(lvlRank);
+  for (intptr_t l = 0; l < lvlRank; ++l)
+    cppDimLevelTypes.push_back(static_cast<DimLevelType>(dimLevelTypes[l]));
   return wrap(SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
       unwrap(ctx), cppDimLevelTypes, unwrap(dimOrdering),
-      unwrap(higherOrdering), pointerBitWidth, indexBitWidth));
+      unwrap(higherOrdering), posWidth, crdWidth));
 MlirAffineMap mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetDimOrdering(MlirAttribute attr) {
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetHigherOrdering(MlirAttribute attr) {
-intptr_t mlirSparseTensorEncodingGetNumDimLevelTypes(MlirAttribute attr) {
+intptr_t mlirSparseTensorEncodingGetLvlRank(MlirAttribute attr) {
   return unwrap(attr).cast<SparseTensorEncodingAttr>().getLvlRank();
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetDimLevelType(MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t lvl) {
-int mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetPointerBitWidth(MlirAttribute attr) {
-  return unwrap(attr).cast<SparseTensorEncodingAttr>().getPointerBitWidth();
+int mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetPosWidth(MlirAttribute attr) {
+  return unwrap(attr).cast<SparseTensorEncodingAttr>().getPosWidth();
-int mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetIndexBitWidth(MlirAttribute attr) {
-  return unwrap(attr).cast<SparseTensorEncodingAttr>().getIndexBitWidth();
+int mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetCrdWidth(MlirAttribute attr) {
+  return unwrap(attr).cast<SparseTensorEncodingAttr>().getCrdWidth();

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorDialect.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorDialect.cpp
index ec185c316a42a..a17a5720e727c 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorDialect.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorDialect.cpp
@@ -121,18 +121,18 @@ Type mlir::sparse_tensor::detail::getIntegerOrIndexType(MLIRContext *ctx,
   return IndexType::get(ctx);
-Type SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getPointerType() const {
-  return detail::getIntegerOrIndexType(getContext(), getPointerBitWidth());
+Type SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getPosType() const {
+  return detail::getIntegerOrIndexType(getContext(), getPosWidth());
-Type SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getIndexType() const {
-  return detail::getIntegerOrIndexType(getContext(), getIndexBitWidth());
+Type SparseTensorEncodingAttr::getCrdType() const {
+  return detail::getIntegerOrIndexType(getContext(), getCrdWidth());
 SparseTensorEncodingAttr SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withoutOrdering() const {
-  return SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
-      getContext(), getDimLevelType(), AffineMap(), AffineMap(),
-      getPointerBitWidth(), getIndexBitWidth());
+  return SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(getContext(), getDimLevelType(),
+                                       AffineMap(), AffineMap(), getPosWidth(),
+                                       getCrdWidth());
 SparseTensorEncodingAttr SparseTensorEncodingAttr::withoutBitWidths() const {
@@ -227,18 +227,18 @@ Attribute SparseTensorEncodingAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
   // Process the data from the parsed dictionary value into struct-like data.
-  SmallVector<DimLevelType> dlt;
+  SmallVector<DimLevelType> lvlTypes;
   SmallVector<SparseTensorDimSliceAttr> slices;
   AffineMap dimOrd = {};
   AffineMap higherOrd = {};
-  unsigned ptr = 0;
-  unsigned ind = 0;
+  unsigned posWidth = 0;
+  unsigned crdWidth = 0;
   StringRef attrName;
   // Exactly 6 keys.
   SmallVector<StringRef, 6> keys = {"dimLevelType",   "dimOrdering",
-                                    "higherOrdering", "pointerBitWidth",
-                                    "indexBitWidth",  "slice"};
+                                    "higherOrdering", "posWidth",
+                                    "crdWidth",       "slice"};
   while (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalKeyword(&attrName))) {
     if (!llvm::is_contained(keys, attrName)) {
       parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(), "unexpected key: ") << attrName;
@@ -247,6 +247,10 @@ Attribute SparseTensorEncodingAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
     // Consume the `=` after keys
+    // FIXME: using `operator==` below duplicates the string comparison
+    // cost of the `is_contained` check above. Should instead use some
+    // "find" function that returns the index into `keys` so that we can
+    // dispatch on that instead.
     if (attrName == "dimLevelType") {
       Attribute attr;
@@ -257,7 +261,7 @@ Attribute SparseTensorEncodingAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
         ERROR_IF(!strAttr, "expected a string value in dimension level types")
         auto strVal = strAttr.getValue();
         if (auto optDLT = parseDLT(strVal)) {
-          dlt.push_back(optDLT.value());
+          lvlTypes.push_back(optDLT.value());
         } else {
                            "unexpected dimension level type: ")
@@ -277,18 +281,18 @@ Attribute SparseTensorEncodingAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
       auto affineAttr = attr.dyn_cast<AffineMapAttr>();
       ERROR_IF(!affineAttr, "expected an affine map for higher ordering")
       higherOrd = affineAttr.getValue();
-    } else if (attrName == "pointerBitWidth") {
+    } else if (attrName == "posWidth") {
       Attribute attr;
       auto intAttr = attr.dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>();
-      ERROR_IF(!intAttr, "expected an integral pointer bitwidth")
-      ptr = intAttr.getInt();
-    } else if (attrName == "indexBitWidth") {
+      ERROR_IF(!intAttr, "expected an integral position bitwidth")
+      posWidth = intAttr.getInt();
+    } else if (attrName == "crdWidth") {
       Attribute attr;
       auto intAttr = attr.dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>();
       ERROR_IF(!intAttr, "expected an integral index bitwidth")
-      ind = intAttr.getInt();
+      crdWidth = intAttr.getInt();
     } else if (attrName == "slice") {
       // Dispatches to DimSliceAttr to skip mnemonic
@@ -319,7 +323,8 @@ Attribute SparseTensorEncodingAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
   // Construct struct-like storage for attribute.
   return parser.getChecked<SparseTensorEncodingAttr>(
-      parser.getContext(), dlt, dimOrd, higherOrd, ptr, ind, slices);
+      parser.getContext(), lvlTypes, dimOrd, higherOrd, posWidth, crdWidth,
+      slices);
 void SparseTensorEncodingAttr::print(AsmPrinter &printer) const {
@@ -334,10 +339,10 @@ void SparseTensorEncodingAttr::print(AsmPrinter &printer) const {
     printer << ", dimOrdering = affine_map<" << getDimOrdering() << ">";
   if (getHigherOrdering())
     printer << ", higherOrdering = affine_map<" << getHigherOrdering() << ">";
-  if (getPointerBitWidth())
-    printer << ", pointerBitWidth = " << getPointerBitWidth();
-  if (getIndexBitWidth())
-    printer << ", indexBitWidth = " << getIndexBitWidth();
+  if (getPosWidth())
+    printer << ", posWidth = " << getPosWidth();
+  if (getCrdWidth())
+    printer << ", crdWidth = " << getCrdWidth();
   if (!getDimSlices().empty()) {
     printer << ", slice = [ ";
     llvm::interleaveComma(getDimSlices(), printer,
@@ -355,12 +360,12 @@ void SparseTensorEncodingAttr::print(AsmPrinter &printer) const {
 LogicalResult SparseTensorEncodingAttr::verify(
     function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
     ArrayRef<DimLevelType> dimLevelType, AffineMap dimOrdering,
-    AffineMap higherOrdering, unsigned pointerBitWidth, unsigned indexBitWidth,
+    AffineMap higherOrdering, unsigned posWidth, unsigned crdWidth,
     ArrayRef<SparseTensorDimSliceAttr> dimSlices) {
-  if (!acceptBitWidth(pointerBitWidth))
-    return emitError() << "unexpected pointer bitwidth: " << pointerBitWidth;
-  if (!acceptBitWidth(indexBitWidth))
-    return emitError() << "unexpected index bitwidth: " << indexBitWidth;
+  if (!acceptBitWidth(posWidth))
+    return emitError() << "unexpected position bitwidth: " << posWidth;
+  if (!acceptBitWidth(crdWidth))
+    return emitError() << "unexpected coordinate bitwidth: " << crdWidth;
   // Before we can check that the level-rank is consistent/coherent
   // across all fields, we need to define it.  The source-of-truth for
   // the `getLvlRank` method is the length of the level-types array,
@@ -403,9 +408,9 @@ LogicalResult SparseTensorEncodingAttr::verifyEncoding(
     function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) const {
   // Check structural integrity.  In particular, this ensures that the
   // level-rank is coherent across all the fields.
-      emitError, getDimLevelType(), getDimOrdering(), getHigherOrdering(),
-      getPointerBitWidth(), getIndexBitWidth(), getDimSlices()))
+  RETURN_FAILURE_IF_FAILED(verify(emitError, getDimLevelType(),
+                                  getDimOrdering(), getHigherOrdering(),
+                                  getPosWidth(), getCrdWidth(), getDimSlices()))
   // Check integrity with tensor type specifics.  In particular, we
   // need only check that the dimension-rank of the tensor agrees with
   // the dimension-rank of the encoding.
@@ -498,11 +503,10 @@ RankedTensorType sparse_tensor::getCOOFromTypeWithOrdering(RankedTensorType rtt,
   // TODO: Maybe pick the bitwidth based on input/output tensors (probably the
   // largest one among them) in the original operation instead of using the
   // default value.
-  unsigned pointerBitWidth = src.getPointerBitWidth();
-  unsigned indexBitWidth = src.getIndexBitWidth();
+  unsigned posWidth = src.getPosWidth();
+  unsigned crdWidth = src.getCrdWidth();
   auto enc = SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(src.getContext(), lvlTypes, lvlPerm,
-                                           AffineMap(), pointerBitWidth,
-                                           indexBitWidth);
+                                           AffineMap(), posWidth, crdWidth);
   return RankedTensorType::get(src.getDimShape(), src.getElementType(), enc);
@@ -577,8 +581,8 @@ getNormalizedEncodingForSpecifier(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
       enc.getContext(), dlts,
       AffineMap(), // dimOrdering (irrelavant to storage speicifer)
       AffineMap(), // highLvlOrdering (irrelavant to storage specifer)
-      // Always use index for memSize, dimSize instead of reusing
-      // getBitwidth from pointers/indices.
+      // Always use `index` for memSize and lvlSize instead of reusing
+      // `getPosWidth`/`getCrdWidth`.
       // It allows us to reuse the same SSA value for 
diff erent bitwidth,
       // It also avoids casting between index/integer (returned by DimOp)
       0, 0,
@@ -596,17 +600,17 @@ StorageSpecifierType::get(MLIRContext *ctx, SparseTensorEncodingAttr encoding) {
 // SparseTensorDialect Operations.
-static LogicalResult dimIsInBounds(Dimension dim, Value tensor) {
-  return success(dim < getDimRank(tensor));
+static LogicalResult lvlIsInBounds(Level lvl, Value tensor) {
+  return success(lvl < getSparseTensorType(tensor).getLvlRank());
-static LogicalResult isMatchingWidth(Value result, unsigned width) {
-  const Type etp = getMemRefType(result).getElementType();
+static LogicalResult isMatchingWidth(Value mem, unsigned width) {
+  const Type etp = getMemRefType(mem).getElementType();
   return success(width == 0 ? etp.isIndex() : etp.isInteger(width));
 static LogicalResult verifySparsifierGetterSetter(
-    StorageSpecifierKind mdKind, std::optional<APInt> lvl,
+    StorageSpecifierKind mdKind, std::optional<Level> lvl,
     TypedValue<StorageSpecifierType> md, Operation *op) {
   if (mdKind == StorageSpecifierKind::ValMemSize && lvl) {
     return op->emitError(
@@ -620,58 +624,72 @@ static LogicalResult verifySparsifierGetterSetter(
     if (!lvl)
       return op->emitError("missing level argument");
-    const Level l = lvl.value().getZExtValue();
+    const Level l = lvl.value();
     if (l >= lvlRank)
-      return op->emitError("requested level out of bound");
+      return op->emitError("requested level is out of bounds");
-    if (mdKind == StorageSpecifierKind::PtrMemSize && enc.isSingletonLvl(l))
+    if (mdKind == StorageSpecifierKind::PosMemSize && enc.isSingletonLvl(l))
       return op->emitError(
-          "requested pointer memory size on a singleton level");
+          "requested position memory size on a singleton level");
   return success();
-static LogicalResult verifyPackUnPack(Operation *op, TensorType cooTp,
-                                      TensorType dataTp, TensorType idxTp) {
-  if (!isUniqueCOOType(cooTp))
-    return op->emitError("must operate on a COO tensor");
-  auto enc = getSparseTensorEncoding(cooTp);
-  if (idxTp.getElementType() != enc.getIndexType() ||
-      dataTp.getElementType() != cooTp.getElementType())
-    return op->emitError("unmatched type between input and output");
-  auto dNOE = dataTp.getShape()[0];
-  auto iNOE = idxTp.getShape()[0];
-  if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(dNOE) && !ShapedType::isDynamic(iNOE) &&
-      dNOE != iNOE)
-    return op->emitError("unmatched number of elements in data and indices");
-  // A tensor<?xNxi32> for indices means the input COO is rank N
-  auto inRank = idxTp.getShape()[1];
-  auto ouRank = cooTp.getRank();
-  if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(inRank) && inRank != ouRank)
-    return op->emitError("unmatched rank between input and output");
+static LogicalResult verifyPackUnPack(Operation *op, bool requiresStaticShape,
+                                      SparseTensorType tensorTp,
+                                      RankedTensorType valuesTp,
+                                      RankedTensorType coordinatesTp) {
+  if (requiresStaticShape && !tensorTp.hasStaticDimShape())
+    return op->emitError("the sparse-tensor must have static shape");
+  if (!tensorTp.hasEncoding())
+    return op->emitError("the sparse-tensor must have an encoding attribute");
+  if (!tensorTp.isIdentity())
+    return op->emitError("the sparse-tensor must have the identity mapping");
+  if (!isUniqueCOOType(tensorTp))
+    return op->emitError("the sparse-tensor must have a COO type");
+  if (coordinatesTp.getRank() != 2)
+    return op->emitError("coordinates must have rank 2");
+  if (requiresStaticShape && !coordinatesTp.hasStaticShape())
+    return op->emitError("coordinates must have static shape");
+  if (coordinatesTp.getElementType() != tensorTp.getCrdType())
+    return op->emitError("input/output coordinate-types don't match");
+  if (valuesTp.getRank() != 1)
+    return op->emitError("values must have rank 1");
+  if (requiresStaticShape && !valuesTp.hasStaticShape())
+    return op->emitError("values must have static shape");
+  if (valuesTp.getElementType() != tensorTp.getElementType())
+    return op->emitError("input/output element-types don't match");
+  const auto valuesNSE = valuesTp.getShape()[0];
+  const auto coordsNSE = coordinatesTp.getShape()[0];
+  if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(valuesNSE) && !ShapedType::isDynamic(coordsNSE) &&
+      valuesNSE != coordsNSE)
+    return op->emitError("values/coordinates number-of-elements don't match");
+  // NOTE: We use `getLvlRank` because the `coordinatesTp` is for
+  // level-coordinates (cf., the op documentation).
+  const auto coordsRank = coordinatesTp.getShape()[1];
+  const auto tensorRank = tensorTp.getLvlRank();
+  if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(coordsRank) && coordsRank != tensorRank)
+    return op->emitError("input/output level-ranks don't match");
   return success();
 LogicalResult PackOp::verify() {
-  TensorType dataTp = getData().getType(), idxTp = getIndices().getType();
-  TensorType retTp = getResult().getType();
-  if (!retTp.hasStaticShape() || !dataTp.hasStaticShape() ||
-      !idxTp.hasStaticShape())
-    return emitError("all input types must be statically shaped");
-  return verifyPackUnPack(*this, retTp, dataTp, idxTp);
+  const auto valuesTp = getRankedTensorType(getValues());
+  const auto coordinatesTp = getRankedTensorType(getCoordinates());
+  const auto resTp = getSparseTensorType(getResult());
+  return verifyPackUnPack(*this, true, resTp, valuesTp, coordinatesTp);
 LogicalResult UnpackOp::verify() {
-  TensorType dataTp = getData().getType(), idxTp = getIndices().getType();
-  TensorType srcTp = getTensor().getType();
-  return verifyPackUnPack(*this, srcTp, dataTp, idxTp);
+  const auto valuesTp = getRankedTensorType(getValues());
+  const auto coordinatesTp = getRankedTensorType(getCoordinates());
+  const auto srcTp = getSparseTensorType(getTensor());
+  return verifyPackUnPack(*this, false, srcTp, valuesTp, coordinatesTp);
 LogicalResult ConvertOp::verify() {
@@ -704,27 +722,25 @@ OpFoldResult ConvertOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) {
   return {};
-LogicalResult ToPointersOp::verify() {
+LogicalResult ToPositionsOp::verify() {
   auto e = getSparseTensorEncoding(getTensor().getType());
-  // FIXME: there seems to be some dim/lvl confusion here.
-  if (failed(dimIsInBounds(getDimension().getZExtValue(), getTensor())))
-    return emitError("requested pointers dimension out of bounds");
-  if (failed(isMatchingWidth(getResult(), e.getPointerBitWidth())))
-    return emitError("unexpected type for pointers");
+  if (failed(lvlIsInBounds(getLevel(), getTensor())))
+    return emitError("requested level is out of bounds");
+  if (failed(isMatchingWidth(getResult(), e.getPosWidth())))
+    return emitError("unexpected type for positions");
   return success();
-LogicalResult ToIndicesOp::verify() {
+LogicalResult ToCoordinatesOp::verify() {
   auto e = getSparseTensorEncoding(getTensor().getType());
-  // FIXME: there seems to be some dim/lvl confusion here.
-  if (failed(dimIsInBounds(getDimension().getZExtValue(), getTensor())))
-    return emitError("requested indices dimension out of bounds");
-  if (failed(isMatchingWidth(getResult(), e.getIndexBitWidth())))
-    return emitError("unexpected type for indices");
+  if (failed(lvlIsInBounds(getLevel(), getTensor())))
+    return emitError("requested level is out of bounds");
+  if (failed(isMatchingWidth(getResult(), e.getCrdWidth())))
+    return emitError("unexpected type for coordinates");
   return success();
-LogicalResult ToIndicesBufferOp::verify() {
+LogicalResult ToCoordinatesBufferOp::verify() {
   auto e = getSparseTensorEncoding(getTensor().getType());
   if (getCOOStart(e) >= e.getLvlRank())
     return emitError("expected sparse tensor with a COO region");
@@ -755,7 +771,7 @@ LogicalResult ToSliceStrideOp::verify() {
 LogicalResult GetStorageSpecifierOp::verify() {
-      getSpecifierKind(), getDim(), getSpecifier(), getOperation()))
+      getSpecifierKind(), getLevel(), getSpecifier(), getOperation()))
   return success();
@@ -765,17 +781,17 @@ static SetStorageSpecifierOp getSpecifierSetDef(SpecifierOp op) {
 OpFoldResult GetStorageSpecifierOp::fold(FoldAdaptor adaptor) {
-  StorageSpecifierKind kind = getSpecifierKind();
-  std::optional<APInt> dim = getDim();
+  const StorageSpecifierKind kind = getSpecifierKind();
+  const auto lvl = getLevel();
   for (auto op = getSpecifierSetDef(*this); op; op = getSpecifierSetDef(op))
-    if (kind == op.getSpecifierKind() && dim == op.getDim())
+    if (kind == op.getSpecifierKind() && lvl == op.getLevel())
       return op.getValue();
   return {};
 LogicalResult SetStorageSpecifierOp::verify() {
-      getSpecifierKind(), getDim(), getSpecifier(), getOperation()))
+      getSpecifierKind(), getLevel(), getSpecifier(), getOperation()))
   return success();
@@ -865,7 +881,7 @@ LogicalResult UnaryOp::verify() {
 LogicalResult ConcatenateOp::verify() {
   const auto dstTp = getSparseTensorType(*this);
-  const Dimension concatDim = getDimension().getZExtValue();
+  const Dimension concatDim = getDimension();
   const Dimension dimRank = dstTp.getDimRank();
   if (getInputs().size() <= 1)
@@ -922,8 +938,9 @@ LogicalResult ConcatenateOp::verify() {
 LogicalResult InsertOp::verify() {
-  if (getDimRank(getTensor()) != static_cast<Dimension>(getIndices().size()))
-    return emitOpError("incorrect number of indices");
+  const auto stt = getSparseTensorType(getTensor());
+  if (stt.getLvlRank() != static_cast<Level>(getLvlCoords().size()))
+    return emitOpError("incorrect number of coordinates");
   return success();
@@ -942,9 +959,9 @@ LogicalResult PushBackOp::verify() {
 LogicalResult CompressOp::verify() {
-  if (getDimRank(getTensor()) !=
-      1 + static_cast<Dimension>(getIndices().size()))
-    return emitOpError("incorrect number of indices");
+  const auto stt = getSparseTensorType(getTensor());
+  if (stt.getLvlRank() != 1 + static_cast<Level>(getLvlCoords().size()))
+    return emitOpError("incorrect number of coordinates");
   return success();
@@ -960,7 +977,7 @@ void ForeachOp::build(
   const auto stt = getSparseTensorType(tensor);
   const Dimension dimRank = stt.getDimRank();
-  // Starts with `dimRank`-many indices.
+  // Starts with `dimRank`-many coordinates.
   SmallVector<Type> blockArgTypes(dimRank, builder.getIndexType());
   // Followed by one value.

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/BufferizableOpInterfaceImpl.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/BufferizableOpInterfaceImpl.cpp
index 641b429f300a4..6fbdc7384f69f 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/BufferizableOpInterfaceImpl.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/BufferizableOpInterfaceImpl.cpp
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ struct PackOpInterface
                                             const AnalysisState &state) const {
     assert(op->getNumResults() == 1);
-    // PackOp reuses the input tensors as data/indices instead of creating new
-    // ones when packing into a COO format.
+    // PackOp reuses the input tensors as values/coordinates instead of
+    // creating new ones when packing into a COO format.
     return {{op->getOpResult(0), BufferRelation::Equivalent}};
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ struct UnpackOpInterface
   AliasingOpResultList getAliasingOpResults(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand,
                                             const AnalysisState &state) const {
-    // Conceptually, UnpackOp equals to a list of toIndices/toValueOp
+    // Conceptually, UnpackOp equals to a list of toCoordinates/toValueOp
     return {};
@@ -217,9 +217,10 @@ struct NumberOfEntriesOpInterface
-struct ToIndicesBufferOpInterface
+struct ToCoordinatesBufferOpInterface
     : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<
-          ToIndicesBufferOpInterface, sparse_tensor::ToIndicesBufferOp> {
+          ToCoordinatesBufferOpInterface,
+          sparse_tensor::ToCoordinatesBufferOp> {
   bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand,
                               const AnalysisState &state) const {
     return true;
@@ -227,8 +228,8 @@ struct ToIndicesBufferOpInterface
   bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand,
                                const AnalysisState &state) const {
-    // Potential writes into memory through the result of sparse_tensor.indices
-    // are not considered.
+    // Potential writes into memory through the result of
+    // `sparse_tensor.coordinates` are not considered.
     return false;
@@ -238,9 +239,9 @@ struct ToIndicesBufferOpInterface
-struct ToIndicesOpInterface
+struct ToCoordinatesOpInterface
     : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<
-          ToIndicesOpInterface, sparse_tensor::ToIndicesOp> {
+          ToCoordinatesOpInterface, sparse_tensor::ToCoordinatesOp> {
   bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand,
                               const AnalysisState &state) const {
     return true;
@@ -248,8 +249,8 @@ struct ToIndicesOpInterface
   bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand,
                                const AnalysisState &state) const {
-    // Potential writes into memory through the result of sparse_tensor.indices
-    // are not considered.
+    // Potential writes into memory through the result of
+    // `sparse_tensor.coordinates` are not considered.
     return false;
@@ -259,9 +260,9 @@ struct ToIndicesOpInterface
-struct ToPointersOpInterface
+struct ToPositionsOpInterface
     : public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<
-          ToPointersOpInterface, sparse_tensor::ToPointersOp> {
+          ToPositionsOpInterface, sparse_tensor::ToPositionsOp> {
   bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand,
                               const AnalysisState &state) const {
     return true;
@@ -269,8 +270,8 @@ struct ToPointersOpInterface
   bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand,
                                const AnalysisState &state) const {
-    // Potential writes into memory through the result of sparse_tensor.pointers
-    // are not considered.
+    // Potential writes into memory through the result of
+    // `sparse_tensor.positions` are not considered.
     return false;
@@ -318,10 +319,11 @@ void mlir::sparse_tensor::registerBufferizableOpInterfaceExternalModels(
-    sparse_tensor::ToIndicesBufferOp::attachInterface<
-        ToIndicesBufferOpInterface>(*ctx);
-    sparse_tensor::ToIndicesOp::attachInterface<ToIndicesOpInterface>(*ctx);
-    sparse_tensor::ToPointersOp::attachInterface<ToPointersOpInterface>(*ctx);
+    sparse_tensor::ToCoordinatesBufferOp::attachInterface<
+        ToCoordinatesBufferOpInterface>(*ctx);
+    sparse_tensor::ToCoordinatesOp::attachInterface<ToCoordinatesOpInterface>(
+        *ctx);
+    sparse_tensor::ToPositionsOp::attachInterface<ToPositionsOpInterface>(*ctx);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/CodegenUtils.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/CodegenUtils.cpp
index cb4eda192d9a9..c3344ba1af6e2 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/CodegenUtils.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/CodegenUtils.cpp
@@ -24,52 +24,50 @@ using namespace mlir;
 using namespace mlir::sparse_tensor;
 /// If the tensor is a sparse constant, generates and returns the pair of
-/// the constants for the indices and the values.
+/// the constants for the coordinates and the values.
 static std::optional<std::pair<Value, Value>>
 genSplitSparseConstant(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value tensor) {
   if (auto constOp = tensor.getDefiningOp<arith::ConstantOp>()) {
-    if (auto attr = constOp.getValue().dyn_cast<SparseElementsAttr>()) {
-      DenseElementsAttr indicesAttr = attr.getIndices();
-      Value indices = builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(loc, indicesAttr);
-      DenseElementsAttr valuesAttr = attr.getValues();
-      Value values = builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(loc, valuesAttr);
-      return std::make_pair(indices, values);
+    if (auto a = constOp.getValue().dyn_cast<SparseElementsAttr>()) {
+      auto coordinates = builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(loc, a.getIndices());
+      auto values = builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(loc, a.getValues());
+      return std::make_pair(coordinates, values);
   return {};
-/// Generates the code to copy the index at indices[ivs] to ind, and return
-/// the value at value[ivs].
-static Value genIndexAndValueForSparse(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                       Value indices, Value values,
-                                       SmallVectorImpl<Value> &indicesArray,
-                                       ValueRange ivs, unsigned rank) {
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
-    Value idx = constantIndex(builder, loc, i);
-    Value val = builder.create<tensor::ExtractOp>(loc, indices,
-                                                  ValueRange{ivs[0], idx});
-    val = builder.create<arith::IndexCastOp>(loc, builder.getIndexType(), val);
-    // builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, val, ind, idx);
-    indicesArray.push_back(val);
+/// Reads `coordinates[k][0..rank-1]` and `value[k]`, appending the
+/// former onto `cvs` and returning the latter.
+// FIXME: Change the `rank` argument to `Dimension dimRank` or `Level lvlRank`,
+// to clarify its intended meaning.
+static Value genCoordsAndValueForSparse(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                        Value coordinates, Value values,
+                                        SmallVectorImpl<Value> &cvs, Value k,
+                                        unsigned rank) {
+  for (unsigned d = 0; d < rank; d++) {
+    Value dim = constantIndex(builder, loc, d);
+    Value crd =
+        builder.create<tensor::ExtractOp>(loc, coordinates, ValueRange{k, dim});
+    crd = builder.create<arith::IndexCastOp>(loc, builder.getIndexType(), crd);
+    // builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, crd, cvs, dim);
+    cvs.push_back(crd);
-  return builder.create<tensor::ExtractOp>(loc, values, ivs[0]);
+  return builder.create<tensor::ExtractOp>(loc, values, k);
-/// Generates the code to read the value from tensor[ivs], and conditionally
-/// stores the indices ivs to the memory in ind. The generated code looks like
-/// the following and the insertion point after this routine is inside the
-/// if-then branch behind the assignment to ind. This is to ensure that the
-/// code that uses the ind, such as an addEltX call generated after, is inside
-/// the if-then branch.
+/// Generates code to read the value from `tensor[ivs]`, and open
+/// a conditional for whether the value is non-zero.  The generated code
+/// looks like the following and the insertion point after this routine
+/// is inside the then-branch.
 ///    if (tensor[ivs] != 0)
-///      ind = ivs
-static Value genIndexAndValueForDense(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                      Value tensor,
-                                      SmallVectorImpl<Value> &indicesArray,
-                                      ValueRange ivs) {
+///      insert_point
+static Value genCoordsAndValueForDense(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                       Value tensor,
+                                       SmallVectorImpl<Value> &cvs,
+                                       ValueRange ivs) {
   Value val = genValueForDense(builder, loc, tensor, ivs);
-  indicesArray.append(ivs.begin(), ivs.end());
+  cvs.append(ivs.begin(), ivs.end());
   return val;
@@ -101,6 +99,8 @@ OverheadType mlir::sparse_tensor::overheadTypeEncoding(Type tp) {
   llvm_unreachable("Unknown overhead type");
+// TODO: should offer an overload of this that takes a `MLIRContext*`
+// instead of the builder, similar to `detail::getIntegerOrIndexType`.
 Type mlir::sparse_tensor::getOverheadType(Builder &builder, OverheadType ot) {
   switch (ot) {
   case OverheadType::kIndex:
@@ -118,24 +118,18 @@ Type mlir::sparse_tensor::getOverheadType(Builder &builder, OverheadType ot) {
-mlir::sparse_tensor::pointerOverheadTypeEncoding(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
-  return overheadTypeEncoding(enc.getPointerBitWidth());
+mlir::sparse_tensor::posTypeEncoding(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
+  return overheadTypeEncoding(enc.getPosWidth());
-mlir::sparse_tensor::indexOverheadTypeEncoding(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
-  return overheadTypeEncoding(enc.getIndexBitWidth());
-Type mlir::sparse_tensor::getPointerOverheadType(Builder &builder,
-                                                 SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
-  return getOverheadType(builder, pointerOverheadTypeEncoding(enc));
+mlir::sparse_tensor::crdTypeEncoding(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
+  return overheadTypeEncoding(enc.getCrdWidth());
-Type mlir::sparse_tensor::getIndexOverheadType(Builder &builder,
-                                               SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
-  return getOverheadType(builder, indexOverheadTypeEncoding(enc));
+// TODO: we ought to add some `static_assert` tests to ensure that the
+// `STEA::get{Pos,Crd}Type` methods agree with `getOverheadType(builder,
+// {pos,crd}OverheadTypeEncoding(enc))`
 // TODO: Adjust the naming convention for the constructors of
 // `OverheadType` so we can use the `MLIR_SPARSETENSOR_FOREVERY_O` x-macro
@@ -323,53 +317,52 @@ void mlir::sparse_tensor::genReshapeDstShape(
   assert(start == staticDstShape.size());
-void mlir::sparse_tensor::translateIndicesArray(
+void mlir::sparse_tensor::reshapeCvs(
     OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-    ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociation, ValueRange srcIndices,
-    ArrayRef<Value> srcShape, ArrayRef<Value> dstShape,
-    SmallVectorImpl<Value> &dstIndices) {
+    ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociation, // NOLINT
+    ValueRange srcSizes, ValueRange srcCvs,       // NOLINT
+    ValueRange dstSizes, SmallVectorImpl<Value> &dstCvs) {
+  const unsigned srcRank = srcSizes.size();
+  const unsigned dstRank = dstSizes.size();
+  assert(srcRank == srcCvs.size() && "Source rank mismatch");
+  const bool isCollapse = srcRank > dstRank;
+  const ValueRange sizes = isCollapse ? srcSizes : dstSizes;
+  // Iterate over reassociation map.
   unsigned i = 0;
   unsigned start = 0;
-  unsigned dstRank = dstShape.size();
-  unsigned srcRank = srcShape.size();
-  assert(srcRank == srcIndices.size());
-  bool isCollapse = srcRank > dstRank;
-  ArrayRef<Value> shape = isCollapse ? srcShape : dstShape;
-  // Iterate over reassociation map.
   for (const auto &map : llvm::enumerate(reassociation)) {
     // Prepare strides information in dimension slice.
     Value linear = constantIndex(builder, loc, 1);
     for (unsigned j = start, end = start + map.value().size(); j < end; j++) {
-      linear = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, linear, shape[j]);
+      linear = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, linear, sizes[j]);
     // Start expansion.
     Value val;
     if (!isCollapse)
-      val = srcIndices[i];
+      val = srcCvs[i];
     // Iterate over dimension slice.
     for (unsigned j = start, end = start + map.value().size(); j < end; j++) {
-      linear = builder.create<arith::DivUIOp>(loc, linear, shape[j]);
+      linear = builder.create<arith::DivUIOp>(loc, linear, sizes[j]);
       if (isCollapse) {
-        Value old = srcIndices[j];
-        Value mul = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, old, linear);
+        const Value mul = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, srcCvs[j], linear);
         val = val ? builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, val, mul) : mul;
       } else {
-        Value old = val;
+        const Value old = val;
         val = builder.create<arith::DivUIOp>(loc, val, linear);
-        assert(dstIndices.size() == j);
-        dstIndices.push_back(val);
+        assert(dstCvs.size() == j);
+        dstCvs.push_back(val);
         val = builder.create<arith::RemUIOp>(loc, old, linear);
     // Finalize collapse.
     if (isCollapse) {
-      assert(dstIndices.size() == i);
-      dstIndices.push_back(val);
+      assert(dstCvs.size() == i);
+      dstCvs.push_back(val);
     start += map.value().size();
-  assert(dstIndices.size() == dstRank);
+  assert(dstCvs.size() == dstRank);
 FlatSymbolRefAttr mlir::sparse_tensor::getFunc(ModuleOp module, StringRef name,
@@ -471,46 +464,51 @@ Value mlir::sparse_tensor::genValueForDense(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
 // FIXME:
 // 1. Dense tensors loop should be generated by loop emitter.
 // 2. Support reduction variables to propagate SSA chains properly.
+// 3. Change the `rank` argument to `Dimension dimRank` or `Level lvlRank`,
+//    to clarify its meaning.
 void mlir::sparse_tensor::genDenseTensorOrSparseConstantIterLoop(
     OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value src, unsigned rank,
     function_ref<void(OpBuilder &, Location, Value, ValueRange)> bodyBuilder) {
-  SmallVector<Value> indicesArray;
+  // `cvs` is actually the flattened coordinates array for all elements,
+  // not just for one element (since we do not `SmallVector::clear` after
+  // each iteration of the body of the loopnest.
+  SmallVector<Value> cvs;
   SmallVector<Value> lo;
   SmallVector<Value> hi;
   SmallVector<Value> st;
-  Value zero = constantIndex(builder, loc, 0);
-  Value one = constantIndex(builder, loc, 1);
-  auto indicesValues = genSplitSparseConstant(builder, loc, src);
-  bool isCOOConstant = indicesValues.has_value();
-  Value indices;
-  Value values;
-  if (isCOOConstant) {
-    indices = indicesValues->first;
-    values = indicesValues->second;
+  const Value zero = constantIndex(builder, loc, 0);
+  const Value one = constantIndex(builder, loc, 1);
+  const auto splitSrc = genSplitSparseConstant(builder, loc, src);
+  if (splitSrc.has_value()) {
+    const Value srcCoordinates = splitSrc->first;
+    const Value srcValues = splitSrc->second;
-    hi.push_back(linalg::createOrFoldDimOp(builder, loc, values, 0));
+    hi.push_back(linalg::createOrFoldDimOp(builder, loc, srcValues, 0));
+    scf::buildLoopNest(builder, loc, lo, hi, st, {},
+                       [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange ivs,
+                           ValueRange /*args*/) -> scf::ValueVector {
+                         Value val = genCoordsAndValueForSparse(
+                             builder, loc, srcCoordinates, srcValues, cvs,
+                             ivs[0], rank);
+                         bodyBuilder(builder, loc, val, cvs);
+                         return {};
+                       });
   } else {
     for (unsigned i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
       hi.push_back(linalg::createOrFoldDimOp(builder, loc, src, i));
+    scf::buildLoopNest(builder, loc, lo, hi, st, {},
+                       [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange ivs,
+                           ValueRange /*args*/) -> scf::ValueVector {
+                         Value val = genCoordsAndValueForDense(builder, loc,
+                                                               src, cvs, ivs);
+                         bodyBuilder(builder, loc, val, cvs);
+                         return {};
+                       });
-  scf::buildLoopNest(
-      builder, loc, lo, hi, st, {},
-      [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange ivs,
-          ValueRange args) -> scf::ValueVector {
-        Value val;
-        if (isCOOConstant)
-          val = genIndexAndValueForSparse(builder, loc, indices, values,
-                                          indicesArray, ivs, rank);
-        else
-          val = genIndexAndValueForDense(builder, loc, src, indicesArray, ivs);
-        bodyBuilder(builder, loc, val, indicesArray);
-        return {};
-      });
 void mlir::sparse_tensor::sizesFromSrc(OpBuilder &builder,
@@ -534,85 +532,108 @@ Operation *mlir::sparse_tensor::getTop(Operation *op) {
 void sparse_tensor::foreachInSparseConstant(
     Location loc, RewriterBase &rewriter, SparseElementsAttr attr,
     AffineMap order, function_ref<void(ArrayRef<Value>, Value)> callback) {
-  Dimension dimRank = getSparseTensorType(attr).getDimRank();
-  // Foreach on constant.
-  DenseElementsAttr indicesAttr = attr.getIndices();
-  DenseElementsAttr valuesAttr = attr.getValues();
-  using CooValuePair = std::pair<SmallVector<IntegerAttr>, Attribute>;
-  SmallVector<CooValuePair> cooV;
-  for (size_t i = 0, nse = valuesAttr.size(); i < nse; i++) {
-    cooV.emplace_back();
-    for (Dimension j = 0; j < dimRank; j++) {
-      auto coordAttr = indicesAttr.getValues<IntegerAttr>()[i * dimRank + j];
-      cooV.back().first.push_back(coordAttr);
-    }
-    auto valAttr = valuesAttr.getValues<Attribute>()[i];
-    cooV.back().second = valAttr;
+  const Dimension dimRank = getSparseTensorType(attr).getDimRank();
+  const auto coordinates = attr.getIndices().getValues<IntegerAttr>();
+  const auto values = attr.getValues().getValues<Attribute>();
+  // This is like the `Element<V>` class in the runtime library, but for
+  // MLIR attributes.  In the future we may want to move this out into
+  // a proper class definition to help improve code legibility (e.g.,
+  // `first` -> `coords`, `second` -> `value`) as well as being able
+  // to factor out analogues of `ElementLT<V>` for the sort below, etc.
+  using ElementAttr = std::pair<SmallVector<IntegerAttr>, Attribute>;
+  // Construct the COO from the SparseElementsAttr.
+  SmallVector<ElementAttr> elems;
+  for (size_t i = 0, nse = values.size(); i < nse; i++) {
+    elems.emplace_back();
+    elems.back().second = values[i];
+    auto &coords = elems.back().first;
+    coords.reserve(dimRank);
+    for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++)
+      coords.push_back(coordinates[i * dimRank + d]);
   // Sorts the sparse element attribute based on coordinates.
-  std::sort(cooV.begin(), cooV.end(),
-            [order](const CooValuePair &lhs, const CooValuePair &rhs) {
-              const SmallVectorImpl<IntegerAttr> &lc = lhs.first;
-              const SmallVectorImpl<IntegerAttr> &rc = rhs.first;
-              for (size_t i = 0, e = lc.size(); i < e; i++) {
-                auto l =
-                    order
-                        ? order.getResult(i).cast<AffineDimExpr>().getPosition()
-                        : i;
-                if (lc[l].getInt() == rc[l].getInt())
+  std::sort(elems.begin(), elems.end(),
+            [order, dimRank](const ElementAttr &lhs, const ElementAttr &rhs) {
+              const auto &lhsCoords = lhs.first;
+              const auto &rhsCoords = rhs.first;
+              for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
+                // FIXME: This only makes sense for permutations.
+                // And since we don't check that `order` is a permutation,
+                // it can also cause OOB errors when we use `l`.
+                const Level l = order ? order.getDimPosition(d) : d;
+                if (lhsCoords[l].getInt() == rhsCoords[l].getInt())
-                return lc[l].getInt() < rc[l].getInt();
+                return lhsCoords[l].getInt() < rhsCoords[l].getInt();
               llvm_unreachable("no equal coordinate in sparse element attr");
-  SmallVector<Value> coords;
-  for (size_t i = 0, nse = valuesAttr.size(); i < nse; i++) {
-    coords.clear();
-    for (Dimension j = 0; j < dimRank; j++) {
-      auto coordAttr = cooV[i].first[j];
-      auto coord =
-          rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, coordAttr.getInt());
-      // Remaps coordinates.
-      coords.push_back(coord);
+  SmallVector<Value> cvs;
+  cvs.reserve(dimRank);
+  for (size_t i = 0, nse = values.size(); i < nse; i++) {
+    // Remap coordinates.
+    cvs.clear();
+    for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
+      auto crd = elems[i].first[d].getInt();
+      cvs.push_back(rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, crd));
+    // Remap value.
     Value val;
     if (attr.getElementType().isa<ComplexType>()) {
-      auto valAttr = cooV[i].second.cast<ArrayAttr>();
+      auto valAttr = elems[i].second.cast<ArrayAttr>();
       val = rewriter.create<complex::ConstantOp>(loc, attr.getElementType(),
     } else {
-      auto valAttr = cooV[i].second.cast<TypedAttr>();
-      // Remaps value.
+      auto valAttr = elems[i].second.cast<TypedAttr>();
       val = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(loc, valAttr);
-    callback(coords, val);
+    callback(cvs, val);
-void sparse_tensor::storeIndices(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                 unsigned size, Value ind, ValueRange ivs,
-                                 unsigned offsetDim, Value offset) {
+SmallVector<Value> sparse_tensor::loadAll(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                          size_t size, Value mem,
+                                          size_t offsetIdx, Value offsetVal) {
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-  const auto memTp = ind.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
-  (void)memTp;
+  const auto memTp = mem.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
   assert(memTp.getRank() == 1);
   const DynSize memSh = memTp.getDimSize(0);
-  (void)memSh;
-  assert(ShapedType::isDynamic(memSh) || memSh == static_cast<DynSize>(size));
-  assert(ivs.size() == static_cast<size_t>(size));
-  assert(offsetDim < size);
+  assert(ShapedType::isDynamic(memSh) || memSh >= static_cast<DynSize>(size));
+  assert(offsetIdx == 0 || offsetIdx < size);
 #endif // NDEBUG
+  SmallVector<Value> vs;
+  vs.reserve(size);
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-    Value idx = ivs[i];
-    if (offsetDim == i && offset)
-      idx = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, idx, offset);
-    builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, idx, ind,
-                                    constantIndex(builder, loc, i));
+    Value v = builder.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, mem,
+                                             constantIndex(builder, loc, i));
+    if (i == offsetIdx && offsetVal)
+      v = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, v, offsetVal);
+    vs.push_back(v);
+  }
+  return vs;
+void sparse_tensor::storeAll(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value mem,
+                             ValueRange vs, size_t offsetIdx, Value offsetVal) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  const size_t vsize = vs.size();
+  const auto memTp = mem.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
+  assert(memTp.getRank() == 1);
+  const DynSize memSh = memTp.getDimSize(0);
+  assert(ShapedType::isDynamic(memSh) || memSh >= static_cast<DynSize>(vsize));
+  assert(offsetIdx == 0 || offsetIdx < vsize);
+#endif // NDEBUG
+  for (const auto &v : llvm::enumerate(vs)) {
+    const Value w =
+        (offsetIdx == v.index() && offsetVal)
+            ? builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, v.value(), offsetVal)
+            : v.value();
+    builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, w, mem,
+                                    constantIndex(builder, loc, v.index()));
@@ -620,43 +641,44 @@ Value sparse_tensor::reshapeValuesToLevels(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
                                            SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc,
                                            ValueRange dimSizes,
                                            Value valuesBuffer,
-                                           Value idxBuffer) {
-  // Use the `idxBuffer` to store the level sizes.
+                                           Value lvlCoords) {
+  // Reuse the `lvlCoords` buffer to store the level-sizes.
   const Level lvlRank = enc.getLvlRank();
   SmallVector<Value> lvlSizes;
   for (Level l = 0; l < lvlRank; l++)
     // FIXME: `toOrigDim` is deprecated.
     lvlSizes.push_back(dimSizes[toOrigDim(enc, l)]);
-  storeIndices(builder, loc, lvlRank, idxBuffer, lvlSizes);
+  storeAll(builder, loc, lvlCoords, lvlSizes);
   // The memref ReshapeOp requires the sizes buffer to have a static
   // shape.
   const auto iTp = builder.getIndexType();
-  const SmallVector<DynSize, 1> idxBufferShape{static_cast<DynSize>(lvlRank)};
-  const auto idxBufferTp = MemRefType::get(idxBufferShape, iTp);
-  idxBuffer = builder.create<memref::CastOp>(loc, idxBufferTp, idxBuffer);
+  const SmallVector<DynSize, 1> lvlSizesShape{static_cast<DynSize>(lvlRank)};
+  const auto lvlSizesTp = MemRefType::get(lvlSizesShape, iTp);
+  lvlCoords = builder.create<memref::CastOp>(loc, lvlSizesTp, lvlCoords);
+  // Finally, create the ReshapeOp.
   const SmallVector<DynSize> resShape(lvlRank, ShapedType::kDynamic);
   const Type elemTp = getMemRefType(valuesBuffer).getElementType();
   const auto resTp = MemRefType::get(resShape, elemTp);
-  return builder.create<memref::ReshapeOp>(loc, resTp, valuesBuffer, idxBuffer);
+  return builder.create<memref::ReshapeOp>(loc, resTp, valuesBuffer, lvlCoords);
-Value sparse_tensor::genToPointers(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                   Value tensor, Level lvl) {
+Value sparse_tensor::genToPositions(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                    Value tensor, Level lvl) {
   const auto srcTp = getSparseTensorType(tensor);
-  const Type ptrTp = getPointerOverheadType(builder, srcTp.getEncoding());
-  const Type memTp = get1DMemRefType(ptrTp, /*withLayout=*/false);
-  return builder.create<ToPointersOp>(loc, memTp, tensor,
-                                      builder.getIndexAttr(lvl));
+  const Type posTp = srcTp.getEncoding().getPosType();
+  const Type memTp = get1DMemRefType(posTp, /*withLayout=*/false);
+  return builder.create<ToPositionsOp>(loc, memTp, tensor,
+                                       builder.getIndexAttr(lvl));
-Value sparse_tensor::genToIndices(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                  Value tensor, Level lvl, Level cooStart) {
+Value sparse_tensor::genToCoordinates(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                      Value tensor, Level lvl, Level cooStart) {
   const auto srcTp = getSparseTensorType(tensor);
-  const Type idxTp = getIndexOverheadType(builder, srcTp.getEncoding());
-  const Type memTp = get1DMemRefType(idxTp, /*withLayout=*/lvl >= cooStart);
-  return builder.create<ToIndicesOp>(loc, memTp, tensor,
-                                     builder.getIndexAttr(lvl));
+  const Type crdTp = srcTp.getEncoding().getCrdType();
+  const Type memTp = get1DMemRefType(crdTp, /*withLayout=*/lvl >= cooStart);
+  return builder.create<ToCoordinatesOp>(loc, memTp, tensor,
+                                         builder.getIndexAttr(lvl));
 Value sparse_tensor::genToValues(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/CodegenUtils.h b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/CodegenUtils.h
index de78010e57f22..6fa30935e781f 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/CodegenUtils.h
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/CodegenUtils.h
@@ -47,17 +47,11 @@ OverheadType overheadTypeEncoding(Type tp);
 /// Converts the internal type-encoding for overhead storage to an mlir::Type.
 Type getOverheadType(Builder &builder, OverheadType ot);
-/// Returns the OverheadType for pointer overhead storage.
-OverheadType pointerOverheadTypeEncoding(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc);
+/// Returns the OverheadType for position overhead storage.
+OverheadType posTypeEncoding(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc);
-/// Returns the OverheadType for index overhead storage.
-OverheadType indexOverheadTypeEncoding(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc);
-/// Returns the mlir::Type for pointer overhead storage.
-Type getPointerOverheadType(Builder &builder, SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc);
-/// Returns the mlir::Type for index overhead storage.
-Type getIndexOverheadType(Builder &builder, SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc);
+/// Returns the OverheadType for coordinate overhead storage.
+OverheadType crdTypeEncoding(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc);
 /// Convert OverheadType to its function-name suffix.
 StringRef overheadTypeFunctionSuffix(OverheadType ot);
@@ -98,15 +92,14 @@ Value genIsNonzero(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value v);
 void genReshapeDstShape(Location loc, PatternRewriter &rewriter,
                         SmallVectorImpl<Value> &dstShape,
                         ArrayRef<Value> srcShape,
-                        ArrayRef<int64_t> staticDstShape,
+                        ArrayRef<StaticSize> staticDstShape,
                         ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociation);
-/// Translate indices during a reshaping operation.
-void translateIndicesArray(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                           ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociation,
-                           ValueRange srcIndices, ArrayRef<Value> srcShape,
-                           ArrayRef<Value> dstShape,
-                           SmallVectorImpl<Value> &dstIndices);
+/// Reshape coordinates during a reshaping operation.
+void reshapeCvs(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociation,
+                ValueRange srcSizes, ValueRange srcCvs, // NOLINT
+                ValueRange dstSizes, SmallVectorImpl<Value> &dstCvs);
 /// Returns a function reference (first hit also inserts into module). Sets
 /// the "_emit_c_interface" on the function declaration when requested,
@@ -155,9 +148,9 @@ Value allocDenseTensor(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
 /// Generates code to deallocate a dense buffer.
 void deallocDenseTensor(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value buffer);
-/// Generates the code to read the value from tensor[ivs]. The generated code
+/// Generates code to read the value from `tensor[ivs]`. The generated code
 /// looks like the following and the insertion point after this routine is
-/// inside the if-then branch behind the assignment to ind.
+/// inside the then-branch.
 ///    if (tensor[ivs] != 0)
 ///      insert_point
 Value genValueForDense(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value tensor,
@@ -177,7 +170,7 @@ Value genValueForDense(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value tensor,
 // The loop to iterate a sparse tensor constant:
 //   for i in range(NNZ)
 //     val = values[i]
-//     [i1,..,ik] = indices[i]
+//     [i1,..,ik] = coordinates[i]
 //     loop-body
 void genDenseTensorOrSparseConstantIterLoop(
     OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value src, unsigned rank,
@@ -201,8 +194,8 @@ inline MemRefType get1DMemRefType(Type etp, bool withLayout) {
 /// Scans to top of generated loop.
 Operation *getTop(Operation *op);
-/// Iterate over a sparse constant, generates constantOp for value and indices.
-/// E.g.,
+/// Iterate over a sparse constant, generates constantOp for value
+/// and coordinates.  E.g.,
 /// sparse<[ [0], [28], [31] ],
 ///          [ (-5.13, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0), (5.0, 6.0) ] >
 /// =>
@@ -221,18 +214,27 @@ void foreachInSparseConstant(
     Location loc, RewriterBase &rewriter, SparseElementsAttr attr,
     AffineMap order, function_ref<void(ArrayRef<Value>, Value)> callback);
-/// Converts the vector indices and store it into the memory pointed by
-/// `ind`, apply (optional) `offset` on `offsetDim`.
-void storeIndices(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, unsigned rank, Value ind,
-                  ValueRange ivs, unsigned offsetDim = 0,
-                  Value offset = Value());
+/// Loads `size`-many values from the memref, which must have rank-1 and
+/// size greater-or-equal to `size`.  If the optional `(offsetIdx,offsetVal)`
+/// arguments are provided, then the `offsetVal` will be added to the
+/// `offsetIdx`-th value after loading.
+SmallVector<Value> loadAll(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, size_t size,
+                           Value mem, size_t offsetIdx = 0,
+                           Value offsetVal = Value());
+/// Stores all the values of `vs` into the memref `mem`, which must have
+/// rank-1 and size greater-or-equal to `vs.size()`.  If the optional
+/// `(offsetIdx,offsetVal)` arguments are provided, then the `offsetVal`
+/// will be added to the `offsetIdx`-th value before storing.
+void storeAll(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value mem, ValueRange vs,
+              size_t offsetIdx = 0, Value offsetVal = Value());
 /// Reshapes the linear values buffer for an annotated all dense sparse tensor
 /// to match the shape of the corresponding dense tensor to support direct
-/// access of the buffer through indices.
+/// access of the buffer through `lvlCoords`.
 Value reshapeValuesToLevels(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
                             SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc, ValueRange dimSizes,
-                            Value valuesBuffer, Value idxBuffer);
+                            Value valuesBuffer, Value lvlCoords);
 // Inlined constant generators.
@@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ Value reshapeValuesToLevels(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
 /// Generates a 0-valued constant of the given type.  In addition to
-/// the scalar types (`ComplexType`, ``FloatType`, `IndexType`,
+/// the scalar types (`ComplexType`, `FloatType`, `IndexType`,
 /// `IntegerType`), this also works for `RankedTensorType` and `VectorType`
 /// (for which it generates a constant `DenseElementsAttr` of zeros).
 inline Value constantZero(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Type tp) {
@@ -314,18 +316,18 @@ inline Value constantOverheadTypeEncoding(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-/// Generates a constant of the internal type-encoding for pointer
+/// Generates a constant of the internal type-encoding for position
 /// overhead storage.
-inline Value constantPointerTypeEncoding(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                         SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
-  return constantOverheadTypeEncoding(builder, loc, enc.getPointerBitWidth());
+inline Value constantPosTypeEncoding(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                     SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
+  return constantOverheadTypeEncoding(builder, loc, enc.getPosWidth());
-/// Generates a constant of the internal type-encoding for index overhead
-/// storage.
-inline Value constantIndexTypeEncoding(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                       SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
-  return constantOverheadTypeEncoding(builder, loc, enc.getIndexBitWidth());
+/// Generates a constant of the internal type-encoding for coordinate
+/// overhead storage.
+inline Value constantCrdTypeEncoding(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                     SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc) {
+  return constantOverheadTypeEncoding(builder, loc, enc.getCrdWidth());
 /// Generates a constant of the internal type-encoding for primary storage.
@@ -346,16 +348,17 @@ inline bool isZeroRankedTensorOrScalar(Type type) {
   return !rtp || rtp.getRank() == 0;
-/// Infers the result type and generates ToPointersOp.
-Value genToPointers(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value tensor, Level lvl);
+/// Infers the result type and generates `ToPositionsOp`.
+Value genToPositions(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value tensor, Level lvl);
-/// Infers the result type and generates ToIndicesOp. If the lvl is within a COO
-/// region, the result type is a memref with unknown stride and offset.
-/// Otherwise, the result type is a memref without any specified layout.
-Value genToIndices(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value tensor, Level lvl,
-                   Level cooStart);
+/// Infers the result type and generates `ToCoordinatesOp`.  If the
+/// level is within a COO region, the result type is a memref with unknown
+/// stride and offset.  Otherwise, the result type is a memref without
+/// any specified layout.
+Value genToCoordinates(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value tensor,
+                       Level lvl, Level cooStart);
-/// Infers the result type and generates ToValuesOp.
+/// Infers the result type and generates `ToValuesOp`.
 Value genToValues(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value tensor);
 /// Generates code to retrieve the values size for the sparse tensor.

