[Mlir-commits] [mlir] 6081f56 - [mlir][ArmSME] Use vector.reduction add in zero test

Cullen Rhodes llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Aug 1 01:24:21 PDT 2023

Author: Cullen Rhodes
Date: 2023-08-01T08:22:51Z
New Revision: 6081f562ecb71f136faf1a61a38d25d81f476305

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6081f562ecb71f136faf1a61a38d25d81f476305
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6081f562ecb71f136faf1a61a38d25d81f476305.diff

LOG: [mlir][ArmSME] Use vector.reduction add in zero test

The inner 1d vector row can be summed with vector.reduction op. The
earlier mul reduction can't be updated similarly as it currently crashes
in the backend with:

  LLVM ERROR: Expanding reductions for scalable vectors is undefined.

Reviewed By: awarzynski, dcaballe

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D156701




diff  --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Vector/CPU/ArmSME/vector-ops.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Vector/CPU/ArmSME/vector-ops.mlir
index 082419ce05eba3..feec548d8de4fe 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Vector/CPU/ArmSME/vector-ops.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Vector/CPU/ArmSME/vector-ops.mlir
@@ -96,23 +96,16 @@ func.func @entry() -> i32 {
   // Verify memory is zeroed by doing an add reduction with initial value of
   // zero.
-  %init_0 = arith.constant 0 : i64
-  %add_reduce = scf.for %vnum = %c0 to %svl_b step %c1_index iter_args(%iter = %init_0) -> (i64) {
+  %init_0 = arith.constant 0 : i8
+  %add_reduce = scf.for %vnum = %c0 to %svl_b step %c1_index iter_args(%iter = %init_0) -> (i8) {
     %row = vector.load %za_b[%vnum, %c0] : memref<?x?xi8>, vector<[16]xi8>
-    %inner_add_reduce = scf.for %offset = %c0 to %svl_b step %c1_index iter_args(%inner_iter = %init_0) -> (i64) {
-      %t = vector.extractelement %row[%offset : index] : vector<[16]xi8>
-      %t_i64 = arith.extui %t : i8 to i64
-      %inner_add_reduce_next = arith.addi %inner_iter, %t_i64 : i64
-      scf.yield %inner_add_reduce_next : i64
-    }
-    %add_reduce_next = arith.addi %iter, %inner_add_reduce : i64
-    scf.yield %add_reduce_next : i64
+    %row_sum = vector.reduction <add>, %row : vector<[16]xi8> into i8
+    %add_reduce_next = arith.addi %iter, %row_sum : i8
+    scf.yield %add_reduce_next : i8
   // CHECK-NEXT: 0
-  vector.print %add_reduce : i64
+  vector.print %add_reduce : i8
   // Verify the add reduction works as expected.
@@ -121,23 +114,16 @@ func.func @entry() -> i32 {
   // function.
   memref.store %c4, %za_b[%c3, %c7] : memref<?x?xi8>
   memref.store %c15, %za_b[%c7, %c3] : memref<?x?xi8>
-  %add_reduce2 = scf.for %vnum = %c0 to %svl_b step %c1_index iter_args(%iter = %init_0) -> (i64) {
+  %add_reduce2 = scf.for %vnum = %c0 to %svl_b step %c1_index iter_args(%iter = %init_0) -> (i8) {
     %row = vector.load %za_b[%vnum, %c0] : memref<?x?xi8>, vector<[16]xi8>
-    %inner_add_reduce = scf.for %offset = %c0 to %svl_b step %c1_index iter_args(%inner_iter = %init_0) -> (i64) {
-      %t = vector.extractelement %row[%offset : index] : vector<[16]xi8>
-      %t_i64 = arith.extui %t : i8 to i64
-      %inner_add_reduce_next = arith.addi %inner_iter, %t_i64 : i64
-      scf.yield %inner_add_reduce_next : i64
-    }
-    %add_reduce_next = arith.addi %iter, %inner_add_reduce : i64
-    scf.yield %add_reduce_next : i64
+    %row_sum = vector.reduction <add>, %row : vector<[16]xi8> into i8
+    %add_reduce_next = arith.addi %iter, %row_sum : i8
+    scf.yield %add_reduce_next : i8
   // 15+4=19
   // CHECK-NEXT: 19
-  vector.print %add_reduce2 : i64
+  vector.print %add_reduce2 : i8
   %c0_i32 = arith.constant 0 : i32
   return %c0_i32 : i32


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