In ELF .o files with debug info, there are relocations applied to the DWARF sections. For example, when emitting offsets into the stringpool, we emit a relocation.<div><br></div><div>How should we support this? llvm-dwarfdump currently works by finding the relevant dwarf sections and passing them in to lib/DebugInfo. The relocations can be iterated over in lib/Object using the relocation_iterator.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Should dwarfdump apply its own relocations and hand DebugInfo a copy of the sections from the input file? Should DebugInfo take the Object and do relocations in its head as needed? How about a wrapper that provides a "relocated view" of a section, and we pass that around? At a high level, what ought these APIs look like? Who's responsible for what?</div>