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/LoopEmitter.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/LoopEmitter.cpp
index 28f68622e3e95..6ff1e0da91d47 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/LoopEmitter.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/LoopEmitter.cpp
@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ using namespace mlir::sparse_tensor;
 // File local helper functions.
-/// Generates a pointer/index load from the sparse storage scheme. Narrower
-/// data types need to be zero extended before casting the value into the
-/// index type used for looping and indexing.
-static Value genIndexLoad(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value ptr,
+/// Generates a position/coordinate load from the sparse storage scheme.
+/// Narrower data types need to be zero extended before casting the
+/// value into the `Index` type used for looping and indexing.
+static Value genIndexLoad(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value mem,
                           Value s) {
   // For the scalar case, we simply zero extend narrower indices into 64-bit
   // values before casting to index without a performance penalty. Here too,
   // however, indices that already are 64-bit, in theory, cannot express the
   // full range as explained above.
-  Value load = builder.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, ptr, s);
+  Value load = builder.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, mem, s);
   if (!load.getType().isa<IndexType>()) {
     if (load.getType().getIntOrFloatBitWidth() < 64)
       load = builder.create<arith::ExtUIOp>(loc, builder.getI64Type(), load);
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ static Value toSliceCoord(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value v,
 // Converts a coordinate relative to the underlying tensor to the coordinate
 // relative to the slice, returns a extra reminder value
-static std::pair<Value, Value> fromSliceCoord(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                              Value v,
-                                              SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc,
-                                              unsigned lvl) {
+static std::pair<Value, Value> fromSliceCrd(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                            Value v,
+                                            SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc,
+                                            unsigned lvl) {
   Value stride = getSliceStride(builder, loc, enc, lvl);
   Value offset = getSliceOffset(builder, loc, enc, lvl);
   // iv = (iv - offset) / stride
@@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ static std::pair<Value, Value> fromSliceCoord(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
 static std::pair<Value, Value>
-genSliceLegitPredicate(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value coord,
+genSliceLegitPredicate(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value crd,
                        SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc, unsigned lvl) {
-  std::pair<Value, Value> trans = fromSliceCoord(builder, loc, coord, enc, lvl);
-  // First, coord >= offset (TODO: seems unsigned >= 0 won't be folded, skip
+  std::pair<Value, Value> trans = fromSliceCrd(builder, loc, crd, enc, lvl);
+  // First, crd >= offset (TODO: seems unsigned >= 0 won't be folded, skip
   // the check if the offset is zero).
   auto geOffset =
-      builder.create<arith::CmpIOp>(loc, arith::CmpIPredicate::uge, coord,
+      builder.create<arith::CmpIOp>(loc, arith::CmpIPredicate::uge, crd,
                                     getSliceOffset(builder, loc, enc, lvl));
   // Second, coord_in_slice < length
   auto ltLength =
@@ -127,23 +127,24 @@ Value LoopEmitter::genAddress(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, size_t tid,
   return add;
-Value LoopEmitter::genSparseCoord(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, size_t tid,
-                                  size_t l) {
-  Value c = constantIndex(builder, loc, 0);
-  auto reass = getCollapseReassociation(tid, l);
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < reass.size(); i++) {
-    auto lvl = reass[i];
-    // A load on the indices array yields the coordinate.
-    Value ptr = idxBuffer[tid][lvl];
-    Value off = genIndexLoad(builder, loc, ptr, pidxs[tid][l]);
+Value LoopEmitter::genSparseCrd(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, size_t tid,
+                                size_t dstLvl) {
+  Value crd = constantIndex(builder, loc, 0);
+  const auto reassoc = getCollapseReassociation(tid, dstLvl);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < reassoc.size(); i++) {
+    const auto srcLvl = reassoc[i];
+    // A load on the coordinates array yields the coordinate.
+    const Value mem = crdBuffer[tid][srcLvl];
+    const Value pos = pidxs[tid][dstLvl];
+    const Value off = genIndexLoad(builder, loc, mem, pos);
     // Linearized the coordinates within the same collapse reassociation.
-    c = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, c, off);
-    if (i != reass.size() - 1) {
-      c = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, c,
-                                        this->lvlSizes[tid][reass[i + 1]]);
+    crd = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, crd, off);
+    if (i != reassoc.size() - 1) {
+      crd = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, crd,
+                                          this->lvlSizes[tid][reassoc[i + 1]]);
-  return c;
+  return crd;
 LoopEmitter::LoopEmitter(ValueRange tensors, StringAttr loopTag, bool hasOutput,
@@ -164,8 +165,8 @@ void LoopEmitter::initialize(ValueRange ts, StringAttr loopTag, bool hasOutput,
   this->coord.assign(tensors.size(), std::vector<Value>());
   this->highs.assign(tensors.size(), std::vector<Value>());
   this->lvlSizes.assign(tensors.size(), std::vector<Value>());
-  this->ptrBuffer.assign(tensors.size(), std::vector<Value>());
-  this->idxBuffer.assign(tensors.size(), std::vector<Value>());
+  this->posBuffer.assign(tensors.size(), std::vector<Value>());
+  this->crdBuffer.assign(tensors.size(), std::vector<Value>());
   this->valBuffer.assign(tensors.size(), nullptr);
   this->sparsiferLoopLvlMap.assign(topSort.size(), 0);
@@ -204,8 +205,8 @@ void LoopEmitter::initialize(ValueRange ts, StringAttr loopTag, bool hasOutput,
     coord[tid].assign(rank, Value());
     highs[tid].assign(rank, Value());
     lvlSizes[tid].assign(rank, Value());
-    ptrBuffer[tid].assign(rank, Value());
-    idxBuffer[tid].assign(rank, Value());
+    posBuffer[tid].assign(rank, Value());
+    crdBuffer[tid].assign(rank, Value());
   // FIXME: This map should be maintained outside loop emitter.
@@ -238,18 +239,18 @@ void LoopEmitter::initializeLoopEmit(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
     // Scan all levels of current tensor.
     for (Level l = 0; l < lvlRank; l++) {
       // This should be called only once at beginning.
-      assert(!ptrBuffer[t][l] && !idxBuffer[t][l] && !highs[t][l]);
+      assert(!posBuffer[t][l] && !crdBuffer[t][l] && !highs[t][l]);
       const auto dlt = dimTypes[t][l];
       // Handle sparse storage schemes.
       if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
-        // Generate sparse primitives to obtains pointer and indices.
-        ptrBuffer[t][l] = genToPointers(builder, loc, tensor, l);
-        idxBuffer[t][l] = genToIndices(builder, loc, tensor, l, cooStart);
+        // Generate sparse primitives to obtains positions and coordinates.
+        posBuffer[t][l] = genToPositions(builder, loc, tensor, l);
+        crdBuffer[t][l] = genToCoordinates(builder, loc, tensor, l, cooStart);
       } else if (isSingletonDLT(dlt)) {
-        // Singleton dimension, fetch indices.
-        idxBuffer[t][l] = genToIndices(builder, loc, tensor, l, cooStart);
+        // Singleton level, fetch coordinates.
+        crdBuffer[t][l] = genToCoordinates(builder, loc, tensor, l, cooStart);
       } else {
-        // Dense dimension, nothing to fetch.
+        // Dense level, nothing to fetch.
@@ -358,8 +359,8 @@ Operation *LoopEmitter::enterLoopOverTensorAtDim(
   auto enc = getSparseTensorEncoding(tensors[tid].getType());
-  auto reass = getCollapseReassociation(tid, dim);
-  dim = reass.front();
+  const auto reassoc = getCollapseReassociation(tid, dim);
+  dim = reassoc.front();
   // TODO: support dynamic slices.
   Value step = constantIndex(builder, loc, 1);
   Value lo = isSparseInput ? pidxs[tid][dim]      // current offset
@@ -399,15 +400,16 @@ Operation *LoopEmitter::enterLoopOverTensorAtDim(
   assert(loop && iv);
-  Value c;
+  Value crd;
   if (isSparseInput) {
-    assert(reass.size() == 1 || isUniqueCOOType(tensors[tid].getType()));
+    assert(reassoc.size() == 1 || isUniqueCOOType(tensors[tid].getType()));
     // For COO, the position is the same across consecutive levels.
-    llvm::for_each(reass, [this, tid, iv](int lvl) { pidxs[tid][lvl] = iv; });
-    c = genSparseCoord(builder, loc, tid, dim);
+    llvm::for_each(reassoc,
+                   [this, tid, iv](Level lvl) { pidxs[tid][lvl] = iv; });
+    crd = genSparseCrd(builder, loc, tid, dim);
   } else {
-    // Dense tensor, the coordinates is the inducation variable.
-    c = iv;
+    // Dense tensor, the coordinate is the inducation variable.
+    crd = iv;
   if (isSparseSlices[tid] && isSparseInput) {
@@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ Operation *LoopEmitter::enterLoopOverTensorAtDim(
     for (Value red : reduc)
-    auto [trans, pred] = genSliceLegitPredicate(builder, loc, c, enc, dim);
+    auto [trans, pred] = genSliceLegitPredicate(builder, loc, crd, enc, dim);
     bool hasReduc = !types.empty();
     scf::IfOp ifOp = builder.create<scf::IfOp>(loc, types, pred,
                                                /*else*/ hasReduc);
@@ -435,11 +437,11 @@ Operation *LoopEmitter::enterLoopOverTensorAtDim(
     // Set the insertion point to matched branch.
-    c = trans;
+    crd = trans;
-  assert(c);
-  coord[tid][dim] = c;
+  assert(crd);
+  coord[tid][dim] = crd;
   // NOTE: we can also prepare for next dim here in advance
   // Push the loop into stack
   loopStack.emplace_back(ArrayRef<size_t>(tid), ArrayRef<size_t>(dim), loop,
@@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ Operation *LoopEmitter::enterFilterLoopOverTensorAtDim(
   // TODO: We should instead use a whileOp for filter loop to allow early
   // break when exceeding (for ordered dimensions).
   // TODO: There are many other potiential opportunities that we might apply in
-  // the future. E.g., we could use binary search to located the pointer index.
+  // the future. E.g., we could use binary search to located the position index.
   scf::ForOp forOp = builder.create<scf::ForOp>(loc, lo, hi, step, reduc);
   // In-place update on the reduction variable vector.
@@ -478,12 +480,12 @@ Operation *LoopEmitter::enterFilterLoopOverTensorAtDim(
   Value iv = forOp.getInductionVar();
   pidxs[tid][dim] = iv;
-  // Generating a load on the indices array yields the coordinate.
-  Value ptr = idxBuffer[tid][dim];
-  coord[tid][dim] = genIndexLoad(builder, loc, ptr, iv);
+  // Generating a load on the coordinates array yields the coordinate.
+  Value mem = crdBuffer[tid][dim];
+  coord[tid][dim] = genIndexLoad(builder, loc, mem, iv);
-  // Generate an if condition to filter out indices that is not equal to the
-  // result of the affine expression.
+  // Generate an if-condition to filter out coordinates that are not
+  // equal to the result of the affine expression.
   Value expected = genAffine(builder, affine, loc);
   auto pred = builder.create<arith::CmpIOp>(loc, arith::CmpIPredicate::eq,
                                             coord[tid][dim], expected);
@@ -531,7 +533,7 @@ Operation *LoopEmitter::enterCoIterationOverTensorsAtDims(
   assert(tids.size() == dims.size());
   SmallVector<Type> types;
   SmallVector<Value> operands;
-  // Construct the while-loop with a parameter for each index.
+  // Construct the while-loop with a parameter for each coordinate.
   Type indexType = builder.getIndexType();
   for (auto [tid, dim] : llvm::zip(tids, dims)) {
     if (isCompressedDLT(dimTypes[tid][dim]) ||
@@ -574,11 +576,11 @@ Operation *LoopEmitter::enterCoIterationOverTensorsAtDims(
       cond = cond ? builder.create<arith::AndIOp>(loc, cond, opc) : opc;
       // Update positions
       Value pos = after->getArgument(o++);
-      auto reass = getCollapseReassociation(tid, lvl);
-      assert(reass.size() == 1 || isUniqueCOOType(tensors[tid].getType()));
+      const auto reassoc = getCollapseReassociation(tid, lvl);
+      assert(reassoc.size() == 1 || isUniqueCOOType(tensors[tid].getType()));
       // For COO, the position is the same across consecutive levels.
-      llvm::for_each(reass,
-                     [this, tid, pos](int lvl) { pidxs[tid][lvl] = pos; });
+      llvm::for_each(reassoc,
+                     [this, tid, pos](Level lvl) { pidxs[tid][lvl] = pos; });
   builder.create<scf::ConditionOp>(loc, cond, before->getArguments());
@@ -592,10 +594,10 @@ Operation *LoopEmitter::enterCoIterationOverTensorsAtDims(
     // Prepares for next level.
     if (isCompressedDLT(dimTypes[tid][dim]) ||
         isSingletonDLT(dimTypes[tid][dim])) {
-      coord[tid][dim] = genSparseCoord(builder, loc, tid, dim);
+      coord[tid][dim] = genSparseCrd(builder, loc, tid, dim);
       if (isSparseSlices[tid]) {
         Value load =
-            genIndexLoad(builder, loc, idxBuffer[tid][dim], pidxs[tid][dim]);
+            genIndexLoad(builder, loc, crdBuffer[tid][dim], pidxs[tid][dim]);
         auto enc = getSparseTensorEncoding(tensors[tid].getType());
         auto [trans, pred] =
             genSliceLegitPredicate(builder, loc, load, enc, dim);
@@ -684,20 +686,19 @@ void LoopEmitter::prepareLoopOverTensorAtDim(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
   if (isDenseDLT(dimType))
-  auto reassoc = getCollapseReassociation(tid, dim);
-  for (auto lvl : reassoc) {
-    // Either the first dimension, or the previous dimension has been set.
+  for (auto lvl : getCollapseReassociation(tid, dim)) {
+    // Either the first level, or the previous level has been set.
     assert(lvl == 0 || pidxs[tid][lvl - 1]);
     Value c0 = constantIndex(builder, loc, 0);
     Value c1 = constantIndex(builder, loc, 1);
     if (isCompressedDLT(dimType)) {
-      Value ptr = ptrBuffer[tid][lvl];
+      Value mem = posBuffer[tid][lvl];
       Value pLo = lvl == 0 ? c0 : pidxs[tid][lvl - 1];
-      pidxs[tid][lvl] = genIndexLoad(builder, loc, ptr, pLo);
+      pidxs[tid][lvl] = genIndexLoad(builder, loc, mem, pLo);
       Value pHi = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, pLo, c1);
-      highs[tid][lvl] = genIndexLoad(builder, loc, ptr, pHi);
+      highs[tid][lvl] = genIndexLoad(builder, loc, mem, pHi);
     if (isSingletonDLT(dimType)) {
@@ -717,7 +718,7 @@ void LoopEmitter::emitExtraLocalsForTensorsAtDenseDims(OpBuilder &builder,
                                                        Location loc,
                                                        ArrayRef<size_t> tids,
                                                        ArrayRef<size_t> dims) {
-  // Initialize dense positions. Note that we generate dense indices of the
+  // Initialize dense positions. Note that we generate dense coordinates of the
   // output tensor unconditionally, since they may not appear in the lattice,
   // but may be needed for linearized codegen.
   for (auto [tid, dim] : llvm::zip(tids, dims)) {

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/LoopEmitter.h b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/LoopEmitter.h
index 09d4afbf5dc96..d4512d00de2df 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/LoopEmitter.h
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/LoopEmitter.h
@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ class LoopEmitter {
   const std::vector<std::vector<Value>> &getPidxs() const { return pidxs; };
   const std::vector<std::vector<Value>> &getCoord() const { return coord; };
   const std::vector<std::vector<Value>> &getHighs() const { return highs; };
-  const std::vector<std::vector<Value>> &getPtrBuffer() const {
-    return ptrBuffer;
+  const std::vector<std::vector<Value>> &getPosBuffer() const {
+    return posBuffer;
-  const std::vector<std::vector<Value>> &getIdxBuffer() const {
-    return idxBuffer;
+  const std::vector<std::vector<Value>> &getCrdBuffer() const {
+    return crdBuffer;
   const std::vector<Value> &getValBuffer() const { return valBuffer; };
@@ -190,9 +190,12 @@ class LoopEmitter {
   Value genAddress(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, size_t tid, size_t dim,
                    Value iv);
-  /// Generates instructions to compute the coordinate of tesnors[tid] on `l`
-  /// under the current loop context.
-  Value genSparseCoord(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, size_t tid, size_t l);
+  /// Generates instructions to compute the coordinate of tensors[tid][lvl]
+  /// under the current loop context.  The final argument is the
+  /// collapsed-output level, whereas this function handles converting
+  /// that to the uncollapsed-input level
+  Value genSparseCrd(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, size_t tid,
+                     size_t dstLvl);
   bool isOutputTensor(size_t tid) {
     return hasOutput && tid == tensors.size() - 1;
@@ -257,12 +260,13 @@ class LoopEmitter {
   std::vector<std::vector<DimLevelType>> dimTypes;
   /// Sparse iteration information (by tensor and dim). These arrays
   /// are updated to remain current within the current loop.
+  // TODO: we may want to rename "pidx(s)" to `posCursor(s)` or similar.
   std::vector<std::vector<Value>> pidxs;
   std::vector<std::vector<Value>> coord;
   std::vector<std::vector<Value>> highs;
   std::vector<std::vector<Value>> lvlSizes;
-  std::vector<std::vector<Value>> ptrBuffer; // to_pointers
-  std::vector<std::vector<Value>> idxBuffer; // to_indices
+  std::vector<std::vector<Value>> posBuffer; // to_positions
+  std::vector<std::vector<Value>> crdBuffer; // to_coordinates
   std::vector<Value> valBuffer;              // to_value
   /// Whether the sparse input is a slice.

