Hello,<br><br>I'm getting an instruction selection error because DAGCombiner is introducing an illegal node after the legalizeDAG phase. Basically this is what is going on:<br><br>1) During legalization, BR_JT gets expanded introducing a (mul x, 2).<br>
2) After legalization (AfterLegalizeDAG), that (mul x, 2) is converted to an (shl x, 1).<br><br>However, that shl node introduced is illegal, and since my custom lowering code won't run after this phase it gets into the instruction selector. I would like to know if this is really a bug or it has to be handled by the target code. I guess I could add a custom dagcombine hook for this node and revert it in my target, but I want to hear what is the best thing to do.<br>