<div dir="ltr">Dear folks,<br><br>Next week will be the famous Cambridge Beer Festival, and since beer has everything to do with compilers, we'll hold the the next LLVM Social there, trying to find the blood alcohol concentration of 0.1337% to achieve super-human programming abilities.<br>
<br><a href="http://www.cambridgebeerfestival.com/viewnode.php?id=3">http://www.cambridgebeerfestival.com/viewnode.php?id=3</a><span class=""></span><span class=""></span><div><br></div><div style>Some of use will be there all week, or so I heard, but most of us will be there on Wednesday evening. The event starts midday, but most of us will be there after 6pm. I'll be with some LLVM t-shirt, so look for the dragon.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>See you there!</div><div style><br></div><div style>cheers,</div><div style>--renato</div></div>