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseStorageSpecifierToLLVM.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseStorageSpecifierToLLVM.cpp
index caa4dd5d722f6..39fe6e811ff13 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseStorageSpecifierToLLVM.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseStorageSpecifierToLLVM.cpp
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ static SmallVector<Type, 2> getSpecifierFields(StorageSpecifierType tp) {
   SmallVector<Type, 2> result;
   // TODO: how can we get the lowering type for index type in the later pipeline
   // to be consistent? LLVM::StructureType does not allow index fields.
-  auto indexType = IntegerType::get(tp.getContext(), 64);
-  auto dimSizes = LLVM::LLVMArrayType::get(ctx, indexType, lvlRank);
-  auto memSizes = LLVM::LLVMArrayType::get(ctx, indexType,
+  auto sizeType = IntegerType::get(tp.getContext(), 64);
+  auto lvlSizes = LLVM::LLVMArrayType::get(ctx, sizeType, lvlRank);
+  auto memSizes = LLVM::LLVMArrayType::get(ctx, sizeType,
-  result.push_back(dimSizes);
+  result.push_back(lvlSizes);
   return result;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ static Type convertSpecifier(StorageSpecifierType tp) {
 // Specifier struct builder.
-constexpr uint64_t kDimSizePosInSpecifier = 0;
+constexpr uint64_t kLvlSizePosInSpecifier = 0;
 constexpr uint64_t kMemSizePosInSpecifier = 1;
 class SpecifierStructBuilder : public StructBuilder {
@@ -71,14 +71,15 @@ class SpecifierStructBuilder : public StructBuilder {
-  // Undef value for dimension sizes, all zero value for memory sizes.
+  // Undef value for level-sizes, all zero values for memory-sizes.
   static Value getInitValue(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Type structType);
-  Value dimSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, unsigned dim);
-  void setDimSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, unsigned dim, Value size);
+  Value lvlSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl);
+  void setLvlSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl, Value size);
-  Value memSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, unsigned pos);
-  void setMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, unsigned pos, Value size);
+  Value memSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, FieldIndex fidx);
+  void setMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, FieldIndex fidx,
+                  Value size);
 Value SpecifierStructBuilder::getInitValue(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
@@ -97,32 +98,38 @@ Value SpecifierStructBuilder::getInitValue(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
   return md;
-/// Builds IR inserting the pos-th size into the descriptor.
-Value SpecifierStructBuilder::dimSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                      unsigned dim) {
-  return extractField(builder, loc,
-                      ArrayRef<int64_t>{kDimSizePosInSpecifier, dim});
+/// Builds IR extracting the `lvl`-th level-size from the descriptor.
+Value SpecifierStructBuilder::lvlSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                      Level lvl) {
+  // This static_cast makes the narrowing of `lvl` explicit, as required
+  // by the braces notation for the ctor.
+  return extractField(
+      builder, loc,
+      ArrayRef<int64_t>{kLvlSizePosInSpecifier, static_cast<int64_t>(lvl)});
-/// Builds IR inserting the pos-th size into the descriptor.
-void SpecifierStructBuilder::setDimSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                        unsigned dim, Value size) {
-  insertField(builder, loc, ArrayRef<int64_t>{kDimSizePosInSpecifier, dim},
-              size);
+/// Builds IR inserting the `lvl`-th level-size into the descriptor.
+void SpecifierStructBuilder::setLvlSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                                        Level lvl, Value size) {
+  // This static_cast makes the narrowing of `lvl` explicit, as required
+  // by the braces notation for the ctor.
+  insertField(
+      builder, loc,
+      ArrayRef<int64_t>{kLvlSizePosInSpecifier, static_cast<int64_t>(lvl)},
+      size);
-/// Builds IR extracting the pos-th memory size into the descriptor.
+/// Builds IR extracting the `fidx`-th memory-size from the descriptor.
 Value SpecifierStructBuilder::memSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                      unsigned pos) {
+                                      FieldIndex fidx) {
   return extractField(builder, loc,
-                      ArrayRef<int64_t>{kMemSizePosInSpecifier, pos});
+                      ArrayRef<int64_t>{kMemSizePosInSpecifier, fidx});
-/// Builds IR inserting the pos-th memory size into the descriptor.
+/// Builds IR inserting the `fidx`-th memory-size into the descriptor.
 void SpecifierStructBuilder::setMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                        unsigned pos, Value size) {
-  insertField(builder, loc, ArrayRef<int64_t>{kMemSizePosInSpecifier, pos},
+                                        FieldIndex fidx, Value size) {
+  insertField(builder, loc, ArrayRef<int64_t>{kMemSizePosInSpecifier, fidx},
@@ -134,7 +141,7 @@ void SpecifierStructBuilder::setMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
 StorageSpecifierToLLVMTypeConverter::StorageSpecifierToLLVMTypeConverter() {
   addConversion([](Type type) { return type; });
-  addConversion([](StorageSpecifierType tp) { return convertSpecifier(tp); });
+  addConversion(convertSpecifier);
@@ -152,17 +159,15 @@ class SpecifierGetterSetterOpConverter : public OpConversionPattern<SourceOp> {
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
     SpecifierStructBuilder spec(adaptor.getSpecifier());
     Value v;
-    if (op.getSpecifierKind() == StorageSpecifierKind::DimSize) {
-      v = Base::onDimSize(rewriter, op, spec,
-                          op.getDim().value().getZExtValue());
+    if (op.getSpecifierKind() == StorageSpecifierKind::LvlSize) {
+      assert(op.getLevel().has_value());
+      v = Base::onLvlSize(rewriter, op, spec, op.getLevel().value());
     } else {
       auto enc = op.getSpecifier().getType().getEncoding();
       StorageLayout layout(enc);
-      std::optional<unsigned> dim;
-      if (op.getDim())
-        dim = op.getDim().value().getZExtValue();
-      unsigned idx = layout.getMemRefFieldIndex(op.getSpecifierKind(), dim);
-      v = Base::onMemSize(rewriter, op, spec, idx);
+      FieldIndex fidx =
+          layout.getMemRefFieldIndex(op.getSpecifierKind(), op.getLevel());
+      v = Base::onMemSize(rewriter, op, spec, fidx);
     rewriter.replaceOp(op, v);
@@ -174,15 +179,15 @@ struct StorageSpecifierSetOpConverter
     : public SpecifierGetterSetterOpConverter<StorageSpecifierSetOpConverter,
                                               SetStorageSpecifierOp> {
   using SpecifierGetterSetterOpConverter::SpecifierGetterSetterOpConverter;
-  static Value onDimSize(OpBuilder &builder, SetStorageSpecifierOp op,
-                         SpecifierStructBuilder &spec, unsigned d) {
-    spec.setDimSize(builder, op.getLoc(), d, op.getValue());
+  static Value onLvlSize(OpBuilder &builder, SetStorageSpecifierOp op,
+                         SpecifierStructBuilder &spec, Level lvl) {
+    spec.setLvlSize(builder, op.getLoc(), lvl, op.getValue());
     return spec;
   static Value onMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, SetStorageSpecifierOp op,
-                         SpecifierStructBuilder &spec, unsigned i) {
-    spec.setMemSize(builder, op.getLoc(), i, op.getValue());
+                         SpecifierStructBuilder &spec, FieldIndex fidx) {
+    spec.setMemSize(builder, op.getLoc(), fidx, op.getValue());
     return spec;
@@ -191,13 +196,13 @@ struct StorageSpecifierGetOpConverter
     : public SpecifierGetterSetterOpConverter<StorageSpecifierGetOpConverter,
                                               GetStorageSpecifierOp> {
   using SpecifierGetterSetterOpConverter::SpecifierGetterSetterOpConverter;
-  static Value onDimSize(OpBuilder &builder, GetStorageSpecifierOp op,
-                         SpecifierStructBuilder &spec, unsigned d) {
-    return spec.dimSize(builder, op.getLoc(), d);
+  static Value onLvlSize(OpBuilder &builder, GetStorageSpecifierOp op,
+                         SpecifierStructBuilder &spec, Level lvl) {
+    return spec.lvlSize(builder, op.getLoc(), lvl);
   static Value onMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, GetStorageSpecifierOp op,
-                         SpecifierStructBuilder &spec, unsigned i) {
-    return spec.memSize(builder, op.getLoc(), i);
+                         SpecifierStructBuilder &spec, FieldIndex fidx) {
+    return spec.memSize(builder, op.getLoc(), fidx);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorCodegen.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorCodegen.cpp
index 7da6e0f996f92..1a6c8ea8654a0 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorCodegen.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorCodegen.cpp
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ static void flattenOperands(ValueRange operands,
-/// Generates a load with proper index typing.
+/// Generates a load with proper `index` typing.
 static Value genLoad(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value mem, Value idx) {
   idx = genCast(builder, loc, idx, builder.getIndexType());
   return builder.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, mem, idx);
-/// Generates a store with proper index typing and (for indices) proper value.
+/// Generates a store with proper `index` typing and proper value.
 static void genStore(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value val, Value mem,
                      Value idx) {
   idx = genCast(builder, loc, idx, builder.getIndexType());
@@ -111,8 +111,7 @@ static Value sizeFromTensorAtDim(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
   // accounting for the reordering applied to the sparse storage.
   // FIXME: `toStoredDim` is deprecated.
   const Level lvl = toStoredDim(stt, dim);
-  // FIXME: this method seems to get *level* sizes, but the name is confusing
-  return desc.getDimSize(builder, loc, lvl);
+  return desc.getLvlSize(builder, loc, lvl);
 // Gets the dimension size at the given stored level 'lvl', either as a
@@ -150,13 +149,12 @@ static void allocSchemeForRank(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
   for (Level l = startLvl; l < lvlRank; l++) {
     const auto dlt = stt.getLvlType(l);
     if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
-      // Append linear x pointers, initialized to zero. Since each compressed
+      // Append linear x positions, initialized to zero. Since each compressed
       // dimension initially already has a single zero entry, this maintains
       // the desired "linear + 1" length property at all times.
-      Type ptrType = stt.getPointerType();
-      Value ptrZero = constantZero(builder, loc, ptrType);
-      createPushback(builder, loc, desc, SparseTensorFieldKind::PtrMemRef, l,
-                     ptrZero, linear);
+      Value posZero = constantZero(builder, loc, stt.getPosType());
+      createPushback(builder, loc, desc, SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef, l,
+                     posZero, linear);
     if (isSingletonDLT(dlt)) {
@@ -215,32 +213,32 @@ static void createAllocFields(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
   // size based on available information. Otherwise we just
   // initialize a few elements to start the reallocation chain.
   // TODO: refine this
-  Value ptrHeuristic, idxHeuristic, valHeuristic;
+  Value posHeuristic, crdHeuristic, valHeuristic;
   if (stt.isAllDense()) {
     valHeuristic = dimSizes[0];
     for (const Value sz : ArrayRef<Value>{dimSizes}.drop_front())
       valHeuristic = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, valHeuristic, sz);
   } else if (sizeHint) {
     if (getCOOStart(stt.getEncoding()) == 0) {
-      ptrHeuristic = constantIndex(builder, loc, 2);
-      idxHeuristic = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(
+      posHeuristic = constantIndex(builder, loc, 2);
+      crdHeuristic = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(
           loc, constantIndex(builder, loc, dimRank), sizeHint); // AOS
     } else if (dimRank == 2 && stt.isDenseLvl(0) && stt.isCompressedLvl(1)) {
-      ptrHeuristic = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(
+      posHeuristic = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(
           loc, sizeHint, constantIndex(builder, loc, 1));
-      idxHeuristic = sizeHint;
+      crdHeuristic = sizeHint;
     } else {
-      ptrHeuristic = idxHeuristic = constantIndex(builder, loc, 16);
+      posHeuristic = crdHeuristic = constantIndex(builder, loc, 16);
     valHeuristic = sizeHint;
   } else {
-    ptrHeuristic = idxHeuristic = valHeuristic =
+    posHeuristic = crdHeuristic = valHeuristic =
         constantIndex(builder, loc, 16);
-      [&builder, &fields, stt, loc, ptrHeuristic, idxHeuristic, valHeuristic,
+      [&builder, &fields, stt, loc, posHeuristic, crdHeuristic, valHeuristic,
        enableInit](Type fType, FieldIndex fIdx, SparseTensorFieldKind fKind,
                    Level /*lvl*/, DimLevelType /*dlt*/) -> bool {
         assert(fields.size() == fIdx);
@@ -249,13 +247,13 @@ static void createAllocFields(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
         case SparseTensorFieldKind::StorageSpec:
           field = SparseTensorSpecifier::getInitValue(builder, loc, stt);
-        case SparseTensorFieldKind::PtrMemRef:
-        case SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef:
+        case SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef:
+        case SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef:
         case SparseTensorFieldKind::ValMemRef:
           field = createAllocation(
               builder, loc, fType.cast<MemRefType>(),
-              (fKind == SparseTensorFieldKind::PtrMemRef)   ? ptrHeuristic
-              : (fKind == SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef) ? idxHeuristic
+              (fKind == SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef)   ? posHeuristic
+              : (fKind == SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef) ? crdHeuristic
                                                             : valHeuristic,
@@ -269,87 +267,89 @@ static void createAllocFields(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
   MutSparseTensorDescriptor desc(stt, fields);
   // Initialize the storage scheme to an empty tensor. Initialized memSizes
-  // to all zeros, sets the dimSizes to known values and gives all pointer
+  // to all zeros, sets the dimSizes to known values and gives all position
   // fields an initial zero entry, so that it is easier to maintain the
   // "linear + 1" length property.
-  Value ptrZero = constantZero(builder, loc, stt.getPointerType());
+  Value posZero = constantZero(builder, loc, stt.getPosType());
   for (Level lvlRank = stt.getLvlRank(), l = 0; l < lvlRank; l++) {
     // Fills dim sizes array.
-    // FIXME: this method seems to set *level* sizes, but the name is confusing
     // FIXME: `toOrigDim` is deprecated.
-    desc.setDimSize(builder, loc, l, dimSizes[toOrigDim(stt, l)]);
-    // Pushes a leading zero to pointers memref.
+    desc.setLvlSize(builder, loc, l, dimSizes[toOrigDim(stt, l)]);
+    // Pushes a leading zero to positions memref.
     if (stt.isCompressedLvl(l))
-      createPushback(builder, loc, desc, SparseTensorFieldKind::PtrMemRef, l,
-                     ptrZero);
+      createPushback(builder, loc, desc, SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef, l,
+                     posZero);
   allocSchemeForRank(builder, loc, desc, /*rank=*/0);
 /// Helper method that generates block specific to compressed case:
-///  plo = pointers[l][pos[l-1]]
-///  phi = pointers[l][pos[l-1]+1]
-///  msz = indices[l].size()
-///  if (plo < phi) {
-///    present = indices[l][phi-1] == i[l]
+///  // given: parentPos = posCursor[lvl-1]
+///  pstart = desc.positions[lvl][parentPos]
+///  pstop = desc.positions[lvl][parentPos+1]
+///  plast = pstop - 1
+///  msz = desc.coordinates[lvl].size()
+///  if (pstart < pstop) {
+///    isPresent = (desc.coordinates[lvl][plast] == lvlCoords[lvl])
 ///  } else { // first insertion
-///    present = false
-///    pointers[l][pos[l-1]] = msz
+///    isPresent = false
+///    desc.positions[lvl][parentPos] = msz
 ///  }
-///  if (present) { // index already present
-///    next = phi-1
+///  if (isPresent) { // coordinate is already present
+///    pnext = plast
 ///  } else {
-///    indices[l].push_back(i[l])
-///    pointers[l][pos[l-1]+1] = msz+1
-///    next = msz
-///    <prepare level l + 1>
+///    desc.coordinates[lvl].push_back(lvlCoords[lvl])
+///    desc.positions[lvl][parentPos+1] = msz+1
+///    pnext = msz
+///    <prepare level lvl+1>
 ///  }
-///  pos[l] = next
+///  posCursor[lvl] = pnext
 static Value genCompressed(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                           MutSparseTensorDescriptor desc, ValueRange indices,
-                           Value value, Value pos, Level lvl) {
+                           MutSparseTensorDescriptor desc, ValueRange lvlCoords,
+                           Value /*unused*/, Value parentPos, Level lvl) {
   const SparseTensorType stt(desc.getRankedTensorType());
   const Level lvlRank = stt.getLvlRank();
   assert(lvl < lvlRank && "Level is out of bounds");
-  assert(indices.size() == static_cast<size_t>(lvlRank) &&
+  assert(lvlCoords.size() == static_cast<size_t>(lvlRank) &&
          "Level-rank mismatch");
   SmallVector<Type> types;
   Type indexType = builder.getIndexType();
   Type boolType = builder.getIntegerType(1);
-  unsigned idxIndex;
-  unsigned idxStride;
-  std::tie(idxIndex, idxStride) = desc.getIdxMemRefIndexAndStride(lvl);
-  Value one = constantIndex(builder, loc, 1);
-  Value pp1 = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, pos, one);
-  Value plo = genLoad(builder, loc, desc.getPtrMemRef(lvl), pos);
-  Value phi = genLoad(builder, loc, desc.getPtrMemRef(lvl), pp1);
-  Value msz = desc.getIdxMemSize(builder, loc, lvl);
-  Value idxStrideC;
-  if (idxStride > 1) {
-    idxStrideC = constantIndex(builder, loc, idxStride);
-    msz = builder.create<arith::DivUIOp>(loc, msz, idxStrideC);
-  }
-  Value phim1 = builder.create<arith::SubIOp>(
-      loc, genCast(builder, loc, phi, indexType), one);
+  unsigned crdFidx;
+  unsigned crdStride;
+  std::tie(crdFidx, crdStride) = desc.getCrdMemRefIndexAndStride(lvl);
+  const Value one = constantIndex(builder, loc, 1);
+  const Value pp1 = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, parentPos, one);
+  const Value positionsAtLvl = desc.getPosMemRef(lvl);
+  const Value pstart = genLoad(builder, loc, positionsAtLvl, parentPos);
+  const Value pstop = genLoad(builder, loc, positionsAtLvl, pp1);
+  const Value crdMsz = desc.getCrdMemSize(builder, loc, lvl);
+  const Value crdStrideC =
+      crdStride > 1 ? constantIndex(builder, loc, crdStride) : Value();
+  const Value msz =
+      crdStrideC ? builder.create<arith::DivUIOp>(loc, crdMsz, crdStrideC)
+                 : crdMsz;
+  const Value plast = builder.create<arith::SubIOp>(
+      loc, genCast(builder, loc, pstop, indexType), one);
   // Conditional expression.
-  Value lt =
-      builder.create<arith::CmpIOp>(loc, arith::CmpIPredicate::ult, plo, phi);
+  Value lt = builder.create<arith::CmpIOp>(loc, arith::CmpIPredicate::ult,
+                                           pstart, pstop);
   scf::IfOp ifOp1 = builder.create<scf::IfOp>(loc, types, lt, /*else*/ true);
-  Value crd = genLoad(
-      builder, loc, desc.getMemRefField(idxIndex),
-      idxStride > 1 ? builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, phim1, idxStrideC)
-                    : phim1);
+  Value crd =
+      genLoad(builder, loc, desc.getMemRefField(crdFidx),
+              crdStrideC ? builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, plast, crdStrideC)
+                         : plast);
   Value eq = builder.create<arith::CmpIOp>(
       loc, arith::CmpIPredicate::eq, genCast(builder, loc, crd, indexType),
-      indices[lvl]);
+      lvlCoords[lvl]);
   builder.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, eq);
   if (lvl > 0)
-    genStore(builder, loc, msz, desc.getPtrMemRef(lvl), pos);
+    genStore(builder, loc, msz, positionsAtLvl, parentPos);
   builder.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, constantI1(builder, loc, false));
   // If present construct. Note that for a non-unique dimension level, we
@@ -363,22 +363,22 @@ static Value genCompressed(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
   const Value p = stt.isUniqueLvl(lvl) ? ifOp1.getResult(0)
                                        : constantI1(builder, loc, false);
   scf::IfOp ifOp2 = builder.create<scf::IfOp>(loc, types, p, /*else*/ true);
-  // If present (fields unaffected, update next to phim1).
+  // If present (fields unaffected, update pnext to plast).
   // FIXME: This does not looks like a clean way, but probably the most
   // efficient way.
-  desc.getFields().push_back(phim1);
+  desc.getFields().push_back(plast);
   builder.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, desc.getFields());
-  // If !present (changes fields, update next).
+  // If !present (changes fields, update pnext).
   Value mszp1 = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, msz, one);
-  genStore(builder, loc, mszp1, desc.getPtrMemRef(lvl), pp1);
-  createPushback(builder, loc, desc, SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef, lvl,
-                 indices[lvl]);
-  // Prepare the next dimension "as needed".
+  genStore(builder, loc, mszp1, positionsAtLvl, pp1);
+  createPushback(builder, loc, desc, SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef, lvl,
+                 lvlCoords[lvl]);
+  // Prepare the next level "as needed".
   if ((lvl + 1) < lvlRank)
     allocSchemeForRank(builder, loc, desc, lvl + 1);
@@ -415,40 +415,41 @@ static void genInsertBody(OpBuilder &builder, ModuleOp module,
   const SparseTensorType stt(rtp);
   const Level lvlRank = stt.getLvlRank();
-  // Construct fields and indices arrays from parameters.
+  // Extract fields and coordinates from args.
   SmallVector<Value> fields = llvm::to_vector(args.drop_back(lvlRank + 1));
   MutSparseTensorDescriptor desc(rtp, fields);
-  const SmallVector<Value> indices =
+  const SmallVector<Value> coordinates =
       llvm::to_vector(args.take_back(lvlRank + 1).drop_back());
   Value value = args.back();
-  Value pos = constantZero(builder, loc, builder.getIndexType());
+  Value parentPos = constantZero(builder, loc, builder.getIndexType());
   // Generate code for every level.
   for (Level l = 0; l < lvlRank; l++) {
     const auto dlt = stt.getLvlType(l);
     if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
       // Create:
       //   if (!present) {
-      //     indices[l].push_back(i[l])
-      //     <update pointers and prepare level l + 1>
+      //     coordinates[l].push_back(coords[l])
+      //     <update positions and prepare level l + 1>
       //   }
-      //   pos[l] = indices.size() - 1
-      //   <insert @ pos[l] at next level l + 1>
-      pos = genCompressed(builder, loc, desc, indices, value, pos, l);
+      //   positions[l] = coordinates.size() - 1
+      //   <insert @ positions[l] at next level l + 1>
+      parentPos =
+          genCompressed(builder, loc, desc, coordinates, value, parentPos, l);
     } else if (isSingletonDLT(dlt)) {
       // Create:
-      //   indices[l].push_back(i[l])
-      //   pos[l] = pos[l-1]
-      //   <insert @ pos[l] at next level l + 1>
-      createPushback(builder, loc, desc, SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef, l,
-                     indices[l]);
+      //   coordinates[l].push_back(coords[l])
+      //   positions[l] = positions[l-1]
+      //   <insert @ positions[l] at next level l + 1>
+      createPushback(builder, loc, desc, SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef, l,
+                     coordinates[l]);
     } else {
       // Construct the new position as:
-      //   pos[l] = size * pos[l-1] + i[l]
-      //   <insert @ pos[l] at next level l + 1>
+      //   positions[l] = size * positions[l-1] + coords[l]
+      //   <insert @ positions[l] at next level l + 1>
       Value size = sizeFromTensorAtLvl(builder, loc, desc, l);
-      Value mult = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, size, pos);
-      pos = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, mult, indices[l]);
+      Value mult = builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, size, parentPos);
+      parentPos = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, mult, coordinates[l]);
   // Reached the actual value append/insert.
@@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ static void genInsertBody(OpBuilder &builder, ModuleOp module,
     createPushback(builder, loc, desc, SparseTensorFieldKind::ValMemRef,
                    std::nullopt, value);
-    genStore(builder, loc, value, desc.getValMemRef(), pos);
+    genStore(builder, loc, value, desc.getValMemRef(), parentPos);
   builder.create<func::ReturnOp>(loc, fields);
@@ -464,19 +465,18 @@ static void genInsertBody(OpBuilder &builder, ModuleOp module,
 /// function doesn't exist yet, call `createFunc` to generate the function.
 static void genInsertionCallHelper(OpBuilder &builder,
                                    MutSparseTensorDescriptor desc,
-                                   SmallVectorImpl<Value> &indices, Value value,
+                                   SmallVectorImpl<Value> &lcvs, Value value,
                                    func::FuncOp insertPoint,
                                    StringRef namePrefix,
                                    FuncGeneratorType createFunc) {
   // The mangled name of the function has this format:
-  //   <namePrefix>_<DLT>_<shape>_<ordering>_<eltType>
-  //     _<indexBitWidth>_<pointerBitWidth>
+  //   <namePrefix>_<DLT>_<shape>_<ordering>_<eltType>_<crdWidth>_<posWidth>
   const SparseTensorType stt(desc.getRankedTensorType());
   SmallString<32> nameBuffer;
   llvm::raw_svector_ostream nameOstream(nameBuffer);
   nameOstream << namePrefix;
-  assert(static_cast<size_t>(stt.getLvlRank()) == indices.size());
   const Level lvlRank = stt.getLvlRank();
+  assert(lcvs.size() == static_cast<size_t>(lvlRank));
   for (Level l = 0; l < lvlRank; l++)
     nameOstream << toMLIRString(stt.getLvlType(l)) << "_";
   // Static dim sizes are used in the generated code while dynamic sizes are
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ static void genInsertionCallHelper(OpBuilder &builder,
   if (!stt.isIdentity())
     nameOstream << stt.getDimToLvlMap() << "_";
   nameOstream << stt.getElementType() << "_";
-  nameOstream << stt.getIndexBitWidth() << "_" << stt.getPointerBitWidth();
+  nameOstream << stt.getCrdWidth() << "_" << stt.getPosWidth();
   // Look up the function.
   ModuleOp module = insertPoint->getParentOfType<ModuleOp>();
@@ -496,9 +496,9 @@ static void genInsertionCallHelper(OpBuilder &builder,
   auto result = SymbolRefAttr::get(context, nameOstream.str());
   auto func = module.lookupSymbol<func::FuncOp>(result.getAttr());
-  // Construct parameters for fields and indices.
+  // Construct operands: fields, coords, and value.
   SmallVector<Value> operands = llvm::to_vector(desc.getFields());
-  operands.append(indices);
+  operands.append(lcvs);
   Location loc = insertPoint.getLoc();
@@ -531,31 +531,31 @@ static void genEndInsert(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
   for (Level l = 0; l < lvlRank; l++) {
     const auto dlt = stt.getLvlType(l);
     if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
-      // Compressed dimensions need a pointer cleanup for all entries
+      // Compressed dimensions need a position cleanup for all entries
       // that were not visited during the insertion pass.
       // TODO: avoid cleanup and keep compressed scheme consistent at all
       // times?
       if (l > 0) {
-        Type ptrType = stt.getPointerType();
-        Value ptrMemRef = desc.getPtrMemRef(l);
-        Value hi = desc.getPtrMemSize(builder, loc, l);
+        Type posType = stt.getPosType();
+        Value posMemRef = desc.getPosMemRef(l);
+        Value hi = desc.getPosMemSize(builder, loc, l);
         Value zero = constantIndex(builder, loc, 0);
         Value one = constantIndex(builder, loc, 1);
         // Vector of only one, but needed by createFor's prototype.
-        SmallVector<Value, 1> inits{genLoad(builder, loc, ptrMemRef, zero)};
+        SmallVector<Value, 1> inits{genLoad(builder, loc, posMemRef, zero)};
         scf::ForOp loop = createFor(builder, loc, hi, inits, one);
         Value i = loop.getInductionVar();
         Value oldv = loop.getRegionIterArg(0);
-        Value newv = genLoad(builder, loc, ptrMemRef, i);
-        Value ptrZero = constantZero(builder, loc, ptrType);
+        Value newv = genLoad(builder, loc, posMemRef, i);
+        Value posZero = constantZero(builder, loc, posType);
         Value cond = builder.create<arith::CmpIOp>(
-            loc, arith::CmpIPredicate::eq, newv, ptrZero);
-        scf::IfOp ifOp = builder.create<scf::IfOp>(loc, TypeRange(ptrType),
+            loc, arith::CmpIPredicate::eq, newv, posZero);
+        scf::IfOp ifOp = builder.create<scf::IfOp>(loc, TypeRange(posType),
                                                    cond, /*else*/ true);
-        genStore(builder, loc, oldv, ptrMemRef, i);
+        genStore(builder, loc, oldv, posMemRef, i);
         builder.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, oldv);
         builder.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, newv);
@@ -684,12 +684,12 @@ class SparseDimOpConverter : public OpConversionPattern<tensor::DimOp> {
   matchAndRewrite(tensor::DimOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    std::optional<int64_t> index = op.getConstantIndex();
-    if (!index || !getSparseTensorEncoding(adaptor.getSource().getType()))
+    std::optional<int64_t> dim = op.getConstantIndex();
+    if (!dim || !getSparseTensorEncoding(adaptor.getSource().getType()))
       return failure();
     auto desc = getDescriptorFromTensorTuple(adaptor.getSource());
-    auto sz = sizeFromTensorAtDim(rewriter, op.getLoc(), desc, *index);
+    auto sz = sizeFromTensorAtDim(rewriter, op.getLoc(), desc, *dim);
     rewriter.replaceOp(op, sz);
     return success();
@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ class SparseExpandConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ExpandOp> {
         loc, ValueRange{constantZero(rewriter, loc, boolType)},
-    // Replace expansion op with these buffers and initial index.
+    // Replace expansion op with these buffers and initial coordinate.
     assert(op.getNumResults() == 4);
     rewriter.replaceOp(op, {values, filled, added, zero});
     return success();
@@ -866,9 +866,9 @@ class SparseCompressConverter : public OpConversionPattern<CompressOp> {
     Value count = adaptor.getCount();
     const SparseTensorType dstType(desc.getRankedTensorType());
     Type eltType = dstType.getElementType();
-    // Prepare indices.
-    SmallVector<Value> indices(adaptor.getIndices());
-    // If the innermost level is ordered, we need to sort the indices
+    // Prepare level-coords.
+    SmallVector<Value> lcvs(adaptor.getLvlCoords());
+    // If the innermost level is ordered, we need to sort the coordinates
     // in the "added" array prior to applying the compression.
     if (dstType.isOrderedLvl(dstType.getLvlRank() - 1))
       rewriter.create<SortOp>(loc, count, ValueRange{added}, ValueRange{},
@@ -880,26 +880,25 @@ class SparseCompressConverter : public OpConversionPattern<CompressOp> {
     // Generate
     //    out_memrefs = for (i = 0; i < count; i++)(in_memrefs) {
-    //      index = added[i];
-    //      value = values[index];
-    //      insert({prev_indices, index}, value);
-    //      new_memrefs = insert(in_memrefs, {prev_indices, index}, value);
-    //      values[index] = 0;
-    //      filled[index] = false;
+    //      crd = added[i];
+    //      value = values[crd];
+    //      insert({lvlCoords, crd}, value);
+    //      new_memrefs = insert(in_memrefs, {lvlCoords, crd}, value);
+    //      values[crd] = 0;
+    //      filled[crd] = false;
     //      yield new_memrefs
     //    }
     scf::ForOp loop = createFor(rewriter, loc, count, desc.getFields());
     Value i = loop.getInductionVar();
-    Value index = genLoad(rewriter, loc, added, i);
-    Value value = genLoad(rewriter, loc, values, index);
-    indices.push_back(index);
+    Value crd = genLoad(rewriter, loc, added, i);
+    Value value = genLoad(rewriter, loc, values, crd);
+    lcvs.push_back(crd);
     // TODO: faster for subsequent insertions?
     auto insertPoint = op->template getParentOfType<func::FuncOp>();
-    genInsertionCallHelper(rewriter, desc, indices, value, insertPoint,
+    genInsertionCallHelper(rewriter, desc, lcvs, value, insertPoint,
                            kInsertFuncNamePrefix, genInsertBody);
-    genStore(rewriter, loc, constantZero(rewriter, loc, eltType), values,
-             index);
-    genStore(rewriter, loc, constantI1(rewriter, loc, false), filled, index);
+    genStore(rewriter, loc, constantZero(rewriter, loc, eltType), values, crd);
+    genStore(rewriter, loc, constantI1(rewriter, loc, false), filled, crd);
     rewriter.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, desc.getFields());
     Value result = genTuple(rewriter, loc, dstType, loop->getResults());
@@ -924,12 +923,11 @@ class SparseInsertConverter : public OpConversionPattern<InsertOp> {
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
     SmallVector<Value> fields;
     auto desc = getMutDescriptorFromTensorTuple(adaptor.getTensor(), fields);
-    // Prepare and indices.
-    SmallVector<Value> indices(adaptor.getIndices());
+    SmallVector<Value> lcvs(adaptor.getLvlCoords());
     // Generate insertion.
     Value value = adaptor.getValue();
     auto insertPoint = op->template getParentOfType<func::FuncOp>();
-    genInsertionCallHelper(rewriter, desc, indices, value, insertPoint,
+    genInsertionCallHelper(rewriter, desc, lcvs, value, insertPoint,
                            kInsertFuncNamePrefix, genInsertBody);
     // Replace operation with resulting memrefs.
@@ -938,39 +936,38 @@ class SparseInsertConverter : public OpConversionPattern<InsertOp> {
-/// Sparse codegen rule for pointer accesses.
-class SparseToPointersConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ToPointersOp> {
+/// Sparse codegen rule for position accesses.
+class SparseToPositionsConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ToPositionsOp> {
-  using OpAdaptor = typename ToPointersOp::Adaptor;
-  using OpConversionPattern<ToPointersOp>::OpConversionPattern;
+  using OpAdaptor = typename ToPositionsOp::Adaptor;
+  using OpConversionPattern<ToPositionsOp>::OpConversionPattern;
-  matchAndRewrite(ToPointersOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
+  matchAndRewrite(ToPositionsOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    // Replace the requested pointer access with corresponding field.
+    // Replace the requested position access with corresponding field.
     // The cast_op is inserted by type converter to intermix 1:N type
     // conversion.
     auto desc = getDescriptorFromTensorTuple(adaptor.getTensor());
-    uint64_t dim = op.getDimension().getZExtValue();
-    rewriter.replaceOp(op, desc.getPtrMemRef(dim));
+    rewriter.replaceOp(op, desc.getPosMemRef(op.getLevel()));
     return success();
-/// Sparse codegen rule for index accesses.
-class SparseToIndicesConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ToIndicesOp> {
+/// Sparse codegen rule for accessing the coordinates arrays.
+class SparseToCoordinatesConverter
+    : public OpConversionPattern<ToCoordinatesOp> {
-  using OpAdaptor = typename ToIndicesOp::Adaptor;
-  using OpConversionPattern<ToIndicesOp>::OpConversionPattern;
+  using OpAdaptor = typename ToCoordinatesOp::Adaptor;
+  using OpConversionPattern<ToCoordinatesOp>::OpConversionPattern;
-  matchAndRewrite(ToIndicesOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
+  matchAndRewrite(ToCoordinatesOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    // Replace the requested pointer access with corresponding field.
+    // Replace the requested coordinates access with corresponding field.
     // The cast_op is inserted by type converter to intermix 1:N type
     // conversion.
     Location loc = op.getLoc();
     auto desc = getDescriptorFromTensorTuple(adaptor.getTensor());
-    uint64_t dim = op.getDimension().getZExtValue();
-    Value field = desc.getIdxMemRefOrView(rewriter, loc, dim);
+    Value field = desc.getCrdMemRefOrView(rewriter, loc, op.getLevel());
     // Insert a cast to bridge the actual type to the user expected type. If the
     // actual type and the user expected type aren't compatible, the compiler or
@@ -984,16 +981,16 @@ class SparseToIndicesConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ToIndicesOp> {
-/// Sparse codegen rule for accessing the linear indices buffer.
-class SparseToIndicesBufferConverter
-    : public OpConversionPattern<ToIndicesBufferOp> {
+/// Sparse codegen rule for accessing the linear coordinates buffer.
+class SparseToCoordinatesBufferConverter
+    : public OpConversionPattern<ToCoordinatesBufferOp> {
-  using OpAdaptor = typename ToIndicesBufferOp::Adaptor;
-  using OpConversionPattern<ToIndicesBufferOp>::OpConversionPattern;
+  using OpAdaptor = typename ToCoordinatesBufferOp::Adaptor;
+  using OpConversionPattern<ToCoordinatesBufferOp>::OpConversionPattern;
-  matchAndRewrite(ToIndicesBufferOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
+  matchAndRewrite(ToCoordinatesBufferOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    // Replace the requested pointer access with corresponding field.
+    // Replace the requested coordinates access with corresponding field.
     // The cast_op is inserted by type converter to intermix 1:N type
     // conversion.
     auto desc = getDescriptorFromTensorTuple(adaptor.getTensor());
@@ -1011,7 +1008,7 @@ class SparseToValuesConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ToValuesOp> {
   matchAndRewrite(ToValuesOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    // Replace the requested pointer access with corresponding field.
+    // Replace the requested values access with corresponding field.
     // The cast_op is inserted by type converter to intermix 1:N type
     // conversion.
     auto desc = getDescriptorFromTensorTuple(adaptor.getTensor());
@@ -1118,8 +1115,8 @@ class SparseExtractSliceCoverter
     assert(srcEnc.getDimLevelType() == dstEnc.getDimLevelType());
     assert(srcEnc.getDimOrdering() == dstEnc.getDimOrdering());
     assert(srcEnc.getHigherOrdering() == dstEnc.getHigherOrdering());
-    assert(srcEnc.getPointerBitWidth() == dstEnc.getPointerBitWidth());
-    assert(srcEnc.getIndexBitWidth() == dstEnc.getIndexBitWidth());
+    assert(srcEnc.getPosWidth() == dstEnc.getPosWidth());
+    assert(srcEnc.getCrdWidth() == dstEnc.getCrdWidth());
     // TODO: support dynamic slices.
     for (int i = 0, e = op.getSourceType().getRank(); i < e; i++) {
@@ -1174,11 +1171,12 @@ struct SparsePackOpConverter : public OpConversionPattern<PackOp> {
           case SparseTensorFieldKind::StorageSpec:
             field = SparseTensorSpecifier::getInitValue(rewriter, loc, rtp);
-          case SparseTensorFieldKind::PtrMemRef: {
-            // TACO-style COO starts with a PtrBuffer
+          case SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef: {
+            // TACO-style COO starts with a PosBuffer
             // By creating a constant value for it, we avoid the complexity of
             // memory management.
-            auto tensorType = RankedTensorType::get({2}, enc.getPointerType());
+            const auto posTp = enc.getPosType();
+            auto tensorType = RankedTensorType::get({2}, posTp);
             auto memrefType = MemRefType::get(tensorType.getShape(),
             auto cstPtr = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
@@ -1186,35 +1184,34 @@ struct SparsePackOpConverter : public OpConversionPattern<PackOp> {
-                        IntegerAttr::get(enc.getPointerType(), 0),
+                        IntegerAttr::get(posTp, 0),
-                            enc.getPointerType(),
-                            op.getData().getType().getShape()[0])}));
+                            posTp, op.getValues().getType().getShape()[0])}));
             field = rewriter.create<bufferization::ToMemrefOp>(loc, memrefType,
-          case SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef: {
-            auto tensorType = op.getIndices().getType();
+          case SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef: {
+            auto tensorType = op.getCoordinates().getType();
             auto memrefType = MemRefType::get(tensorType.getShape(),
-            auto idxMemRef = rewriter.create<bufferization::ToMemrefOp>(
-                op->getLoc(), memrefType, op.getIndices());
+            auto crdMemRef = rewriter.create<bufferization::ToMemrefOp>(
+                op->getLoc(), memrefType, op.getCoordinates());
             ReassociationIndices reassociation;
             for (int i = 0, e = tensorType.getRank(); i < e; i++)
             // Flattened the indices buffer to rank 1.
             field = rewriter.create<memref::CollapseShapeOp>(
-                loc, idxMemRef, ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices>(reassociation));
+                loc, crdMemRef, ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices>(reassociation));
           case SparseTensorFieldKind::ValMemRef: {
-            auto tensorType = op.getData().getType();
+            auto tensorType = op.getValues().getType();
             auto memrefType = MemRefType::get(tensorType.getShape(),
             field = rewriter.create<bufferization::ToMemrefOp>(
-                op->getLoc(), memrefType, op.getData());
+                op->getLoc(), memrefType, op.getValues());
@@ -1228,15 +1225,18 @@ struct SparsePackOpConverter : public OpConversionPattern<PackOp> {
     MutSparseTensorDescriptor desc(rtp, fields);
-    auto noe = linalg::createOrFoldDimOp(rewriter, loc, op.getData(), 0);
-    for (unsigned i = 0, e = rtp.getRank(); i < e; i++) {
-      int dim = rtp.getShape()[i];
-      assert(!ShapedType::isDynamic(dim));
-      desc.setDimSize(rewriter, loc, i, constantIndex(rewriter, loc, dim));
-      if (i == 0)
-        desc.setPtrMemSize(rewriter, loc, i, constantIndex(rewriter, loc, 2));
-      desc.setIdxMemSize(rewriter, loc, i, noe);
+    auto noe = linalg::createOrFoldDimOp(rewriter, loc, op.getValues(), 0);
+    // FIXME: should use `SparseTensorType::getLvlRank` in lieu of
+    // `RankedTensorType::getRank`, because the latter introduces dim/lvl
+    // ambiguity.
+    for (Level lvl = 0, lvlRank = rtp.getRank(); lvl < lvlRank; lvl++) {
+      const auto sh = rtp.getShape()[lvl];
+      assert(!ShapedType::isDynamic(sh));
+      desc.setLvlSize(rewriter, loc, lvl, constantIndex(rewriter, loc, sh));
+      if (lvl == 0)
+        desc.setPosMemSize(rewriter, loc, lvl, constantIndex(rewriter, loc, 2));
+      desc.setCrdMemSize(rewriter, loc, lvl, noe);
     desc.setValMemSize(rewriter, loc, noe);
@@ -1252,39 +1252,43 @@ struct SparseUnpackOpConverter : public OpConversionPattern<UnpackOp> {
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
     auto desc = getDescriptorFromTensorTuple(adaptor.getTensor());
     Location loc = op.getLoc();
-    int64_t rank = op.getTensor().getType().getRank();
+    const auto srcTp = getSparseTensorType(op.getTensor());
+    const Level lvlRank = srcTp.getLvlRank();
-    assert(isUniqueCOOType(op.getTensor().getType()) &&
-           desc.getFields().size() == 4);
+    assert(isUniqueCOOType(srcTp) && desc.getFields().size() == 4);
-    Value flatBuf = rank == 1 ? desc.getIdxMemRefOrView(rewriter, loc, 0)
-                              : desc.getAOSMemRef();
-    Value dataBuf = desc.getValMemRef();
+    Value flatBuf = lvlRank == 1 ? desc.getCrdMemRefOrView(rewriter, loc, 0)
+                                 : desc.getAOSMemRef();
+    Value valuesBuf = desc.getValMemRef();
-    // If frontend requests a static buffer, we reallocate the data/indices
-    // to ensure that we meet their need.
-    TensorType dataTp = op.getData().getType();
-    if (dataTp.hasStaticShape()) {
-      dataBuf = reallocOrSubView(rewriter, loc, dataTp.getShape()[0], dataBuf);
+    // If frontend requests a static buffer, we reallocate the
+    // values/coordinates to ensure that we meet their need.
+    const auto valuesTp = getRankedTensorType(op.getValues());
+    if (valuesTp.hasStaticShape()) {
+      valuesBuf =
+          reallocOrSubView(rewriter, loc, valuesTp.getShape()[0], valuesBuf);
-    TensorType indicesTp = op.getIndices().getType();
-    if (indicesTp.hasStaticShape()) {
-      auto len = indicesTp.getShape()[0] * indicesTp.getShape()[1];
+    const auto coordinatesTp = getRankedTensorType(op.getCoordinates());
+    if (coordinatesTp.hasStaticShape()) {
+      auto len = coordinatesTp.getShape()[0] * coordinatesTp.getShape()[1];
       flatBuf = reallocOrSubView(rewriter, loc, len, flatBuf);
-    Value idxBuf = rewriter.create<memref::ExpandShapeOp>(
-        loc, MemRefType::get(indicesTp.getShape(), indicesTp.getElementType()),
+    Value coordinatesBuf = rewriter.create<memref::ExpandShapeOp>(
+        loc,
+        MemRefType::get(coordinatesTp.getShape(),
+                        coordinatesTp.getElementType()),
         flatBuf, ArrayRef{ReassociationIndices{0, 1}});
     // Converts MemRefs back to Tensors.
-    Value data = rewriter.create<bufferization::ToTensorOp>(loc, dataBuf);
-    Value indices = rewriter.create<bufferization::ToTensorOp>(loc, idxBuf);
-    Value nnz = genCast(rewriter, loc, desc.getValMemSize(rewriter, loc),
-                        op.getNnz().getType());
+    Value values = rewriter.create<bufferization::ToTensorOp>(loc, valuesBuf);
+    Value coordinates =
+        rewriter.create<bufferization::ToTensorOp>(loc, coordinatesBuf);
+    Value nse = genCast(rewriter, loc, desc.getValMemSize(rewriter, loc),
+                        op.getNse().getType());
-    rewriter.replaceOp(op, {data, indices, nnz});
+    rewriter.replaceOp(op, {values, coordinates, nse});
     return success();
@@ -1296,52 +1300,54 @@ struct SparseNewOpConverter : public OpConversionPattern<NewOp> {
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
     Location loc = op.getLoc();
     const auto dstTp = getSparseTensorType(op.getResult());
-    const auto encDst = dstTp.getEncoding();
     // Creating COO with NewOp is handled by direct IR codegen. All other cases
     // are handled by rewriting.
-    if (!dstTp.hasEncoding() || getCOOStart(encDst) != 0)
+    if (!dstTp.hasEncoding() || getCOOStart(dstTp.getEncoding()) != 0)
       return failure();
     // Implement the NewOp(filename) as follows:
-    //   reader = getSparseTensorReader(filename)
-    //   nse = getSparseTensorNNZ()
-    //   tmp = bufferization.alloc_tensor an ordered COO with
-    //          dst dim ordering, size_hint = nse
-    //   indices = to_indices_buffer(tmp)
-    //   values = to_values(tmp)
-    //   isSorted = getSparseTensorReaderRead(indices, values, dimOrdering)
-    //   if (!isSorted) sort_coo(nse, indices, values)
+    //   %reader = @getSparseTensorReader(%filename)
+    //   %nse = @getSparseTensorNSE(%reader)
+    //   %coo = bufferization.alloc_tensor an ordered COO with
+    //          dst dim ordering, size_hint = %nse
+    //   %coordinates = sparse_tensor.coordinates_buffer(%coo)
+    //   %values = sparse_tensor.values(%coo)
+    //   %isSorted = @sparseTensorReaderReadToBuffers(%coordinates, %values)
+    //   if (! %isSorted) sparse_tensor.sort_coo(%nse, %coordinates, %values)
     //   update storage specifier
-    //   dst = sparse_tensor.ConvertOp tmp
+    //   @delSparseTensorReader(%reader)
     // Create a sparse tensor reader.
-    Value fileName = op.getSource();
-    Type opaqueTp = getOpaquePointerType(rewriter);
+    const Value fileName = op.getSource();
+    const Type opaqueTp = getOpaquePointerType(rewriter);
+    // FIXME: use `createCheckedSparseTensorReader` instead, because
+    // `createSparseTensorReader` is unsafe.
     Value reader = createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, "createSparseTensorReader",
                                   {opaqueTp}, {fileName}, EmitCInterface::Off)
-    Type indexTp = rewriter.getIndexType();
+    const Type indexTp = rewriter.getIndexType();
     const Dimension dimRank = dstTp.getDimRank();
+    const Level lvlRank = dstTp.getLvlRank();
     // If the result tensor has dynamic dimensions, get the dynamic sizes from
     // the sparse tensor reader.
     SmallVector<Value> dynSizes;
     if (dstTp.hasDynamicDimShape()) {
+      // FIXME: call `getSparseTensorReaderDimSizes` instead, because
+      // `copySparseTensorReaderDimSizes` copies the memref over,
+      // instead of just accessing the reader's memory directly.
       Value dimSizes = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, indexTp);
       createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, "copySparseTensorReaderDimSizes", {},
                      {reader, dimSizes}, EmitCInterface::On)
-      ArrayRef<int64_t> dstShape = dstTp.getRankedTensorType().getShape();
-      for (auto &d : llvm::enumerate(dstShape)) {
-        if (d.value() == ShapedType::kDynamic) {
+      for (const auto &d : llvm::enumerate(dstTp.getDimShape()))
+        if (ShapedType::isDynamic(d.value()))
               loc, dimSizes, constantIndex(rewriter, loc, d.index())));
-        }
-      }
-    Value nse = createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, "getSparseTensorReaderNNZ",
+    Value nse = createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, "getSparseTensorReaderNSE",
                                {indexTp}, {reader}, EmitCInterface::Off)
     // Construct allocation for each field.
@@ -1350,63 +1356,71 @@ struct SparseNewOpConverter : public OpConversionPattern<NewOp> {
                       fields, nse);
     MutSparseTensorDescriptor desc(dstTp, fields);
-    // Read the COO tensor data.
-    Type eltTp = dstTp.getElementType();
-    Type indBufEleTp = getIndexOverheadType(rewriter, encDst);
-    SmallString<32> getReadFuncName{"getSparseTensorReaderRead",
-                                    overheadTypeFunctionSuffix(indBufEleTp),
-                                    primaryTypeFunctionSuffix(eltTp)};
-    Value xs = desc.getAOSMemRef();
-    Value ys = desc.getValMemRef();
-    SmallVector<Value> dim2lvlValues(dimRank, Value());
-    if (auto dimOrder = encDst.getDimOrdering()) {
+    // Construct the `dim2lvl` buffer for handing off to the runtime library.
+    // FIXME: This code is (mostly) copied from the SparseTensorConversion.cpp
+    // handling of `NewOp`, and only handles permutations.  Fixing this
+    // requires waiting for wrengr to finish redoing the CL that handles
+    // all dim<->lvl stuff more robustly.
+    SmallVector<Value> dim2lvlValues(dimRank);
+    if (!dstTp.isIdentity()) {
+      const auto dimOrder = dstTp.getDimToLvlMap();
       assert(dimOrder.isPermutation() && "Got non-permutation");
-      for (uint64_t l = 0; l < dimRank; l++) {
-        uint64_t d = dimOrder.getDimPosition(l);
+      for (Level l = 0; l < lvlRank; l++) {
+        const Dimension d = dimOrder.getDimPosition(l);
         dim2lvlValues[d] = constantIndex(rewriter, loc, l);
     } else {
-      for (uint64_t l = 0; l < dimRank; l++)
-        dim2lvlValues[l] = constantIndex(rewriter, loc, l);
+      // The `SparseTensorType` ctor already ensures `dimRank == lvlRank`
+      // when `isIdentity`; so no need to re-assert it here.
+      for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++)
+        dim2lvlValues[d] = constantIndex(rewriter, loc, d);
     Value dim2lvl = allocaBuffer(rewriter, loc, dim2lvlValues);
-    Value f = constantI1(rewriter, loc, false);
+    // Read the COO tensor data.
+    Value xs = desc.getAOSMemRef();
+    Value ys = desc.getValMemRef();
+    const Type boolTp = rewriter.getIntegerType(1);
+    const Type elemTp = dstTp.getElementType();
+    const Type crdTp = dstTp.getCrdType();
+    // FIXME: This function name is weird; should rename to
+    // "sparseTensorReaderReadToBuffers".
+    SmallString<32> readToBuffersFuncName{"getSparseTensorReaderRead",
+                                          overheadTypeFunctionSuffix(crdTp),
+                                          primaryTypeFunctionSuffix(elemTp)};
     Value isSorted =
-        createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, getReadFuncName, {f.getType()},
+        createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, readToBuffersFuncName, {boolTp},
                        {reader, dim2lvl, xs, ys}, EmitCInterface::On)
     // If the destination tensor is a sorted COO, we need to sort the COO tensor
     // data if the input elements aren't sorted yet.
-    if (encDst.isOrderedLvl(dimRank - 1)) {
+    if (dstTp.isOrderedLvl(lvlRank - 1)) {
+      Value kFalse = constantI1(rewriter, loc, false);
       Value notSorted = rewriter.create<arith::CmpIOp>(
-          loc, arith::CmpIPredicate::eq, isSorted, f);
+          loc, arith::CmpIPredicate::eq, isSorted, kFalse);
       scf::IfOp ifOp =
           rewriter.create<scf::IfOp>(loc, notSorted, /*else*/ false);
-          loc, nse, xs, ValueRange{ys}, rewriter.getIndexAttr(dimRank),
+          loc, nse, xs, ValueRange{ys}, rewriter.getIndexAttr(lvlRank),
           rewriter.getIndexAttr(0), SparseTensorSortKind::HybridQuickSort);
-    // Set PtrMemRef0[1] = nse.
-    Value c1 = constantIndex(rewriter, loc, 1);
-    Value ptrMemref0 = desc.getPtrMemRef(0);
-    Type ptrEleTy = getMemRefType(ptrMemref0).getElementType();
-    Value ptrNse =
-        ptrEleTy == nse.getType()
-            ? nse
-            : rewriter.create<arith::IndexCastOp>(loc, ptrEleTy, nse);
-    rewriter.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, ptrNse, ptrMemref0, c1);
+    // Set PosMemRef0[1] = nse.
+    const Value c1 = constantIndex(rewriter, loc, 1);
+    const Value posMemref0 = desc.getPosMemRef(0);
+    const Type posTp = dstTp.getPosType();
+    const Value posNse = genCast(rewriter, loc, nse, posTp);
+    rewriter.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, posNse, posMemref0, c1);
     // Update storage specifier.
-    Value idxSize = rewriter.create<arith::MulIOp>(
-        loc, nse, constantIndex(rewriter, loc, dimRank));
-    desc.setSpecifierField(rewriter, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::IdxMemSize, 0,
-                           idxSize);
+    Value coordinatesSize = rewriter.create<arith::MulIOp>(
+        loc, nse, constantIndex(rewriter, loc, lvlRank));
+    desc.setSpecifierField(rewriter, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::CrdMemSize, 0,
+                           coordinatesSize);
     desc.setSpecifierField(rewriter, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::ValMemSize,
                            std::nullopt, nse);
@@ -1436,8 +1450,8 @@ void mlir::populateSparseTensorCodegenPatterns(
                SparseCastConverter, SparseTensorDeallocConverter,
                SparseExtractSliceCoverter, SparseTensorLoadConverter,
                SparseExpandConverter, SparseCompressConverter,
-               SparseInsertConverter, SparseToPointersConverter,
-               SparseToIndicesConverter, SparseToIndicesBufferConverter,
+               SparseInsertConverter, SparseToPositionsConverter,
+               SparseToCoordinatesConverter, SparseToCoordinatesBufferConverter,
                SparseToValuesConverter, SparseConvertConverter,
                SparseNewOpConverter, SparseNumberOfEntriesConverter>(
       typeConverter, patterns.getContext());

