[Mlir-commits] [mlir] 242d5b2 - [mlir][Transforms] Simplify region before simplifying operation in CSE.

Mahesh Ravishankar llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Dec 7 15:11:26 PST 2022

Author: Mahesh Ravishankar
Date: 2022-12-07T23:11:14Z
New Revision: 242d5b2ba47d6956225d79ef6d1f0aa0a1cf8330

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/242d5b2ba47d6956225d79ef6d1f0aa0a1cf8330
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/242d5b2ba47d6956225d79ef6d1f0aa0a1cf8330.diff

LOG: [mlir][Transforms] Simplify region before simplifying operation in CSE.

This covers more options for CSE. It also ensures that two operations
that have same operands but different regions to begin with, but same
regions after `simplifyRegions`, don't get both added to the list of

Fixes #59135

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D139490




diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Transforms/CSE.cpp b/mlir/lib/Transforms/CSE.cpp
index 5e5852ad0db4b..cd0f90b411f0a 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Transforms/CSE.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Transforms/CSE.cpp
@@ -307,27 +307,25 @@ LogicalResult CSE::simplifyOperation(ScopedMapTy &knownValues, Operation *op,
 void CSE::simplifyBlock(ScopedMapTy &knownValues, Block *bb,
                         bool hasSSADominance) {
   for (auto &op : *bb) {
-    // If the operation is simplified, we don't process any held regions.
-    if (succeeded(simplifyOperation(knownValues, &op, hasSSADominance)))
-      continue;
     // Most operations don't have regions, so fast path that case.
-    if (op.getNumRegions() == 0)
-      continue;
-    // If this operation is isolated above, we can't process nested regions with
-    // the given 'knownValues' map. This would cause the insertion of implicit
-    // captures in explicit capture only regions.
-    if (op.mightHaveTrait<OpTrait::IsIsolatedFromAbove>()) {
-      ScopedMapTy nestedKnownValues;
-      for (auto &region : op.getRegions())
-        simplifyRegion(nestedKnownValues, region);
-      continue;
+    if (op.getNumRegions() != 0) {
+      // If this operation is isolated above, we can't process nested regions
+      // with the given 'knownValues' map. This would cause the insertion of
+      // implicit captures in explicit capture only regions.
+      if (op.mightHaveTrait<OpTrait::IsIsolatedFromAbove>()) {
+        ScopedMapTy nestedKnownValues;
+        for (auto &region : op.getRegions())
+          simplifyRegion(nestedKnownValues, region);
+      } else {
+        // Otherwise, process nested regions normally.
+        for (auto &region : op.getRegions())
+          simplifyRegion(knownValues, region);
+      }
-    // Otherwise, process nested regions normally.
-    for (auto &region : op.getRegions())
-      simplifyRegion(knownValues, region);
+    // If the operation is simplified, we don't process any held regions.
+    if (succeeded(simplifyOperation(knownValues, &op, hasSSADominance)))
+      continue;
   // Clear the MemoryEffects cache since its usage is by block only.

diff  --git a/mlir/test/Transforms/cse.mlir b/mlir/test/Transforms/cse.mlir
index 33e93e4a8cdcf..7fdbf9551fe2b 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Transforms/cse.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Transforms/cse.mlir
@@ -446,3 +446,25 @@ func.func @cse_single_block_with_commutative_ops(%a : tensor<?x?xf32>, %b : tens
 //       CHECK:   %[[OP:.+]] = test.cse_of_single_block_op
 //   CHECK-NOT:   test.cse_of_single_block_op
 //       CHECK:   return %[[OP]], %[[OP]]
+func.func @failing_issue_59135(%arg0: tensor<2x2xi1>, %arg1: f32, %arg2 : tensor<2xi1>) -> (tensor<2xi1>, tensor<2xi1>) {
+  %false_2 = arith.constant false 
+  %true_5 = arith.constant true 
+  %9 = test.cse_of_single_block_op inputs(%arg2) {
+  ^bb0(%out: i1):
+    %true_144 = arith.constant true
+    test.region_yield %true_144 : i1
+  } : tensor<2xi1> -> tensor<2xi1>
+  %15 = test.cse_of_single_block_op inputs(%arg2) {
+  ^bb0(%out: i1):
+    %true_144 = arith.constant true
+    test.region_yield %true_144 : i1
+  } : tensor<2xi1> -> tensor<2xi1>
+  %93 = arith.maxsi %false_2, %true_5 : i1
+  return %9, %15 : tensor<2xi1>, tensor<2xi1>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @failing_issue_59135
+//       CHECK:   %[[TRUE:.+]] = arith.constant true
+//       CHECK:   %[[OP:.+]] = test.cse_of_single_block_op
+//       CHECK:     test.region_yield %[[TRUE]]
+//       CHECK:   return %[[OP]], %[[OP]]


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