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Not to distract, but the word, `procedurization' is not an English
word. It's just leaping out at me when it is either procedure(s)
(noun) or proceduralize (verb). Even processes would make sense. I
couldn't help myself because the word was distracting.<br>
- Marc<br>
P.S. Not that my vote counts, but I'm more in the camp of Hal whose
approach to tackling the parallelization foundation within LLVM
[OpenMP just one aspect] makes more sense hitting that now by
providing a clean and generic container without being hardwired to
any one particular third party extension, ala the `complete and
extensible representation of OpenMP.' <br>
Speaking from not having the necessary foundation to really sway
either direction it just seems more the spirit of Hal's project
would fall in-line, with what has been historically how Lattner and
company prefer to keep LLVM as clean a design and extensible as
possible without being interdependent upon other projects hooks into
extending value to the project.<br>
As a former Apple/NeXT alum I would have already expected Enderby
and company to have designed LLVM/Clang with OpenMP hooks if it were
intended to have an intimate relationship with the OpenMP project.
It seems to me that OpenCL, OpenMP and other solutions are best
served as add-ons to the project freeing the project from being
design compromised from it's original goals. <br>
I'd make the same observations whether AMD, ARM or anyone else made
the proposal attempting to interweave OpenMP as you hope to sway the
community to allow. I prefer Hal's approach to the who problem
On 09/28/2012 11:42 AM, Andrey Bokhanko wrote:
<pre wrap="">Hi All,
We'd like to make a proposal for OpenMP representation in LLVM IR.
Our goal is to reach an agreement in the community on a simple,
complete and extensible representation of OpenMP language constructs
in LLVM IR. Hopefully, this would serve as a common ground and would
enable further development of OpenMP support both in Clang and LLVM
compiler toolchain.
We seek feedback on the proposed design and ways to improve it.
Main authors of the proposal are Andrey Bokhanko and Alexey Bataev.
Also, we'd like to acknowledge valuable contributions and advice
provided by Kevin B Smith, Xinmin Tian, Stefanus Du Toit, Brian
Minard, Dmitry Babokin and other colleagues from Intel and Diego
Novillo from Google. NB, this *does not* automatically imply support
of the proposal by said individuals.
Please find the proposal in *.pdf (attached to the message, for
reading convenience) and plain text (below the message, for quoting
convenience) formats. Their content is identical.
Full disclosure: both of us are associated with Intel and Intel Compiler team.
Andrey Bokhanko
Alexey Bataev
Software Engineers
Intel Compiler Team
Intel Corp.
OpenMP Representation in LLVM IR
Design Proposal
Alexey Bataev, Andrey Bokhanko
This document describes design proposal for OpenMP representation in LLVM IR.
Authors assume that readers have basic understanding of:
1) OpenMP principles and language constructs
2) General design of LLVM compiler system
Our end goal is to provide a simple, complete and extensible support
for OpenMP representation in LLVM IR.
We aim to extend LLVM IR as little as possible, preferably without
adding any new types / language constructs at all.
Also, we’d like to keep opportunities for optimization of parallel
code as widely opened as possible –obviously, within the boundaries of
preserving correct semantics of a user program.
And finally, in the spirit of OpenMP Specification ([OpenMP11]), LLVM
IR based compilers should be able to easily skip IR extensions related
to OpenMP support and still generate correct, albeit sequential, code.
Function Outlining
Eventually, parallel regions should be put into separate routines, a
process usually called “function outlining” or “procedurization”. This
can happen as early as in front-end, and as late as right before code
As can be seen in the following sections, the IR extension we propose
doesn’t involve explicit procedurization. Thus, we assume that
function outlining should happen somewhere in the LLVM back-end, and
usually this should be aligned with how chosen OpenMP runtime library
works and what it expects. This is a deliberate decision on our part.
We believe it provides the following benefits (when compared with
designs involving procedurization done in a front-end):
1) Function outlining doesn’t depend on source language; thus, it can
be implemented once and used with any front-ends.
2) Optimizations are usually restricted by a single function boundary.
