<font size=2 face=" Arial">(Apologies you have received multiple copies
of this email)</font><br><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">Hello,</font><br><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">I am trying to run toy program within the
JIT as it is done in <br>Kaleidoscope examples.<br></font><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">I am compiling two files: main.c and foo.c
where foo.c which is dynamically compiled contains</font><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">a call to printf.</font><br><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">When I ran the program I get "LLVM
ERROR: Undefined temporary symbol" for symbol ".L.str"</font><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">and it seems to be related to the printf
call within foo (when I remove the call the run completes fine)</font><br><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">Here's a snippet of the call from the IR:</font><br><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">%call = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8*
getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8], [7 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0))</font><br><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">I appreciate any help with that.</font><br><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">Thanks,</font><br><font size=2 face=" Arial">Revital</font><br><BR>