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorConversion.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorConversion.cpp
index 7622554479af5..c3c0a4f88c362 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorConversion.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorConversion.cpp
@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ class NewCallParams final {
   // is there a better way to handle that than this one-off setter method?
   NewCallParams &setTemplateTypes(SparseTensorType stt) {
     const auto enc = stt.getEncoding();
-    params[kParamPtrTp] = constantPointerTypeEncoding(builder, loc, enc);
-    params[kParamIndTp] = constantIndexTypeEncoding(builder, loc, enc);
+    params[kParamPosTp] = constantPosTypeEncoding(builder, loc, enc);
+    params[kParamCrdTp] = constantCrdTypeEncoding(builder, loc, enc);
     params[kParamValTp] =
         constantPrimaryTypeEncoding(builder, loc, stt.getElementType());
     return *this;
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ class NewCallParams final {
   static constexpr unsigned kParamLvlTypes = 2;
   static constexpr unsigned kParamLvl2Dim = 3;
   static constexpr unsigned kParamDim2Lvl = 4;
-  static constexpr unsigned kParamPtrTp = 5;
-  static constexpr unsigned kParamIndTp = 6;
+  static constexpr unsigned kParamPosTp = 5;
+  static constexpr unsigned kParamCrdTp = 6;
   static constexpr unsigned kParamValTp = 7;
   static constexpr unsigned kParamAction = 8;
   static constexpr unsigned kParamPtr = 9;
@@ -382,53 +382,38 @@ static void genDelIteratorCall(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Type elemTp,
 ///   if val != 0
 ///     t->add(&val, [i1,..,ik], [p1,..,pk]);
 static void genAddEltCall(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Type eltType,
-                          Value lvlCOO, Value valPtr, Value dimInd,
+                          Value lvlCOO, Value valPtr, Value dimCoords,
                           Value dim2lvl) {
   SmallString<9> name{"addElt", primaryTypeFunctionSuffix(eltType)};
-  SmallVector<Value, 4> params{lvlCOO, valPtr, dimInd, dim2lvl};
+  SmallVector<Value, 4> params{lvlCOO, valPtr, dimCoords, dim2lvl};
   Type pTp = getOpaquePointerType(builder);
   createFuncCall(builder, loc, name, pTp, params, EmitCInterface::On);
 /// Generates a call to `iter->getNext()`.  If there is a next element,
-/// then it is copied into the out-parameters `ind` and `elemPtr`,
+/// then it is copied into the out-parameters `coords` and `elemPtr`,
 /// and the return value is true.  If there isn't a next element, then
 /// the return value is false.
+/// The `coords` argument uses the same coordinate-space as the `iter`
+/// (which can be either dim- or lvl-coords, depending on context).
 static Value genGetNextCall(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value iter,
-                            Value ind, Value elemPtr) {
+                            Value coords, Value elemPtr) {
   Type elemTp = elemPtr.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType();
   SmallString<10> name{"getNext", primaryTypeFunctionSuffix(elemTp)};
-  SmallVector<Value, 3> params{iter, ind, elemPtr};
+  SmallVector<Value, 3> params{iter, coords, elemPtr};
   Type i1 = builder.getI1Type();
   return createFuncCall(builder, loc, name, i1, params, EmitCInterface::On)
-/// Converts a pointer to COO (from calls to iter->next()) into a vector of
-/// indices, apply (optional) `offset` on `offsetDim`.
-static SmallVector<Value> loadIndices(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                                      unsigned rank, Value ind,
-                                      unsigned offsetDim = 0,
-                                      Value offset = Value()) {
-  SmallVector<Value> ivs;
-  ivs.reserve(rank);
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
-    Value idx = constantIndex(builder, loc, i);
-    idx = builder.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, ind, idx);
-    if (offsetDim == i && offset)
-      idx = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, idx, offset);
-    ivs.push_back(idx);
-  }
-  return ivs;
-/// Inserts a value stored in `elemPtr` into a dense tensor created by
-/// allocDenseTensor().
+/// Loads the value stored in `elemPtr`, and stores it at the coordinates
+/// `cvs` into a dense tensor created by `allocDenseTensor`.
 static void insertScalarIntoDenseTensor(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
                                         Value elemPtr, Value tensor,
-                                        ValueRange ivs) {
+                                        ValueRange cvs) {
   Value elemV = builder.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, elemPtr);
-  builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, elemV, tensor, ivs);
+  builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, elemV, tensor, cvs);
 /// Determine if the runtime library supports direct conversion to the
@@ -453,31 +438,17 @@ static bool canUseDirectConversion(ArrayRef<DimLevelType> dimTypes) {
   return true;
-/// Helper method to translate indices during a reshaping operation.
+/// Helper method to translate coordinates during a reshaping operation.
 /// TODO: provide as general utility to MLIR at large?
-static void translateIndices(Location loc, ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter,
-                             ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociation,
-                             TensorType dstTp, TensorType srcTp, Value dstIdx,
-                             Value srcIdx, ArrayRef<Value> dstShape,
-                             ArrayRef<Value> srcShape) {
-  const Dimension dstRank = dstTp.getRank();
-  const Dimension srcRank = srcTp.getRank();
-  SmallVector<Value> srcIndices;
-  srcIndices.reserve(srcRank);
-  for (Dimension d = 0; d < srcRank; d++) {
-    Value idx = rewriter.create<memref::LoadOp>(
-        loc, srcIdx, constantIndex(rewriter, loc, d));
-    srcIndices.push_back(idx);
-  }
-  SmallVector<Value> dstIndices;
-  translateIndicesArray(rewriter, loc, reassociation, srcIndices, srcShape,
-                        dstShape, dstIndices);
-  for (Dimension d = 0; d < dstRank; d++)
-    rewriter.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, dstIndices[d], dstIdx,
-                                     constantIndex(rewriter, loc, d));
+static void reshapeCoords(Location loc, OpBuilder &builder,
+                          ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociation,
+                          ValueRange srcSizes, Value srcCoords,
+                          ValueRange dstSizes, Value dstCoords) {
+  const auto srcCvs = loadAll(builder, loc, srcSizes.size(), srcCoords);
+  SmallVector<Value> dstCvs;
+  reshapeCvs(builder, loc, reassociation, srcSizes, srcCvs, dstSizes, dstCvs);
+  assert(dstCvs.size() == dstSizes.size());
+  storeAll(builder, loc, dstCoords, dstCvs);
 /// Generate code for a general sparse to sparse reshaping operation.
@@ -491,7 +462,7 @@ static void translateIndices(Location loc, ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter,
 ///   iter = src->toCOO();
 ///   coo = newSparseCOO()
 ///   while (elem = iter->getNext()) {
-///     coo->add(reshape(elem.indices), elem.value)
+///     coo->add(reshape(elem.coords), elem.value)
 ///   }
 ///   s = newSparseTensor(coo)
 template <typename ReshapeOp>
@@ -506,7 +477,7 @@ genSparse2SparseReshape(ReshapeOp op, typename ReshapeOp::Adaptor adaptor,
   Type elemTp = srcTp.getElementType();
   assert(elemTp == dstTp.getElementType() &&
          "reshape should not change element type");
-  // Start an iterator over the source tensor (in original index order).
+  // Start an iterator over the source tensor (in coordinate order).
   SmallVector<Value> srcDimSizes =
       getDimSizes(rewriter, loc, srcTp, adaptor.getSrc());
   NewCallParams params(rewriter, loc);
@@ -520,28 +491,31 @@ genSparse2SparseReshape(ReshapeOp op, typename ReshapeOp::Adaptor adaptor,
     genReshapeDstShape(loc, rewriter, dstDimSizes, srcDimSizes,
                        dstTp.getDimShape(), op.getReassociationIndices());
-  Value coo =
+  const Value coo =
       params.genBuffers(dstTp, dstDimSizes).genNewCall(Action::kEmptyCOO);
-  Value dstPerm = params.getDim2LvlMap();
+  const Value dstPerm = params.getDim2LvlMap();
   // Construct a while loop over the iterator.
-  Type iTp = rewriter.getIndexType();
-  Value srcIdx = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, srcTp.getDimRank(), iTp);
-  Value dstIdx = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dstTp.getDimRank(), iTp);
-  Value elemPtr = genAllocaScalar(rewriter, loc, elemTp);
-  SmallVector<Value> noArgs;
-  SmallVector<Type> noTypes;
+  const Type iTp = rewriter.getIndexType();
+  const Value srcDimCoords = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, srcTp.getDimRank(), iTp);
+  const Value dstDimCoords = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dstTp.getDimRank(), iTp);
+  const Value elemPtr = genAllocaScalar(rewriter, loc, elemTp);
+  const SmallVector<Value> noArgs;
+  const SmallVector<Type> noTypes;
   auto whileOp = rewriter.create<scf::WhileOp>(loc, noTypes, noArgs);
   Block *before = rewriter.createBlock(&whileOp.getBefore(), {}, noTypes);
-  Value cond = genGetNextCall(rewriter, loc, iter, srcIdx, elemPtr);
+  Value cond = genGetNextCall(rewriter, loc, iter, srcDimCoords, elemPtr);
   rewriter.create<scf::ConditionOp>(loc, cond, before->getArguments());
-  // Translate indices from source to target and insert. Note that we do
+  // Translate coordinates from source to target and insert. Note that we do
   // not need to store the value in elemPtr, as the value is still there.
   Block *after = rewriter.createBlock(&whileOp.getAfter(), {}, noTypes);
-  translateIndices(loc, rewriter, op.getReassociationIndices(), dstTp, srcTp,
-                   dstIdx, srcIdx, dstDimSizes, srcDimSizes);
-  genAddEltCall(rewriter, loc, elemTp, coo, elemPtr, dstIdx, dstPerm);
+  // We probably don't need these assertions, but better safe than sorry.
+  assert(srcTp.getDimRank() == srcDimSizes.size());
+  assert(dstTp.getDimRank() == dstDimSizes.size());
+  reshapeCoords(loc, rewriter, op.getReassociationIndices(), srcDimSizes,
+                srcDimCoords, dstDimSizes, dstDimCoords);
+  genAddEltCall(rewriter, loc, elemTp, coo, elemPtr, dstDimCoords, dstPerm);
   // Final call to construct sparse tensor storage and free temporary resources.
@@ -569,7 +543,7 @@ static void genSparseCOOIterationLoop(
   const Dimension dimRank = stt.getDimRank();
   const Type elemTp = stt.getElementType();
-  // Start an iterator over the tensor (in original index order).
+  // Start an iterator over the tensor (in coordinate order).
   const auto noPerm = stt.withoutOrdering();
   SmallVector<Value> dimSizes = getDimSizes(rewriter, loc, noPerm, t);
   Value iter = NewCallParams(rewriter, loc)
@@ -577,14 +551,15 @@ static void genSparseCOOIterationLoop(
                    .genNewCall(Action::kToIterator, t);
   // Construct a while loop over the iterator.
-  Value srcIdx = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, rewriter.getIndexType());
+  const Type iTp = rewriter.getIndexType();
+  Value srcDimCoords = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, iTp);
   Value elemPtr = genAllocaScalar(rewriter, loc, elemTp);
-  SmallVector<Value> noArgs;
-  SmallVector<Type> noTypes;
+  const SmallVector<Value> noArgs;
+  const SmallVector<Type> noTypes;
   auto whileOp = rewriter.create<scf::WhileOp>(loc, noTypes, noArgs);
   Block *before = rewriter.createBlock(&whileOp.getBefore(), {}, noTypes);
-  Value cond = genGetNextCall(rewriter, loc, iter, srcIdx, elemPtr);
+  Value cond = genGetNextCall(rewriter, loc, iter, srcDimCoords, elemPtr);
   rewriter.create<scf::ConditionOp>(loc, cond, before->getArguments());
   Block *after = rewriter.createBlock(&whileOp.getAfter(), {}, noTypes);
@@ -598,7 +573,7 @@ static void genSparseCOOIterationLoop(
   // Callback here to build loop body.
-  bodyBuilder(rewriter, loc, srcIdx, elemPtr);
+  bodyBuilder(rewriter, loc, srcDimCoords, elemPtr);
   // Exit the scope from the IfOp.
   if (hasDenseDim)
@@ -811,8 +786,8 @@ class SparseTensorNewConverter : public OpConversionPattern<NewOp> {
         genLvlTypesBuffer(rewriter, loc, stt),
-        constantPointerTypeEncoding(rewriter, loc, stt.getEncoding()),
-        constantIndexTypeEncoding(rewriter, loc, stt.getEncoding()),
+        constantPosTypeEncoding(rewriter, loc, stt.getEncoding()),
+        constantCrdTypeEncoding(rewriter, loc, stt.getEncoding()),
     Value tensor = createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, "newSparseTensorFromReader",
                                   opaqueTp, params, EmitCInterface::On)
@@ -922,8 +897,8 @@ class SparseTensorConvertConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ConvertOp> {
         // the correct sparsity information to either of them.
         const auto mixedEnc = SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
             op->getContext(), dstEnc.getDimLevelType(), dstEnc.getDimOrdering(),
-            dstEnc.getHigherOrdering(), srcEnc.getPointerBitWidth(),
-            srcEnc.getIndexBitWidth());
+            dstEnc.getHigherOrdering(), srcEnc.getPosWidth(),
+            srcEnc.getCrdWidth());
         // TODO: This is the only place where `kToCOO` (or `kToIterator`)
         // is called with a non-identity permutation.  Is there any clean
         // way to push the permutation over to the `kFromCOO` side instead?
@@ -942,38 +917,39 @@ class SparseTensorConvertConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ConvertOp> {
       //   dst = new Tensor(0);
       //   iter = new SparseTensorIterator(src);
       //   while (elem = iter->getNext()) {
-      //     dst[elem.indices] = elem.value;
+      //     dst[elem.coords] = elem.value;
       //   }
       //   delete iter;
       // Fabricate a no-permutation encoding for NewCallParams
-      // The pointer/index types must be those of `src`.
+      // The position/coordinate types must be those of `src`.
       // The dimLevelTypes aren't actually used by Action::kToIterator.
       const auto dstEnc = SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
           SmallVector<DimLevelType>(dimRank, DimLevelType::Dense), AffineMap(),
-          AffineMap(), srcEnc.getPointerBitWidth(), srcEnc.getIndexBitWidth());
+          AffineMap(), srcEnc.getPosWidth(), srcEnc.getCrdWidth());
       SmallVector<Value> dimSizes = getDimSizes(rewriter, loc, srcTp, src);
       Value iter = NewCallParams(rewriter, loc)
                        .genBuffers(dstTp.withEncoding(dstEnc), dimSizes)
                        .genNewCall(Action::kToIterator, src);
-      Value ind = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, rewriter.getIndexType());
+      const Type iTp = rewriter.getIndexType();
+      Value dimCoords = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, iTp);
       Value elemPtr = genAllocaScalar(rewriter, loc, elemTp);
       Block *insertionBlock = rewriter.getInsertionBlock();
       // TODO: Dense buffers should be allocated/deallocated via the callback
       // in BufferizationOptions.
       Value dst = allocDenseTensor(rewriter, loc, dstTp, dimSizes);
-      SmallVector<Value> noArgs;
-      SmallVector<Type> noTypes;
+      const SmallVector<Value> noArgs;
+      const SmallVector<Type> noTypes;
       auto whileOp = rewriter.create<scf::WhileOp>(loc, noTypes, noArgs);
       Block *before = rewriter.createBlock(&whileOp.getBefore(), {}, noTypes);
-      Value cond = genGetNextCall(rewriter, loc, iter, ind, elemPtr);
+      Value cond = genGetNextCall(rewriter, loc, iter, dimCoords, elemPtr);
       rewriter.create<scf::ConditionOp>(loc, cond, before->getArguments());
       Block *after = rewriter.createBlock(&whileOp.getAfter(), {}, noTypes);
-      SmallVector<Value> ivs = loadIndices(rewriter, loc, dimRank, ind);
-      insertScalarIntoDenseTensor(rewriter, loc, elemPtr, dst, ivs);
+      const auto dcvs = loadAll(rewriter, loc, dimRank, dimCoords);
+      insertScalarIntoDenseTensor(rewriter, loc, elemPtr, dst, dcvs);
       genDelIteratorCall(rewriter, loc, elemTp, iter);
@@ -1004,7 +980,7 @@ class SparseTensorConvertConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ConvertOp> {
     // To fill the COO tensor from a sparse constant in COO format:
     //   for i in range(NNZ)
     //     val = values[i]
-    //     [i1,..,ik] = indices[i]
+    //     [i1,..,ik] = coordinates[i]
     //     t->add(val, [i1,..,ik], [p1,..,pk])
     // Note that the dense tensor traversal code is actually implemented
@@ -1018,18 +994,17 @@ class SparseTensorConvertConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ConvertOp> {
     NewCallParams params(rewriter, loc);
     Value coo =
         params.genBuffers(dstTp, dimSizes).genNewCall(Action::kEmptyCOO);
-    Value ind = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, rewriter.getIndexType());
+    const Type iTp = rewriter.getIndexType();
+    Value dimCoords = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, iTp);
     Value perm = params.getDim2LvlMap();
     Value elemPtr = genAllocaScalar(rewriter, loc, elemTp);
         rewriter, loc, src, dimRank,
-        [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value val, ValueRange ivs) {
-          for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
-            Value dim = constantIndex(builder, loc, d);
-            builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, ivs[d], ind, dim);
-          }
+        [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value val, ValueRange dcvs) {
+          assert(dcvs.size() == static_cast<size_t>(dimRank));
+          storeAll(builder, loc, dimCoords, dcvs);
           builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, val, elemPtr);
-          genAddEltCall(builder, loc, elemTp, coo, elemPtr, ind, perm);
+          genAddEltCall(builder, loc, elemTp, coo, elemPtr, dimCoords, perm);
     // Final call to construct sparse tensor storage.
     Value dst = params.genNewCall(Action::kFromCOO, coo);
@@ -1061,41 +1036,43 @@ class SparseTensorDeallocConverter
-/// Sparse conversion rule for pointer accesses.
-class SparseTensorToPointersConverter
-    : public OpConversionPattern<ToPointersOp> {
+/// Sparse conversion rule for position accesses.
+class SparseTensorToPositionsConverter
+    : public OpConversionPattern<ToPositionsOp> {
   using OpConversionPattern::OpConversionPattern;
-  matchAndRewrite(ToPointersOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
+  matchAndRewrite(ToPositionsOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    Type resType = op.getType();
-    Type ptrType = resType.cast<ShapedType>().getElementType();
-    SmallString<16> name{"sparsePointers", overheadTypeFunctionSuffix(ptrType)};
-    Value dim =
-        constantIndex(rewriter, op->getLoc(), op.getDimension().getZExtValue());
-    replaceOpWithFuncCall(rewriter, op, name, resType,
-                          {adaptor.getTensor(), dim}, EmitCInterface::On);
+    Type resTp = op.getType();
+    Type posTp = resTp.cast<ShapedType>().getElementType();
+    SmallString<17> name{"sparsePositions", overheadTypeFunctionSuffix(posTp)};
+    Value lvl = constantIndex(rewriter, op->getLoc(), op.getLevel());
+    replaceOpWithFuncCall(rewriter, op, name, resTp, {adaptor.getTensor(), lvl},
+                          EmitCInterface::On);
     return success();
-/// Sparse conversion rule for index accesses.
-class SparseTensorToIndicesConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ToIndicesOp> {
+/// Sparse conversion rule for coordinate accesses.
+class SparseTensorToCoordinatesConverter
+    : public OpConversionPattern<ToCoordinatesOp> {
   using OpConversionPattern::OpConversionPattern;
-  matchAndRewrite(ToIndicesOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
+  matchAndRewrite(ToCoordinatesOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+    // TODO: use `SparseTensorType::getCrdType` instead.
     Type resType = op.getType();
-    Type indType = resType.cast<ShapedType>().getElementType();
-    SmallString<15> name{"sparseIndices", overheadTypeFunctionSuffix(indType)};
+    const Type crdTp = resType.cast<ShapedType>().getElementType();
+    SmallString<19> name{"sparseCoordinates",
+                         overheadTypeFunctionSuffix(crdTp)};
     Location loc = op->getLoc();
-    Value dim = constantIndex(rewriter, loc, op.getDimension().getZExtValue());
+    Value lvl = constantIndex(rewriter, loc, op.getLevel());
     // The function returns a MemRef without a layout.
-    MemRefType callRetType = get1DMemRefType(indType, false);
-    SmallVector<Value> operands{adaptor.getTensor(), dim};
+    MemRefType callRetType = get1DMemRefType(crdTp, false);
+    SmallVector<Value> operands{adaptor.getTensor(), lvl};
     auto fn = getFunc(op->getParentOfType<ModuleOp>(), name, callRetType,
                       operands, EmitCInterface::On);
     Value callRet =
@@ -1171,21 +1148,19 @@ class SparseTensorInsertConverter : public OpConversionPattern<InsertOp> {
   matchAndRewrite(InsertOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
     // Note that the current regime only allows for strict lexicographic
-    // index order. All values are passed by reference through stack
+    // coordinate order. All values are passed by reference through stack
     // allocated memrefs.
     Location loc = op->getLoc();
     const auto stt = getSparseTensorType(op.getTensor());
     const auto elemTp = stt.getElementType();
-    const Dimension dimRank = stt.getDimRank();
-    auto mref = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, rewriter.getIndexType());
+    const Level lvlRank = stt.getLvlRank();
+    auto lvlCoords = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, lvlRank, rewriter.getIndexType());
     auto vref = genAllocaScalar(rewriter, loc, elemTp);
-    for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++)
-      rewriter.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, adaptor.getIndices()[d], mref,
-                                       constantIndex(rewriter, loc, d));
+    storeAll(rewriter, loc, lvlCoords, adaptor.getLvlCoords());
     rewriter.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, adaptor.getValue(), vref);
     SmallString<12> name{"lexInsert", primaryTypeFunctionSuffix(elemTp)};
-    createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, name, {}, {adaptor.getTensor(), mref, vref},
-                   EmitCInterface::On);
+    createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, name, {},
+                   {adaptor.getTensor(), lvlCoords, vref}, EmitCInterface::On);
     rewriter.replaceOp(op, adaptor.getTensor());
     return success();
@@ -1208,12 +1183,12 @@ class SparseTensorExpandConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ExpandOp> {
     // Get the cardinality of valid coordinates for the innermost level.
     Value sz = createOrFoldLvlCall(rewriter, loc, srcTp, adaptor.getTensor(),
                                    srcTp.getLvlRank() - 1);
-    // Allocate temporary buffers for values, filled-switch, and indices.
+    // Allocate temporary buffers for values, filled-switch, and coordinates.
     // We do not use stack buffers for this, since the expanded size may
     // be rather large (as it envelops a single expanded dense dimension).
     Value values = genAlloc(rewriter, loc, sz, eltType);
     Value filled = genAlloc(rewriter, loc, sz, boolType);
-    Value indices = genAlloc(rewriter, loc, sz, idxType);
+    Value lastLvlCoordinates = genAlloc(rewriter, loc, sz, idxType);
     Value zero = constantZero(rewriter, loc, idxType);
     // Reset the values/filled-switch to all-zero/false. Note that this
     // introduces an O(N) operation into the computation, but this reset
@@ -1226,9 +1201,9 @@ class SparseTensorExpandConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ExpandOp> {
         loc, ValueRange{constantZero(rewriter, loc, boolType)},
-    // Replace expansion op with these buffers and initial index.
+    // Replace expansion op with these buffers and initial coordinate.
     assert(op.getNumResults() == 4);
-    rewriter.replaceOp(op, {values, filled, indices, zero});
+    rewriter.replaceOp(op, {values, filled, lastLvlCoordinates, zero});
     return success();
@@ -1252,14 +1227,12 @@ class SparseTensorCompressConverter : public OpConversionPattern<CompressOp> {
     Value tensor = adaptor.getTensor();
     const auto stt = getSparseTensorType(op.getTensor());
     const Type elemTp = stt.getElementType();
-    const Dimension dimRank = stt.getDimRank();
-    auto mref = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, rewriter.getIndexType());
-    for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank - 1; d++)
-      rewriter.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, adaptor.getIndices()[d], mref,
-                                       constantIndex(rewriter, loc, d));
+    const Level lvlRank = stt.getLvlRank();
+    auto lvlCoords = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, lvlRank, rewriter.getIndexType());
+    storeAll(rewriter, loc, lvlCoords, adaptor.getLvlCoords());
     SmallString<12> name{"expInsert", primaryTypeFunctionSuffix(elemTp)};
     createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, name, {},
-                   {tensor, mref, values, filled, added, count},
+                   {tensor, lvlCoords, values, filled, added, count},
     rewriter.replaceOp(op, adaptor.getTensor());
     // Deallocate the buffers on exit of the loop nest.
@@ -1288,7 +1261,7 @@ class SparseTensorConcatConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ConcatenateOp> {
     //      coo->add(adjustForOffset(i,j,k), b[i,j,k])
     //    for elem in sparse_input
-    //      coo->add(adjustForOffset(elem.indices), elem.value)
+    //      coo->add(adjustForOffset(elem.coords), elem.value)
     //    ...
     //    a = newSparseTensor(coo_for_a)
     //    return a
@@ -1301,22 +1274,22 @@ class SparseTensorConcatConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ConcatenateOp> {
     //      a[ adjustForOffset(i,j,k) ] = b[i,j,k]
     //    for elem in sparse_input
-    //      a[ adjustForOffset(elem.indices) ] = elem.value
+    //      a[ adjustForOffset(elem.coords) ] = elem.value
     //    return a
     Location loc = op.getLoc();
     const auto dstTp = getSparseTensorType(op);
     const auto dstEnc = dstTp.getEncoding();
     const Type elemTp = dstTp.getElementType();
-    const Dimension concatDim = op.getDimension().getZExtValue();
+    const Dimension concatDim = op.getDimension();
     const Dimension dimRank = dstTp.getDimRank();
     Value dst;     // destination tensor
     Value dstPerm; // destination tensor permutation (if sparse out)
     // A pointer to the value being inserted (if dense => sparse)
     Value elemPtr;
-    // Memory that holds the dim-indices for destination tensor (if sparse out)
-    Value dstInd;
-    // The offset applied to the dimenstion to be concated (starting from 0)
+    // Memory that holds the dim-coords for destination tensor (if sparse out)
+    Value dstDimCoords;
+    // The offset applied to the dimension to be concated (starting from 0)
     Value offset = constantIndex(rewriter, loc, 0);
     SmallVector<Value> dimSizes;
@@ -1330,7 +1303,7 @@ class SparseTensorConcatConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ConcatenateOp> {
       // Start a new COO or an initialized annotated all dense sparse tensor.
       dst = params.genBuffers(dstTp, dimSizes)
                 .genNewCall(allDense ? Action::kEmpty : Action::kEmptyCOO);
-      dstInd = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, rewriter.getIndexType());
+      dstDimCoords = genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, rewriter.getIndexType());
       if (allDense) {
         dstTensor = dst;
         // Get the values buffer for the sparse tensor and reshape it to the
@@ -1338,9 +1311,12 @@ class SparseTensorConcatConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ConcatenateOp> {
         dst = genValuesCall(rewriter, loc,
                             MemRefType::get({ShapedType::kDynamic}, elemTp),
-        // Use the dstInd to store the level sizes.
-        dst =
-            reshapeValuesToLevels(rewriter, loc, dstEnc, dimSizes, dst, dstInd);
+        // Pass the `dstDimCoords` buffer for `reshapeValuesToLevels`
+        // to reuse for storing level-sizes (yes, "level-sizes").
+        // This is safe to do because `dstTp` is a dense-tensor type,
+        // and therefore lvlRank == dimRank.
+        dst = reshapeValuesToLevels(rewriter, loc, dstEnc, dimSizes, dst,
+                                    dstDimCoords);
       } else {
         dstPerm = params.getDim2LvlMap();
         elemPtr = genAllocaScalar(rewriter, loc, elemTp);
@@ -1351,13 +1327,13 @@ class SparseTensorConcatConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ConcatenateOp> {
       dst = allocDenseTensor(rewriter, loc, dstTp, dimSizes);
     const Level lvlRank = dstTp.getLvlRank();
-    const auto dimIvs2LvlIvs = [&](ValueRange dimIvs) -> SmallVector<Value> {
-      SmallVector<Value> lvlIvs;
-      lvlIvs.reserve(lvlRank);
+    const auto dcvs2lcvs = [&](ValueRange dcvs) -> SmallVector<Value> {
+      SmallVector<Value> lcvs;
+      lcvs.reserve(lvlRank);
       for (Level l = 0; l < lvlRank; l++)
         // FIXME: `toOrigDim` is deprecated
-        lvlIvs.push_back(dimIvs[toOrigDim(dstEnc, l)]);
-      return lvlIvs;
+        lcvs.push_back(dcvs[toOrigDim(dstEnc, l)]);
+      return lcvs;
     for (const auto &it : llvm::zip(op.getInputs(), adaptor.getInputs())) {
       Value orignalOp = std::get<0>(it); // Input (with encoding) from Op
@@ -1366,45 +1342,45 @@ class SparseTensorConcatConverter : public OpConversionPattern<ConcatenateOp> {
       if (srcTp.hasEncoding()) {
             rewriter, loc, adaptedOp, srcTp,
-            [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value idx,
+            [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value dimCoords,
                 Value elemPtr) -> void {
-              SmallVector<Value> dimIvs =
-                  loadIndices(builder, loc, dimRank, idx, concatDim, offset);
+              const auto dcvs =
+                  loadAll(builder, loc, dimRank, dimCoords, concatDim, offset);
               if (dstTp.hasEncoding() && !allDense) {
                 // Case: sparse => sparse, except for annotated all dense.
-                storeIndices(builder, loc, dimRank, dstInd, dimIvs);
-                genAddEltCall(builder, loc, elemTp, dst, elemPtr, dstInd,
+                storeAll(builder, loc, dstDimCoords, dcvs);
+                genAddEltCall(builder, loc, elemTp, dst, elemPtr, dstDimCoords,
               } else {
                 // Case: sparse => dense, or annotated all dense.
-                const auto lvlIvs = allDense ? dimIvs2LvlIvs(dimIvs) : dimIvs;
-                insertScalarIntoDenseTensor(builder, loc, elemPtr, dst, lvlIvs);
+                const auto lcvs = allDense ? dcvs2lcvs(dcvs) : dcvs;
+                insertScalarIntoDenseTensor(builder, loc, elemPtr, dst, lcvs);
       } else {
             rewriter, loc, adaptedOp, srcTp,
-            [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange dimIvs) -> void {
+            [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange dcvs) -> void {
               if (dstTp.hasEncoding() && !allDense) {
                 // Case: dense => sparse, except for annotated all dense.
-                storeIndices(builder, loc, dimRank, dstInd, dimIvs, concatDim,
-                             offset);
-                Value val = genValueForDense(builder, loc, adaptedOp, dimIvs);
+                assert(dcvs.size() == static_cast<size_t>(dimRank));
+                storeAll(builder, loc, dstDimCoords, dcvs, concatDim, offset);
+                Value val = genValueForDense(builder, loc, adaptedOp, dcvs);
                 builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, val, elemPtr);
-                genAddEltCall(builder, loc, elemTp, dst, elemPtr, dstInd,
+                genAddEltCall(builder, loc, elemTp, dst, elemPtr, dstDimCoords,
               } else {
                 // Case: dense => dense, or annotated all dense.
-                Value val = genValueForDense(builder, loc, adaptedOp, dimIvs);
-                // Despite the name, this isn't actually level-ivs until
-                // after the `dimIvs2LvlIvs` call.
-                SmallVector<Value> lvlIvs(dimIvs);
+                Value val = genValueForDense(builder, loc, adaptedOp, dcvs);
+                // Despite the name, this isn't actually level-cvs until
+                // after the `dcvs2lcvs` call.
+                SmallVector<Value> lcvs(dcvs);
                 // Apply offset.
-                lvlIvs[concatDim] = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(
-                    loc, lvlIvs[concatDim], offset);
+                lcvs[concatDim] =
+                    builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, lcvs[concatDim], offset);
                 if (allDense)
-                  lvlIvs = dimIvs2LvlIvs(lvlIvs);
-                builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, val, dst, lvlIvs);
+                  lcvs = dcvs2lcvs(lcvs);
+                builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, val, dst, lcvs);
@@ -1446,11 +1422,11 @@ class SparseTensorOutConverter : public OpConversionPattern<OutOp> {
     Value coo = NewCallParams(rewriter, loc)
                     .genBuffers(srcTp.withoutOrdering(), dimSizes)
                     .genNewCall(Action::kToCOO, src);
-    // Then output the tensor to external file with indices in the externally
-    // visible lexicographic index order. A sort is required if the source was
-    // not in that order yet (note that the sort can be dropped altogether if
-    // external format does not care about the order at all, but here we assume
-    // it does).
+    // Then output the tensor to external file with coordinates in the
+    // externally visible lexicographic coordinate order.  A sort is
+    // required if the source was not in that order yet (note that the
+    // sort can be dropped altogether if external format does not care
+    // about the order at all, but here we assume it does).
     const Value sort = constantI1(rewriter, loc, !srcTp.isIdentity());
     SmallVector<Value, 3> outParams{coo, adaptor.getOperands()[1], sort};
     const Type elemTp = srcTp.getElementType();
@@ -1482,17 +1458,18 @@ mlir::SparseTensorTypeToPtrConverter::SparseTensorTypeToPtrConverter() {
 void mlir::populateSparseTensorConversionPatterns(
     TypeConverter &typeConverter, RewritePatternSet &patterns,
     const SparseTensorConversionOptions &options) {
-  patterns.add<SparseReturnConverter, SparseTensorToDimSizeConverter,
-               SparseCastConverter, SparseTensorNewConverter,
-               SparseReshapeConverter<tensor::ExpandShapeOp>,
-               SparseReshapeConverter<tensor::CollapseShapeOp>,
-               SparseTensorConcatConverter, SparseTensorAllocConverter,
-               SparseTensorDeallocConverter, SparseTensorToPointersConverter,
-               SparseTensorToIndicesConverter, SparseTensorToValuesConverter,
-               SparseNumberOfEntriesConverter, SparseTensorLoadConverter,
-               SparseTensorInsertConverter, SparseTensorExpandConverter,
-               SparseTensorCompressConverter, SparseTensorOutConverter>(
-      typeConverter, patterns.getContext());
+  patterns
+      .add<SparseReturnConverter, SparseTensorToDimSizeConverter,
+           SparseCastConverter, SparseTensorNewConverter,
+           SparseReshapeConverter<tensor::ExpandShapeOp>,
+           SparseReshapeConverter<tensor::CollapseShapeOp>,
+           SparseTensorConcatConverter, SparseTensorAllocConverter,
+           SparseTensorDeallocConverter, SparseTensorToPositionsConverter,
+           SparseTensorToCoordinatesConverter, SparseTensorToValuesConverter,
+           SparseNumberOfEntriesConverter, SparseTensorLoadConverter,
+           SparseTensorInsertConverter, SparseTensorExpandConverter,
+           SparseTensorCompressConverter, SparseTensorOutConverter>(
+          typeConverter, patterns.getContext());
                                              patterns.getContext(), options);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorRewriting.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorRewriting.cpp
index dfe2d74b1e54f..cb757ef078895 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorRewriting.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorRewriting.cpp
@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ static LogicalResult genForeachOnSparseConstant(ForeachOp op,
   // Foreach on constant.
       loc, rewriter, attr, op.getOrder().value_or(AffineMap()),
-      [&reduc, &rewriter, op](ArrayRef<Value> coords, Value v) mutable {
+      [&reduc, &rewriter, op](ArrayRef<Value> cvs, Value v) mutable {
         SmallVector<Value> args;
-        args.append(coords.begin(), coords.end());
+        args.append(cvs.begin(), cvs.end());
         // Clones the foreach op to get a copy of the loop body.
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ struct Sparse2SparseReshapeRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ReshapeOp> {
     // Implement the sparse2sparse reshape as follows:
     //   %tmp = bufferization.alloc_tensor : unordered COO
     //   foreach srcCoords %srcTensor
-    //     insert translateIndicesArray(srcCoords), %tmp
+    //     insert reshapeCvs(srcCoords), %tmp
     //   %t = sparse_tensor.cast %tmp
     Value nnz = rewriter.create<NumberOfEntriesOp>(loc, srcTensor);
     RankedTensorType cooTp = getUnorderedCOOFromType(dstTp);
@@ -398,18 +398,20 @@ struct Sparse2SparseReshapeRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ReshapeOp> {
     ForeachOp foreachOp = rewriter.create<ForeachOp>(
         loc, srcTensor, cooBuffer,
-        [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange args, Value v,
+        [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange srcLcvs, Value v,
             ValueRange reduc) {
-          SmallVector<Value> srcIndices;
-          SmallVector<Value> dstIndices;
-          for (Dimension d = 0, dimRank = srcTp.getRank(); d < dimRank; d++) {
+          const Dimension dimRank = srcTp.getRank();
+          SmallVector<Value> srcDcvs;
+          srcDcvs.reserve(dimRank);
+          for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
             // FIXME: `toStoredDim` is deprecated
             Level lvl = toStoredDim(encSrc, d);
-            srcIndices.push_back(args[lvl]);
+            srcDcvs.push_back(srcLcvs[lvl]);
-          translateIndicesArray(builder, loc, op.getReassociationIndices(),
-                                srcIndices, srcSizes, dstSizes, dstIndices);
-          auto t = builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, reduc.front(), dstIndices);
+          SmallVector<Value> dstDcvs;
+          reshapeCvs(builder, loc, op.getReassociationIndices(), srcSizes,
+                     srcDcvs, dstSizes, dstDcvs);
+          auto t = builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, reduc.front(), dstDcvs);
           builder.create<sparse_tensor::YieldOp>(loc, t);
     auto t = rewriter.create<LoadOp>(loc, foreachOp.getResult(0), true);
@@ -468,7 +470,7 @@ struct ConcatenateRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConcatenateOp> {
     const Location loc = op.getLoc();
     const auto dstTp = getSparseTensorType(op);
     const Dimension dimRank = dstTp.getDimRank();
-    const Dimension conDim = op.getDimension().getZExtValue();
+    const Dimension conDim = op.getDimension();
     SmallVector<Value> sizes;
     concatSizesFromInputs(rewriter, sizes, loc, dstTp, op.getInputs(), conDim);
@@ -523,12 +525,12 @@ struct ConcatenateRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConcatenateOp> {
         // Create a view of the values buffer to match the unannotated dense
         // tensor.
         Value valuesBuffer = genToValues(rewriter, loc, dst);
-        Value idxBuffer =
+        Value dimCoords =
             genAlloca(rewriter, loc, dimRank, rewriter.getIndexType(),
         annotatedDenseDst = dst;
         dst = reshapeValuesToLevels(rewriter, loc, encDst, sizes, valuesBuffer,
-                                    idxBuffer);
+                                    dimCoords);
     } else {
       // TODO: Dense buffers should be allocated/deallocated via the callback
@@ -546,16 +548,16 @@ struct ConcatenateRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConcatenateOp> {
       // output tensor.
       foreachOp = rewriter.create<ForeachOp>(
           loc, input, initArgs,
-          [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange args, Value v,
+          [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange dcvs, Value v,
               ValueRange reduc) {
-            SmallVector<Value> indices(dstTp.getLvlRank());
+            SmallVector<Value> dstLcvs(dstTp.getLvlRank());
             for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
-              Value idx = args[d];
+              Value crd = dcvs[d];
               if (d == conDim)
                 // Transform coordinates for the concatenating dim.
-                idx = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, idx, offset);
+                crd = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, crd, offset);
               // FIXME: `toStoredDim` is deprecated
-              indices[toStoredDim(encDst, d)] = idx;
+              dstLcvs[toStoredDim(encDst, d)] = crd;
             if (encDst && !allDense) {
               Value cond = genIsNonzero(rewriter, loc, v);
@@ -563,14 +565,14 @@ struct ConcatenateRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConcatenateOp> {
                   loc, TypeRange(reduc.front().getType()), cond, /*else*/ true);
               Value t =
-                  builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, reduc.front(), indices);
+                  builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, reduc.front(), dstLcvs);
               rewriter.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, t);
               rewriter.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, reduc.front());
               rewriter.create<sparse_tensor::YieldOp>(loc, ifOp.getResult(0));
             } else {
-              builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, v, dst, indices);
+              builder.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, v, dst, dstLcvs);
@@ -654,7 +656,7 @@ struct ConvertRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConvertOp> {
   // To fill the COO tensor from a sparse constant in COO format:
   //   for i in range(NNZ)
   //     val = values[i]
-  //     [i1,..,ik] = indices[i]
+  //     [i1,..,ik] = coordinates[i]
   //     t->add(val, [i1,..,ik], [p1,..,pk])
   LogicalResult dense2SparseRewrite(ConvertOp op,
                                     PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
@@ -687,23 +689,23 @@ struct ConvertRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConvertOp> {
         rewriter.create<AllocTensorOp>(loc, bufferTp, dynSizes).getResult();
     auto foreachOp = rewriter.create<ForeachOp>(
         loc, src, buffer,
-        [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange indices, Value v,
+        [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange dcvs, Value v,
             ValueRange reduc) {
           Value input = reduc.front();
           const Dimension dimRank = dstTp.getDimRank();
-          SmallVector<Value> indicesArray(dimRank);
+          const Level lvlRank = dstTp.getLvlRank();
+          SmallVector<Value> lcvs(lvlRank);
           for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++)
             // FIXME: `toStoredDim` is deprecated
-            indicesArray[toStoredDim(encDst, d)] = indices[d];
+            lcvs[toStoredDim(encDst, d)] = dcvs[d];
           if (fromSparseConst) {
-            input = builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, input, indicesArray);
+            input = builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, input, lcvs);
           } else {
             Value cond = genIsNonzero(builder, loc, v);
             auto ifOp = builder.create<scf::IfOp>(
                 loc, TypeRange(input.getType()), cond, /*else*/ true);
-            Value insert =
-                builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, input, indicesArray);
+            Value insert = builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, input, lcvs);
             builder.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, insert);
             builder.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, input);
@@ -728,7 +730,7 @@ struct ConvertRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConvertOp> {
   // Handles sparse tensor to dense tensor conversion as follows:
   //   dst = new dense tensor;
   //   foreach elemment in src
-  //     dst[elemment.indices] = element.value
+  //     dst[element.coords] = element.value
   LogicalResult sparse2DenseRewrite(ConvertOp op,
                                     PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
     Location loc = op->getLoc();
@@ -811,16 +813,15 @@ struct ConvertRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConvertOp> {
       auto foreachOp = rewriter.create<ForeachOp>(
           loc, src, tmpCoo,
-          [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange args, Value v,
+          [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange dcvs, Value v,
               ValueRange reduc) {
-            SmallVector<Value> dstIndices(dstLvlRank);
+            SmallVector<Value> dstLcvs(dstLvlRank);
             for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
               // FIXME: `toStoredDim` is deprecated
               Level l = toStoredDim(encDst, d);
-              dstIndices[l] = args[d];
+              dstLcvs[l] = dcvs[d];
-            auto t =
-                builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, reduc.front(), dstIndices);
+            auto t = builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, reduc.front(), dstLcvs);
             builder.create<sparse_tensor::YieldOp>(loc, t);
       src = rewriter.create<LoadOp>(loc, foreachOp.getResult(0), true);
@@ -836,18 +837,17 @@ struct ConvertRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConvertOp> {
       Value y = genToValues(rewriter, loc, src);
       const auto encSrc = srcTp.getEncoding();
       // Sort the COO tensor so that its elements are ordered via increasing
-      // indices for the storage ordering of the dst tensor. Use SortCoo if the
-      // COO tensor has the same dim ordering as the dst tensor.
+      // coordinates for the storage ordering of the dst tensor.  Use SortCoo
+      // if the COO tensor has the same ordering as the dst tensor.
       if (dimRank > 1 && srcTp.hasSameDimToLvlMap(dstTp)) {
-        MemRefType indTp =
-            get1DMemRefType(getIndexOverheadType(rewriter, encSrc),
-                            /*withLayout=*/false);
-        Value xs = rewriter.create<ToIndicesBufferOp>(loc, indTp, src);
+        MemRefType coordsTp =
+            get1DMemRefType(encSrc.getCrdType(), /*withLayout=*/false);
+        Value xs = rewriter.create<ToCoordinatesBufferOp>(loc, coordsTp, src);
             loc, nnz, xs, ValueRange{y}, rewriter.getIndexAttr(dimRank),
             rewriter.getIndexAttr(0), SparseTensorSortKind::HybridQuickSort);
       } else {
-        // Gather the indices-arrays in the dst tensor storage order.
+        // Gather the coordinates-arrays in the dst tensor storage order.
         SmallVector<Value> xs(dstLvlRank);
         const Level srcLvlRank = srcTp.getLvlRank();
         for (Level srcLvl = 0; srcLvl < srcLvlRank; srcLvl++) {
@@ -855,7 +855,8 @@ struct ConvertRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConvertOp> {
           Dimension dim = toOrigDim(encSrc, srcLvl);
           // FIXME: `toStoredDim` is deprecated
           Level dstLvl = toStoredDim(encDst, dim);
-          xs[dstLvl] = genToIndices(rewriter, loc, src, srcLvl, /*cooStart=*/0);
+          xs[dstLvl] =
+              genToCoordinates(rewriter, loc, src, srcLvl, /*cooStart=*/0);
         rewriter.create<SortOp>(loc, nnz, xs, ValueRange{y},
@@ -870,17 +871,17 @@ struct ConvertRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ConvertOp> {
                                            dynDstSizes, Value(),
                                            /*sizeHint=*/nnz, Attribute())
-    SmallVector<Value> indices(dstLvlRank);
+    SmallVector<Value> dstLcvs(dstLvlRank);
     auto foreachOp = rewriter.create<ForeachOp>(
         loc, src, dst,
-        [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange args, Value v,
+        [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange dcvs, Value v,
             ValueRange reduc) {
           for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
             // FIXME: `toStoredDim` is deprecated
             Level l = toStoredDim(encDst, d);
-            indices[l] = args[d];
+            dstLcvs[l] = dcvs[d];
-          auto t = builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, reduc.front(), indices);
+          auto t = builder.create<InsertOp>(loc, v, reduc.front(), dstLcvs);
           builder.create<sparse_tensor::YieldOp>(loc, t);
@@ -913,6 +914,7 @@ struct ForeachRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ForeachOp> {
     SmallVector<Value> reduc = op.getInitArgs();
     const auto stt = getSparseTensorType(input);
     const Dimension dimRank = stt.getDimRank();
+    const Level lvlRank = stt.getLvlRank();
     // Special-case: for each over a sparse constant uses its own rewriting
     // rule.
@@ -933,34 +935,32 @@ struct ForeachRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ForeachOp> {
     for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
       // TODO: provide utility function for loop sequences that only contains
       // one for loop?
-      Dimension ld =
-          op.getOrder()
-              ? op.getOrder()->getResult(d).cast<AffineDimExpr>().getPosition()
-              : d;
-      loopEmitter.enterNewLoopSeq(rewriter, loc, 0, static_cast<size_t>(ld));
+      const Level l = op.getOrder() ? op.getOrder()->getDimPosition(d) : d;
+      loopEmitter.enterNewLoopSeq(rewriter, loc, 0, static_cast<size_t>(l));
       // Note that reduc will be taken care of by loop emitter and get updated
       // in place.
-      loopEmitter.enterLoopOverTensorAtDim(rewriter, loc, 0, ld, reduc);
+      loopEmitter.enterLoopOverTensorAtDim(rewriter, loc, 0, l, reduc);
-    SmallVector<Value> coords;
-    coords.reserve(dimRank);
-    loopEmitter.getCoordinateArray(coords);
+    SmallVector<Value> lcvs;
+    lcvs.reserve(lvlRank);
+    loopEmitter.getCoordinateArray(lcvs);
     if (op.getOrder()) {
-      SmallVector<Value> tmp = coords; // keep a copy
+      // FIXME: There is some dim/lvl confusion here since `dimRank != lvlRank`
+      SmallVector<Value> dcvs = lcvs; // keep a copy
       for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
         auto l = op.getOrder()->getDimPosition(d);
-        coords[l] = tmp[d];
+        lcvs[l] = dcvs[d];
     Value vals = loopEmitter.getValBuffer()[0];
     Value pidx = loopEmitter.getPidxs()[0].back();
-    // Loads the value from sparse tensor using pointer index;
-    // loads the value from dense tensor using coordinate array.
+    // Loads the value from sparse tensor using position-index;
+    // loads the value from dense tensor using coords.
     Value val = enc ? rewriter.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, vals, pidx)
-                    : rewriter.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, vals, coords);
+                    : rewriter.create<memref::LoadOp>(loc, vals, lcvs);
     // 2. Inline the block in the foreach operator.
     Block *srcBlock = op.getBody();
@@ -969,8 +969,8 @@ struct ForeachRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<ForeachOp> {
     SmallVector<Value> args;
     for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
       // FIXME: `toStoredDim` is deprecated
-      Value actual = coords[toStoredDim(enc, d)];
-      args.push_back(actual);
+      Value dimCrd = lcvs[toStoredDim(enc, d)];
+      args.push_back(dimCrd);
     // Remap value.
@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ struct NewRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<NewOp> {
     // Implement the NewOp as follows:
     //   %orderedCoo = sparse_tensor.new %filename
-    //   %t = sparse_tensor.ConvertOp %orderedCoo
+    //   %t = sparse_tensor.convert %orderedCoo
     RankedTensorType cooTp =
         getCOOFromTypeWithOrdering(dstTp, encDst.getDimOrdering(), true);
     Value cooTensor = rewriter.create<NewOp>(loc, cooTp, op.getSource());
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ struct OutRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<OutOp> {
     Value src = op.getTensor();
     Value nnz = rewriter.create<NumberOfEntriesOp>(loc, src);
-    // Allocate a temporary buffer for storing dimension sizes and indices.
+    // Allocate a temporary buffer for storing dimension-sizes/coordinates.
     const auto srcTp = getSparseTensorType(src);
     const Dimension dimRank = srcTp.getDimRank();
     Type indexTp = rewriter.getIndexType();
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ struct OutRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<OutOp> {
     createFuncCall(rewriter, loc, "outSparseTensorWriterMetaData", {},
                    {writer, rankValue, nnz, dimSizes}, EmitCInterface::On);
-    Value indices = dimSizes; // Reuse the dimSizes buffer for indices.
+    Value dimCoords = dimSizes; // Reuse the dimSizes buffer for dimCoords.
     Type eltTp = srcTp.getElementType();
     SmallString<29> outNextFuncName{"outSparseTensorWriterNext",
@@ -1077,14 +1077,14 @@ struct OutRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<OutOp> {
     // For each element in the source tensor, output the element.
         loc, src, std::nullopt,
-        [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange args, Value v,
+        [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, ValueRange dcvs, Value v,
             ValueRange reduc) {
           for (Dimension d = 0; d < dimRank; d++) {
-            rewriter.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, args[d], indices,
+            rewriter.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, dcvs[d], dimCoords,
                                              constantIndex(builder, loc, d));
           rewriter.create<memref::StoreOp>(loc, v, value);
-          SmallVector<Value> operands{writer, rankValue, indices, value};
+          SmallVector<Value> operands{writer, rankValue, dimCoords, value};
           FlatSymbolRefAttr fn = getFunc(module, outNextFuncName, {}, operands,
           builder.create<func::CallOp>(loc, TypeRange(), fn, operands);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorStorageLayout.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorStorageLayout.cpp
index b3336b5fc6ae2..4c98ae1813758 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorStorageLayout.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorStorageLayout.cpp
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ using namespace sparse_tensor;
 // Private helper methods.
-static IntegerAttr fromOptionalInt(MLIRContext *ctx,
-                                   std::optional<unsigned> dim) {
-  if (!dim)
-    return nullptr;
-  return IntegerAttr::get(IndexType::get(ctx), dim.value());
+/// Constructs a nullable `LevelAttr` from the `std::optional<Level>`.
+static IntegerAttr optionalLevelAttr(MLIRContext *ctx,
+                                     std::optional<Level> lvl) {
+  return lvl ? IntegerAttr::get(IndexType::get(ctx), lvl.value())
+             : IntegerAttr();
 // This is only ever called from `SparseTensorTypeToBufferConverter`,
@@ -82,36 +82,37 @@ Value SparseTensorSpecifier::getInitValue(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
 Value SparseTensorSpecifier::getSpecifierField(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
                                                StorageSpecifierKind kind,
-                                               std::optional<unsigned> dim) {
+                                               std::optional<Level> lvl) {
   return builder.create<GetStorageSpecifierOp>(
-      loc, specifier, kind, fromOptionalInt(specifier.getContext(), dim));
+      loc, specifier, kind, optionalLevelAttr(specifier.getContext(), lvl));
 void SparseTensorSpecifier::setSpecifierField(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
                                               Value v,
                                               StorageSpecifierKind kind,
-                                              std::optional<unsigned> dim) {
+                                              std::optional<Level> lvl) {
+  // TODO: make `v` have type `TypedValue<IndexType>` instead.
   specifier = builder.create<SetStorageSpecifierOp>(
-      loc, specifier, kind, fromOptionalInt(specifier.getContext(), dim), v);
+      loc, specifier, kind, optionalLevelAttr(specifier.getContext(), lvl), v);
 // SparseTensorDescriptor methods.
-Value sparse_tensor::SparseTensorDescriptor::getIdxMemRefOrView(
-    OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level idxLvl) const {
+Value sparse_tensor::SparseTensorDescriptor::getCrdMemRefOrView(
+    OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl) const {
   const Level cooStart = getCOOStart(rType.getEncoding());
-  if (idxLvl < cooStart)
-    return getMemRefField(SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef, idxLvl);
+  if (lvl < cooStart)
+    return getMemRefField(SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef, lvl);
   Value stride = constantIndex(builder, loc, rType.getLvlRank() - cooStart);
-  Value size = getIdxMemSize(builder, loc, cooStart);
+  Value size = getCrdMemSize(builder, loc, cooStart);
   size = builder.create<arith::DivUIOp>(loc, size, stride);
   return builder.create<memref::SubViewOp>(
-      loc, getMemRefField(SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef, cooStart),
-      /*offset=*/ValueRange{constantIndex(builder, loc, idxLvl - cooStart)},
+      loc, getMemRefField(SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef, cooStart),
+      /*offset=*/ValueRange{constantIndex(builder, loc, lvl - cooStart)},
@@ -129,8 +130,8 @@ void sparse_tensor::foreachFieldInSparseTensor(
         callback) {
-#define RETURN_ON_FALSE(idx, kind, dim, dlt)                                   \
-  if (!(callback(idx, kind, dim, dlt)))                                        \
+#define RETURN_ON_FALSE(fidx, kind, dim, dlt)                                  \
+  if (!(callback(fidx, kind, dim, dlt)))                                       \
   const auto lvlTypes = enc.getDimLevelType();
@@ -145,10 +146,10 @@ void sparse_tensor::foreachFieldInSparseTensor(
     // order.
     const auto dlt = lvlTypes[l];
     if (isCompressedDLT(dlt)) {
-      RETURN_ON_FALSE(fieldIdx++, SparseTensorFieldKind::PtrMemRef, l, dlt);
-      RETURN_ON_FALSE(fieldIdx++, SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef, l, dlt);
+      RETURN_ON_FALSE(fieldIdx++, SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef, l, dlt);
+      RETURN_ON_FALSE(fieldIdx++, SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef, l, dlt);
     } else if (isSingletonDLT(dlt)) {
-      RETURN_ON_FALSE(fieldIdx++, SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef, l, dlt);
+      RETURN_ON_FALSE(fieldIdx++, SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef, l, dlt);
     } else {
       assert(isDenseDLT(dlt)); // no fields
@@ -171,30 +172,30 @@ void sparse_tensor::foreachFieldAndTypeInSparseTensor(
         callback) {
   // Construct the basic types.
-  Type idxType = stt.getIndexType();
-  Type ptrType = stt.getPointerType();
-  Type eltType = stt.getElementType();
-  Type metaDataType = StorageSpecifierType::get(stt.getEncoding());
-  // memref<? x ptr>  pointers
-  Type ptrMemType = MemRefType::get({ShapedType::kDynamic}, ptrType);
-  // memref<? x idx>  indices
-  Type idxMemType = MemRefType::get({ShapedType::kDynamic}, idxType);
+  const Type crdType = stt.getCrdType();
+  const Type posType = stt.getPosType();
+  const Type eltType = stt.getElementType();
+  const Type metaDataType = StorageSpecifierType::get(stt.getEncoding());
+  // memref<? x pos>  positions
+  const Type posMemType = MemRefType::get({ShapedType::kDynamic}, posType);
+  // memref<? x crd>  coordinates
+  const Type crdMemType = MemRefType::get({ShapedType::kDynamic}, crdType);
   // memref<? x eltType> values
-  Type valMemType = MemRefType::get({ShapedType::kDynamic}, eltType);
+  const Type valMemType = MemRefType::get({ShapedType::kDynamic}, eltType);
-      [metaDataType, ptrMemType, idxMemType, valMemType,
+      [metaDataType, posMemType, crdMemType, valMemType,
        callback](FieldIndex fieldIdx, SparseTensorFieldKind fieldKind,
                  Level lvl, DimLevelType dlt) -> bool {
         switch (fieldKind) {
         case SparseTensorFieldKind::StorageSpec:
           return callback(metaDataType, fieldIdx, fieldKind, lvl, dlt);
-        case SparseTensorFieldKind::PtrMemRef:
-          return callback(ptrMemType, fieldIdx, fieldKind, lvl, dlt);
-        case SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef:
-          return callback(idxMemType, fieldIdx, fieldKind, lvl, dlt);
+        case SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef:
+          return callback(posMemType, fieldIdx, fieldKind, lvl, dlt);
+        case SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef:
+          return callback(crdMemType, fieldIdx, fieldKind, lvl, dlt);
         case SparseTensorFieldKind::ValMemRef:
           return callback(valMemType, fieldIdx, fieldKind, lvl, dlt);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorStorageLayout.h b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorStorageLayout.h
index c30a15d87baca..18eb63c02d2e9 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorStorageLayout.h
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseTensorStorageLayout.h
@@ -38,38 +38,38 @@ namespace sparse_tensor {
 //   ;  if dense:
 //        <nothing>
 //   ;  if compresed:
-//        memref<? x ptr>  pointers-l  ; pointers for sparse level l
-//        memref<? x idx>  indices-l   ; indices for sparse level l
+//        memref<? x pos>  positions-l   ; positions for sparse level l
+//        memref<? x crd>  coordinates-l ; coordinates for sparse level l
 //   ;  if singleton:
-//        memref<? x idx>  indices-l   ; indices for singleton level l
+//        memref<? x crd>  coordinates-l ; coordinates for singleton level l
 //   memref<? x eltType> values        ; values
 //   struct sparse_tensor.storage_specifier {
-//     array<rank x int> dimSizes    ; sizes for each dimension
-//     array<n x int> memSizes;      ; sizes for each data memref
+//     array<rank x int> lvlSizes    ; sizes/cardinalities for each level
+//     array<n x int> memSizes;      ; sizes/lengths for each data memref
 //   }
 // };
 // In addition, for a "trailing COO region", defined as a compressed level
-// followed by one ore more singleton levels, the default SOA storage that
+// followed by one or more singleton levels, the default SOA storage that
 // is inherent to the TACO format is optimized into an AOS storage where
-// all indices of a stored element appear consecutively.  In such cases,
-// a special operation (sparse_tensor.indices_buffer) must be used to
-// access the AOS index array. In the code below, the method `getCOOStart`
+// all coordinates of a stored element appear consecutively.  In such cases,
+// a special operation (sparse_tensor.coordinates_buffer) must be used to
+// access the AOS coordinates array. In the code below, the method `getCOOStart`
 // is used to find the start of the "trailing COO region".
 // Examples.
 // #CSR storage of 2-dim matrix yields
-//   memref<?xindex>                           ; pointers-1
-//   memref<?xindex>                           ; indices-1
+//   memref<?xindex>                           ; positions-1
+//   memref<?xindex>                           ; coordinates-1
 //   memref<?xf64>                             ; values
 //   struct<(array<2 x i64>, array<3 x i64>)>) ; lvl0, lvl1, 3xsizes
 // #COO storage of 2-dim matrix yields
-//   memref<?xindex>,                          ; pointers-0, essentially [0,sz]
-//   memref<?xindex>                           ; AOS index storage
+//   memref<?xindex>,                          ; positions-0, essentially [0,sz]
+//   memref<?xindex>                           ; AOS coordinates storage
 //   memref<?xf64>                             ; values
 //   struct<(array<2 x i64>, array<3 x i64>)>) ; lvl0, lvl1, 3xsizes
@@ -77,15 +77,15 @@ namespace sparse_tensor {
 enum class SparseTensorFieldKind : uint32_t {
   StorageSpec = 0,
-  PtrMemRef = 1,
-  IdxMemRef = 2,
+  PosMemRef = 1,
+  CrdMemRef = 2,
   ValMemRef = 3
-static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(SparseTensorFieldKind::PtrMemRef) ==
-              static_cast<uint32_t>(StorageSpecifierKind::PtrMemSize));
-static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef) ==
-              static_cast<uint32_t>(StorageSpecifierKind::IdxMemSize));
+static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef) ==
+              static_cast<uint32_t>(StorageSpecifierKind::PosMemSize));
+static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef) ==
+              static_cast<uint32_t>(StorageSpecifierKind::CrdMemSize));
 static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(SparseTensorFieldKind::ValMemRef) ==
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ using FieldIndex = unsigned;
 // `FieldIndex` for their return type, via the same reasoning for why
 // `Dimension`/`Level` are used both for identifiers and ranks.
-/// For each field that will be allocated for the given sparse tensor encoding,
-/// calls the callback with the corresponding field index, field kind, dimension
-/// (for sparse tensor level memrefs) and dimlevelType.
-/// The field index always starts with zero and increments by one between two
-/// callback invocations.
-/// Ideally, all other methods should rely on this function to query a sparse
-/// tensor fields instead of relying on ad-hoc index computation.
+/// For each field that will be allocated for the given sparse tensor
+/// encoding, calls the callback with the corresponding field index,
+/// field kind, level, and level-type (the last two are only for level
+/// memrefs).  The field index always starts with zero and increments
+/// by one between each callback invocation.  Ideally, all other methods
+/// should rely on this function to query a sparse tensor fields instead
+/// of relying on ad-hoc index computation.
 void foreachFieldInSparseTensor(
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ void foreachFieldAndTypeInSparseTensor(
 // TODO: See note [NUMFIELDS].
 unsigned getNumFieldsFromEncoding(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc);
-/// Gets the total number of data fields (index arrays, pointer arrays, and a
-/// value array) for the given sparse tensor encoding.
+/// Gets the total number of data fields (coordinate arrays, position
+/// arrays, and a value array) for the given sparse tensor encoding.
 // TODO: See note [NUMFIELDS].
 unsigned getNumDataFieldsFromEncoding(SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc);
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ inline StorageSpecifierKind toSpecifierKind(SparseTensorFieldKind kind) {
 inline SparseTensorFieldKind toFieldKind(StorageSpecifierKind kind) {
-  assert(kind != StorageSpecifierKind::DimSize);
+  assert(kind != StorageSpecifierKind::LvlSize);
   return static_cast<SparseTensorFieldKind>(kind);
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class StorageLayout {
                          std::optional<Level> lvl) const {
     FieldIndex fieldIdx = -1u;
     unsigned stride = 1;
-    if (kind == SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef) {
+    if (kind == SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef) {
       const Level cooStart = getCOOStart(enc);
       const Level lvlRank = enc.getLvlRank();
@@ -206,40 +206,22 @@ class StorageLayout {
   SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc;
-// FIXME: Functions/methods marked with [CLARIFY_DIM_LVL] require
-// clarification on whether their "dim" argument should actually
-// be `Level` or `Dimension`.  In particular, it's unclear whether
-// `StorageSpecifierKind::DimSize` actually means to refer to dimension-sizes
-// vs level-sizes.  If it's the latter (which seems unlikely), then all the
-// noted functions should use the `Level` type alias.  If it's the former,
-// then the functions which specifically use `DimSize` should be changed
-// to use the `Dimension` type alias; however, the functions which take
-// an unknown `StorageSpecifierKind` must be adjusted to ensure that they
-// correctly interpret the "dim" argument since the interpretation depends
-// on the `StorageSpecifierKind` value.  Since wrengr couldn't figure this
-// out from context, Peiming or Bixia should review these functions and
-// update them as appropriate.
 class SparseTensorSpecifier {
   explicit SparseTensorSpecifier(Value specifier)
       : specifier(cast<TypedValue<StorageSpecifierType>>(specifier)) {}
-  // Undef value for dimension sizes, all zero value for memory sizes.
+  // Undef value for level-sizes, all zero values for memory-sizes.
   static Value getInitValue(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
                             SparseTensorType stt);
   /*implicit*/ operator Value() { return specifier; }
-  // FIXME: see note [CLARIFY_DIM_LVL].
   Value getSpecifierField(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                          StorageSpecifierKind kind,
-                          std::optional<unsigned> dim);
+                          StorageSpecifierKind kind, std::optional<Level> lvl);
-  // FIXME: see note [CLARIFY_DIM_LVL].
   void setSpecifierField(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value v,
-                         StorageSpecifierKind kind,
-                         std::optional<unsigned> dim);
+                         StorageSpecifierKind kind, std::optional<Level> lvl);
   TypedValue<StorageSpecifierType> specifier;
@@ -280,21 +262,19 @@ class SparseTensorDescriptorImpl {
   Value getSpecifier() const { return fields.back(); }
-  // FIXME: see note [CLARIFY_DIM_LVL].
   Value getSpecifierField(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
                           StorageSpecifierKind kind,
-                          std::optional<unsigned> dim) const {
+                          std::optional<Level> lvl) const {
     SparseTensorSpecifier md(fields.back());
-    return md.getSpecifierField(builder, loc, kind, dim);
+    return md.getSpecifierField(builder, loc, kind, lvl);
-  // FIXME: see note [CLARIFY_DIM_LVL].
-  Value getDimSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, unsigned dim) const {
-    return getSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::DimSize, dim);
+  Value getLvlSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl) const {
+    return getSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::LvlSize, lvl);
-  Value getPtrMemRef(Level lvl) const {
-    return getMemRefField(SparseTensorFieldKind::PtrMemRef, lvl);
+  Value getPosMemRef(Level lvl) const {
+    return getMemRefField(SparseTensorFieldKind::PosMemRef, lvl);
   Value getValMemRef() const {
@@ -311,13 +291,13 @@ class SparseTensorDescriptorImpl {
     return getField(fidx);
-  Value getPtrMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl) const {
-    return getSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::PtrMemSize,
+  Value getPosMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl) const {
+    return getSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::PosMemSize,
-  Value getIdxMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl) const {
-    return getSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::IdxMemSize,
+  Value getCrdMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl) const {
+    return getSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::CrdMemSize,
@@ -341,15 +321,15 @@ class SparseTensorDescriptorImpl {
     return fields.drop_back();
-  std::pair<FieldIndex, unsigned> getIdxMemRefIndexAndStride(Level lvl) const {
+  std::pair<FieldIndex, unsigned> getCrdMemRefIndexAndStride(Level lvl) const {
     StorageLayout layout(rType.getEncoding());
-    return layout.getFieldIndexAndStride(SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef, lvl);
+    return layout.getFieldIndexAndStride(SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef, lvl);
   Value getAOSMemRef() const {
     const Level cooStart = getCOOStart(rType.getEncoding());
     assert(cooStart < rType.getLvlRank());
-    return getMemRefField(SparseTensorFieldKind::IdxMemRef, cooStart);
+    return getMemRefField(SparseTensorFieldKind::CrdMemRef, cooStart);
   RankedTensorType getRankedTensorType() const { return rType; }
@@ -366,7 +346,7 @@ class SparseTensorDescriptor : public SparseTensorDescriptorImpl<ValueRange> {
   SparseTensorDescriptor(SparseTensorType stt, ValueRange buffers)
       : SparseTensorDescriptorImpl<ValueRange>(stt, buffers) {}
-  Value getIdxMemRefOrView(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl) const;
+  Value getCrdMemRefOrView(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl) const;
 /// Uses SmallVectorImpl<Value> & for mutable descriptors.
@@ -409,12 +389,11 @@ class MutSparseTensorDescriptor
     fields[fidx] = v;
-  // FIXME: see note [CLARIFY_DIM_LVL].
   void setSpecifierField(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
-                         StorageSpecifierKind kind, std::optional<unsigned> dim,
+                         StorageSpecifierKind kind, std::optional<Level> lvl,
                          Value v) {
     SparseTensorSpecifier md(fields.back());
-    md.setSpecifierField(builder, loc, v, kind, dim);
+    md.setSpecifierField(builder, loc, v, kind, lvl);
     fields.back() = md;
@@ -423,17 +402,16 @@ class MutSparseTensorDescriptor
                       std::nullopt, v);
-  void setIdxMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl, Value v) {
-    setSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::IdxMemSize, lvl, v);
+  void setCrdMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl, Value v) {
+    setSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::CrdMemSize, lvl, v);
-  void setPtrMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl, Value v) {
-    setSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::PtrMemSize, lvl, v);
+  void setPosMemSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl, Value v) {
+    setSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::PosMemSize, lvl, v);
-  // FIXME: see note [CLARIFY_DIM_LVL].
-  void setDimSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, unsigned dim, Value v) {
-    setSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::DimSize, dim, v);
+  void setLvlSize(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Level lvl, Value v) {
+    setSpecifierField(builder, loc, StorageSpecifierKind::LvlSize, lvl, v);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseVectorization.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseVectorization.cpp
index 1772eef57bdcc..e2c6f77958f68 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseVectorization.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/SparseVectorization.cpp
@@ -44,13 +44,6 @@ struct VL {
   bool enableSIMDIndex32;
-/// Helper to test for given index value.
-static bool isIntValue(Value val, int64_t idx) {
-  if (auto ival = getConstantIntValue(val))
-    return *ival == idx;
-  return false;
 /// Helper test for invariant value (defined outside given block).
 static bool isInvariantValue(Value val, Block *block) {
   return val.getDefiningOp() && val.getDefiningOp()->getBlock() != block;
@@ -67,9 +60,9 @@ static VectorType vectorType(VL vl, Type etp) {
   return VectorType::get(vl.vectorLength, etp, numScalableDims);
-/// Constructs vector type from pointer.
-static VectorType vectorType(VL vl, Value ptr) {
-  return vectorType(vl, getMemRefType(ptr).getElementType());
+/// Constructs vector type from a memref value.
+static VectorType vectorType(VL vl, Value mem) {
+  return vectorType(vl, getMemRefType(mem).getElementType());
 /// Constructs vector iteration mask.
@@ -116,17 +109,17 @@ static Value genVectorInvariantValue(PatternRewriter &rewriter, VL vl,
 /// that the sparse compiler can only generate indirect loads in
 /// the last index, i.e. back().
 static Value genVectorLoad(PatternRewriter &rewriter, Location loc, VL vl,
-                           Value ptr, ArrayRef<Value> idxs, Value vmask) {
-  VectorType vtp = vectorType(vl, ptr);
+                           Value mem, ArrayRef<Value> idxs, Value vmask) {
+  VectorType vtp = vectorType(vl, mem);
   Value pass = constantZero(rewriter, loc, vtp);
   if (idxs.back().getType().isa<VectorType>()) {
     SmallVector<Value> scalarArgs(idxs.begin(), idxs.end());
     Value indexVec = idxs.back();
     scalarArgs.back() = constantIndex(rewriter, loc, 0);
-    return rewriter.create<vector::GatherOp>(loc, vtp, ptr, scalarArgs,
+    return rewriter.create<vector::GatherOp>(loc, vtp, mem, scalarArgs,
                                              indexVec, vmask, pass);
-  return rewriter.create<vector::MaskedLoadOp>(loc, vtp, ptr, idxs, vmask,
+  return rewriter.create<vector::MaskedLoadOp>(loc, vtp, mem, idxs, vmask,
@@ -134,17 +127,17 @@ static Value genVectorLoad(PatternRewriter &rewriter, Location loc, VL vl,
 /// where 'lo' denotes the current index and 'hi = lo + vl - 1'. Note
 /// that the sparse compiler can only generate indirect stores in
 /// the last index, i.e. back().
-static void genVectorStore(PatternRewriter &rewriter, Location loc, Value ptr,
+static void genVectorStore(PatternRewriter &rewriter, Location loc, Value mem,
                            ArrayRef<Value> idxs, Value vmask, Value rhs) {
   if (idxs.back().getType().isa<VectorType>()) {
     SmallVector<Value> scalarArgs(idxs.begin(), idxs.end());
     Value indexVec = idxs.back();
     scalarArgs.back() = constantIndex(rewriter, loc, 0);
-    rewriter.create<vector::ScatterOp>(loc, ptr, scalarArgs, indexVec, vmask,
+    rewriter.create<vector::ScatterOp>(loc, mem, scalarArgs, indexVec, vmask,
-  rewriter.create<vector::MaskedStoreOp>(loc, ptr, idxs, vmask, rhs);
+  rewriter.create<vector::MaskedStoreOp>(loc, mem, idxs, vmask, rhs);
 /// Detects a vectorizable reduction operations and returns the
@@ -233,9 +226,9 @@ static Value genVectorReducInit(PatternRewriter &rewriter, Location loc,
 /// See https://llvm.org/docs/GetElementPtr.html for some background on
 /// the complications described below.
-/// We need to generate a pointer/index load from the sparse storage scheme.
-/// Narrower data types need to be zero extended before casting the value
-/// into the index type used for looping and indexing.
+/// We need to generate a position/coordinate load from the sparse storage
+/// scheme.  Narrower data types need to be zero extended before casting
+/// the value into the `index` type used for looping and indexing.
 /// For the scalar case, subscripts simply zero extend narrower indices
 /// into 64-bit values before casting to an index type without a performance
@@ -416,8 +409,8 @@ static bool vectorizeExpr(PatternRewriter &rewriter, scf::ForOp forOp, VL vl,
   // Proper load operations. These are either values involved in the
   // actual computation, such as a[i] = b[i] becomes a[lo:hi] = b[lo:hi],
-  // or index values inside the computation that are now fetched from
-  // the sparse storage index arrays, such as a[i] = i becomes
+  // or coordinate values inside the computation that are now fetched from
+  // the sparse storage coordinates arrays, such as a[i] = i becomes
   // a[lo:hi] = ind[lo:hi], where 'lo' denotes the current index
   // and 'hi = lo + vl - 1'.
   if (auto load = dyn_cast<memref::LoadOp>(def)) {
@@ -619,7 +612,7 @@ struct ForOpRewriter : public OpRewritePattern<scf::ForOp> {
     // Check for single block, unit-stride for-loop that is generated by
     // sparse compiler, which means no data dependence analysis is required,
     // and its loop-body is very restricted in form.
-    if (!op.getRegion().hasOneBlock() || !isIntValue(op.getStep(), 1) ||
+    if (!op.getRegion().hasOneBlock() || !isConstantIntValue(op.getStep(), 1) ||
       return failure();
     // Analyze (!codegen) and rewrite (codegen) loop-body.