If procedurization is done in a front-end, this effectively kills any
optimizations – as simple ones as loop invariant code motion. Refer to
[Tian2005] for more information on why this is important for efficient
optimization of OpenMP programs.
It should be stressed, though, that in order to preserve correct
semantics of a user program, optimizations should be made thread-aware
(which, to the best of our knowledge, is not the case with LLVM
By “thread-aware” we mean an optimization that performs legal
transformations on parallel programs. Refer to [Novillo00] for more
information on correctness of optimizations for parallel programs.
Given that LLVM optimizations are currently not thread-aware, initial
implementation should call procedurization pass right at the start of
the optimizer. In the future, this pass can be moved further and
further down the optimizer, as more optimizations will become
Essentially, this initial implementation is not that different from
implementations with procedurization done in front-end; however, it
keeps window of possibility opened.
Scope of this design is OpenMP representation in LLVM IR. Thus, all
other issues related to OpenMP support, like runtime library, ABI, etc
are not covered.
We also included a set of requirements for front-ends and back-ends,
which establish mutual expectations and is an important addition to
the design.
Our proposal is based on the latest published OpenMP specification,
which is version 3.1 ([OpenMP31]) at the time of writing. However, the
design approach we employed is general enough to allow easy adaptation
for future versions of OpenMP standard.
Front-End/Back-End Contract
While not a part of OpenMP representation design per se, the following
pre- and post-conditions help to establish a set of mutual expectation
between front-ends (that generate LLVM IR with OpenMP support) and
back-ends (that consume it). Without this kind of a “contract”
([Meyer92]), a back-end has to verify too much and basically repeat
the work already done by a front-end.
While it is possible to generate LLVM IR that violates these
conditions, we consider it to be non-conformant. Obviously,
conformance can be verified, if necessary.
Pre- and Post-conditions for Front-Ends
1) Guarantee correct semantics of directives and clauses. This
includes nomenclature and number of clauses in directives, correct
nesting of directives, values of clauses, etc.
For example, front-ends should guarantee that omp single directive has
at most one private, firstprivate, copyprivate and nowait clause, and
nothing else; omp section directive is nested inside omp sections
directive; the only possible value of private clause is a list of
variables available at the point where this clause is present; etc.
2) Guarantee correct semantics of statements / structured blocks
following directives.
As an example, it should be guaranteed that only for-loops follow omp
parallel for directive.
3) Set _OPENMP macro. This is required in section 2.2 of [OpenMP11].
4) Support a command-line option that enables/disables OpenMP support.
This is required in Chapter 2 of [OpenMP11].
If a user program violates OpenMP semantics and thus, makes compliance
with first two conditions impossible, a front-end should report a
meaningful error message and stop compilation.
It should be noted that front-ends are not required to guarantee full
conformance of generated LLVM IR to OpenMP specification. As an
example, the specification deems programs that branch into or out of
parallel regions to be non-conformant. We believe that verification of
such properties is too complex for most front-ends. This matches well
with what is written in the specification itself: “compliant
implementations are not required to check for code sequences that
cause a program to be classified as non-conforming” ([OpenMP11],
Section 1.1).
Pre- and Post-conditions for Back-Ends
1) Intrinsics, builtins, library routines and language implementation
should be thread-safe. This is equally applicable to front-ends and is
required in Section 1.5 of [OpenMP11].
2) Optimizations should be thread-aware.
3) Support a command-line option that enables/disables OpenMP support.
This is required in Chapter 2 of [OpenMP11].
4) Rely on post-conditions guaranteed by front-end, and nothing else.
Conditions 2)-5) are only applicable to optimizations working on IR
before procedurization.
As noted in the previous section, LLVM IR is not guaranteed to be
fully conformant with OpenMP specification. Back-ends should be able
to compile cleanly non-compliant programs, but no promises are made on
correct behavior of resulting machine code.
