<head><title>Re: [LLVMdev] any linux distro with llvm/clang/klee packages
<p>Donald Raikes on 2015-04-07:</p>
<p>Are there any "current" Linux distros that have installable packages
for llvm, clang, nad klee?</p>
<p>I am struggling to get klee built and need a working klee setup asap.</p>
<p>I don't think any distros have Klee, but there are some Docker containers you
could try. For instance, try installing Docker and running this:</p>
<pre><code># start Klee container
docker run -it --name klee -v /PATH/TO/SOURCE:/src kleeweb/klee /bin/bash
# run Klee
klee --version
ls /src
# leave Klee container
# resume Klee container
docker start -i klee