Hello,<br><br>I'm doing some Def/Use analysis, and I'm hung up on one tricky spot. The BB in question is attached. Ignore the red.<br><br>The issue is that '%13 = load...' instruction does not show up as a Use for the '%scevgep25' definition, and I feel like it should. Instead, it shows up as a Use for '%iftmp.55.0 = select...', though Operand(0) for this '%13 = load' instruction [listed as a Use for '%iftmp.55.0 = select...'] is reported as the %scevgep25 instruction, which is correct.<br>
<br>Sorry if that was a bit convoluted. Essentially, it seems that 'getelementptr' instructions with their Use's instructions being (direct or indirect)operands to 'select' instructions have their Uses show up as Uses for the select only and not for the getelementptr instruction.<br>
<br>Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? All the other def/use information I get seems correct. <br><br>Thanks,<br>Griffin<br><br>