Elements of OpenMP
OpenMP is comprised of four components (as of version 3.1):
* Directives (+ Clauses)
* Internal Control Variables
* Runtime Library Routines
* Environment Variables
Internal Control Variables, Runtime Library Routines and Environment
Variables are provided / handled by OpenMP runtime library. These
components of OpenMP don’t require special support in LLVM IR and thus
are out of scope of this document.
All OpenMP directives in C/C++ are specified with #pragma
preprocessing directive and have the following format:
#pragma omp directive-name [clause [[,] clause]…].
Next two chapters describe our design proposal for representation of,
correspondingly, directives and clauses.
Directives in LLVM IR are represented as calls to “llvm.omp.directive”
intrinsic with a single argument referencing LLVM IR metadata. The
metadata contains an identifier of a directive.
Almost all OpenMP directives are represented with two intrinsic calls:
one for entry and one for exit point of the directive’s context. It is
enough to have just one intrinsic call for several directives which
are supposed to be enclosed in other directives (like omp section,
which must appear only within omp sections context) or specify a
single instruction (like omp flush) or are declarative (like omp
threadprivate). Exit point for such directives is either non-existent
or can be determined by examining other intrinsic calls and thus, not
required to be explicitly present.
Metadata specify only one thing: type of a directive. Currently LLVM
IR does not support integer or enumeration metadata types; thus, we
decided to use MDString (metadata string type) to represent the type.
The list of directives and their identifiers is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. OpenMP Directives
Type of directive #pragma omp ... | MDString in metadata
parallel | OMP_PARALLEL
[parallel] for | OMP_[PARALLEL_]LOOP
[parallel] sections | OMP_[PARALLEL_]SECTIONS
section | OMP_SECTION
single | OMP_SINGLE
task | OMP_PTASK
taskyield | OMP_PTASKYIELD
master | OMP_MASTER
critical | OMP_CRITICAL
barrier | OMP_BARRIER
taskwait | OMP_PTASKWAIT
atomic | OMP_ATOMIC
flush | OMP_FLUSH
ordered | OMP_ORDERED
An example of an OpenMP directive and its representation in LLVM IR:
#pragma omp parallel
call void @llvm.omp.directive(metadata !0)
call void @llvm.omp.directive(metadata !1)
!0 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_PARALLEL”}
!1 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_END_PARALLEL”}
All OpenMP clauses can be divided into four groups:
* Ones with predefined values (default, ordered, nowait, untied, read,
write, update, capture)
* Ones with a list of variables (shared, private, firstprivate,
lastprivate, copyin, copyprivate, directives flush, threadprivate)
* Ones with a scalar or integer expression (if, num_threads, final, collapse)
* Compound ones (reduction, schedule, directive critical)
Clauses in LLVM IR are represented as intrinsic calls. Each intrinsic
call representing a clause has one mandatory argument and arbitrary
number of optional arguments. The mandatory argument references LLVM
IR metadata. The metadata contains identifier of the clause (MDString)
and, for some compound clauses, additional data represented as another
MDString. Optional arguments reference LLVM variables or expressions.
Clauses with Predefined Values
Clauses with predefined values are represented as calls to
“llvm.omp.simple” intrinsic. For this group of clauses metadata
contains an MDString with a clause’s identifier.
The list of clauses and their identifiers is shown in Table 2.
Table 2. OpenMP Clauses with Predefined Values
Clause | MDString in Metadata
default(none) | OMP_DEFAULT_NONE
default(shared) | OMP_DEFAULT_SHARED
ordered | OMP_ORDERED
nowait | OMP_NOWAIT
untied | OMP_UNTIED
read | OMP_READ
write | OMP_WRITE
update | OMP_UPDATE
capture | OMP_CAPTURE
Here is an example of OpenMP clause with a predefined value and its
representation in LLVM IR:
#pragma omp atomic read
call void @llvm.omp.simple(metadata !1)
!1 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_READ”}
Clauses with a List of Variables
Clauses with a list of variables are represented as calls to
“llvm.omp.list” intrinsic. For this group of clauses metadata contains
an MDString with a clause’s identifier.
Additional arguments of the intrinsic reference LLVM variables
associated with a clause. It is important to reference variables
directly in intrinsic calls and not in metadata, in order to preserve
data dependency.