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/Sparsification.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/Sparsification.cpp
index 575b50577e413..ac4d7f602614f 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/Sparsification.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/SparseTensor/Transforms/Sparsification.cpp
@@ -450,12 +450,12 @@ static void tryLoosenAffineDenseConstraints(linalg::GenericOp op,
-/// Computes a topologically sorted iteration graph for the linalg
-/// operation. Ensures all tensors are visited in natural index order. This
-/// is essential for sparse storage formats since these only support access
-/// along fixed dimensions. Even for dense storage formats, however, the
-/// natural index order yields innermost unit-stride access with better
-/// spatial locality.
+/// Computes a topologically sorted iteration graph for the linalg operation.
+/// Ensures all tensors are visited in natural coordinate order.  This is
+/// essential for sparse storage formats since these only support access
+/// along fixed levels.  Even for dense storage formats, however, the natural
+/// coordinate order yields innermost unit-stride access with better spatial
+/// locality.
 static bool computeIterationGraph(CodegenEnv &env, unsigned mask,
                                   OpOperand *skip = nullptr) {
   // Set up an n x n from/to adjacency matrix of the iteration graph
@@ -605,6 +605,9 @@ static void genBuffers(CodegenEnv &env, OpBuilder &builder) {
 /// Generates index for load/store on sparse tensor.
+// FIXME: It's not entirely clear what "index" means here (i.e., is it
+// a "coordinate", or "Ldx", or what).  So the function should be renamed
+// and/or the documentation expanded in order to clarify.
 static Value genIndex(CodegenEnv &env, OpOperand *t) {
   auto map = env.op().getMatchingIndexingMap(t);
   const auto stt = getSparseTensorType(t->get());
@@ -644,7 +647,7 @@ static Value genInsertionLoad(CodegenEnv &env, OpBuilder &builder,
                               OpOperand *t) {
   linalg::GenericOp op = env.op();
   Location loc = op.getLoc();
-  // Direct lexicographic index order, tensor loads as zero.
+  // Direct lexicographic coordinate order, tensor loads as zero.
   if (!env.isExpand()) {
     Type tp = getElementTypeOrSelf(t->get().getType());
     return constantZero(builder, loc, tp);
@@ -660,7 +663,7 @@ static Value genInsertionLoadReduce(CodegenEnv &env, OpBuilder &builder,
   linalg::GenericOp op = env.op();
   Location loc = op.getLoc();
   Value identity = env.getCustomRedId();
-  // Direct lexicographic index order, tensor loads as identity.
+  // Direct lexicographic coordinate order, tensor loads as identity.
   if (!env.isExpand())
     return identity;
   // Load from expanded access pattern if filled, identity otherwise.
@@ -677,9 +680,12 @@ static void genInsertionStore(CodegenEnv &env, OpBuilder &builder, OpOperand *t,
                               Value rhs) {
   linalg::GenericOp op = env.op();
   Location loc = op.getLoc();
-  // Direct insertion in lexicographic index order.
+  // Direct insertion in lexicographic coordinate order.
   if (!env.isExpand()) {
     unsigned rank = op.getRank(t);
+    // FIXME: It's not entirely clear what "indices" means here (i.e.,
+    // are they "coordinates"? and if so, then are they level-coords or
+    // dim-coords?)
     SmallVector<Value> indices;
     for (unsigned i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
@@ -822,11 +828,6 @@ inline static Value genInvariantValue(CodegenEnv &env, unsigned exp) {
   return env.exp(exp).val;
-/// Generates an index value.
-inline static Value genIndexValue(CodegenEnv &env, unsigned idx) {
-  return env.getLoopIdxValue(idx);
 /// Semi-ring branches are simply inlined by the sparse compiler. Prior
 /// analysis has verified that all computations are "local" to the inlined
 /// branch or otherwise invariantly defined outside the loop nest, with the
@@ -836,7 +837,7 @@ static Value relinkBranch(CodegenEnv &env, RewriterBase &rewriter, Block *block,
                           Value e, unsigned ldx) {
   if (Operation *def = e.getDefiningOp()) {
     if (auto indexOp = dyn_cast<linalg::IndexOp>(def))
-      return genIndexValue(env, indexOp.getDim());
+      return env.getLoopIdxValue(indexOp.getDim());
     if (def->getBlock() == block) {
       for (unsigned i = 0, n = def->getNumOperands(); i < n; i++) {
         rewriter.updateRootInPlace(def, [&]() {
@@ -862,7 +863,7 @@ static Value genExp(CodegenEnv &env, RewriterBase &rewriter, unsigned exp,
   if (env.exp(exp).kind == Kind::kInvariant)
     return genInvariantValue(env, exp);
   if (env.exp(exp).kind == Kind::kIndex)
-    return genIndexValue(env, env.exp(exp).index);
+    return env.getLoopIdxValue(env.exp(exp).index);
   if (env.exp(exp).kind == Kind::kReduce)
     env.startCustomReduc(exp); // enter custom
@@ -1613,8 +1614,8 @@ struct GenericOpSparsifier : public OpRewritePattern<linalg::GenericOp> {
       auto dstEnc = SparseTensorEncodingAttr::get(
           getContext(), srcEnc.getDimLevelType(),
           permute(env, env.op().getMatchingIndexingMap(t)), // new order
-          srcEnc.getHigherOrdering(), srcEnc.getPointerBitWidth(),
-          srcEnc.getIndexBitWidth());
+          srcEnc.getHigherOrdering(), srcEnc.getPosWidth(),
+          srcEnc.getCrdWidth());
       auto dstTp = RankedTensorType::get(srcTp.getShape(),
                                          srcTp.getElementType(), dstEnc);
       auto convert = rewriter.create<ConvertOp>(tval.getLoc(), dstTp, tval);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/NNZ.cpp b/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/NNZ.cpp
index 40d7888482f17..c6fd669ad513f 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/NNZ.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/NNZ.cpp
@@ -53,26 +53,26 @@ SparseTensorNNZ::SparseTensorNNZ(const std::vector<uint64_t> &lvlSizes,
-void SparseTensorNNZ::forallIndices(uint64_t stopLvl,
-                                    SparseTensorNNZ::NNZConsumer yield) const {
+void SparseTensorNNZ::forallCoords(uint64_t stopLvl,
+                                   SparseTensorNNZ::NNZConsumer yield) const {
   assert(stopLvl < getLvlRank() && "Level out of bounds");
   assert(isCompressedDLT(lvlTypes[stopLvl]) &&
          "Cannot look up non-compressed levels");
-  forallIndices(yield, stopLvl, 0, 0);
+  forallCoords(yield, stopLvl, 0, 0);
-void SparseTensorNNZ::add(const std::vector<uint64_t> &lvlInd) {
+void SparseTensorNNZ::add(const std::vector<uint64_t> &lvlCoords) {
   uint64_t parentPos = 0;
   for (uint64_t l = 0, lvlrank = getLvlRank(); l < lvlrank; ++l) {
     if (isCompressedDLT(lvlTypes[l]))
-    parentPos = parentPos * lvlSizes[l] + lvlInd[l];
+    parentPos = parentPos * lvlSizes[l] + lvlCoords[l];
-void SparseTensorNNZ::forallIndices(SparseTensorNNZ::NNZConsumer yield,
-                                    uint64_t stopLvl, uint64_t parentPos,
-                                    uint64_t l) const {
+void SparseTensorNNZ::forallCoords(SparseTensorNNZ::NNZConsumer yield,
+                                   uint64_t stopLvl, uint64_t parentPos,
+                                   uint64_t l) const {
   assert(l <= stopLvl);
   if (l == stopLvl) {
     assert(parentPos < nnz[l].size() && "Cursor is out of range");
@@ -81,6 +81,6 @@ void SparseTensorNNZ::forallIndices(SparseTensorNNZ::NNZConsumer yield,
     const uint64_t sz = lvlSizes[l];
     const uint64_t pstart = parentPos * sz;
     for (uint64_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
-      forallIndices(yield, stopLvl, pstart + i, l + 1);
+      forallCoords(yield, stopLvl, pstart + i, l + 1);

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/Storage.cpp b/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/Storage.cpp
index 88e4d39061e9a..2c4f0123ed441 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/Storage.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensor/Storage.cpp
@@ -74,19 +74,19 @@ SparseTensorStorageBase::SparseTensorStorageBase( // NOLINT
-#define IMPL_GETPOINTERS(PNAME, P)                                             \
-  void SparseTensorStorageBase::getPointers(std::vector<P> **, uint64_t) {     \
-    FATAL_PIV("getPointers" #PNAME);                                           \
+#define IMPL_GETPOSITIONS(PNAME, P)                                            \
+  void SparseTensorStorageBase::getPositions(std::vector<P> **, uint64_t) {    \
+    FATAL_PIV("getPositions" #PNAME);                                          \
-#define IMPL_GETINDICES(INAME, I)                                              \
-  void SparseTensorStorageBase::getIndices(std::vector<I> **, uint64_t) {      \
-    FATAL_PIV("getIndices" #INAME);                                            \
+#define IMPL_GETCOORDINATES(CNAME, C)                                          \
+  void SparseTensorStorageBase::getCoordinates(std::vector<C> **, uint64_t) {  \
+    FATAL_PIV("getCoordinates" #CNAME);                                        \
 #define IMPL_GETVALUES(VNAME, V)                                               \
   void SparseTensorStorageBase::getValues(std::vector<V> **) {                 \

diff  --git a/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp b/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp
index 31c5332184bfe..eb5f4ac241962 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/ExecutionEngine/SparseTensorRuntime.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 // The following memory-resident sparse storage schemes are supported:
 // (a) A coordinate scheme for temporarily storing and lexicographically
-//     sorting a sparse tensor by index (SparseTensorCOO).
+//     sorting a sparse tensor by coordinate (SparseTensorCOO).
 // (b) A "one-size-fits-all" sparse tensor storage scheme defined by
 //     per-dimension sparse/dense annnotations together with a dimension
@@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ class SparseTensorIterator final {
 /// `dim2lvl` argument must be a permutation.
-// TODO: generalize beyond 64-bit indices.
+// TODO: generalize beyond 64-bit overhead types.
 template <typename V>
 static SparseTensorStorage<uint64_t, uint64_t, V> *
 toMLIRSparseTensor(uint64_t rank, uint64_t nse, const uint64_t *dimSizes,
-                   const V *values, const uint64_t *dimIndices,
+                   const V *values, const uint64_t *dimCoordinates,
                    const uint64_t *dim2lvl, const DimLevelType *lvlTypes) {
 #ifndef NDEBUG
   // Verify that the sparsity values are supported.
@@ -143,22 +143,22 @@ toMLIRSparseTensor(uint64_t rank, uint64_t nse, const uint64_t *dimSizes,
   // Verify that `dim2lvl` is a permutation of `[0..(rank-1)]`.
   // NOTE: The construction of `lvlSizes` and `lvl2dim` don't generalize
-  // to arbitrary `dim2lvl` mappings.  Whereas constructing `lvlInd` from
-  // `dimInd` does (though the details would have to be updated, just
+  // to arbitrary `dim2lvl` mappings.  Whereas constructing `lvlCoords` from
+  // `dimCoords` does (though the details would have to be updated, just
   // like for `IMPL_ADDELT`).
-  detail::PermutationRef d2l(rank, dim2lvl);
+  const detail::PermutationRef d2l(rank, dim2lvl);
   // Convert external format to internal COO.
-  auto lvlSizes = d2l.pushforward(rank, dimSizes);
+  const auto lvlSizes = d2l.pushforward(rank, dimSizes);
   auto *lvlCOO = new SparseTensorCOO<V>(lvlSizes, nse);
-  std::vector<uint64_t> lvlInd(rank);
-  const uint64_t *dimInd = dimIndices;
+  std::vector<uint64_t> lvlCoords(rank);
+  const uint64_t *dimCoords = dimCoordinates;
   for (uint64_t i = 0; i < nse; ++i) {
-    d2l.pushforward(rank, dimInd, lvlInd.data());
-    lvlCOO->add(lvlInd, values[i]);
-    dimInd += rank;
+    d2l.pushforward(rank, dimCoords, lvlCoords.data());
+    lvlCOO->add(lvlCoords, values[i]);
+    dimCoords += rank;
   // Return sparse tensor storage format as opaque pointer.
-  auto lvl2dim = d2l.inverse();
+  const auto lvl2dim = d2l.inverse();
   auto *tensor = SparseTensorStorage<uint64_t, uint64_t, V>::newFromCOO(
       rank, dimSizes, rank, lvlTypes, lvl2dim.data(), *lvlCOO);
   delete lvlCOO;
@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@ toMLIRSparseTensor(uint64_t rank, uint64_t nse, const uint64_t *dimSizes,
 // SparseTensorCOO, then to the output.  We may want to reduce the number
 // of copies.
-// TODO: generalize beyond 64-bit indices, no dim ordering, all dimensions
-// compressed
+// TODO: generalize beyond 64-bit overhead types, no dim ordering,
+// all dimensions compressed
 template <typename V>
 static void
 fromMLIRSparseTensor(const SparseTensorStorage<uint64_t, uint64_t, V> *tensor,
                      uint64_t *pRank, uint64_t *pNse, uint64_t **pShape,
-                     V **pValues, uint64_t **pIndices) {
+                     V **pValues, uint64_t **pCoordinates) {
   assert(tensor && "Received nullptr for tensor");
-  uint64_t dimRank = tensor->getDimRank();
+  const uint64_t dimRank = tensor->getDimRank();
   const auto &dimSizes = tensor->getDimSizes();
   std::vector<uint64_t> identityPerm(dimRank);
   std::iota(identityPerm.begin(), identityPerm.end(), 0);
@@ -188,30 +188,31 @@ fromMLIRSparseTensor(const SparseTensorStorage<uint64_t, uint64_t, V> *tensor,
       tensor->toCOO(dimRank, dimSizes.data(), dimRank, identityPerm.data());
   const std::vector<Element<V>> &elements = coo->getElements();
-  uint64_t nse = elements.size();
+  const uint64_t nse = elements.size();
   const auto &cooSizes = coo->getDimSizes();
   assert(cooSizes.size() == dimRank && "Rank mismatch");
-  uint64_t *shape = new uint64_t[dimRank];
-  std::memcpy((void *)shape, (const void *)cooSizes.data(),
+  uint64_t *dimShape = new uint64_t[dimRank];
+  std::memcpy(static_cast<void *>(dimShape),
+              static_cast<const void *>(cooSizes.data()),
               sizeof(uint64_t) * dimRank);
   V *values = new V[nse];
-  uint64_t *indices = new uint64_t[dimRank * nse];
+  uint64_t *coordinates = new uint64_t[dimRank * nse];
   for (uint64_t i = 0, base = 0; i < nse; ++i) {
     values[i] = elements[i].value;
     for (uint64_t d = 0; d < dimRank; ++d)
-      indices[base + d] = elements[i].indices[d];
+      coordinates[base + d] = elements[i].coords[d];
     base += dimRank;
   delete coo;
   *pRank = dimRank;
   *pNse = nse;
-  *pShape = shape;
+  *pShape = dimShape;
   *pValues = values;
-  *pIndices = indices;
+  *pCoordinates = coordinates;
@@ -280,22 +281,22 @@ extern "C" {
-#define CASE(p, i, v, P, I, V)                                                 \
-  if (ptrTp == (p) && indTp == (i) && valTp == (v)) {                          \
+#define CASE(p, c, v, P, C, V)                                                 \
+  if (posTp == (p) && crdTp == (c) && valTp == (v)) {                          \
     switch (action) {                                                          \
     case Action::kEmpty:                                                       \
-      return SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::newEmpty(                           \
+      return SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::newEmpty(                           \
           dimRank, dimSizes, lvlRank, lvlSizes, lvlTypes, lvl2dim);            \
     case Action::kFromCOO: {                                                   \
       assert(ptr && "Received nullptr for SparseTensorCOO object");            \
       auto &coo = *static_cast<SparseTensorCOO<V> *>(ptr);                     \
-      return SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::newFromCOO(                         \
+      return SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::newFromCOO(                         \
           dimRank, dimSizes, lvlRank, lvlTypes, lvl2dim, coo);                 \
     }                                                                          \
     case Action::kSparseToSparse: {                                            \
       assert(ptr && "Received nullptr for SparseTensorStorage object");        \
       auto &tensor = *static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(ptr);             \
-      return SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V>::newFromSparseTensor(                \
+      return SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V>::newFromSparseTensor(                \
           dimRank, dimSizes, lvlRank, lvlSizes, lvlTypes, lvl2dim, dimRank,    \
           dim2lvl, tensor);                                                    \
     }                                                                          \
@@ -303,12 +304,12 @@ extern "C" {
       return new SparseTensorCOO<V>(lvlRank, lvlSizes);                        \
     case Action::kToCOO: {                                                     \
       assert(ptr && "Received nullptr for SparseTensorStorage object");        \
-      auto &tensor = *static_cast<SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V> *>(ptr);        \
+      auto &tensor = *static_cast<SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *>(ptr);        \
       return tensor.toCOO(lvlRank, lvlSizes, dimRank, dim2lvl);                \
     }                                                                          \
     case Action::kToIterator: {                                                \
       assert(ptr && "Received nullptr for SparseTensorStorage object");        \
-      auto &tensor = *static_cast<SparseTensorStorage<P, I, V> *>(ptr);        \
+      auto &tensor = *static_cast<SparseTensorStorage<P, C, V> *>(ptr);        \
       auto *coo = tensor.toCOO(lvlRank, lvlSizes, dimRank, dim2lvl);           \
       return new SparseTensorIterator<V>(coo);                                 \
     }                                                                          \
@@ -335,8 +336,8 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensor( // NOLINT
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvlSizesRef,
     StridedMemRefType<DimLevelType, 1> *lvlTypesRef,
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvl2dimRef,
-    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef, OverheadType ptrTp,
-    OverheadType indTp, PrimaryType valTp, Action action, void *ptr) {
+    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef, OverheadType posTp,
+    OverheadType crdTp, PrimaryType valTp, Action action, void *ptr) {
@@ -355,10 +356,10 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensor( // NOLINT
   // Rewrite kIndex to kU64, to avoid introducing a bunch of new cases.
   // This is safe because of the static_assert above.
-  if (ptrTp == OverheadType::kIndex)
-    ptrTp = OverheadType::kU64;
-  if (indTp == OverheadType::kIndex)
-    indTp = OverheadType::kU64;
+  if (posTp == OverheadType::kIndex)
+    posTp = OverheadType::kU64;
+  if (crdTp == OverheadType::kIndex)
+    crdTp = OverheadType::kU64;
   // Double matrices with all combinations of overhead storage.
   CASE(OverheadType::kU64, OverheadType::kU64, PrimaryType::kF64, uint64_t,
@@ -463,8 +464,8 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensor( // NOLINT
   // Unsupported case (add above if needed).
   // TODO: better pretty-printing of enum values!
-      "unsupported combination of types: <P=%d, I=%d, V=%d>\n",
-      static_cast<int>(ptrTp), static_cast<int>(indTp),
+      "unsupported combination of types: <P=%d, C=%d, V=%d>\n",
+      static_cast<int>(posTp), static_cast<int>(crdTp),
 #undef CASE
 #define IMPL_GETOVERHEAD(NAME, TYPE, LIB)                                      \
   void _mlir_ciface_##NAME(StridedMemRefType<TYPE, 1> *ref, void *tensor,      \
-                           index_type d) {                                     \
+                           index_type lvl) {                                   \
     assert(ref &&tensor);                                                      \
     std::vector<TYPE> *v;                                                      \
-    static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(tensor)->LIB(&v, d);                \
+    static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(tensor)->LIB(&v, lvl);              \
     assert(v);                                                                 \
     aliasIntoMemref(v->size(), v->data(), *ref);                               \
-#define IMPL_SPARSEPOINTERS(PNAME, P)                                          \
-  IMPL_GETOVERHEAD(sparsePointers##PNAME, P, getPointers)
-#define IMPL_SPARSEINDICES(INAME, I)                                           \
-  IMPL_GETOVERHEAD(sparseIndices##INAME, I, getIndices)
+#define IMPL_SPARSEPOSITIONS(PNAME, P)                                         \
+  IMPL_GETOVERHEAD(sparsePositions##PNAME, P, getPositions)
+#define IMPL_SPARSECOORDINATES(CNAME, C)                                       \
+  IMPL_GETOVERHEAD(sparseCoordinates##CNAME, C, getCoordinates)
 // TODO: while this API design will work for arbitrary dim2lvl mappings,
-// we should probably move the `dimInd`-to-`lvlInd` computation into codegen
-// (since that could enable optimizations to remove the intermediate memref).
+// we should probably move the `dimCoords`-to-`lvlCoords` computation into
+// codegen (since that could enable optimizations to remove the intermediate
+// memref).
 #define IMPL_ADDELT(VNAME, V)                                                  \
   void *_mlir_ciface_addElt##VNAME(                                            \
       void *lvlCOO, StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref,                             \
-      StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimIndRef,                             \
+      StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimCoordsRef,                          \
       StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef) {                          \
     assert(lvlCOO &&vref);                                                     \
-    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dimIndRef);                                               \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dimCoordsRef);                                            \
     ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dim2lvlRef);                                              \
-    const uint64_t rank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(dimIndRef);                         \
+    const uint64_t rank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(dimCoordsRef);                      \
     ASSERT_USIZE_EQ(dim2lvlRef, rank);                                         \
-    const index_type *dimInd = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dimIndRef);                  \
+    const index_type *dimCoords = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dimCoordsRef);            \
     const index_type *dim2lvl = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dim2lvlRef);                \
-    std::vector<index_type> lvlInd(rank);                                      \
+    std::vector<index_type> lvlCoords(rank);                                   \
     for (uint64_t d = 0; d < rank; ++d)                                        \
-      lvlInd[dim2lvl[d]] = dimInd[d];                                          \
+      lvlCoords[dim2lvl[d]] = dimCoords[d];                                    \
     V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
-    static_cast<SparseTensorCOO<V> *>(lvlCOO)->add(lvlInd, *value);            \
+    static_cast<SparseTensorCOO<V> *>(lvlCOO)->add(lvlCoords, *value);         \
     return lvlCOO;                                                             \
+// NOTE: the `cref` argument uses the same coordinate-space as the `iter`
+// (which can be either dim- or lvl-coords, depending on context).
 #define IMPL_GETNEXT(VNAME, V)                                                 \
   bool _mlir_ciface_getNext##VNAME(void *iter,                                 \
-                                   StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *iref,     \
+                                   StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *cref,     \
                                    StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref) {            \
     assert(iter &&vref);                                                       \
-    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(iref);                                                    \
-    index_type *indx = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(iref);                               \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(cref);                                                    \
+    index_type *coords = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(cref);                             \
     V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
-    const uint64_t isize = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(iref);                             \
+    const uint64_t rank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(cref);                              \
     const Element<V> *elem =                                                   \
         static_cast<SparseTensorIterator<V> *>(iter)->getNext();               \
     if (elem == nullptr)                                                       \
       return false;                                                            \
-    for (uint64_t r = 0; r < isize; r++)                                       \
-      indx[r] = elem->indices[r];                                              \
+    for (uint64_t d = 0; d < rank; d++)                                        \
+      coords[d] = elem->coords[d];                                             \
     *value = elem->value;                                                      \
     return true;                                                               \
 #define IMPL_LEXINSERT(VNAME, V)                                               \
-  void _mlir_ciface_lexInsert##VNAME(void *tensor,                             \
-                                     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *cref,   \
-                                     StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref) {          \
-    assert(tensor &&vref);                                                     \
-    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(cref);                                                    \
-    index_type *cursor = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(cref);                             \
-    assert(cursor);                                                            \
+  void _mlir_ciface_lexInsert##VNAME(                                          \
+      void *t, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvlCoordsRef,                 \
+      StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref) {                                         \
+    assert(t &&vref);                                                          \
+    auto &tensor = *static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(t);                 \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(lvlCoordsRef);                                            \
+    index_type *lvlCoords = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(lvlCoordsRef);                  \
+    assert(lvlCoords);                                                         \
     V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
-    static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(tensor)->lexInsert(cursor, *value); \
+    tensor.lexInsert(lvlCoords, *value);                                       \
 #define IMPL_EXPINSERT(VNAME, V)                                               \
   void _mlir_ciface_expInsert##VNAME(                                          \
-      void *tensor, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *cref,                    \
+      void *t, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvlCoordsRef,                 \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 1> *vref, StridedMemRefType<bool, 1> *fref,         \
       StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *aref, index_type count) {              \
-    assert(tensor);                                                            \
-    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(cref);                                                    \
+    assert(t);                                                                 \
+    auto &tensor = *static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(t);                 \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(lvlCoordsRef);                                            \
     ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(vref);                                                    \
     ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(fref);                                                    \
     ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(aref);                                                    \
     ASSERT_USIZE_EQ(vref, MEMREF_GET_USIZE(fref));                             \
-    index_type *cursor = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(cref);                             \
+    index_type *lvlCoords = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(lvlCoordsRef);                  \
     V *values = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                      \
     bool *filled = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(fref);                                   \
     index_type *added = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(aref);                              \
-    static_cast<SparseTensorStorageBase *>(tensor)->expInsert(                 \
-        cursor, values, filled, added, count);                                 \
+    tensor.expInsert(lvlCoords, values, filled, added, count);                 \
@@ -596,13 +601,13 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_createCheckedSparseTensorReader(
 // FIXME: update `SparseTensorCodegenPass` to use
 // `_mlir_ciface_getSparseTensorReaderDimSizes` instead.
 void _mlir_ciface_copySparseTensorReaderDimSizes(
-    void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dref) {
+    void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimSizesRef) {
   SparseTensorReader &reader = *static_cast<SparseTensorReader *>(p);
-  const uint64_t dimRank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(dref);
-  ASSERT_USIZE_EQ(dref, reader.getRank());
-  index_type *dimSizes = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dref);
+  ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dimSizesRef);
+  const uint64_t dimRank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(dimSizesRef);
+  ASSERT_USIZE_EQ(dimSizesRef, reader.getRank());
+  index_type *dimSizes = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dimSizesRef);
   const index_type *fileSizes = reader.getDimSizes();
   for (uint64_t d = 0; d < dimRank; ++d)
     dimSizes[d] = fileSizes[d];
@@ -618,19 +623,21 @@ void _mlir_ciface_getSparseTensorReaderDimSizes(
 #define IMPL_GETNEXT(VNAME, V)                                                 \
   void _mlir_ciface_getSparseTensorReaderNext##VNAME(                          \
-      void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *iref,                         \
+      void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimCoordsRef,                 \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref) {                                         \
     assert(p &&vref);                                                          \
     auto &reader = *static_cast<SparseTensorReader *>(p);                      \
-    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(iref);                                                    \
-    const uint64_t rank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(iref);                              \
-    index_type *indices = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(iref);                            \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dimCoordsRef);                                            \
+    const uint64_t dimRank = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(dimCoordsRef);                   \
+    index_type *dimCoords = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dimCoordsRef);                  \
     V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
-    *value = reader.readCOOElement<V>(rank, indices);                          \
+    *value = reader.readElement<V>(dimRank, dimCoords);                        \
+// FIXME: This function name is weird; should rename to
+// "sparseTensorReaderReadToBuffers".
 #define IMPL_GETNEXT(VNAME, V, CNAME, C)                                       \
   bool _mlir_ciface_getSparseTensorReaderRead##CNAME##VNAME(                   \
       void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef,                   \
     const uint64_t vSize = MEMREF_GET_USIZE(vref);                             \
     const uint64_t lvlRank = reader.getRank();                                 \
     assert(vSize *lvlRank <= cSize);                                           \
-    assert(vSize >= reader.getNNZ() && "Not enough space in buffers");         \
+    assert(vSize >= reader.getNSE() && "Not enough space in buffers");         \
     ASSERT_USIZE_EQ(dim2lvlRef, lvlRank);                                      \
     (void)cSize;                                                               \
     (void)vSize;                                                               \
@@ -662,8 +669,8 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensorFromReader(
     void *p, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvlSizesRef,
     StridedMemRefType<DimLevelType, 1> *lvlTypesRef,
     StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *lvl2dimRef,
-    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef, OverheadType ptrTp,
-    OverheadType indTp, PrimaryType valTp) {
+    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dim2lvlRef, OverheadType posTp,
+    OverheadType crdTp, PrimaryType valTp) {
   SparseTensorReader &reader = *static_cast<SparseTensorReader *>(p);
@@ -683,18 +690,18 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensorFromReader(
   // FIXME(wrengr): Really need to define a separate x-macro for handling
   // all this. (Or ideally some better, entirely-
diff erent approach)
-#define CASE(p, i, v, P, I, V)                                                 \
-  if (ptrTp == OverheadType::p && indTp == OverheadType::i &&                  \
+#define CASE(p, c, v, P, C, V)                                                 \
+  if (posTp == OverheadType::p && crdTp == OverheadType::c &&                  \
       valTp == PrimaryType::v)                                                 \
-    return static_cast<void *>(reader.readSparseTensor<P, I, V>(               \
+    return static_cast<void *>(reader.readSparseTensor<P, C, V>(               \
         lvlRank, lvlSizes, lvlTypes, lvl2dim, dim2lvl));
 #define CASE_SECSAME(p, v, P, V) CASE(p, p, v, P, P, V)
   // Rewrite kIndex to kU64, to avoid introducing a bunch of new cases.
   // This is safe because of the static_assert above.
-  if (ptrTp == OverheadType::kIndex)
-    ptrTp = OverheadType::kU64;
-  if (indTp == OverheadType::kIndex)
-    indTp = OverheadType::kU64;
+  if (posTp == OverheadType::kIndex)
+    posTp = OverheadType::kU64;
+  if (crdTp == OverheadType::kIndex)
+    crdTp = OverheadType::kU64;
   // Double matrices with all combinations of overhead storage.
   CASE(kU64, kU64, kF64, uint64_t, uint64_t, double);
   CASE(kU64, kU32, kF64, uint64_t, uint32_t, double);
@@ -762,37 +769,38 @@ void *_mlir_ciface_newSparseTensorFromReader(
   // Unsupported case (add above if needed).
   // TODO: better pretty-printing of enum values!
-      "unsupported combination of types: <P=%d, I=%d, V=%d>\n",
-      static_cast<int>(ptrTp), static_cast<int>(indTp),
+      "unsupported combination of types: <P=%d, C=%d, V=%d>\n",
+      static_cast<int>(posTp), static_cast<int>(crdTp),
 #undef CASE
 void _mlir_ciface_outSparseTensorWriterMetaData(
-    void *p, index_type rank, index_type nnz,
-    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dref) {
+    void *p, index_type dimRank, index_type nse,
+    StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimSizesRef) {
-  assert(rank != 0);
-  index_type *dimSizes = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dref);
+  ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dimSizesRef);
+  assert(dimRank != 0);
+  index_type *dimSizes = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dimSizesRef);
   SparseTensorWriter &file = *static_cast<SparseTensorWriter *>(p);
-  file << rank << " " << nnz << std::endl;
-  for (index_type r = 0; r < rank - 1; ++r)
-    file << dimSizes[r] << " ";
-  file << dimSizes[rank - 1] << std::endl;
+  file << dimRank << " " << nse << std::endl;
+  for (index_type d = 0; d < dimRank - 1; ++d)
+    file << dimSizes[d] << " ";
+  file << dimSizes[dimRank - 1] << std::endl;
 #define IMPL_OUTNEXT(VNAME, V)                                                 \
   void _mlir_ciface_outSparseTensorWriterNext##VNAME(                          \
-      void *p, index_type rank, StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *iref,        \
+      void *p, index_type dimRank,                                             \
+      StridedMemRefType<index_type, 1> *dimCoordsRef,                          \
       StridedMemRefType<V, 0> *vref) {                                         \
     assert(p &&vref);                                                          \
-    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(iref);                                                    \
-    index_type *indices = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(iref);                            \
+    ASSERT_NO_STRIDE(dimCoordsRef);                                            \
+    const index_type *dimCoords = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(dimCoordsRef);            \
     SparseTensorWriter &file = *static_cast<SparseTensorWriter *>(p);          \
-    for (index_type r = 0; r < rank; ++r)                                      \
-      file << (indices[r] + 1) << " ";                                         \
+    for (index_type d = 0; d < dimRank; ++d)                                   \
+      file << (dimCoords[d] + 1) << " ";                                       \
     V *value = MEMREF_GET_PAYLOAD(vref);                                       \
     file << *value << std::endl;                                               \
@@ -872,21 +880,22 @@ void readSparseTensorShape(char *filename, std::vector<uint64_t> *out) {
 // We can't use `static_cast` here because `DimLevelType` is an enum-class.
 #define IMPL_CONVERTTOMLIRSPARSETENSOR(VNAME, V)                               \
   void *convertToMLIRSparseTensor##VNAME(                                      \
-      uint64_t rank, uint64_t nse, uint64_t *shape, V *values,                 \
-      uint64_t *indices, uint64_t *perm, uint8_t *sparse) {                    \
-    return toMLIRSparseTensor<V>(rank, nse, shape, values, indices, perm,      \
-                                 reinterpret_cast<DimLevelType *>(sparse));    \
+      uint64_t rank, uint64_t nse, uint64_t *dimSizes, V *values,              \
+      uint64_t *dimCoordinates, uint64_t *dim2lvl, uint8_t *lvlTypes) {        \
+    return toMLIRSparseTensor<V>(rank, nse, dimSizes, values, dimCoordinates,  \
+                                 dim2lvl,                                      \
+                                 reinterpret_cast<DimLevelType *>(lvlTypes));  \
 #define IMPL_CONVERTFROMMLIRSPARSETENSOR(VNAME, V)                             \
-  void convertFromMLIRSparseTensor##VNAME(void *tensor, uint64_t *pRank,       \
-                                          uint64_t *pNse, uint64_t **pShape,   \
-                                          V **pValues, uint64_t **pIndices) {  \
+  void convertFromMLIRSparseTensor##VNAME(                                     \
+      void *tensor, uint64_t *pRank, uint64_t *pNse, uint64_t **pShape,        \
+      V **pValues, uint64_t **pCoordinates) {                                  \
     fromMLIRSparseTensor<V>(                                                   \
         static_cast<SparseTensorStorage<uint64_t, uint64_t, V> *>(tensor),     \
-        pRank, pNse, pShape, pValues, pIndices);                               \
+        pRank, pNse, pShape, pValues, pCoordinates);                           \
@@ -908,8 +917,8 @@ bool getSparseTensorReaderIsSymmetric(void *p) {
   return static_cast<SparseTensorReader *>(p)->isSymmetric();
-index_type getSparseTensorReaderNNZ(void *p) {
-  return static_cast<SparseTensorReader *>(p)->getNNZ();
+index_type getSparseTensorReaderNSE(void *p) {
+  return static_cast<SparseTensorReader *>(p)->getNSE();
 index_type getSparseTensorReaderDimSize(void *p, index_type d) {

