Dear developers,<br><br>First of all, thank you for your job on clang, now I use clang as autocompletion tool with my Vim, and it seems to work awesome. But I have some questions: <br><br> 1) Is it possible to make clang to complete pointers to functions as a functions? I mean, I want to get function prototype, with returning value type and all the parameters.<br>
<br>2) Is it possible to make completion work inside structure initializers? I mean, like that: <br><br><pre><span class="">typedef</span> <span class="">struct</span> {
<span class="">int</span> a;
<span class="">int</span> b;
} T_MyStruct;
<span class="">int</span> main(<span class="">void</span>)
T_MyStruct my_struct = {
.a = <span class="">0</span>,
.<span class="">/*</span><span class="">cursor is here. I want to get list of struct members: [a, b]</span><span class="">*/</span>
}<br><br></pre>Thanks.<br><br>--<br>Regards,<br>Dmitry<br><img alt="Встроенное изображение 1" src=""><br>