Each variable of a non user-defined type is represented with a single
argument (referencing the variable).
Each variable of a user-defined type is represented with four
arguments: one referencing the variable itself, one referencing its
default constructor, one referencing its copy constructor and one
referencing its destructor. References to constructors / destructors
are required to correctly create and destroy private copies of
The list of clauses and their identifiers is shown in Table 3.
Table 3. OpenMP Clauses with a List of Variables
Clause | MDString in Metadata
private(list) | OMP_PRIVATE
firstprivate(list) | OMP_FIRSTPRIVATE
lastprivate(list) | OMP_LASTPRIVATE
shared(list) | OMP_SHARED
copyin(list) | OMP_COPYIN
Directive flush(list) | OMP_FLUSH
Directive threadprivate(list) | OMP_THREADPRIVATE
Here is an example of OpenMP clause with a list of variables and its
representation in LLVM IR:
#pragma omp parallel private(a,b)
call void (metadata, ...)* @llvm.omp.list(metadata !1, i32* @a, i32* @b)
!1 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_PRIVATE”}
Clauses with Scalar or Integer Expressions
Clauses with scalar or integer expressions are represented as calls to
“llvm.omp.expr” intrinsic. For this group of clauses metadata contains
an MDString with a clause’s identifier.
Second argument of the intrinsic references a scalar or integer LLVM
expression associated with a clause. It is important to reference
expressions directly in intrinsic calls and not in metadata, in order
to preserve data dependency.
The list of clauses and their identifiers is shown in Table 4.
Table 4. OpenMP Clauses with Scalar or Integer Expressions
Clause | MDString in Metadata
if(scalar_expr) | OMP_IF
num_threads(integer_expr) | OMP_NUM_THREADS
final(scalar_expr) | OMP_FINAL
collapse(const_integer_expr) | OMP_COLLAPSE
Here is an example of OpenMP clause with a scalar expression and its
representation in LLVM IR:
#pragma omp parallel if(a)
%4 = load i32* @a, align 4
%5 = icmp ne i32 %4, 0
call void @llvm.omp.expr(metadata !1, i32 %5)
!1 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_IF”}
Compound Clauses
Compound clauses are represented as calls to “llvm.omp.compound”
intrinsic. For this group of clauses metadata contains an MDString
with a clause’s identifier and additional data, also represented as an
Additional arguments of an intrinsic call for reduction clause
reference LLVM variables associated with a clause (see format of
“Clauses with a List of Variables”).
Second argument of an intrinsic call for schedule (static), schedule
(dynamic) and schedule (guided) clauses references an integer LLVM
expression associated with a clause (see format of “Clauses with
Scalar or Integer Expressions”).
The list of compound clauses along with their representation in
metadata is shown in Table 5.
Table 5. OpenMP Compound Clauses
Clause | Representation in Metadata
reduction(operator : list) | OMP_REDUCTION, <operator>
schedule(static [, integer_expr]) | OMP_SCHEDULE, STATIC
schedule(dynamic [, integer_expr]) | OMP_SCHEDULE, DYNAMIC
schedule(guided [, integer_expr]) | OMP_SCHEDULE, GUIDED
schedule(auto) | OMP_SCHEDULE, AUTO
schedule(runtime) | OMP_SCHEDULE, RUNTIME
Directive critical(name) | OMP_NAME, <name>
Here is an example of a compound OpenMP clause and its representation
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+ : a, b)
call void (metadata, ...)* @llvm.omp.compound(metadata !1, i32* @a, i32* @b)
!1 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_REDUCTION”, metadata !”+”}
An Example
Here is a more complex example, demonstrating LLVM IR representation
of a directive with several clauses of different types.