diff  --git a/mlir/test/CAPI/sparse_tensor.c b/mlir/test/CAPI/sparse_tensor.c
index ebb76ebc34eb2..43e148985bf90 100644
--- a/mlir/test/CAPI/sparse_tensor.c
+++ b/mlir/test/CAPI/sparse_tensor.c
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ static int testRoundtripEncoding(MlirContext ctx) {
     "dimLevelType = [ \"dense\", \"compressed\", \"compressed\"], "
     "dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2)>, "
     "higherOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (s0, d0, d1)>, "
-    "pointerBitWidth = 32, indexBitWidth = 64 }>";
+    "posWidth = 32, crdWidth = 64 }>";
   // clang-format on
   MlirAttribute originalAttr =
       mlirAttributeParseGet(ctx, mlirStringRefCreateFromCString(originalAsm));
@@ -46,26 +46,24 @@ static int testRoundtripEncoding(MlirContext ctx) {
   // CHECK: level_type: 4
   // CHECK: level_type: 8
   // CHECK: level_type: 8
-  int numLevelTypes = mlirSparseTensorEncodingGetNumDimLevelTypes(originalAttr);
+  int lvlRank = mlirSparseTensorEncodingGetLvlRank(originalAttr);
   enum MlirSparseTensorDimLevelType *levelTypes =
-      malloc(sizeof(enum MlirSparseTensorDimLevelType) * numLevelTypes);
-  for (int i = 0; i < numLevelTypes; ++i) {
-    levelTypes[i] =
-        mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetDimLevelType(originalAttr, i);
-    fprintf(stderr, "level_type: %d\n", levelTypes[i]);
+      malloc(sizeof(enum MlirSparseTensorDimLevelType) * lvlRank);
+  for (int l = 0; l < lvlRank; ++l) {
+    levelTypes[l] =
+        mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetDimLevelType(originalAttr, l);
+    fprintf(stderr, "level_type: %d\n", levelTypes[l]);
-  // CHECK: pointer: 32
-  int pointerBitWidth =
-      mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetPointerBitWidth(originalAttr);
-  fprintf(stderr, "pointer: %d\n", pointerBitWidth);
-  // CHECK: index: 64
-  int indexBitWidth =
-      mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetIndexBitWidth(originalAttr);
-  fprintf(stderr, "index: %d\n", indexBitWidth);
+  // CHECK: posWidth: 32
+  int posWidth = mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetPosWidth(originalAttr);
+  fprintf(stderr, "posWidth: %d\n", posWidth);
+  // CHECK: crdWidth: 64
+  int crdWidth = mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGetCrdWidth(originalAttr);
+  fprintf(stderr, "crdWidth: %d\n", crdWidth);
-  MlirAttribute newAttr = mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGet(
-      ctx, numLevelTypes, levelTypes, dimOrdering, higherOrdering,
-      pointerBitWidth, indexBitWidth);
+  MlirAttribute newAttr =
+      mlirSparseTensorEncodingAttrGet(ctx, lvlRank, levelTypes, dimOrdering,
+                                      higherOrdering, posWidth, crdWidth);
   mlirAttributeDump(newAttr); // For debugging filecheck output.
   // CHECK: equal: 1
   fprintf(stderr, "equal: %d\n", mlirAttributeEqual(originalAttr, newAttr));

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/codegen.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/codegen.mlir
index 827637bb4bc3b..87db4743026db 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/codegen.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/codegen.mlir
@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
 #SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ],
-  indexBitWidth = 64,
-  pointerBitWidth = 32
+  crdWidth = 64,
+  posWidth = 32
 #Dense2D = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense" ],
-  indexBitWidth = 64,
-  pointerBitWidth = 32
+  crdWidth = 64,
+  posWidth = 32
 #Row = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ],
-  indexBitWidth = 64,
-  pointerBitWidth = 32
+  crdWidth = 64,
+  posWidth = 32
 #CSR = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ],
-  indexBitWidth = 64,
-  pointerBitWidth = 32
+  crdWidth = 64,
+  posWidth = 32
 #UCSR = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 #DCSR = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ],
-  indexBitWidth = 64,
-  pointerBitWidth = 32
+  crdWidth = 64,
+  posWidth = 32
 #Dense3D = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ func.func @sparse_dense_3d(%arg0: tensor<10x20x30xf64, #Dense3D>) -> index {
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_dense_3d_dyn(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A0:.*]]: memref<?xf64>,
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A1:.*]]: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-//       CHECK: %[[A2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A1]] dim_sz at 2
+//       CHECK: %[[A2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A1]] lvl_sz at 2
 //       CHECK: return %[[A2]] : index
 func.func @sparse_dense_3d_dyn(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf64, #Dense3D>) -> index {
   %c = arith.constant 1 : index
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ func.func @sparse_dense_3d_dyn(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf64, #Dense3D>) -> index {
   return %0 : index
-// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_pointers_dcsr(
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_positions_dcsr(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A0:.*0]]: memref<?xi32>,
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A1:.*1]]: memref<?xi64>,
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A2:.*2]]: memref<?xi32>,
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ func.func @sparse_dense_3d_dyn(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf64, #Dense3D>) -> index {
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A4:.*4]]: memref<?xf64>,
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A5:.*5]]: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK: return %[[A2]] : memref<?xi32>
-func.func @sparse_pointers_dcsr(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf64, #DCSR>) -> memref<?xi32> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<?x?xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xi32>
+func.func @sparse_positions_dcsr(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf64, #DCSR>) -> memref<?xi32> {
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<?x?xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xi32>
   return %0 : memref<?xi32>
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ func.func @sparse_pointers_dcsr(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf64, #DCSR>) -> memref<?xi32>
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A5:.*5]]: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK: return %[[A3]] : memref<?xi64>
 func.func @sparse_indices_dcsr(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf64, #DCSR>) -> memref<?xi64> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<?x?xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xi64>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<?x?xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xi64>
   return %0 : memref<?xi64>
@@ -263,13 +263,13 @@ func.func @sparse_values_coo(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf64, #ccoo>) -> memref<?xf64> {
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A4:.*4]]: memref<?xf64>,
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A5:.*5]]: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK: %[[C2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
-//       CHECK: %[[S0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A5]]  idx_mem_sz at 1
+//       CHECK: %[[S0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A5]]  crd_mem_sz at 1
 //       CHECK: %[[S2:.*]] = arith.divui %[[S0]], %[[C2]] : index
 //       CHECK: %[[R1:.*]] = memref.subview %[[A3]][0] {{\[}}%[[S2]]] [2] : memref<?xindex> to memref<?xindex, strided<[2]>>
 //       CHECK: %[[R2:.*]] = memref.cast %[[R1]] : memref<?xindex, strided<[2]>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
 //       CHECK: return %[[R2]] : memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
 func.func @sparse_indices_coo(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf64, #ccoo>) -> memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #ccoo> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #ccoo> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ func.func @sparse_indices_coo(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf64, #ccoo>) -> memref<?xindex
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A5:.*5]]: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK: return %[[A3]] : memref<?xindex>
 func.func @sparse_indices_buffer_coo(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?xf64, #ccoo>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices_buffer  %arg0 : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #ccoo> to memref<?xindex>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates_buffer  %arg0 : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #ccoo> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
@@ -323,13 +323,13 @@ func.func @sparse_dealloc_csr(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf64, #CSR>) {
 //       CHECK:     %[[A7:.*]] = memref.alloc() : memref<16xf64>
 //       CHECK:     %[[A8:.*]] = memref.cast %[[A7]] : memref<16xf64> to memref<?xf64>
 //       CHECK:     %[[A9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.init : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-//       CHECK:     %[[A11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A9]]  dim_sz at 0 with %[[A0]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-//       CHECK:     %[[A12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A11]]  dim_sz at 1 with %[[A1]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-//       CHECK:     %[[A14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A12]]  ptr_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[A11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A9]]  lvl_sz at 0 with %[[A0]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[A12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A11]]  lvl_sz at 1 with %[[A1]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[A14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A12]]  pos_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK:     %[[A15:.*]], %[[A17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[A14]], %[[A4]], %[[A2]] : index, memref<?xindex>, index
-//       CHECK:     %[[A18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A12]]  ptr_mem_sz at 1 with %[[A17]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[A18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A12]]  pos_mem_sz at 1 with %[[A17]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK:     %[[A23:.*]], %[[A25:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[A17]], %[[A15]], %[[A2]], %[[A0]] : index, memref<?xindex>, index, index
-//       CHECK:     %[[A26:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A18]]  ptr_mem_sz at 1 with %[[A25]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[A26:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A18]]  pos_mem_sz at 1 with %[[A25]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK:     return %[[A23]], %[[A6]], %[[A8]], %[[A26]] : memref<?xindex>, memref<?xindex>, memref<?xf64>, !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 func.func @sparse_alloc_csc(%arg0: index) -> tensor<10x?xf64, #CSC> {
   %0 = bufferization.alloc_tensor(%arg0) : tensor<10x?xf64, #CSC>
@@ -346,9 +346,9 @@ func.func @sparse_alloc_csc(%arg0: index) -> tensor<10x?xf64, #CSC> {
 //       CHECK:     %[[A5:.*]] = memref.alloc() : memref<6000xf64>
 //       CHECK:     %[[A6:.*]] = memref.cast %[[A5]] : memref<6000xf64> to memref<?xf64>
 //       CHECK:     %[[A7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.init : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-//       CHECK:     %[[A8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A7]]  dim_sz at 0 with %[[A3]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-//       CHECK:     %[[A9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A8]]  dim_sz at 1 with %[[A2]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-//       CHECK:     %[[A10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A9]]  dim_sz at 2 with %[[A1]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[A8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A7]]  lvl_sz at 0 with %[[A3]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[A9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A8]]  lvl_sz at 1 with %[[A2]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[A10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A9]]  lvl_sz at 2 with %[[A1]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK:     %[[A12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A10]]  val_mem_sz : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK:     %[[A15:.*]], %[[A14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[A12]], %[[A6]], %[[A4]], %[[A0]] : index, memref<?xf64>, f64, index
 //       CHECK:     %[[A16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A10]]  val_mem_sz with %[[A14]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ func.func @sparse_compression_1d(%tensor: tensor<100xf64, #SV>,
 //       CHECK:     memref.dealloc %[[A4]] : memref<?xf64>
 //       CHECK:     memref.dealloc %[[A5]] : memref<?xi1>
 //       CHECK:     memref.dealloc %[[A6]] : memref<?xindex>
-//       CHECK:     %[[A25:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A24:.*]]#3  ptr_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[A25:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A24:.*]]#3  pos_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK:     %[[A26:.*]] = memref.load %[[A24]]#0{{\[}}%[[A13]]] : memref<?xi32>
 //       CHECK:     %[[A27:.*]] = scf.for %[[A28:.*]] = %[[A12]] to %[[A25]] step %[[A12]] iter_args(%[[A29:.*]] = %[[A26]]) -> (i32) {
 //       CHECK:       %[[A30:.*]] = memref.load %[[A24]]#0{{\[}}%[[A28]]] : memref<?xi32>
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ func.func @sparse_compression(%tensor: tensor<8x8xf64, #CSR>,
 //       CHECK:     memref.dealloc %[[A4]] : memref<?xf64>
 //       CHECK:     memref.dealloc %[[A5]] : memref<?xi1>
 //       CHECK:     memref.dealloc %[[A6]] : memref<?xindex>
-//       CHECK:     %[[A24:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A23:.*]]#3  ptr_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[A24:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A23:.*]]#3  pos_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK:     %[[A25:.*]] = memref.load %[[A23]]#0{{\[}}%[[A11]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:     %[[A26:.*]] = scf.for %[[A27:.*]] = %[[A12]] to %[[A24]] step %[[A12]] iter_args(%[[A28:.*]] = %[[A25]]) -> (index) {
 //       CHECK:       %[[A29:.*]] = memref.load %[[A23]]#0{{\[}}%[[A27]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -675,20 +675,20 @@ func.func @sparse_nop_convert(%arg0: tensor<32xf32, #SparseVector>) -> tensor<?x
 //       CHECK: call @copySparseTensorReaderDimSizes(%[[A5]], %[[A7]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, memref<?xindex>) -> ()
 //       CHECK: %[[A8:.*]] = memref.load %[[A6]]{{\[}}%[[A3]]] : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A9:.*]] = memref.load %[[A6]]{{\[}}%[[A2]]] : memref<2xindex>
-//       CHECK: %[[A10:.*]] = call @getSparseTensorReaderNNZ(%[[A5]])
+//       CHECK: %[[A10:.*]] = call @getSparseTensorReaderNSE(%[[A5]])
 //       CHECK: %[[A11:.*]] = arith.muli %[[A10]], %[[A4]] : index
 //       CHECK: %[[A12:.*]] = memref.alloc() : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A13:.*]] = memref.cast %[[A12]] : memref<2xindex> to memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A14:.*]] = memref.alloc(%[[A11]]) : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A15:.*]] = memref.alloc(%[[A10]]) : memref<?xf32>
 //       CHECK: %[[A16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.init : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "singleton" ] }>>
-//       CHECK: %[[A18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A16]]  dim_sz at 0 with %[[A8]]
-//       CHECK: %[[A19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A18]]  ptr_mem_sz at 0
+//       CHECK: %[[A18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A16]]  lvl_sz at 0 with %[[A8]]
+//       CHECK: %[[A19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A18]]  pos_mem_sz at 0
 //       CHECK: %[[A21:.*]], %[[A22:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[A19]], %[[A13]], %[[A3]]
-//       CHECK: %[[A24:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A18]]  ptr_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A22]]
-//       CHECK: %[[A26:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A24]]  dim_sz at 1 with %[[A9]]
+//       CHECK: %[[A24:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A18]]  pos_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A22]]
+//       CHECK: %[[A26:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A24]]  lvl_sz at 1 with %[[A9]]
 //       CHECK: %[[A27:.*]], %[[A28:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[A22]], %[[A21]], %[[A3]], %[[A2]]
-//       CHECK: %[[A30:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A26]]  ptr_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A28]]
+//       CHECK: %[[A30:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A26]]  pos_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A28]]
 //       CHECK: %[[A31:.*]] = memref.alloca() : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A32:.*]] = memref.cast %[[A31]] : memref<2xindex> to memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: memref.store %[[A3]], %[[A31]]{{\[}}%[[A3]]] : memref<2xindex>
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ func.func @sparse_nop_convert(%arg0: tensor<32xf32, #SparseVector>) -> tensor<?x
 //       CHECK:   sparse_tensor.sort_coo  hybrid_quick_sort %[[A10]], %[[A14]] jointly %[[A15]] {nx = 2 : index, ny = 0 : index} : memref<?xindex> jointly memref<?xf32>
 //       CHECK: }
 //       CHECK: memref.store %[[A10]], %[[A27]]{{\[}}%[[A2]]] : memref<?xindex>
-//       CHECK: %[[A36:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A30]]  idx_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A11]]
+//       CHECK: %[[A36:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A30]]  crd_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A11]]
 //       CHECK: %[[A38:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A36]]  val_mem_sz with %[[A10]]
 //       CHECK: call @delSparseTensorReader(%[[A5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> ()
 //       CHECK: return %[[A27]], %[[A14]], %[[A15]], %[[A38]]
@@ -719,31 +719,31 @@ func.func @sparse_new_coo(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i8>) -> tensor<?x?xf32, #Coo> {
 //       CHECK: call @copySparseTensorReaderDimSizes(%[[A4]], %[[A6]])
 //       CHECK: %[[A7:.*]] = memref.load %[[A5]]{{\[}}%[[A2]]] : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A8:.*]] = memref.load %[[A5]]{{\[}}%[[A1]]] : memref<2xindex>
-//       CHECK: %[[A9:.*]] = call @getSparseTensorReaderNNZ(%[[A4]])
+//       CHECK: %[[A9:.*]] = call @getSparseTensorReaderNSE(%[[A4]])
 //       CHECK: %[[A10:.*]] = arith.muli %[[A9]], %[[A3]] : index
 //       CHECK: %[[A11:.*]] = memref.alloc() : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A12:.*]] = memref.cast %[[A11]] : memref<2xindex> to memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A13:.*]] = memref.alloc(%[[A10]]) : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A14:.*]] = memref.alloc(%[[A9]]) : memref<?xf32>
 //       CHECK: %[[A15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.init : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "singleton" ] }>>
-//       CHECK: %[[A17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A15]]  dim_sz at 0 with %[[A8]]
-//       CHECK: %[[A18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A17]]  ptr_mem_sz at 0
+//       CHECK: %[[A17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A15]]  lvl_sz at 0 with %[[A8]]
+//       CHECK: %[[A18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A17]]  pos_mem_sz at 0
 //       CHECK: %[[A20:.*]], %[[A21:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[A18]], %[[A12]], %[[A2]]
-//       CHECK: %[[A23:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A17]]  ptr_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A21]]
-//       CHECK: %[[A25:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A23]]  dim_sz at 1 with %[[A7]]
+//       CHECK: %[[A23:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A17]]  pos_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A21]]
+//       CHECK: %[[A25:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A23]]  lvl_sz at 1 with %[[A7]]
 //       CHECK: %[[A26:.*]], %[[A27:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[A21]], %[[A20]], %[[A2]], %[[A1]]
-//       CHECK: %[[A29:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A25]]  ptr_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A27]]
+//       CHECK: %[[A29:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A25]]  pos_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A27]]
 //       CHECK: %[[A30:.*]] = memref.alloca() : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A31:.*]] = memref.cast %[[A30]] : memref<2xindex> to memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: memref.store %[[A1]], %[[A30]]{{\[}}%[[A2]]] : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK: memref.store %[[A2]], %[[A30]]{{\[}}%[[A1]]] : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK: %[[A32:.*]] = call @getSparseTensorReaderRead0F32(%[[A4]], %[[A31]], %[[A13]], %[[A14]])
 //       CHECK: memref.store %[[A9]], %[[A26]]{{\[}}%[[A1]]] : memref<?xindex>
-//       CHECK: %[[A34:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A29]]  idx_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A10]]
+//       CHECK: %[[A34:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A29]]  crd_mem_sz at 0 with %[[A10]]
 //       CHECK: %[[A36:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A34]]  val_mem_sz with %[[A9]]
 //       CHECK: call @delSparseTensorReader(%[[A4]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> ()
 //       CHECK: return %[[A26]], %[[A13]], %[[A14]], %[[A36]]
 func.func @sparse_new_coo_permute_no(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i8>) -> tensor<?x?xf32, #CooPNo> {
   %0 = sparse_tensor.new %arg0 : !llvm.ptr<i8> to tensor<?x?xf32, #CooPNo>
   return %0 : tensor<?x?xf32, #CooPNo>
\ No newline at end of file

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/codegen_buffer_initialization.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/codegen_buffer_initialization.mlir
index 7a0d668082d52..688cde550f2e7 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/codegen_buffer_initialization.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/codegen_buffer_initialization.mlir
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
 //       CHECK:     %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.cast %[[VAL_8]] : memref<16xf64> to memref<?xf64>
 //       CHECK:     linalg.fill ins(%[[VAL_2]] : f64) outs(%[[VAL_8]] : memref<16xf64>)
 //       CHECK:     %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.init : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-//       CHECK:     %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_10]]  dim_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_0]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-//       CHECK:     %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[VAL_12]]  ptr_mem_sz at 0 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_10]]  lvl_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_0]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[VAL_12]]  pos_mem_sz at 0 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK:     %[[VAL_15:.*]], %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[VAL_14]], %[[VAL_5]], %[[VAL_3]] : index, memref<?xindex>, index
-//       CHECK:     %[[VAL_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_12]]  ptr_mem_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_17]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[VAL_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_12]]  pos_mem_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_17]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK:     %[[VAL_19:.*]], %[[VAL_21:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[VAL_17]], %[[VAL_15]], %[[VAL_3]], %[[VAL_1]] : index, memref<?xindex>, index, index
-//       CHECK:     %[[VAL_22:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_18]]  ptr_mem_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_21]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+//       CHECK:     %[[VAL_22:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_18]]  pos_mem_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_21]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 //       CHECK:     return %[[VAL_19]], %[[VAL_7]], %[[VAL_9]], %[[VAL_22]] : memref<?xindex>, memref<?xindex>, memref<?xf64>, !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 func.func @sparse_alloc_sparse_vector(%arg0: index) -> tensor<?xf64, #SV> {
   %0 = bufferization.alloc_tensor(%arg0) : tensor<?xf64, #SV>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/conversion.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/conversion.mlir
index dc4efae50c01b..5fdaf1bb7dbd1 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/conversion.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/conversion.mlir
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 #SparseVector64 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = ["compressed"],
-  pointerBitWidth = 64,
-  indexBitWidth = 64
+  posWidth = 64,
+  crdWidth = 64
 #SparseVector32 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = ["compressed"],
-  pointerBitWidth = 32,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 32,
+  crdWidth = 32
 #CSR = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
@@ -174,63 +174,63 @@ func.func @sparse_nop_cast(%arg0: tensor<64xf32, #SparseVector>) -> tensor<?xf32
   return %0 : tensor<?xf32, #SparseVector>
-// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_pointers(
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_positions(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: !llvm.ptr<i8>)
 //       CHECK: %[[C:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : memref<?xindex>
-func.func @sparse_pointers(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+func.func @sparse_positions(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_pointers64(
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_positions64(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: !llvm.ptr<i8>)
 //       CHECK: %[[C:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparsePointers64(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xi64>
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparsePositions64(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xi64>
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : memref<?xi64>
-func.func @sparse_pointers64(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector64>) -> memref<?xi64> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector64> to memref<?xi64>
+func.func @sparse_positions64(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector64>) -> memref<?xi64> {
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector64> to memref<?xi64>
   return %0 : memref<?xi64>
-// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_pointers32(
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_positions32(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: !llvm.ptr<i8>)
 //       CHECK: %[[C:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparsePointers32(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xi32>
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparsePositions32(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xi32>
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : memref<?xi32>
-func.func @sparse_pointers32(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector32>) -> memref<?xi32> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector32> to memref<?xi32>
+func.func @sparse_positions32(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector32>) -> memref<?xi32> {
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector32> to memref<?xi32>
   return %0 : memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_indices(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: !llvm.ptr<i8>)
 //       CHECK: %[[C:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : memref<?xindex>
 func.func @sparse_indices(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_indices64(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: !llvm.ptr<i8>)
 //       CHECK: %[[C:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparseIndices64(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xi64>
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates64(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xi64>
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : memref<?xi64>
 func.func @sparse_indices64(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector64>) -> memref<?xi64> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector64> to memref<?xi64>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector64> to memref<?xi64>
   return %0 : memref<?xi64>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_indices32(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: !llvm.ptr<i8>)
 //       CHECK: %[[C:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparseIndices32(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xi32>
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates32(%[[A]], %[[C]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xi32>
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : memref<?xi32>
 func.func @sparse_indices32(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector32>) -> memref<?xi32> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector32> to memref<?xi32>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector32> to memref<?xi32>
   return %0 : memref<?xi32>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_dense2sparse.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_dense2sparse.mlir
index 2646b2db71148..a150ac805d2d7 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_dense2sparse.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_dense2sparse.mlir
@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ func.func @sparse_constant() -> tensor<8x7xf32, #CSR>{
 //       CHECK-RWT:       sparse_tensor.yield %[[L0T2]]
 //       CHECK-RWT:     }
 //       CHECK-RWT:     %[[COO:.*]] = sparse_tensor.load %[[T1]] hasInserts
-//       CHECK-RWT:     %[[NNZ:.*]] = sparse_tensor.number_of_entries %[[COO]]
+//       CHECK-RWT:     %[[NSE:.*]] = sparse_tensor.number_of_entries %[[COO]]
 //       CHECK-RWT:     %[[V:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[COO]]
-//       CHECK-RWT:     %[[I:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices_buffer %[[COO]]
-//       CHECK-RWT:     sparse_tensor.sort_coo hybrid_quick_sort %[[NNZ]], %[[I]] jointly %[[V]] {nx = 2 : index, ny = 0 : index}
+//       CHECK-RWT:     %[[I:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates_buffer %[[COO]]
+//       CHECK-RWT:     sparse_tensor.sort_coo hybrid_quick_sort %[[NSE]], %[[I]] jointly %[[V]] {nx = 2 : index, ny = 0 : index}
 //       CHECK-RWT:     %[[T3:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor()
 //       CHECK-RWT:     %[[T4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.foreach in %[[COO]] init(%[[T3]])
 //       CHECK-RWT:     ^bb0(%[[L1I0:.*]]: index, %[[L1I1:.*]]: index, %[[L1V:.*]]: f32, %[[L1T:.*]]: tensor

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_sparse2sparse.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_sparse2sparse.mlir
index e618ee81dd3bc..1f9310721df6c 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_sparse2sparse.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_sparse2sparse.mlir
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
 #SparseVector64 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = ["compressed"],
-  pointerBitWidth = 64,
-  indexBitWidth = 64
+  posWidth = 64,
+  crdWidth = 64
 #SparseVector32 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = ["compressed"],
-  pointerBitWidth = 32,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 32,
+  crdWidth = 32
 #SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
@@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ func.func @sparse_convert(%arg0: tensor<?xf32, #SparseVector64>) -> tensor<?xf32
 #SparseSingleton64 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = ["singleton"],
-  pointerBitWidth = 64,
-  indexBitWidth = 64
+  posWidth = 64,
+  crdWidth = 64
 #SparseSingleton32 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = ["singleton"],
-  pointerBitWidth = 32,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 32,
+  crdWidth = 32
 // CHECK-COO-LABEL: func @sparse_convert_singleton(

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_sparse2sparse_element.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_sparse2sparse_element.mlir
index e45d7942f303d..9795ef23d711e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_sparse2sparse_element.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/convert_sparse2sparse_element.mlir
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 #SparseVector64 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = ["compressed"],
-  pointerBitWidth = 64,
-  indexBitWidth = 64
+  posWidth = 64,
+  crdWidth = 64
 #SparseVector32 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = ["compressed"],
-  pointerBitWidth = 32,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 32,
+  crdWidth = 32

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/fold.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/fold.mlir
index 3e559109189fe..229d27ed82775 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/fold.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/fold.mlir
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ func.func @sparse_dce_convert(%arg0: tensor<64xf32>) {
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_dce_getters(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: tensor<64xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>)
-//   CHECK-NOT: sparse_tensor.pointers
-//   CHECK-NOT: sparse_tensor.indices
+//   CHECK-NOT: sparse_tensor.positions
+//   CHECK-NOT: sparse_tensor.coordinates
 //   CHECK-NOT: sparse_tensor.values
 //       CHECK: return
 func.func @sparse_dce_getters(%arg0: tensor<64xf32, #SparseVector>) {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<64xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
-  %1 = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<64xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<64xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+  %1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<64xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
   %2 = sparse_tensor.values %arg0 : tensor<64xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xf32>
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ func.func @sparse_concat_dce(%arg0: tensor<2xf64, #SparseVector>,
 //   CHECK-NOT:  sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get
 //       CHECK:  return %[[A1]]
 func.func @sparse_get_specifier_dce_fold(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>, %arg1: index, %arg2: index) -> index {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %arg0 dim_sz at 0 with %arg1
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %arg0 lvl_sz at 0 with %arg1
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>
-  %1 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %0 ptr_mem_sz at 0 with %arg2
+  %1 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %0 pos_mem_sz at 0 with %arg2
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>
-  %2 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %1 dim_sz at 0
+  %2 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %1 lvl_sz at 0
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>
   return %2 : index

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid.mlir
index 8d0a0e7d69869..7f6c2b2106adc 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid.mlir
@@ -8,135 +8,135 @@ func.func @invalid_new_dense(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i8>) -> tensor<32xf32> {
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], crdWidth=32}>
-func.func @non_static_pack_ret(%data: tensor<6xf64>, %index: tensor<6x1xi32>)
+func.func @non_static_pack_ret(%values: tensor<6xf64>, %coordinates: tensor<6x1xi32>)
                             -> tensor<?xf64, #SparseVector> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{all input types must be statically shaped}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %data, %index : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32>
-                                       to tensor<?xf64, #SparseVector>
+  // expected-error at +1 {{the sparse-tensor must have static shape}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %values, %coordinates
+     : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32> to tensor<?xf64, #SparseVector>
   return %0 : tensor<?xf64, #SparseVector>
 // -----
-#DenseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["dense"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#DenseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["dense"], crdWidth=32}>
-func.func @invalid_pack_dense(%data: tensor<6xf64>, %index: tensor<6x1xi32>)
+func.func @invalid_pack_dense(%values: tensor<6xf64>, %coordinates: tensor<6x1xi32>)
                             -> tensor<100xf64, #DenseVector> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{must operate on a COO tensor}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %data, %index : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32>
-                                       to tensor<100xf64, #DenseVector>
+  // expected-error at +1 {{the sparse-tensor must have a COO type}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %values, %coordinates
+     : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32> to tensor<100xf64, #DenseVector>
   return %0 : tensor<100xf64, #DenseVector>
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], crdWidth=32}>
-func.func @invalid_pack_data(%data: tensor<6x1xf64>, %index: tensor<6x1xi32>)
+func.func @invalid_pack_data(%values: tensor<6x1xf64>, %coordinates: tensor<6x1xi32>)
                             -> tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector> {
   // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.pack' op operand #0 must be 1D tensor of any type values}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %data, %index : tensor<6x1xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32>
-                                       to tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %values, %coordinates
+     : tensor<6x1xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32> to tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector>
   return %0 : tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector>
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], crdWidth=32}>
-func.func @invalid_pack_type(%data: tensor<6xf64>, %index: tensor<6x1xi32>)
+func.func @invalid_pack_type(%values: tensor<6xf64>, %coordinates: tensor<6x1xi32>)
                             -> tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{unmatched type between input and output}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %data, %index : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32>
-                                       to tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector>
+  // expected-error at +1 {{input/output element-types don't match}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %values, %coordinates
+     : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32> to tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector>
   return %0 : tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector>
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], crdWidth=32}>
-func.func @invalid_pack_type(%data: tensor<5xf64>, %index: tensor<6x1xi32>)
+func.func @invalid_pack_type(%values: tensor<5xf64>, %coordinates: tensor<6x1xi32>)
                             -> tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{unmatched number of elements in data and indices}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %data, %index : tensor<5xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32>
-                                       to tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector>
+  // expected-error at +1 {{values/coordinates number-of-elements don't match}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %values, %coordinates
+     : tensor<5xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32> to tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector>
   return %0 : tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector>
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], crdWidth=32}>
-func.func @invalid_pack_type(%data: tensor<6xf64>, %index: tensor<6x2xi32>)
+func.func @invalid_pack_type(%values: tensor<6xf64>, %coordinates: tensor<6x2xi32>)
                             -> tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{unmatched rank between input and output}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %data, %index : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x2xi32>
-                                       to tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector>
+  // expected-error at +1 {{input/output level-ranks don't match}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %values, %coordinates
+     : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x2xi32> to tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector>
   return %0 : tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector>
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], crdWidth=32}>
 func.func @invalid_unpack_type(%sp: tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector>)
                             -> (tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32>, i32) {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{unmatched type between input and output}}
-  %d, %i, %n = sparse_tensor.unpack %sp :  tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector>
-                                        to tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32>, i32
-  return %d, %i, %n : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32>, i32
+  // expected-error at +1 {{input/output element-types don't match}}
+  %values, %coordinates, %nse = sparse_tensor.unpack %sp
+     : tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector> to tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32>, i32
+  return %values, %coordinates, %nse : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x1xi32>, i32
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], crdWidth=32}>
 func.func @invalid_unpack_type(%sp: tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector>)
                             -> (tensor<5xf32>, tensor<6x1xi32>, i32) {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{unmatched number of elements in data and indices}}
-  %d, %i, %n = sparse_tensor.unpack %sp :  tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector>
-                                        to tensor<5xf32>, tensor<6x1xi32>, i32
-  return %d, %i, %n : tensor<5xf32>, tensor<6x1xi32>, i32
+  // expected-error at +1 {{values/coordinates number-of-elements don't match}}
+  %values, %coordinates, %nse = sparse_tensor.unpack %sp
+     : tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector> to tensor<5xf32>, tensor<6x1xi32>, i32
+  return %values, %coordinates, %nse : tensor<5xf32>, tensor<6x1xi32>, i32
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], crdWidth=32}>
 func.func @invalid_unpack_type(%sp: tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector>)
                             -> (tensor<6xf32>, tensor<6x2xi32>, i32) {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{unmatched rank between input and output}}
-  %d, %i, %n = sparse_tensor.unpack %sp :  tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector>
-                                        to tensor<6xf32>, tensor<6x2xi32>, i32
-  return %d, %i, %n : tensor<6xf32>, tensor<6x2xi32>, i32
+  // expected-error at +1 {{input/output level-ranks don't match}}
+  %values, %coordinates, %nse = sparse_tensor.unpack %sp
+     : tensor<100xf32, #SparseVector> to tensor<6xf32>, tensor<6x2xi32>, i32
+  return %values, %coordinates, %nse : tensor<6xf32>, tensor<6x2xi32>, i32
 // -----
-func.func @invalid_pointers_dense(%arg0: tensor<128xf64>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.pointers' op operand #0 must be sparse tensor of any type values, but got 'tensor<128xf64>'}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64> to memref<?xindex>
+func.func @invalid_positions_dense(%arg0: tensor<128xf64>) -> memref<?xindex> {
+  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.positions' op operand #0 must be sparse tensor of any type values, but got 'tensor<128xf64>'}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
 // -----
-func.func @invalid_pointers_unranked(%arg0: tensor<*xf64>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.pointers' op operand #0 must be sparse tensor of any type values, but got 'tensor<*xf64>'}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<*xf64> to memref<?xindex>
+func.func @invalid_positions_unranked(%arg0: tensor<*xf64>) -> memref<?xindex> {
+  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.positions' op operand #0 must be sparse tensor of any type values, but got 'tensor<*xf64>'}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<*xf64> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], pointerBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], posWidth=32}>
-func.func @mismatch_pointers_types(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{unexpected type for pointers}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+func.func @mismatch_positions_types(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
+  // expected-error at +1 {{unexpected type for positions}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
@@ -144,25 +144,25 @@ func.func @mismatch_pointers_types(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> mem
 #SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"]}>
-func.func @pointers_oob(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{requested pointers dimension out of bounds}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+func.func @positions_oob(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
+  // expected-error at +1 {{requested level is out of bounds}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
 // -----
 func.func @invalid_indices_dense(%arg0: tensor<10x10xi32>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.indices' op operand #0 must be sparse tensor of any type values, but got 'tensor<10x10xi32>'}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<10x10xi32> to memref<?xindex>
+  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.coordinates' op operand #0 must be sparse tensor of any type values, but got 'tensor<10x10xi32>'}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<10x10xi32> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
 // -----
 func.func @invalid_indices_unranked(%arg0: tensor<*xf64>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.indices' op operand #0 must be sparse tensor of any type values, but got 'tensor<*xf64>'}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<*xf64> to memref<?xindex>
+  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.coordinates' op operand #0 must be sparse tensor of any type values, but got 'tensor<*xf64>'}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<*xf64> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ func.func @invalid_indices_unranked(%arg0: tensor<*xf64>) -> memref<?xindex> {
 #SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"]}>
 func.func @mismatch_indices_types(%arg0: tensor<?xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xi32> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{unexpected type for indices}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<?xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xi32>
+  // expected-error at +1 {{unexpected type for coordinates}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<?xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xi32>
   return %0 : memref<?xi32>
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ func.func @mismatch_indices_types(%arg0: tensor<?xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref
 #SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"]}>
 func.func @indices_oob(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{requested indices dimension out of bounds}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+  // expected-error at +1 {{requested level is out of bounds}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ func.func @invalid_values_dense(%arg0: tensor<1024xf32>) -> memref<?xf32> {
 func.func @indices_buffer_noncoo(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
   // expected-error at +1 {{expected sparse tensor with a COO region}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices_buffer %arg0 : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates_buffer %arg0 : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ func.func @indices_buffer_noncoo(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memre
 func.func @indices_buffer_dense(%arg0: tensor<1024xf32>) -> memref<?xindex> {
   // expected-error at +1 {{must be sparse tensor of any type values}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices_buffer %arg0 : tensor<1024xf32> to memref<?xindex>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates_buffer %arg0 : tensor<1024xf32> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ func.func @sparse_get_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>)
 func.func @sparse_get_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>) -> index {
   // expected-error at +1 {{missing level argument}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 idx_mem_sz
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 crd_mem_sz
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>
   return %0 : index
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ func.func @sparse_get_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>)
 #SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"]}>
 func.func @sparse_get_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>) -> index {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{requested level out of bound}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 dim_sz at 1
+  // expected-error at +1 {{requested level is out of bounds}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 lvl_sz at 1
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>
   return %0 : index
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ func.func @sparse_get_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>)
 #COO = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed-nu", "singleton"]}>
 func.func @sparse_get_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#COO>) -> index {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{requested pointer memory size on a singleton level}}
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 ptr_mem_sz at 1
+  // expected-error at +1 {{requested position memory size on a singleton level}}
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 pos_mem_sz at 1
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#COO>
   return %0 : index
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ func.func @sparse_unannotated_insert(%arg0: tensor<128xf64>, %arg1: index, %arg2
 #CSR = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["dense", "compressed"]}>
 func.func @sparse_wrong_arity_insert(%arg0: tensor<128x64xf64, #CSR>, %arg1: index, %arg2: f64) {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.insert' op incorrect number of indices}}
+  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.insert' op incorrect number of coordinates}}
   sparse_tensor.insert %arg2 into %arg0[%arg1] : tensor<128x64xf64, #CSR>
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ func.func @sparse_wrong_arity_compression(%arg0: memref<?xf64>,
                                           %arg3: index,
                                           %arg4: tensor<8x8xf64, #CSR>,
                                           %arg5: index) {
-  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.compress' op incorrect number of indices}}
+  // expected-error at +1 {{'sparse_tensor.compress' op incorrect number of coordinates}}
   sparse_tensor.compress %arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %arg3 into %arg4[%arg5,%arg5]
     : memref<?xf64>, memref<?xi1>, memref<?xindex>, tensor<8x8xf64, #CSR>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid_encoding.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid_encoding.mlir
index fa6466094b972..42518bf49f84d 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid_encoding.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/invalid_encoding.mlir
@@ -42,22 +42,22 @@ func.func private @tensor_no_permutation(%arg0: tensor<16x32xf32, #a>) -> ()
 // -----
-#a = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{pointerBitWidth = "x"}> // expected-error {{expected an integral pointer bitwidth}}
+#a = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{posWidth = "x"}> // expected-error {{expected an integral position bitwidth}}
 func.func private @tensor_no_int_ptr(%arg0: tensor<16x32xf32, #a>) -> ()
 // -----
-#a = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{pointerBitWidth = 42}> // expected-error {{unexpected pointer bitwidth: 42}}
+#a = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{posWidth = 42}> // expected-error {{unexpected position bitwidth: 42}}
 func.func private @tensor_invalid_int_ptr(%arg0: tensor<16x32xf32, #a>) -> ()
 // -----
-#a = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{indexBitWidth = "not really"}> // expected-error {{expected an integral index bitwidth}}
+#a = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{crdWidth = "not really"}> // expected-error {{expected an integral index bitwidth}}
 func.func private @tensor_no_int_index(%arg0: tensor<16x32xf32, #a>) -> ()
 // -----
-#a = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{indexBitWidth = 128}> // expected-error {{unexpected index bitwidth: 128}}
+#a = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{crdWidth = 128}> // expected-error {{unexpected coordinate bitwidth: 128}}
 func.func private @tensor_invalid_int_index(%arg0: tensor<16x32xf32, #a>) -> ()
 // -----

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/roundtrip.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/roundtrip.mlir
index 608b6c80e24f3..3b1569b7d6728 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/roundtrip.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/roundtrip.mlir
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ func.func @sparse_new(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i8>) -> tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> {
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], crdWidth=32}>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_pack(
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[D:.*]]: tensor<6xf64>,
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ func.func @sparse_pack(%data: tensor<6xf64>, %index: tensor<6x1xi32>)
 // -----
-#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], indexBitWidth=32}>
+#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"], crdWidth=32}>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_unpack(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[T:.*]]: tensor<100xf64, #
@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ func.func @sparse_convert_3d_from_sparse(%arg0: tensor<8x8x8xf64, #SparseTensor>
 #SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{dimLevelType = ["compressed"]}>
-// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_pointers(
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_positions(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: tensor<128xf64, #{{.*}}>)
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[A]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<128xf64, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[A]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<128xf64, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : memref<?xindex>
-func.func @sparse_pointers(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+func.func @sparse_positions(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 {level = 0 : index} : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ func.func @sparse_pointers(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xin
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_indices_buffer(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: tensor<?x?xf64, #{{.*}}>)
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices_buffer %[[A]] : tensor<?x?xf64, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates_buffer %[[A]] : tensor<?x?xf64, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : memref<?xindex>
 func.func @sparse_indices_buffer(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf64, #COO>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices_buffer %arg0 : tensor<?x?xf64, #COO> to memref<?xindex>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates_buffer %arg0 : tensor<?x?xf64, #COO> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
@@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ func.func @sparse_indices_buffer(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf64, #COO>) -> memref<?xindex
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_indices(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: tensor<128xf64, #{{.*}}>)
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[A]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<128xf64, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[A]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<128xf64, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : memref<?xindex>
 func.func @sparse_indices(%arg0: tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector>) -> memref<?xindex> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 {level = 0 : index} : tensor<128xf64, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
   return %0 : memref<?xindex>
@@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ func.func @sparse_metadata_init() -> !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVec
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_get_md(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#{{.*}}>
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A]] dim_sz at 0
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[A]] lvl_sz at 0
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : index
 func.func @sparse_get_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>) -> index {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 dim_sz at 0
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 lvl_sz at 0
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>
   return %0 : index
@@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ func.func @sparse_get_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>)
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_set_md(
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.*]]: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#{{.*}}>,
 //  CHECK-SAME: %[[I:.*]]: index)
-//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A]] dim_sz at 0 with %[[I]]
+//       CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[A]] lvl_sz at 0 with %[[I]]
 //       CHECK: return %[[T]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#{{.*}}>
 func.func @sparse_set_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>, %arg1: index)
           -> !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %arg0 dim_sz at 0 with %arg1
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %arg0 lvl_sz at 0 with %arg1
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>
   return %0 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#SparseVector>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/roundtrip_encoding.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/roundtrip_encoding.mlir
index b7bc7c619aa60..d2d6fab60f124 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/roundtrip_encoding.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/roundtrip_encoding.mlir
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ func.func private @sparse_1d_tensor(tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dim
 #CSR = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ],
   dimOrdering = affine_map<(i,j) -> (i,j)>,
-  pointerBitWidth = 64,
-  indexBitWidth = 64
+  posWidth = 64,
+  crdWidth = 64
 // CHECK-LABEL: func private @sparse_csr(
-// CHECK-SAME: tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], pointerBitWidth = 64, indexBitWidth = 64 }>>)
+// CHECK-SAME: tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], posWidth = 64, crdWidth = 64 }>>)
 func.func private @sparse_csr(tensor<?x?xf32, #CSR>)
 // -----
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ func.func private @sparse_csr(tensor<?x?xf32, #CSR>)
 #CSC = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ],
   dimOrdering = affine_map<(i,j) -> (j,i)>,
-  pointerBitWidth = 0,
-  indexBitWidth = 0
+  posWidth = 0,
+  crdWidth = 0
 // CHECK-LABEL: func private @sparse_csc(
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ func.func private @sparse_csc(tensor<?x?xf32, #CSC>)
 #DCSC = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ],
   dimOrdering = affine_map<(i,j) -> (j,i)>,
-  pointerBitWidth = 0,
-  indexBitWidth = 64
+  posWidth = 0,
+  crdWidth = 64
 // CHECK-LABEL: func private @sparse_dcsc(
-// CHECK-SAME: tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)>, indexBitWidth = 64 }>>)
+// CHECK-SAME: tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)>, crdWidth = 64 }>>)
 func.func private @sparse_dcsc(tensor<?x?xf32, #DCSC>)
 // -----

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sorted_coo.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sorted_coo.mlir
index c30525f224a68..abac62445bab6 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sorted_coo.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sorted_coo.mlir
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_1:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 2.000000e+00 : f32
-// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_6:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_1]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ func.func @sparse_scale(%argx: tensor<?x?xf32, #SortedCOO>) -> tensor<?x?xf32, #
 // CHECK-SAME:    %[[VAL_2:.*]]: tensor<32xf64>) -> tensor<32xf64> {
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
+// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
+// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<64xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf64>
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ func.func @matvec(%arga: tensor<32x64xf64, #SortedCOO>,
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f64
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
+// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
+// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
+// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
+// CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_14:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x64xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:     linalg.fill ins(%[[VAL_3]] : f64) outs(%[[VAL_14]] : memref<32x64xf64>)

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_1d.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_1d.mlir
index 0d5d554f9f326..5183e8da5d369 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_1d.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_1d.mlir
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ func.func @mul_d(%arga: tensor<32xf32, #DV>, %argb: f32, %argx: tensor<32xf32>)
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_7]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_4]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_7]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_6]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ func.func @add_s(%arga: tensor<32xf32, #SV>, %argb: f32, %argx: tensor<32xf32>)
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<32xf32>) -> tensor<32xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]]
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ func.func @repeated_add_s(%arga: tensor<32xf32, #SV>, %argx: tensor<32xf32>) ->
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_2:.*]]: tensor<32xf32>) -> tensor<32xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]]
 // CHECK-DAG:       linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_9]] : memref<32xf32>)
@@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ func.func @mul_dd(%arga: tensor<32xf32, #DV>, %argb: tensor<32xf32>, %argx: tens
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<32xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]]
 // CHECK-DAG:       linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_12]] : memref<32xf32>)
@@ -367,8 +367,8 @@ func.func @add_ds(%arga: tensor<32xf32>, %argb: tensor<32xf32, #SV>, %argx: tens
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<32xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]]
 // CHECK-DAG:       linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_10]] : memref<32xf32>)
@@ -403,8 +403,8 @@ func.func @mul_ds(%arga: tensor<32xf32>, %argb: tensor<32xf32, #SV>, %argx: tens
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]]
@@ -460,8 +460,8 @@ func.func @add_sd(%arga: tensor<32xf32, #SV>, %argb: tensor<32xf32>, %argx: tens
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_2:.*]]: tensor<32xf32>) -> tensor<32xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]]
@@ -495,11 +495,11 @@ func.func @mul_sd(%arga: tensor<32xf32, #SV>, %argb: tensor<32xf32>, %argx: tens
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_2:.*2]]: tensor<32xf32>) -> tensor<32xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]]
 // CHECK-DAG:       linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_12]] : memref<32xf32>)
@@ -578,11 +578,11 @@ func.func @add_ss(%arga: tensor<32xf32, #SV>, %argb: tensor<32xf32, #SV>, %argx:
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_2:.*2]]: tensor<32xf32>) -> tensor<32xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]]
 // CHECK-DAG:       linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_12]] : memref<32xf32>)
@@ -640,11 +640,11 @@ func.func @mul_ss(%arga: tensor<32xf32, #SV>, %argb: tensor<32xf32, #SV>, %argx:
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_3:.*3]]: tensor<16xf32>) -> tensor<16xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_3]]
 // CHECK-DAG:       linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_13]] : memref<16xf32>)
@@ -733,11 +733,11 @@ func.func @two_way_inv(%arga: tensor<16xf32, #SV>, %argb: tensor<16xf32, #SV>, %
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_3:.*3]]: tensor<16xf32>) -> tensor<16xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_3]]
 // CHECK-DAG:       linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_13]] : memref<16xf32>)
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ func.func @two_way_inv_alt(%arga: tensor<16xf32, #SV>,
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -874,11 +874,11 @@ func.func @sum_reduction(%arga: tensor<?xf32, #SV>, %argx: tensor<f32>) -> tenso
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_2:.*2]]: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_11]][] : memref<f32>
@@ -981,12 +981,12 @@ func.func @sum_reduction_ss(%arga: tensor<16xf32, #SV>,
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_3:.*3]]: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<f32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_3]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_13]][] : memref<f32>
@@ -1099,12 +1099,12 @@ func.func @sum_reduction_inv(%arga: tensor<16xf32, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_3]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_3]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_3]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_3]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_3]] : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_16:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]] : tensor<?xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_18:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_4]]
@@ -1274,14 +1274,14 @@ func.func @four_tensors_op(%arga: tensor<?xf64>,
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_3:.*3]]: tensor<f64>) -> tensor<f64> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_3]] : memref<f64>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_17:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_15]][] : memref<f64>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_2d.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_2d.mlir
index 97ee3738ec827..9b2717bf8d29c 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_2d.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_2d.mlir
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ func.func @mul_dd(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tdd>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32>, %arg
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf32>
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ func.func @add_ds(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tds>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32>, %arg
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 32 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf32>
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ func.func @mul_ds(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tds>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32>, %arg
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf32>
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@ func.func @add_sd(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tsd>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32>, %arg
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 16 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf32>
@@ -307,10 +307,10 @@ func.func @mul_sd(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tsd>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32>, %arg
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf32>
@@ -398,10 +398,10 @@ func.func @add_ss(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tss>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32>, %arg
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_2:.*]]: tensor<32x16xf32>) -> tensor<32x16xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf32>
@@ -441,15 +441,15 @@ func.func @mul_ss(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tss>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32>, %arg
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_2:.*2]]: tensor<32x16xf32>) -> tensor<32x16xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_16:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf32>
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_16]] : memref<32x16xf32>)
@@ -605,15 +605,15 @@ func.func @add_ss_ss(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tss>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32, #T
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_2:.*2]]: tensor<32x16xf32>) -> tensor<32x16xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_16:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf32>
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_16]] : memref<32x16xf32>)
@@ -704,11 +704,11 @@ func.func @mul_ss_ss(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tss>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32, #T
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf32>
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_15]] : memref<32x16xf32>)
@@ -808,11 +808,11 @@ func.func @add_sd_ds(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tsd>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32, #T
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 16 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf32>
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%{{.*}} : f32) outs(%[[VAL_13]] : memref<32x16xf32>)
@@ -864,8 +864,8 @@ func.func @mul_sd_ds(%arga: tensor<32x16xf32, #Tsd>, %argb: tensor<32x16xf32, #T
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 16 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<16x32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<16x32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<16x32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<16x32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<16x32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<16xf32>
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ func.func @matvec(%argA: tensor<16x32xf32, #Tds>, %argb: tensor<32xf32>, %argx:
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 10 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]][] : memref<f32>
@@ -959,8 +959,8 @@ func.func @sum_reduction(%arga: tensor<10x20xf32, #Tds>, %argx: tensor<f32>) ->
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 2.000000e+00 : f64
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<?x?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_3]] : tensor<?x?xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<?x?xf64>
@@ -1009,10 +1009,10 @@ func.func @scale(%arga: tensor<?x?xf64, #Tds>, %argx: tensor<?x?xf64>) -> tensor
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_3:.*3]]: tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_1]], %[[VAL_4]] : tensor<?x?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<?x?xf32>
@@ -1081,16 +1081,16 @@ func.func @sampled_dense_dense(%args: tensor<?x?xf32, #Tss>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = arith.constant true
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_20:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_3]] : memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_21:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_4]] : memref<f32>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_3d.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_3d.mlir
index d1b07ad44a2aa..a49958c650969 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_3d.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_3d.mlir
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ func.func @mul_ddd(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tddd>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ func.func @add_dds(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tdds>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 16 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ func.func @mul_dds(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tdds>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ func.func @add_dsd(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tdsd>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 8 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ func.func @mul_dsd(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tdsd>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_17:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -445,10 +445,10 @@ func.func @add_dss(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tdss>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 32 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ func.func @mul_dss(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tdss>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -572,8 +572,8 @@ func.func @add_sdd(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tsdd>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 8 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -620,10 +620,10 @@ func.func @mul_sdd(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tsdd>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_17:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -721,10 +721,10 @@ func.func @add_sds(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tsds>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 16 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -773,10 +773,10 @@ func.func @mul_sds(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tsds>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_16:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -878,10 +878,10 @@ func.func @add_ssd(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tssd>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 8 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -930,12 +930,12 @@ func.func @mul_ssd(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tssd>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_17:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_19:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -1060,12 +1060,12 @@ func.func @add_sss(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tsss>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[ZERO:.*]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16x8xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16x8xf32>
@@ -1123,8 +1123,8 @@ func.func @mul_sss(%arga: tensor<32x16x8xf32, #Tsss>, %argb: tensor<32x16x8xf32>
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_3:.*3]]: tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?x?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_1]], %[[VAL_6]] : tensor<?x?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<?x?xf32>
@@ -1187,9 +1187,9 @@ func.func @kernel_3d(%arga: tensor<?x?xf32>,
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<10x20x30xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}>>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20x30xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}>>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<10x20x30xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<10x20x30xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}>>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20x30xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}>>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<10x20x30xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<10x20x30xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_10]][] : memref<f32>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_affine.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_affine.mlir
index 3d2f70611eb6e..97293348774ca 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_affine.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_affine.mlir
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 3 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<4xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf32>
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ func.func @mul_inv_dense1d(%arga: tensor<32xf32, #SpVec>,
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 3 : index
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<4xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_9]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_9]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ func.func @mul_inv_enc_dense1d(%arga: tensor<32xf32, #EncDenseVec>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<34xi32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xi32>
@@ -201,11 +201,11 @@ func.func @and_affine_dense1d(%arga: tensor<32xi32, #SpVec>,
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xi32>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<34xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<34xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<34xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<34xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<34xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ func.func @and_affine_sparse1d(%arga: tensor<32xi32, #SpVec>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 3 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<34x19xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf64>
@@ -315,11 +315,11 @@ func.func @mul_affine_dense2d(%arga: tensor<32x16xf64, #CSR>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_TRUE:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_FALSE:.*]] = arith.constant false
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<34x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<34x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<34x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<34x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<34x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = scf.for %[[VAL_16:.*]] = %[[VAL_3]] to %[[VAL_2]] step %[[VAL_4]] iter_args(%[[VAL_17:.*]] = %[[VAL_8]]) -> (tensor<32x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>) {
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_18:.*]] = arith.addi %[[VAL_16]], %[[VAL_5]] : index
@@ -391,11 +391,11 @@ func.func @mul_affine_sparse2d(%arga: tensor<32x16xf64, #CSR>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 3 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<34x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<34x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<34x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<34x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<34x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_11]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_4]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -455,11 +455,11 @@ func.func @mul_affine_dense_dim_2d(%arga: tensor<34x16xf64, #CSR>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 3 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<34x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<34x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<34x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<34x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<34x16xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<32x19xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32x16xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_11]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_5]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_broadcast.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_broadcast.mlir
index fd30b3fa5240d..a2b1926cdec4e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_broadcast.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_broadcast.mlir
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
 //   CHECK-DAG:  %[[TMP_c0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 //   CHECK-DAG:  %[[TMP_c1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_0:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor()
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index}
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index}
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index}
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index}
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index}
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index}
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg0]]
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_6:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_concat_codegen.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_concat_codegen.mlir
index 560189486bb79..434807a5b5ad2 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_concat_codegen.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_concat_codegen.mlir
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_c5:.*]] = arith.constant 5 : index
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_c2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_0:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<9x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg0]] : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_6:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
 //       CHECK:    }
 //       CHECK:    scf.yield %[[RET_4]]
 //       CHECK:  }
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg1]] : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_13:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_8]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_14:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_8]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
 //       CHECK:    }
 //       CHECK:    scf.yield %[[RET_5]]
 //       CHECK:  }
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg2]] : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_20:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_15]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_21:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_15]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //   CHECK-DAG:  %[[TMP_c9:.*]] = arith.constant 9 : index
 //   CHECK-DAG:  %[[TMP_c4:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : index
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_0:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor(%[[TMP_c9]], %[[TMP_c4]]) : tensor<?x?xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg0]] : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_6:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //       CHECK:    }
 //       CHECK:    scf.yield %[[RET_4]]
 //       CHECK:  }
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg1]] : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_13:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_8]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_14:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_8]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //       CHECK:    }
 //       CHECK:    scf.yield %[[RET_5]]
 //       CHECK:  }
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg2]] : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_20:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_15]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_21:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_15]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse_dynamic(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //   CHECK-DAG:  %[[TMP_d0:.*]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f64
 //       CHECK:  %[[A:.*]] = memref.alloc(%[[TMP_c9]], %[[TMP_c4]]) : memref<?x?xf64>
 //       CHECK:  linalg.fill ins(%[[TMP_d0]] : f64) outs(%[[A]] : memref<?x?xf64>)
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg0]] : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_6:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse_dynamic(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //       CHECK:      memref.store %[[TMP_28]], %[[A]]{{\[}}%[[TMP_23]], %[[TMP_27]]] : memref<?x?xf64>
 //       CHECK:    }
 //       CHECK:  }
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg1]] : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_13:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_8]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_14:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_8]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -227,10 +227,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse_dynamic(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //       CHECK:      memref.store %[[TMP_28]], %[[A]]{{\[}}%[[TMP_29]], %[[TMP_27]]] : memref<?x?xf64>
 //       CHECK:    }
 //       CHECK:  }
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg2]] : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_20:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_15]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_21:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_15]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -275,10 +275,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse_dense(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //       CHECK:  memref.store %[[TMP_c9]], %[[DIM_0]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK:  memref.store %[[TMP_c4]], %[[DIM_0]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[VAL_1:.*]] = memref.reshape %[[VAL_0]](%[[DIM_0]]) : (memref<?xf64>, memref<2xindex>) -> memref<?x?xf64>
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg0]] : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_6:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -293,10 +293,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse_dense(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //       CHECK:      memref.store %[[TMP_28]], %[[VAL_1]][%[[TMP_23]], %[[TMP_27]]] : memref<?x?xf64>
 //       CHECK:    }
 //       CHECK:  }
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg1]] : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_13:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_8]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_14:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_8]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -312,10 +312,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse_dense(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //       CHECK:      memref.store %[[TMP_28]], %[[VAL_1]][%[[TMP_29]], %[[TMP_27]]] : memref<?x?xf64>
 //       CHECK:    }
 //       CHECK:  }
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg2]] : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_20:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_15]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_21:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_15]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -360,10 +360,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse_annotated_dense(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //       CHECK:  memref.store %[[TMP_c4]], %[[DIM_0]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK:  memref.store %[[TMP_c9]], %[[DIM_0]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<2xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[VAL_1:.*]] = memref.reshape %[[VAL_0]](%[[DIM_0]]) : (memref<?xf64>, memref<2xindex>) -> memref<?x?xf64>
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg0]] : tensor<2x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_6:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_1]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -378,10 +378,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse_annotated_dense(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //       CHECK:      memref.store %[[TMP_28]], %[[VAL_1]][%[[TMP_27]], %[[TMP_23]]] : memref<?x?xf64>
 //       CHECK:    }
 //       CHECK:  }
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg1]] : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_13:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_8]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_14:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_8]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -397,10 +397,10 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse_annotated_dense(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #DCSR>,
 //       CHECK:      memref.store %[[TMP_28]], %[[VAL_1]][%[[TMP_27]], %[[TMP_29]]] : memref<?x?xf64>
 //       CHECK:    }
 //       CHECK:  }
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg2]] : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_20:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_15]][%[[TMP_c0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_21:.*]] = memref.load %[[TMP_15]][%[[TMP_c1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -427,4 +427,4 @@ func.func @concat_sparse_sparse_annotated_dense_permute(%arg0: tensor<2x4xf64, #
            tensor<3x4xf64, #DCSR>,
            tensor<4x4xf64, #DCSR> to tensor<?x?xf64, #DENSE_P>
     return %0 : tensor<?x?xf64, #DENSE_P>
\ No newline at end of file

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_fill_zero.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_fill_zero.mlir
index 7571e3dbb9087..06b3067f407e7 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_fill_zero.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_fill_zero.mlir
@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_25:.*]] = memref.cast %[[VAL_24]] : memref<300xindex> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%[[F0]] : f64) outs(%[[VAL_20]] : memref<300xf64>)
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%[[False]] : i1) outs(%[[VAL_22]] : memref<300xi1>)
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_26:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[Arg0]], %[[I0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_27:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[Arg0]], %[[I0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_28:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[Arg0]], %[[I1]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_29:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[Arg0]], %[[I1]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_26:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[Arg0]], %[[I0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_27:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[Arg0]], %[[I0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_28:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[Arg0]], %[[I1]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_29:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[Arg0]], %[[I1]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_30:.*]] = call @sparseValuesF64(%[[Arg0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_31:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[Arg1]], %[[I0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_32:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[Arg1]], %[[I0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_33:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[Arg1]], %[[I1]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_34:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[Arg1]], %[[I1]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_31:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[Arg1]], %[[I0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_32:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[Arg1]], %[[I0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_33:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[Arg1]], %[[I1]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_34:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[Arg1]], %[[I1]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_35:.*]] = call @sparseValuesF64(%[[Arg1]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_36:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_26]]{{\[}}%[[I0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_37:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_26]]{{\[}}%[[I1]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_fp_ops.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_fp_ops.mlir
index 975f160ad73fc..0d612c4bc3113 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_fp_ops.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_fp_ops.mlir
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
 // CHECK-SAME:    %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<32xf64>) -> tensor<32xf64> {
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ func.func @abs(%arga: tensor<32xf64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-SAME:    %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<32xf64>) -> tensor<32xf64> {
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ func.func @ceil(%arga: tensor<32xf64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-SAME:    %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<32xf64>) -> tensor<32xf64> {
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ func.func @floor(%arga: tensor<32xf64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-SAME:    %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<32xf64>) -> tensor<32xf64> {
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ func.func @neg(%arga: tensor<32xf64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf64>
@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ func.func @add(%arga: tensor<32xf64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf64>
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ func.func @sub(%arga: tensor<32xf64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-SAME:    %[[VAL_2:.*]]: tensor<32xf64>) -> tensor<32xf64> {
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf64>
@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ func.func @mul(%arga: tensor<32xf64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 2.000000e+00 : f64
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:     %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:         %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:         %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xf64>
 // CHECK:         %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_5]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -355,8 +355,8 @@ func.func @divbyc(%arga: tensor<32xf64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_1:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_1]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -403,8 +403,8 @@ func.func @zero_preserving_math(%arga: tensor<32xf64, #SV>) -> tensor<32xf64, #S
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = complex.constant [0.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00] : complex<f64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<32xcomplex<f64>, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xcomplex<f64>, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xcomplex<f64>, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xcomplex<f64>, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xcomplex<f64>, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xcomplex<f64>, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xcomplex<f64>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_5]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_1]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_5]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_index.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_index.mlir
index 5cfa3ac9b6a42..7ffd9c3ac14fe 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_index.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_index.mlir
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ func.func @dense_index(%arga: tensor<?x?xi64, #DenseMatrix>)
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor(%[[VAL_3]], %[[VAL_4]]) : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<?x?xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_1]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_int_ops.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_int_ops.mlir
index 2054d97c6b2d1..742b8051f3a54 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_int_ops.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_int_ops.mlir
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xi64>
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ func.func @add(%arga: tensor<32xi64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : i64
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xi64>
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ func.func @sub(%arga: tensor<32xi64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-SAME:              %[[VAL_2:.*]]: tensor<32xi64>) -> tensor<32xi64> {
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xi64>
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ func.func @mul(%arga: tensor<32xi64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : i64
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_5]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ func.func @divsbyc(%arga: tensor<32xi64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : i64
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_5]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ func.func @divubyc(%arga: tensor<32xi64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-SAME:              %[[VAL_2:.*]]: tensor<32xi64>) -> tensor<32xi64> {
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xi64>
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ func.func @and(%arga: tensor<32xi64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xi64>
@@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ func.func @or(%arga: tensor<32xi64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xi64>
@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@ func.func @xor(%arga: tensor<32xi64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : i64
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_5]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -445,8 +445,8 @@ func.func @ashrbyc(%arga: tensor<32xi64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : i64
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_5]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -479,8 +479,8 @@ func.func @lsrbyc(%arga: tensor<32xi64, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : i64
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>> to memref<?xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<32xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_5]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_kernels.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_kernels.mlir
index 064c879cb16af..55288c3282f9c 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_kernels.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_kernels.mlir
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 30 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<20x30xf32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<10x30xf32>
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ func.func @matmul1(%a: tensor<10x20xf32, #DCSR>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<10x20xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index}
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index}
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index}
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index}
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]]
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<10x30xf32>
 // CHECK:           scf.for %[[VAL_13:.*]] = %[[VAL_4]] to %[[VAL_3]] step %[[VAL_5]] {
@@ -109,15 +109,15 @@ func.func @matmul_sparse_rhs(%a: tensor<10x20xf32>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant false
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<4x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<4x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<4x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<4x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<4x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<4x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<8x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<8x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<8x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<8x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<8x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_17:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_7]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_18:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_7]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ func.func @matmul2(%A: tensor<4x8xf64, #DCSR>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<8x8xi32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x3xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x3xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x3xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x3xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x3xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x3xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x3xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x3xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<3x3xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<6x6xi32>
 // CHECK:           scf.for %[[VAL_13:.*]] = %[[VAL_4]] to %[[VAL_3]] step %[[VAL_5]] {
@@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ func.func @conv2d(%input:  tensor<8x8xi32>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : i64
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<5x3xi8>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x6xi8, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x6xi8, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x6xi8, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x6xi8, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x6xi8, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x6xi8, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x6xi8, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x6xi8, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<3x6xi8, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi8>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<5x6xi64>
 // CHECK:           scf.for %[[VAL_14:.*]] = %[[VAL_4]] to %[[VAL_3]] step %[[VAL_5]] {
@@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ func.func @quantized_matmul(%input1: tensor<5x3xi8>,
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_2:.*2]]: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_11]][] : memref<f32>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower.mlir
index 840da19f815a8..c904a1e05c73e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower.mlir
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 32 : index
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<64xf64>
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf64>
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 32 : index
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = call @sparseValuesF64(%[[VAL_0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<64xf64>
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf64>
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 32 : index
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = call @sparseValuesF64(%[[VAL_0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-LIR:           scf.for %[[VAL_12:.*]] = %[[VAL_4]] to %[[VAL_3]] step %[[VAL_5]] {
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:         %[[VAL_13:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_12]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower_col.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower_col.mlir
index d2aa35acec264..d97ca0e7fdaa4 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower_col.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower_col.mlir
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 64 : index
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<64xf64>
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf64>
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 64 : index
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_6]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_6]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_6]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_6]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = call @sparseValuesF64(%[[VAL_0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<64xf64>
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf64>
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 64 : index
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_6]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_6]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_6]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_6]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = call @sparseValuesF64(%[[VAL_0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-LIR:           scf.for %[[VAL_13:.*]] = %[[VAL_5]] to %[[VAL_3]] step %[[VAL_6]] {
 // CHECK-LIR:             %[[VAL_14:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_1]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_13]]] : memref<64xf64>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower_inplace.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower_inplace.mlir
index 3f6e2ac8e6144..2b3217ac35485 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower_inplace.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_lower_inplace.mlir
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 32 : index
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-HIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-HIR:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
-// CHECK-HIR:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-HIR:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
+// CHECK-HIR:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-HIR:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x64xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{{.*}}}>>
 // CHECK-HIR:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<64xf64>
 // CHECK-HIR:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf64>
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 32 : index
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-MIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-MIR:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-MIR:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-MIR:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-MIR:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-MIR:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = call @sparseValuesF64(%[[VAL_0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-MIR:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<64xf64>
 // CHECK-MIR:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<32xf64>
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 32 : index
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-LIR:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = call @sparsePointers0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-LIR:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparseIndices0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-LIR:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = call @sparsePositions0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-LIR:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = call @sparseCoordinates0(%[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_5]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, index) -> memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-LIR:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = call @sparseValuesF64(%[[VAL_0]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-LIR:           scf.for %[[VAL_9:.*]] = %[[VAL_4]] to %[[VAL_3]] step %[[VAL_5]] {
 // CHECK-LIR-DAG:         %[[VAL_10:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_9]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_matmul_codegen.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_matmul_codegen.mlir
index aaa7b581675d8..cdb364c093f8f 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_matmul_codegen.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_matmul_codegen.mlir
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = arith.addi %[[VAL_4]], %[[VAL_8]] : index
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_0]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_4]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_0]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_9]]] : memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[VAL_3]]  idx_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[VAL_3]]  crd_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = arith.subi %[[VAL_11]], %[[VAL_8]] : index
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = arith.cmpi ult, %[[VAL_10]], %[[VAL_11]] : index
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_16:.*]] = scf.if %[[VAL_15]] -> (i1) {
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_21:.*]] = arith.addi %[[VAL_13]], %[[VAL_8]] : index
 // CHECK:             memref.store %[[VAL_21]], %[[VAL_0]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_9]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_22:.*]], %[[VAL_24:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[VAL_13]], %[[VAL_1]], %[[VAL_5]] : index, memref<?xindex>, index
-// CHECK:             %[[VAL_25:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_3]]  idx_mem_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_24]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+// CHECK:             %[[VAL_25:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_3]]  crd_mem_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_24]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 // CHECK:             scf.yield %[[VAL_22]], %[[VAL_25]] : memref<?xindex>, !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 // CHECK:           }
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_28:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[VAL_27:.*]]#1  val_mem_sz : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_18:.*]] = memref.alloc() : memref<16xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_19:.*]] = memref.cast %[[VAL_18]] : memref<16xf64> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_20:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.init : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_21:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_20]]  dim_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_8]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_22:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_21]]  dim_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_8]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_23:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[VAL_22]]  ptr_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_21:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_20]]  lvl_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_8]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_22:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_21]]  lvl_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_8]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_23:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[VAL_22]]  pos_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_24:.*]], %[[VAL_25:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[VAL_23]], %[[VAL_15]], %[[VAL_10]] : index, memref<?xindex>, index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_26:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_22]]  ptr_mem_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_25]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_26:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_22]]  pos_mem_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_25]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_27:.*]], %[[VAL_28:.*]] = sparse_tensor.push_back %[[VAL_25]], %[[VAL_24]], %[[VAL_10]], %[[VAL_8]] : index, memref<?xindex>, index, index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_29:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_26]]  ptr_mem_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_28]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_29:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_26]]  pos_mem_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_28]] : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_30:.*]] = memref.alloc() : memref<4xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_31:.*]] = m
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_32:.*]] = memref.alloc() : memref<4xindex>
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 // CHECK:           memref.dealloc %[[VAL_30]] : memref<4xf64>
 // CHECK:           memref.dealloc %[[VAL_31]] : memref<4xi1>
 // CHECK:           memref.dealloc %[[VAL_32]] : memref<4xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_76:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[VAL_77:.*]]#3  ptr_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_76:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %[[VAL_77:.*]]#3  pos_mem_sz at 1 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_78:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_77]]#0{{\[}}%[[VAL_10]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_79:.*]] = scf.for %[[VAL_80:.*]] = %[[VAL_11]] to %[[VAL_76]] step %[[VAL_11]] iter_args(%[[VAL_81:.*]] = %[[VAL_78]]) -> (index) {
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_82:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_77]]#0{{\[}}%[[VAL_80]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_nd.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_nd.mlir
index 09ba1e6eb460a..c99a34b5ce38a 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_nd.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_nd.mlir
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<10x20x30x40x50x60x70x80xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 3 : index} : tensor<80x70x60x50x40x30x20x10xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "dense", "compressed", "compressed", "dense", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 3 : index} : tensor<80x70x60x50x40x30x20x10xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "dense", "compressed", "compressed", "dense", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 4 : index} : tensor<80x70x60x50x40x30x20x10xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "dense", "compressed", "compressed", "dense", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 4 : index} : tensor<80x70x60x50x40x30x20x10xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "dense", "compressed", "compressed", "dense", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 3 : index} : tensor<80x70x60x50x40x30x20x10xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "dense", "compressed", "compressed", "dense", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 3 : index} : tensor<80x70x60x50x40x30x20x10xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "dense", "compressed", "compressed", "dense", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 4 : index} : tensor<80x70x60x50x40x30x20x10xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "dense", "compressed", "compressed", "dense", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 4 : index} : tensor<80x70x60x50x40x30x20x10xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "dense", "compressed", "compressed", "dense", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<80x70x60x50x40x30x20x10xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "dense", "dense", "compressed", "compressed", "dense", "dense", "dense" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_20:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<10x20x30x40x50x60x70x80xf32>
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%[[ZERO]] : f32) outs(%[[VAL_20]] : memref<10x20x30x40x50x60x70x80xf32>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_out.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_out.mlir
index e6d6c2364fc16..e57e751f6490b 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_out.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_out.mlir
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_1:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 2.000000e+00 : f32
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_1]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ func.func @sparse_simply_dynamic1(%argx: tensor<32x16xf32, #DCSR>) -> tensor<32x
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_0:.*]]: tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_1:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_3]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_1]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_3]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ func.func @sparse_simply_dynamic2(%argx: tensor<32x16xf32, #DCSR>) -> tensor<32x
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 2.000000e+00 : f32
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = scf.for %[[VAL_10:.*]] = %[[VAL_2]] to %[[VAL_1]] step %[[VAL_3]] iter_args(%[[VAL_11:.*]] = %[[VAL_5]]) -> (tensor<10x20xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>) {
 // CHECK:             %[[VAL_12:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_10]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -158,19 +158,19 @@ func.func @sparse_truly_dynamic(%arga: tensor<10x20xf32, #CSR>) -> tensor<10x20x
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_3]] : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor(%[[VAL_5]], %[[VAL_6]]) : tensor<?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_20:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_20:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 2 : index} : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_21:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?x?x?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_22:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_23:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -321,15 +321,15 @@ func.func @sumred(%arga: tensor<?x?x?xi32, #SparseTensor>,
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_0]], %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_1]], %[[VAL_3]] : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor(%[[VAL_6]], %[[VAL_7]]) : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_18:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?x?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_19:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_9]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_20:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_9]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_3]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_outbuf.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_outbuf.mlir
index 3923c5e542a56..33aedfe122dba 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_outbuf.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_outbuf.mlir
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<10xi32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<10xi32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<10xi32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<10xi32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<10xi32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<10xf32>
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%[[VAL_3]] : f32) outs(%[[VAL_8]] : memref<10xf32>)
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ func.func @allout_inplace(%arga: tensor<10xi32, #SV>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<10xf32>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<10xi32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<10xi32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<10xi32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<10xi32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<10xi32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_4]] : memref<10xf32>
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%[[VAL_2]] : f32) outs(%[[VAL_8]] : memref<10xf32>)
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ func.func @allout_materialize(%arga: tensor<10xi32, #SV>) -> tensor<10xf32> {
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<10xf32>) -> tensor<10xf32> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<10xf32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<10xf32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<10xf32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<10xf32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<10xf32, #{{.*}}> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<10xf32>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_4]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_pack.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_pack.mlir
index cdfd856b19d93..494ced26d8aeb 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_pack.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_pack.mlir
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #COO = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = ["compressed-nu", "singleton"],
-  indexBitWidth=32
+  crdWidth=32
 // CHECK-LABEL:   func.func @sparse_pack(
@@ -19,19 +19,19 @@
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.init :
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = arith.constant 6 : index
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = arith.constant 100 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_10]]  dim_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_12]]
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_10]]  lvl_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_12]]
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_14]]  ptr_mem_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_15]]
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_17]]  idx_mem_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_11]]
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_20:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_19]]  dim_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_12]]
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_21:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_20]]  idx_mem_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_11]]
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_14]]  pos_mem_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_15]]
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_19:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_17]]  crd_mem_sz at 0 with %[[VAL_11]]
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_20:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_19]]  lvl_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_12]]
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_21:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_20]]  crd_mem_sz at 1 with %[[VAL_11]]
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_22:.*]] = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %[[VAL_21]]  val_mem_sz with %[[VAL_11]]
 // CHECK:           return %[[VAL_4]], %[[VAL_7]], %[[VAL_9]], %[[VAL_22]] : memref<?xindex>, memref<?xi32>, memref<?xf64>,
 // CHECK:         }
-func.func @sparse_pack(%data: tensor<6xf64>, %index: tensor<6x2xi32>)
+func.func @sparse_pack(%values: tensor<6xf64>, %coordinates: tensor<6x2xi32>)
                     -> tensor<100x100xf64, #COO> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %data, %index : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x2xi32>
-                                       to tensor<100x100xf64, #COO>
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.pack %values, %coordinates
+     : tensor<6xf64>, tensor<6x2xi32> to tensor<100x100xf64, #COO>
   return %0 : tensor<100x100xf64, #COO>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_parallel_reduce.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_parallel_reduce.mlir
index 8ba66d2c92ae1..572710644c2d4 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_parallel_reduce.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_parallel_reduce.mlir
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 //   CHECK-DAG:  %[[TMP_c16:.*]] = arith.constant 16 : index
 //   CHECK-DAG:  %[[TMP_c0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 //   CHECK-DAG:  %[[TMP_c1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index}
-//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[TMP_arg0]] {dimension = 1 : index}
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index}
+//       CHECK:  %[[TMP_1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[TMP_arg0]] {level = 1 : index}
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_2:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[TMP_arg0]]
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_3:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[TMP_arg1]] : memref<32xf32>
 //       CHECK:  %[[TMP_4:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[TMP_arg2]] : memref<16xf32>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_reshape.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_reshape.mlir
index a6790458b0902..6eb754db9ce3d 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_reshape.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_reshape.mlir
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
 // CHECK-RWT-DAG:     %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-RWT-DAG:     %[[C1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[B:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor()
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[S]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[S]] {dimension = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[S]] {level = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[S]] {level = 0 : index}
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[V:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[S]]
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[S0:.*]] = memref.load %[[P0]]{{\[}}%[[C0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[E0:.*]] = memref.load %[[P0]]{{\[}}%[[C1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ func.func @sparse_expand(%arg0: tensor<100xf64, #SparseVector>) -> tensor<10x10x
 // CHECK-RWT-DAG:     %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-RWT-DAG:     %[[C1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[B:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor()
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[S]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[S]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[S]] {dimension = 1 : index}
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[S]] {dimension = 1 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[S]] {level = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[S]] {level = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[S]] {level = 1 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[S]] {level = 1 : index}
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[V:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[S]]
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[S0:.*]] = memref.load %[[P0]]{{\[}}%[[C0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[E0:.*]] = memref.load %[[P0]]{{\[}}%[[C1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ func.func @sparse_collapse(%arg0: tensor<10x10xf64, #SparseMatrix>) -> tensor<10
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[SD:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[S]], %[[C0]]
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[DD0:.*]] = arith.divui %[[SD]], %[[C10]] : index
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[B:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor(%[[DD0]])
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[S]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[S]] {dimension = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[S]] {level = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[S]] {level = 0 : index}
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[V:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[S]]
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[S0:.*]] = memref.load %[[P0]]{{\[}}%[[C0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[E0:.*]] = memref.load %[[P0]]{{\[}}%[[C1]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ func.func @dynamic_sparse_expand(%arg0: tensor<?xf64, #SparseVector>) -> tensor<
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[SD1:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[S]], %[[C1]]
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[DD0:.*]] = arith.muli %[[SD1]], %[[C10]] : index
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[B:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor(%[[DD0]])
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[S]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[S]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[S]] {dimension = 1 : index}
-// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[S]] {dimension = 1 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[S]] {level = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I0:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[S]] {level = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[P1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[S]] {level = 1 : index}
+// CHECK-RWT:         %[[I1:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[S]] {level = 1 : index}
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[V:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[S]]
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[S0:.*]] = memref.load %[[P0]]{{\[}}%[[C0]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-RWT:         %[[E0:.*]] = memref.load %[[P0]]{{\[}}%[[C1]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_reshape_dot.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_reshape_dot.mlir
index e52aca5533574..f0ac713a245e9 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_reshape_dot.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_reshape_dot.mlir
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // RUN: mlir-opt %s --linalg-generalize-named-ops --sparsification --cse --canonicalize | FileCheck %s
-#COO_2D = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ], pointerBitWidth = 32, indexBitWidth = 32 }>
-#COO_3D = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton-nu", "singleton" ], pointerBitWidth = 32, indexBitWidth = 32 }>
+#COO_2D = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ], posWidth = 32, crdWidth = 32 }>
+#COO_3D = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton-nu", "singleton" ], posWidth = 32, crdWidth = 32 }>
 // CHECK-LABEL:   func.func @sparse_reshape_fused(
 // CHECK-SAME:      %[[VAL_0:.*]]: tensor<5x6xf32>,
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<5x6xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index}
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index}
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 2 : index}
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index}
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index}
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 2 : index}
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]]
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_6]] : memref<5x6xf32>
 // CHECK:           scf.for %[[VAL_13:.*]] = %[[VAL_4]] to %[[VAL_2]] step %[[VAL_5]] {