int a, gVar;
int main() {
int lVar;
#pragma omp parallel default(shared), private(gVar, a), if(lVar)
return (0);
@a = global i32 0, align 4
@gVar = global i32 0, align 4
define i32 @main () nounwind uwtable ssp {
%lVar = alloca i32, align 4
call void @llvm.omp.directive(metadata !0)
call void @llvm.omp.simple(metadata !1)
call void (metadata, ...)* @llvm.omp.list(metadata !2, i32* @gVar, i32* @a)
call void @llvm.omp.expr(metadata !3, i32* %lVar)
call void @llvm.omp.directive(metadata !4)
ret i32 0
!0 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_PARALLEL”}
!1 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_DEFAULT_SHARED”}
!2 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_PRIVATE”}
!3 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_IF”}
!4 = metadata !{metadata !”OMP_END_PARALLEL”}
Design Alternatives
It is possible to propose several viable alternatives to representing
information on OpenMP directives and clauses while keeping general
design approach intact.
Some things that we considered:
a) Represent information on types of directives and clauses as
constant expressions instead of MDStrings.
b) Place MDStrings with identifiers of directives and clauses directly
into intrinsic calls instead of metadata.
c) Do not represent clauses as separate intrinsics with references to
metadata; instead, put a list of references to metadata for all
clauses associated with a directive at the end of metadata describing
the directive.
As we said, all these are viable alternatives. We decided to choose
what we chose and not employ the alternatives listed above in order to
keep true the following three design principles:
1) Absolute simplicity and readability (including human readability).
This ruled out alternatives a) and [partially] c).
2) Uniformity of representation, for both directives and clauses. This
ruled out alternatives b) and c).
3) As much extensibility and openness for future changes in both LLVM
IR and OpenMP as possible. This ruled out alternatives b) and c).
We believe that the only downside of our choice is larger size of LLVM
IR required to represent same number of directives and clauses.
However, we consider this as a relatively minor element of our design;
one might argue in favor of these or other similar design
In this document we described our design proposal for OpenMP
representation in LLVM IR. We believe the IR extensions we proposed
1) Simple
They rely on existing LLVM IR types and language constructs; the only
new things are a few new intrinsics. Thus, LLVM IR consumers lacking
OpenMP support can simply ignore these two intrinsics and still
generate correct, albeit sequential, code.
2) Complete
OpenMP 3.1 Specification ([OpenMP31]) is fully covered.
3) Extensible
The design approach is general enough to readily incorporate future
versions of OpenMP standard.
4) Enables both early and late procedurization and aggressive optimization
This is when compared with designs implying explicit procedurization
done right in front-ends.
Authors would like to acknowledge valuable contributions and advice
provided by Kevin B Smith, Xinmin Tian, Stefanus Du Toit, Brian
Minard, Dmitry Babokin and other colleagues from Intel and Diego
Novillo from Google. This *does not* automatically imply approval of
this proposal by said individuals.
[Lattner10] Chris Lattner, Devang Patel, “Extensible Metadata in LLVM
IR”. Available at:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://blog.llvm.org/2010/04/extensible-metadata-in-llvm-ir.html">http://blog.llvm.org/2010/04/extensible-metadata-in-llvm-ir.html</a>
[Meyer92] Bertrand Meyer, “Applying “Design by Contract”, IEEE
Computer, October 1992, pp. 40-51. Available at:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://se.ethz.ch/~meyer/publications/computer/contract.pdf">http://se.ethz.ch/~meyer/publications/computer/contract.pdf</a>
[Novillo00] Diego Novillo, “Analysis and Optimization of Explicitly
Parallel Programs”, PhD Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada, 2000. Available at:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.airs.com/dnovillo/Papers/Thesis.pdf">http://www.airs.com/dnovillo/Papers/Thesis.pdf</a>
[OpenMP11] “OpenMP Application Program Interface”, Version 3.1, July
2011. Available at: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.openmp.org/mp-documents/OpenMP3.1.pdf">http://www.openmp.org/mp-documents/OpenMP3.1.pdf</a>
[Tian05] Xinmin Tian, Milind Girkar, Aart Bik and Hideki Saito,
“Practical Compiler Techniques on Efficient Multithreaded Code
Generation for OpenMP Programs”, The Computer Journal, September 2005,
pp.588-601. Available at: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1095017">http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1095017</a>
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