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_scalars.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_scalars.mlir
index de8d36861a779..63fd33fcd792c 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_scalars.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_scalars.mlir
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = arith.addf %[[VAL_2]], %[[VAL_3]] : f32
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<32x16xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_4]] : memref<32x16xf32>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_sddmm.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_sddmm.mlir
index 50d424fcd73c7..cfab72c3ebfb1 100755
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_sddmm.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_sddmm.mlir
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ func.func @fold_yield_direct_zero() -> tensor<32xf64> {
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() copy(%[[VAL_6]]) {bufferization.escape = [false], memory_space = 0 : i64} : tensor<8x8xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<8x8xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<8x8xf64>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{{.*}}>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_16:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_8]] : memref<8x8xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_17:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_11]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_4]]] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ func.func @sampled_dd_unfused(%args: tensor<8x8xf64, #SM>,
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() {bufferization.escape = [false]} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<8x8xf64>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_12:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<8x8xf64>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_16:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_17:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_18:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_13]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_4]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_19:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_13]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_5]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_sddmm_org.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_sddmm_org.mlir
index 9e56f1cf2d7dd..aa6d202bb734d 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_sddmm_org.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_sddmm_org.mlir
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_1]] : memref<8x8xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_2]] : memref<8x8xf64>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<8x8xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_16:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_11]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_4]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_17:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_11]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_5]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_storage.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_storage.mlir
index 66ab1ce349728..a8714e41a87da 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_storage.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_storage.mlir
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 #SparseVector64 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ],
-  pointerBitWidth = 64,
-  indexBitWidth = 64
+  posWidth = 64,
+  crdWidth = 64
 #SparseVector32 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ],
-  pointerBitWidth = 32,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 32,
+  crdWidth = 32
 #trait_mul = {

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_transpose.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_transpose.mlir
index e909e097aa1c8..fdcfd736b9555 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_transpose.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_transpose.mlir
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = bufferization.alloc_tensor() : tensor<4x3xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.convert %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_4]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_4]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_4]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_4]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_4]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_4]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_4]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_4]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_4]] : tensor<3x4xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)> }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_5]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_1]]] : memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_5]]{{\[}}%[[VAL_2]]] : memref<?xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector.mlir
index a5c0239dc7edd..a14bec9d05305 100755
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector.mlir
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ func.func @scale_d(%arga: tensor<1024xf32, #DenseVector>, %b: f32, %argx: tensor
 #SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ],
-  pointerBitWidth = 32,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 32,
+  crdWidth = 32
 #trait_mul_s = {
@@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ func.func @reduction_d(%arga: tensor<1024xf32, #DenseVector>,
 #SparseMatrix = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ],
-  pointerBitWidth = 32,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 32,
+  crdWidth = 32
 #trait_mul_ds = {

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_chain.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_chain.mlir
index 824fd40448d20..37545618bd58e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_chain.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_chain.mlir
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 64 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<64x32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<64x32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<64x32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<64x32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<64x32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<64x32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_2]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<64x32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<64x32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_12:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_2]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<64x32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_13:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<64x32xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_14:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<f64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_15:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_14]][] : memref<f64>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_index.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_index.mlir
index 7bb8254e04856..637a1bb350729 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_index.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_index.mlir
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<8xi64>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<8xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_7]] : memref<8xi64>
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%[[VAL_4]] : i64) outs(%[[VAL_11]] : memref<8xi64>)
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ func.func @sparse_index_1d_conj(%arga: tensor<8xi64, #SparseVector>) -> tensor<8
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant true
 // CHECK-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<8xi64>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.indices %[[VAL_0]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<8xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.coordinates %[[VAL_0]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<8xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_0]] : tensor<8xi64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi64>
 // CHECK:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_7]] : memref<8xi64>
 // CHECK:           linalg.fill ins(%[[VAL_3]] : i64) outs(%[[VAL_11]] : memref<8xi64>)

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_peeled.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_peeled.mlir
index d379965ef01df..65df2c11fee6c 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_peeled.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/sparse_vector_peeled.mlir
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 #SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ],
-  pointerBitWidth = 32,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 32,
+  crdWidth = 32
 #trait_mul_s = {

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/specifier_to_llvm.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/specifier_to_llvm.mlir
index 36dce9e417b5f..9fb512c98112b 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/specifier_to_llvm.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/specifier_to_llvm.mlir
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ func.func @sparse_metadata_init() -> !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#CSR> {
 // CHECK:           %[[CAST:.*]] = arith.index_cast %[[VAL_1]] : i64 to index
 // CHECK:           return %[[CAST]] : index
 func.func @sparse_get_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#CSR>) -> index {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 dim_sz at 0
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.get %arg0 lvl_sz at 0
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#CSR>
   return %0 : index
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func.func @sparse_get_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#CSR>) -> index
 // CHECK:           return %[[VAL_2]] : !llvm.struct<(array<2 x i64>, array<3 x i64>)>
 func.func @sparse_set_md(%arg0: !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#CSR>, %arg1: index)
           -> !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#CSR> {
-  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %arg0 dim_sz at 0 with %arg1
+  %0 = sparse_tensor.storage_specifier.set %arg0 lvl_sz at 0 with %arg1
        : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#CSR>
   return %0 : !sparse_tensor.storage_specifier<#CSR>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/vectorize_reduction.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/vectorize_reduction.mlir
index 57df898e8209d..bd68bff43ac55 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/vectorize_reduction.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/SparseTensor/vectorize_reduction.mlir
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_7:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_1]], %[[VAL_5]] : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>>
-// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<f64>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_10]][] : memref<f64>
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[VAL_1]], %[[VAL_2]] : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>>
-// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<f64>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_7]][] : memref<f64>
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ func.func @sparse_product_reduction_dense_sparse(%argx: tensor<f64>,
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : vector<8xf64>
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_10:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<f64>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_11:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_10]][] : memref<f64>
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ func.func @sparse_product_reduction_dense_sparse(%argx: tensor<f64>,
 // CHECK-OFF-SAME:                                                     %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<f64> {
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
-// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 1 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 1 : index} : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?x128xf64, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf64>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<f64>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_7]][] : memref<f64>
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ func.func @sparse_product_reduction_sparse_sparse(%argx: tensor<f64>,
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<8xi13>
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi13>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i13>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]][] : memref<i13>
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ func.func @sparse_product_reduction_sparse_sparse(%argx: tensor<f64>,
 // CHECK-OFF-SAME:                                    %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<i13> {
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi13>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i13>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]][] : memref<i13>
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_ori(%argx: tensor<i13>,
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<8xi13>
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi13>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i13>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]][] : memref<i13>
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_ori(%argx: tensor<i13>,
 // CHECK-OFF-SAME:                                    %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<i13> {
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi13, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi13>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i13>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]][] : memref<i13>
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_ori_accumulator_on_rhs(%argx: tensor<i13>,
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<8xi32>
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:       %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i32>
 // CHECK-ON:           %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]][] : memref<i32>
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_ori_accumulator_on_rhs(%argx: tensor<i13>,
 // CHECK-OFF-SAME:                                     %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<i32> {
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:       %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:       %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i32>
 // CHECK-OFF:           %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]][] : memref<i32>
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_subi(%argx: tensor<i32>,
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:  %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<8xi32>
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:  %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:  %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-ON:  %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:  %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:  %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-ON:  %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i32>
 // CHECK-ON:  %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]][] : memref<i32>
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_subi(%argx: tensor<i32>,
 // CHECK-OFF-SAME:  %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<i32> {
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]][] : memref<i32>
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_xor(%argx: tensor<i32>,
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<8xi32>
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i32>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]][] : memref<i32>
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_xor(%argx: tensor<i32>,
 // CHECK-OFF-SAME:   %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<i32> {
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]][] : memref<i32>
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_and(%argx: tensor<i32>,
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<8xi32>
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_8:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_9:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i32>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_10:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_9]][] : memref<i32>
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_and(%argx: tensor<i32>,
 // CHECK-OFF-SAME:   %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<i32> {
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]][] : memref<i32>
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_muli(%argx: tensor<i32>,
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<8xi32>
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i32>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]][] : memref<i32>
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_muli(%argx: tensor<i32>,
 // CHECK-OFF-SAME:   %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<i32> {
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xi32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xi32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<i32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]][] : memref<i32>
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_addi(%argx: tensor<i32>,
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : vector<8xf32>
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]][] : memref<f32>
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_addi(%argx: tensor<i32>,
 // CHECK-OFF-SAME:   %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<f32> {
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]][] : memref<f32>
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_subf(%argx: tensor<f32>,
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : vector<8xf32>
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-ON-DAG:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_8:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK-ON:   %[[VAL_9:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_8]][] : memref<f32>
@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ func.func @sparse_reduction_subf(%argx: tensor<f32>,
 // CHECK-OFF-SAME:    %[[VAL_1:.*]]: tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>>) -> tensor<f32> {
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_2:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
 // CHECK-OFF-DAG:   %[[VAL_3:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.pointers %[[VAL_1]] {dimension = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
+// CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_4:.*]] = sparse_tensor.positions %[[VAL_1]] {level = 0 : index} : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xindex>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_5:.*]] = sparse_tensor.values %[[VAL_1]] : tensor<?xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>> to memref<?xf32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_6:.*]] = bufferization.to_memref %[[VAL_0]] : memref<f32>
 // CHECK-OFF:   %[[VAL_7:.*]] = memref.load %[[VAL_6]][] : memref<f32>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/reshape_dot.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/reshape_dot.mlir
index d163e3e980ac8..e34707018b942 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/reshape_dot.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/reshape_dot.mlir
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 // REDEFINE: %{option} = "enable-runtime-library=false vl=2 reassociate-fp-reductions=true enable-index-optimizations=true"
 // RUN: %{compile} | %{run}
-#COO_2D = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ], pointerBitWidth = 32, indexBitWidth = 32 }>
-#COO_3D = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton-nu", "singleton" ], pointerBitWidth = 32, indexBitWidth = 32 }>
+#COO_2D = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ], posWidth = 32, crdWidth = 32 }>
+#COO_3D = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton-nu", "singleton" ], posWidth = 32, crdWidth = 32 }>
 module {
   func.func private @printMemref3dF32(%ptr : tensor<?x?x?xf32>) attributes { llvm.emit_c_interface }

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_constant_to_sparse_tensor.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_constant_to_sparse_tensor.mlir
index 442e9b30dfd92..4bf7735a8a989 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_constant_to_sparse_tensor.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_constant_to_sparse_tensor.mlir
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ module {
     %ts = sparse_tensor.convert %ti : tensor<10x8xf64> to tensor<10x8xf64, #Tensor1>
     // CHECK: ( 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 9 )
-    %i0 = sparse_tensor.indices %ts { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %ts { level = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
     %i0r = vector.transfer_read %i0[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<6xindex>
     vector.print %i0r : vector<6xindex>
     // CHECK: ( 0, 7, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 )
-    %i1 = sparse_tensor.indices %ts { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %ts { level = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
     %i1r = vector.transfer_read %i1[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<8xindex>
     vector.print %i1r : vector<8xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_conversion.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_conversion.mlir
index 13caf9b4ff5ff..6053bb17307fc 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_conversion.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_conversion.mlir
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ module {
     call @dumpf64(%iv) : (memref<?xf64>) -> ()
-    // Check indices.
+    // Check coordinates.
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
@@ -219,45 +219,45 @@ module {
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0 )
-    %v10 = sparse_tensor.indices %1 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %v11 = sparse_tensor.indices %1 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %v12 = sparse_tensor.indices %1 { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %v20 = sparse_tensor.indices %2 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %v21 = sparse_tensor.indices %2 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %v22 = sparse_tensor.indices %2 { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %v30 = sparse_tensor.indices %3 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %v31 = sparse_tensor.indices %3 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %v32 = sparse_tensor.indices %3 { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %v10 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %1 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %v11 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %1 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %v12 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %1 { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %v20 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %2 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %v21 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %2 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %v22 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %2 { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %v30 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %3 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %v31 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %3 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %v32 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %3 { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %a10 = sparse_tensor.indices %a { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %a11 = sparse_tensor.indices %a { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %a12 = sparse_tensor.indices %a { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %b10 = sparse_tensor.indices %b { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %b11 = sparse_tensor.indices %b { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %b12 = sparse_tensor.indices %b { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %c10 = sparse_tensor.indices %c { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %c11 = sparse_tensor.indices %c { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %c12 = sparse_tensor.indices %c { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %a10 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %a { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %a11 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %a { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %a12 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %a { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %b10 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %b { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %b11 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %b { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %b12 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %b { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %c10 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %c { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %c11 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %c { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
+    %c12 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %c { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor1> to memref<?xindex>
-    %d20 = sparse_tensor.indices %d { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %d21 = sparse_tensor.indices %d { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %d22 = sparse_tensor.indices %d { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %e20 = sparse_tensor.indices %e { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %e21 = sparse_tensor.indices %e { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %e22 = sparse_tensor.indices %e { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %f20 = sparse_tensor.indices %f { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %f21 = sparse_tensor.indices %f { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %f22 = sparse_tensor.indices %f { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %d20 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %d { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %d21 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %d { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %d22 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %d { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %e20 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %e { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %e21 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %e { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %e22 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %e { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %f20 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %f { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %f21 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %f { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
+    %f22 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %f { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor2> to memref<?xindex>
-    %g30 = sparse_tensor.indices %g { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %g31 = sparse_tensor.indices %g { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %g32 = sparse_tensor.indices %g { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %h30 = sparse_tensor.indices %h { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %h31 = sparse_tensor.indices %h { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %h32 = sparse_tensor.indices %h { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i30 = sparse_tensor.indices %i { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i31 = sparse_tensor.indices %i { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i32 = sparse_tensor.indices %i { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %g30 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %g { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %g31 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %g { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %g32 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %g { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %h30 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %h { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %h31 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %h { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %h32 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %h { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i30 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %i { level = 0 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i31 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %i { level = 1 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i32 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %i { level = 2 : index } : tensor<2x3x4xf64, #Tensor3> to memref<?xindex>
     call @dumpidx(%v10) : (memref<?xindex>) -> ()
     call @dumpidx(%v11) : (memref<?xindex>) -> ()

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_conversion_ptr.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_conversion_ptr.mlir
index e05fcd40e472f..ef0ba27a36b8e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_conversion_ptr.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_conversion_ptr.mlir
@@ -28,27 +28,27 @@
 #DCSR  = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ],
-  pointerBitWidth = 8,
-  indexBitWidth = 8
+  posWidth = 8,
+  crdWidth = 8
 #DCSC  = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ],
   dimOrdering = affine_map<(i,j) -> (j,i)>,
-  pointerBitWidth = 64,
-  indexBitWidth = 64
+  posWidth = 64,
+  crdWidth = 64
 #CSC  = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ],
   dimOrdering = affine_map<(i,j) -> (j,i)>,
-  pointerBitWidth = 16,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 16,
+  crdWidth = 32
 // Integration test that tests conversions between sparse tensors,
-// where the pointer and index sizes in the overhead storage change
+// where the position and index sizes in the overhead storage change
 // in addition to layout.
 module {
@@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ module {
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 1, 63, 0, 1, 0, 63, 0 )
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 1, 63, 0, 1, 0, 63, 0 )
-    %i1 = sparse_tensor.indices %1 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xi8>
-    %i2 = sparse_tensor.indices %2 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xi64>
-    %i3 = sparse_tensor.indices %3 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #CSC>  to memref<?xi32>
-    %i4 = sparse_tensor.indices %4 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xi64>
-    %i5 = sparse_tensor.indices %5 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xi8>
-    %i6 = sparse_tensor.indices %6 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xi8>
+    %i1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %1 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xi8>
+    %i2 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %2 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xi64>
+    %i3 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %3 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #CSC>  to memref<?xi32>
+    %i4 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %4 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xi64>
+    %i5 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %5 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xi8>
+    %i6 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %6 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<32x64xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xi8>
     call @dumpi08(%i1) : (memref<?xi8>)  -> ()
     call @dumpi64(%i2) : (memref<?xi64>) -> ()
     call @dumpi32(%i3) : (memref<?xi32>) -> ()

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_file_io.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_file_io.mlir
index b6fea69d6d6b1..a868280abaede 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_file_io.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_file_io.mlir
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module {
   func.func private @createSparseTensorReader(!Filename) -> (!TensorReader)
   func.func private @delSparseTensorReader(!TensorReader) -> ()
   func.func private @getSparseTensorReaderRank(!TensorReader) -> (index)
-  func.func private @getSparseTensorReaderNNZ(!TensorReader) -> (index)
+  func.func private @getSparseTensorReaderNSE(!TensorReader) -> (index)
   func.func private @getSparseTensorReaderIsSymmetric(!TensorReader) -> (i1)
   func.func private @copySparseTensorReaderDimSizes(!TensorReader,
     memref<?xindex>) -> () attributes { llvm.emit_c_interface }
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ module {
     %c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
     %rank = call @getSparseTensorReaderRank(%tensor) : (!TensorReader) -> index
-    %nnz = call @getSparseTensorReaderNNZ(%tensor) : (!TensorReader) -> index
+    %nse = call @getSparseTensorReaderNSE(%tensor) : (!TensorReader) -> index
     // Assume rank == 2.
-    %isize = arith.muli %c2, %nnz : index
+    %isize = arith.muli %c2, %nse : index
     %xs = memref.alloc(%isize) : memref<?xindex>
-    %vs = memref.alloc(%nnz) : memref<?xf32>
+    %vs = memref.alloc(%nse) : memref<?xf32>
     %dim2lvl = memref.alloca(%c2) : memref<?xindex>
     memref.store %c0, %dim2lvl[%c0] : memref<?xindex>
     memref.store %c1, %dim2lvl[%c1] : memref<?xindex>
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ module {
       : (!Filename) -> (!TensorReader)
     %rank = call @getSparseTensorReaderRank(%tensor) : (!TensorReader) -> index
     vector.print %rank : index
-    %nnz = call @getSparseTensorReaderNNZ(%tensor) : (!TensorReader) -> index
-    vector.print %nnz : index
+    %nse = call @getSparseTensorReaderNSE(%tensor) : (!TensorReader) -> index
+    vector.print %nse : index
     %symmetric = call @getSparseTensorReaderIsSymmetric(%tensor)
       : (!TensorReader) -> i1
     vector.print %symmetric : i1
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ module {
     %xs, %vs, %isSorted = call @readTensorFile(%tensor)
       : (!TensorReader) -> (memref<?xindex>, memref<?xf32>, i1)
-    %x0s = memref.subview %xs[%c0][%nnz][%c2]
+    %x0s = memref.subview %xs[%c0][%nse][%c2]
       : memref<?xindex> to memref<?xindex, strided<[2], offset: ?>>
-    %x1s = memref.subview %xs[%c1][%nnz][%c2]
+    %x1s = memref.subview %xs[%c1][%nse][%c2]
       : memref<?xindex> to memref<?xindex, strided<[2], offset: ?>>
     vector.print %isSorted : i1
     call @dumpi2(%x0s) : (memref<?xindex, strided<[2], offset: ?>>) -> ()
@@ -152,18 +152,18 @@ module {
       : (!Filename) -> (!TensorWriter)
     %rank = call @getSparseTensorReaderRank(%tensor0) : (!TensorReader) -> index
-    %nnz = call @getSparseTensorReaderNNZ(%tensor0) : (!TensorReader) -> index
+    %nse = call @getSparseTensorReaderNSE(%tensor0) : (!TensorReader) -> index
     %dimSizes = memref.alloc(%rank) : memref<?xindex>
     func.call @copySparseTensorReaderDimSizes(%tensor0, %dimSizes)
       : (!TensorReader, memref<?xindex>) -> ()
-    call @outSparseTensorWriterMetaData(%tensor1, %rank, %nnz, %dimSizes)
+    call @outSparseTensorWriterMetaData(%tensor1, %rank, %nse, %dimSizes)
       : (!TensorWriter, index, index, memref<?xindex>) -> ()
     //TODO: handle isSymmetric.
     // Assume rank == 2.
     %indices = memref.alloc(%rank) : memref<?xindex>
     %value = memref.alloca() : memref<f32>
-    scf.for %i = %c0 to %nnz step %c1 {
+    scf.for %i = %c0 to %nse step %c1 {
       func.call @getSparseTensorReaderNextF32(%tensor0, %indices, %value)
         : (!TensorReader, memref<?xindex>, memref<f32>) -> ()
       func.call @outSparseTensorWriterNextF32(%tensor1, %rank, %indices, %value)
@@ -223,4 +223,4 @@ module {
\ No newline at end of file

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_1d.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_1d.mlir
index 26170e86d2297..c5a66fa73b8e3 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_1d.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_1d.mlir
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
 module {
-  // Dumps pointers, indices, values for verification.
+  // Dumps positions, indices, values for verification.
   func.func @dump(%argx: tensor<1024xf32, #SparseVector>) {
     %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
     %f0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32
-    %p = sparse_tensor.pointers %argx { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %p = sparse_tensor.positions %argx { level = 0 : index }
        : tensor<1024xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i = sparse_tensor.indices %argx { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %i = sparse_tensor.coordinates %argx { level = 0 : index }
        : tensor<1024xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
     %v = sparse_tensor.values %argx
        : tensor<1024xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xf32>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_2d.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_2d.mlir
index 582c0741f7d5a..5ae72e028c0c1 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_2d.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_2d.mlir
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ module {
     %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
     %cu = arith.constant -1 : index
     %fu = arith.constant 99.0 : f64
-    %p0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i0 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-    %i1 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
+    %p0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
+    %i1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
     %v = sparse_tensor.values %arg0 : tensor<4x3xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xf64>
     %vp0 = vector.transfer_read %p0[%c0], %cu: memref<?xindex>, vector<2xindex>
     vector.print %vp0 : vector<2xindex>
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ module {
     %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
     %cu = arith.constant -1 : index
     %fu = arith.constant 99.0 : f64
-    %p1 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i1 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p1 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
     %v = sparse_tensor.values %arg0 : tensor<4x3xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xf64>
     %vp1 = vector.transfer_read %p1[%c0], %cu: memref<?xindex>, vector<5xindex>
     vector.print %vp1 : vector<5xindex>
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ module {
     %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
     %cu = arith.constant -1 : index
     %fu = arith.constant 99.0 : f64
-    %p0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i0 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
-    %p1 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i1 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p1 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
     %v = sparse_tensor.values %arg0 : tensor<4x3xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xf64>
     %vp0 = vector.transfer_read %p0[%c0], %cu: memref<?xindex>, vector<2xindex>
     vector.print %vp0 : vector<2xindex>
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ module {
     %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
     %cu = arith.constant -1 : index
     %fu = arith.constant 99.0 : f64
-    %p0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #Row> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i0 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #Row> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #Row> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<4x3xf64, #Row> to memref<?xindex>
     %v = sparse_tensor.values %arg0 : tensor<4x3xf64, #Row> to memref<?xf64>
     %vp0 = vector.transfer_read %p0[%c0], %cu: memref<?xindex>, vector<2xindex>
     vector.print %vp0 : vector<2xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_3d.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_3d.mlir
index 34bf6e514f682..0d2aa4990655e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_3d.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_insert_3d.mlir
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ module {
   func.func @dump(%arg0: tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorCSR>) {
     %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
     %fu = arith.constant 99.0 : f64
-    %p0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorCSR> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i0 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorCSR> to memref<?xindex>
-    %p2 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorCSR> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i2 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p2 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 2 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i2 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 2 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorCSR> to memref<?xindex>
     %v = sparse_tensor.values %arg0 : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorCSR> to memref<?xf64>
     %vp0 = vector.transfer_read %p0[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<2xindex>
     vector.print %vp0 : vector<2xindex>
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ module {
   func.func @dump_row(%arg0: tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorRow>) {
     %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
     %fu = arith.constant 99.0 : f64
-    %p0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorRow> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i0 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorRow> to memref<?xindex>
-    %p1 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorRow> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i1 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorRow> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorRow> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorRow> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p1 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorRow> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorRow> to memref<?xindex>
     %v = sparse_tensor.values %arg0 : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #TensorRow> to memref<?xf64>
     %vp0 = vector.transfer_read %p0[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<2xindex>
     vector.print %vp0 : vector<2xindex>
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ module {
 func.func @dump_ccoo(%arg0: tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo>) {
     %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
     %fu = arith.constant 99.0 : f64
-    %p0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i0 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xindex>
-    %p1 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i1 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i2 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p0 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i0 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p1 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i2 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 2 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xindex>
     %v = sparse_tensor.values %arg0 : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo> to memref<?xf64>
     %vp0 = vector.transfer_read %p0[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<2xindex>
     vector.print %vp0 : vector<2xindex>
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ func.func @dump_ccoo(%arg0: tensor<5x4x3xf64, #CCoo>) {
 func.func @dump_dcoo(%arg0: tensor<5x4x3xf64, #DCoo>) {
     %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
     %fu = arith.constant 99.0 : f64
-    %p1 = sparse_tensor.pointers %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #DCoo> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i1 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #DCoo> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i2 = sparse_tensor.indices  %arg0 { dimension = 2 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #DCoo> to memref<?xindex>
+    %p1 = sparse_tensor.positions %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #DCoo> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i1 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #DCoo> to memref<?xindex>
+    %i2 = sparse_tensor.coordinates  %arg0 { level = 2 : index } : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #DCoo> to memref<?xindex>
     %v = sparse_tensor.values %arg0 : tensor<5x4x3xf64, #DCoo> to memref<?xf64>
     %vp1 = vector.transfer_read %p1[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<6xindex>
     vector.print %vp1 : vector<6xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_matvec.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_matvec.mlir
index 0acd456d3dd47..23bc5acbe7b01 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_matvec.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_matvec.mlir
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 #SparseMatrix = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ],
-  pointerBitWidth = 8,
-  indexBitWidth = 8
+  posWidth = 8,
+  crdWidth = 8
 #matvec = {

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_pack.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_pack.mlir
index 46b6512723db0..ef27050eab32c 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_pack.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_pack.mlir
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 #SortedCOOI32 = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed-nu", "singleton" ],
-  pointerBitWidth = 32,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 32,
+  crdWidth = 32
 module {

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_re_im.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_re_im.mlir
index 644e970cf6ab4..34e76e0281843 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_re_im.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_re_im.mlir
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ module {
     %values = sparse_tensor.values %arg0 : tensor<?xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xf32>
     %0 = vector.transfer_read %values[%c0], %d0: memref<?xf32>, vector<3xf32>
     vector.print %0 : vector<3xf32>
-    %indices = sparse_tensor.indices %arg0 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<?xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
-    %1 = vector.transfer_read %indices[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<3xindex>
+    %coordinates = sparse_tensor.coordinates %arg0 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<?xf32, #SparseVector> to memref<?xindex>
+    %1 = vector.transfer_read %coordinates[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<3xindex>
     vector.print %1 : vector<3xindex>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_sampled_matmul.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_sampled_matmul.mlir
index 0a2a415378c55..05fc7f65aad3e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_sampled_matmul.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_sampled_matmul.mlir
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 #SparseMatrix = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
   dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ],
-  pointerBitWidth = 32,
-  indexBitWidth = 32
+  posWidth = 32,
+  crdWidth = 32
 #trait_sampled_dense_dense = {

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_sorted_coo.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_sorted_coo.mlir
index 77110b23bb641..3ebd9dff9111e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_sorted_coo.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_sorted_coo.mlir
@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ module {
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 126, 127, 254, 1, 253, 2, 0, 1, 3, 98, 126, 127, 128, 249, 253, 255, 0, 0, 0 )
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7, 8, -9, 10, -11, 12, -13, 14, -15, 16, -17, 0, 0, 0 )
-    %p0 = sparse_tensor.pointers %0 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %p0 = sparse_tensor.positions %0 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i00 = sparse_tensor.indices %0 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %i00 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %0 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-    %i01 = sparse_tensor.indices %0 { dimension = 1 : index }
+    %i01 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %0 { level = 1 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
     %v0 = sparse_tensor.values %0
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xf64>
@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ module {
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0 )
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( -1, 8, -5, -9, -7, 10, -11, 2, 12, -3, -13, 14, -15, 6, 16, 4, -17, 0, 0, 0 )
-    %p1 = sparse_tensor.pointers %1 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %p1 = sparse_tensor.positions %1 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOOPermuted> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i10 = sparse_tensor.indices %1 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %i10 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %1 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOOPermuted> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-    %i11 = sparse_tensor.indices %1 { dimension = 1 : index }
+    %i11 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %1 { level = 1 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOOPermuted> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
     %v1 = sparse_tensor.values %1
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOOPermuted> to memref<?xf64>
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ module {
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0 )
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 3, 63, 11, 100, 66, 61, 13, 43, 77, 10, 46, 61, 53, 3, 75, 22, 18, 0, 0, 0 )
-    %p2 = sparse_tensor.pointers %2 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %p2 = sparse_tensor.positions %2 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #SortedCOO3D> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i20 = sparse_tensor.indices %2 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %i20 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %2 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #SortedCOO3D> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-    %i21 = sparse_tensor.indices %2 { dimension = 1 : index }
+    %i21 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %2 { level = 1 : index }
       : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #SortedCOO3D> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-    %i22 = sparse_tensor.indices %2 { dimension = 2 : index }
+    %i22 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %2 { level = 2 : index }
       : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #SortedCOO3D> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
     %v2 = sparse_tensor.values %2
       : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #SortedCOO3D> to memref<?xf64>
@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ module {
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 )
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 66, 77, 61, 11, 61, 53, 22, 3, 100, 13, 10, 3, 18, 63, 43, 46, 75, 0, 0, 0 )
-    %p3 = sparse_tensor.pointers %3 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %p3 = sparse_tensor.positions %3 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #SortedCOO3DPermuted> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i30 = sparse_tensor.indices %3 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %i30 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %3 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #SortedCOO3DPermuted> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-    %i31 = sparse_tensor.indices %3 { dimension = 1 : index }
+    %i31 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %3 { level = 1 : index }
       : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #SortedCOO3DPermuted> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-    %i32 = sparse_tensor.indices %3 { dimension = 2 : index }
+    %i32 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %3 { level = 2 : index }
       : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #SortedCOO3DPermuted> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
     %v3 = sparse_tensor.values %3
       : tensor<?x?x?xf64, #SortedCOO3DPermuted> to memref<?xf64>
@@ -209,11 +209,11 @@ module {
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 3, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
    // CHECK-NEXT: ( 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
-    %p4 = sparse_tensor.pointers %4 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %p4 = sparse_tensor.positions %4 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i40 = sparse_tensor.indices %4 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %i40 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %4 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-    %i41 = sparse_tensor.indices %4 { dimension = 1 : index }
+    %i41 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %4 { level = 1 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
     %v4 = sparse_tensor.values %4
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xf64>
@@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ module {
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 0, 3, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
     // CHECK-NEXT: ( 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
-    %p5 = sparse_tensor.pointers %5 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %p5 = sparse_tensor.positions %5 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex>
-    %i50 = sparse_tensor.indices %5 { dimension = 0 : index }
+    %i50 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %5 { level = 0 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
-    %i51 = sparse_tensor.indices %5 { dimension = 1 : index }
+    %i51 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %5 { level = 1 : index }
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xindex, strided<[?], offset: ?>>
     %v5 = sparse_tensor.values %5
       : tensor<?x?xf64, #SortedCOO> to memref<?xf64>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_storage.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_storage.mlir
index 7b1db663f3a65..9454c06067659 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_storage.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/CPU/sparse_storage.mlir
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ module {
     // Inspect storage scheme of CSR.
-    // pointers(1)
+    // positions(1)
     // indices(1)
     // values
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ module {
     // CHECK: ( 0, 2, 7, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 7, 2, 6, 7, 1, 2, 6, 7, 6 )
     // CHECK: ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 )
-    %7 = sparse_tensor.pointers %1 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %7 = sparse_tensor.positions %1 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
     %8 = vector.transfer_read %7[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<11xindex>
     vector.print %8 : vector<11xindex>
-    %9 = sparse_tensor.indices %1 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %9 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %1 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
     %10 = vector.transfer_read %9[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<17xindex>
     vector.print %10 : vector<17xindex>
     %11 = sparse_tensor.values %1 : tensor<10x8xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xf64>
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ module {
     // Inspect storage scheme of DCSR.
-    // pointers(0)
+    // positions(0)
     // indices(0)
-    // pointers(1)
+    // positions(1)
     // indices(1)
     // values
@@ -152,16 +152,16 @@ module {
     // CHECK: ( 0, 2, 7, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 7, 2, 6, 7, 1, 2, 6, 7, 6 )
     // CHECK: ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 )
-    %13 = sparse_tensor.pointers %2 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %13 = sparse_tensor.positions %2 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
     %14 = vector.transfer_read %13[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<2xindex>
     vector.print %14 : vector<2xindex>
-    %15 = sparse_tensor.indices %2 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %15 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %2 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
     %16 = vector.transfer_read %15[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<8xindex>
     vector.print %16 : vector<8xindex>
-    %17 = sparse_tensor.pointers %2 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %17 = sparse_tensor.positions %2 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
     %18 = vector.transfer_read %17[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<9xindex>
     vector.print %18 : vector<9xindex>
-    %19 = sparse_tensor.indices %2 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
+    %19 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %2 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xindex>
     %20 = vector.transfer_read %19[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<17xindex>
     vector.print %20 : vector<17xindex>
     %21 = sparse_tensor.values %2 : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSR> to memref<?xf64>
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ module {
     // Inspect storage scheme of CSC.
-    // pointers(1)
+    // positions(1)
     // indices(1)
     // values
@@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ module {
     // CHECK: ( 0, 5, 7, 0, 2, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 0, 5, 6, 7 )
     // CHECK: ( 1, 7, 13, 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 5, 6, 11, 15, 17, 3, 9, 12, 16 )
-    %23 = sparse_tensor.pointers %3 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #CSC> to memref<?xindex>
+    %23 = sparse_tensor.positions %3 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #CSC> to memref<?xindex>
     %24 = vector.transfer_read %23[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<9xindex>
     vector.print %24 : vector<9xindex>
-    %25 = sparse_tensor.indices %3 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #CSC> to memref<?xindex>
+    %25 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %3 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #CSC> to memref<?xindex>
     %26 = vector.transfer_read %25[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<17xindex>
     vector.print %26 : vector<17xindex>
     %27 = sparse_tensor.values %3 : tensor<10x8xf64, #CSC> to memref<?xf64>
@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ module {
     // Inspect storage scheme of DCSC.
-    // pointers(0)
+    // positions(0)
     // indices(0)
-    // pointers(1)
+    // positions(1)
     // indices(1)
     // values
@@ -204,16 +204,16 @@ module {
     // CHECK: ( 0, 5, 7, 0, 2, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 0, 5, 6, 7 )
     // CHECK: ( 1, 7, 13, 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 5, 6, 11, 15, 17, 3, 9, 12, 16 )
-    %29 = sparse_tensor.pointers %4 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xindex>
+    %29 = sparse_tensor.positions %4 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xindex>
     %30 = vector.transfer_read %29[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<2xindex>
     vector.print %30 : vector<2xindex>
-    %31 = sparse_tensor.indices %4 { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xindex>
+    %31 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %4 { level = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xindex>
     %32 = vector.transfer_read %31[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<7xindex>
     vector.print %32 : vector<7xindex>
-    %33 = sparse_tensor.pointers %4 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xindex>
+    %33 = sparse_tensor.positions %4 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xindex>
     %34 = vector.transfer_read %33[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<8xindex>
     vector.print %34 : vector<8xindex>
-    %35 = sparse_tensor.indices %4 { dimension = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xindex>
+    %35 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %4 { level = 1 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xindex>
     %36 = vector.transfer_read %35[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<17xindex>
     vector.print %36 : vector<17xindex>
     %37 = sparse_tensor.values %4 : tensor<10x8xf64, #DCSC> to memref<?xf64>
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ module {
     // Inspect storage scheme of BlockRow.
-    // pointers(0)
+    // positions(0)
     // indices(0)
     // values
@@ -234,10 +234,10 @@ module {
     // CHECK-SAME: 0, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 11, 12,
     // CHECK-SAME: 0, 13, 14, 0, 0, 0, 15, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0 )
-    %39 = sparse_tensor.pointers %x { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #BlockRow> to memref<?xindex>
+    %39 = sparse_tensor.positions %x { level = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #BlockRow> to memref<?xindex>
     %40 = vector.transfer_read %39[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<2xindex>
     vector.print %40 : vector<2xindex>
-    %41 = sparse_tensor.indices %x { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #BlockRow> to memref<?xindex>
+    %41 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %x { level = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #BlockRow> to memref<?xindex>
     %42 = vector.transfer_read %41[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<8xindex>
     vector.print %42 : vector<8xindex>
     %43 = sparse_tensor.values %x : tensor<10x8xf64, #BlockRow> to memref<?xf64>
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ module {
     // Inspect storage scheme of BlockCol.
-    // pointers(0)
+    // positions(0)
     // indices(0)
     // values
@@ -257,10 +257,10 @@ module {
     // CHECK-SAME: 0, 8, 10, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0,
     // CHECK-SAME: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 15, 0, 17, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 12, 16, 0, 0 )
-    %45 = sparse_tensor.pointers %y { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #BlockCol> to memref<?xindex>
+    %45 = sparse_tensor.positions %y { level = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #BlockCol> to memref<?xindex>
     %46 = vector.transfer_read %45[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<2xindex>
     vector.print %46 : vector<2xindex>
-    %47 = sparse_tensor.indices %y { dimension = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #BlockCol> to memref<?xindex>
+    %47 = sparse_tensor.coordinates %y { level = 0 : index } : tensor<10x8xf64, #BlockCol> to memref<?xindex>
     %48 = vector.transfer_read %47[%c0], %c0: memref<?xindex>, vector<7xindex>
     vector.print %48 : vector<7xindex>
     %49 = sparse_tensor.values %y : tensor<10x8xf64, #BlockCol> to memref<?xf64>

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py
index f0f6ecad83f03..44d28b08d8b30 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/SparseTensor/taco/tools/mlir_pytaco.py
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
-# Bitwidths for pointers and indices.
+# Bitwidths for positions and coordinates.
 # The entry point to the JIT compiled program.
 _ENTRY_NAME = "main"
@@ -366,8 +366,7 @@ def mlir_tensor_attr(self) -> Optional[sparse_tensor.EncodingAttr]:
     mlir_storage_format = [f.value for f in self.format_pack.formats]
     return sparse_tensor.EncodingAttr.get(mlir_storage_format,
-                                          None, _POINTER_BIT_WIDTH,
-                                          _INDEX_BIT_WIDTH)
+                                          None, _POS_WIDTH, _CRD_WIDTH)
 def _make_format(formats: List[ModeFormat],

diff  --git a/mlir/test/python/dialects/sparse_tensor/dialect.py b/mlir/test/python/dialects/sparse_tensor/dialect.py
index e8e753df61878..988d1a29f938f 100644
--- a/mlir/test/python/dialects/sparse_tensor/dialect.py
+++ b/mlir/test/python/dialects/sparse_tensor/dialect.py
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ def testEncodingAttr1D():
   with Context() as ctx:
     parsed = Attribute.parse('#sparse_tensor.encoding<{'
                              '  dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ],'
-                             '  pointerBitWidth = 16,'
-                             '  indexBitWidth = 32'
+                             '  posWidth = 16,'
+                             '  crdWidth = 32'
-    # CHECK: #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ], pointerBitWidth = 16, indexBitWidth = 32 }>
+    # CHECK: #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ], posWidth = 16, crdWidth = 32 }>
     casted = st.EncodingAttr(parsed)
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ def testEncodingAttr1D():
     print(f"dim_level_types: {casted.dim_level_types}")
     # CHECK: dim_ordering: None
     print(f"dim_ordering: {casted.dim_ordering}")
-    # CHECK: pointer_bit_width: 16
-    print(f"pointer_bit_width: {casted.pointer_bit_width}")
-    # CHECK: index_bit_width: 32
-    print(f"index_bit_width: {casted.index_bit_width}")
+    # CHECK: pos_width: 16
+    print(f"pos_width: {casted.pos_width}")
+    # CHECK: crd_width: 32
+    print(f"crd_width: {casted.crd_width}")
     created = st.EncodingAttr.get(casted.dim_level_types, None, None, 0, 0)
     # CHECK: #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ] }>
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ def testEncodingAttr1D():
     # Verify that the factory creates an instance of the proper type.
     # CHECK: is_proper_instance: True
     print(f"is_proper_instance: {isinstance(created, st.EncodingAttr)}")
-    # CHECK: created_pointer_bit_width: 0
-    print(f"created_pointer_bit_width: {created.pointer_bit_width}")
+    # CHECK: created_pos_width: 0
+    print(f"created_pos_width: {created.pos_width}")
 # CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testEncodingAttr2D
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ def testEncodingAttr2D():
     parsed = Attribute.parse('#sparse_tensor.encoding<{'
                              '  dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ],'
                              '  dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)>,'
-                             '  pointerBitWidth = 8,'
-                             '  indexBitWidth = 32'
+                             '  posWidth = 8,'
+                             '  crdWidth = 32'
-    # CHECK: #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)>, pointerBitWidth = 8, indexBitWidth = 32 }>
+    # CHECK: #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)>, posWidth = 8, crdWidth = 32 }>
     casted = st.EncodingAttr(parsed)
@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ def testEncodingAttr2D():
     print(f"dim_level_types: {casted.dim_level_types}")
     # CHECK: dim_ordering: (d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)
     print(f"dim_ordering: {casted.dim_ordering}")
-    # CHECK: pointer_bit_width: 8
-    print(f"pointer_bit_width: {casted.pointer_bit_width}")
-    # CHECK: index_bit_width: 32
-    print(f"index_bit_width: {casted.index_bit_width}")
+    # CHECK: pos_width: 8
+    print(f"pos_width: {casted.pos_width}")
+    # CHECK: crd_width: 32
+    print(f"crd_width: {casted.crd_width}")
     created = st.EncodingAttr.get(casted.dim_level_types, casted.dim_ordering,
                                   casted.higher_ordering, 8, 32)
-    # CHECK: #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)>, pointerBitWidth = 8, indexBitWidth = 32 }>
+    # CHECK: #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d1, d0)>, posWidth = 8, crdWidth = 32 }>
     # CHECK: created_equal: True
     print(f"created_equal: {created == casted}")
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ def testEncodingAttrOnTensorType():
     encoding = st.EncodingAttr(
                         '  dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ], '
-                        '  pointerBitWidth = 64,'
-                        '  indexBitWidth = 32'
+                        '  posWidth = 64,'
+                        '  crdWidth = 32'
     tt = RankedTensorType.get((1024,), F32Type.get(), encoding=encoding)
-    # CHECK: tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ], pointerBitWidth = 64, indexBitWidth = 32 }>>
+    # CHECK: tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ], posWidth = 64, crdWidth = 32 }>>
-    # CHECK: #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ], pointerBitWidth = 64, indexBitWidth = 32 }>
+    # CHECK: #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ], posWidth = 64, crdWidth = 32 }>
     assert tt.encoding == encoding


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