Hi <br><br>I am running llvm-g++ on a .cpp file to generate the llvm bitcode.<br><br>The function definition in the .cpp file is:<br><br>float pFL(Points *points, int *feasible, int numfeasible, float z, long *k,<br> double cost, long iter, float e, int pid, pthread_barrier_t* barrier) {<br>
<br>However, in the bit code I see that the function name has been modified to the following <br><br>define float @_Z3pFLP6PointsPiifPldlfiP17pthread_barrier_t(%struct.Points* %points, i32* %feasible, i32 %numfeasible, float %z, i32* %k, double %cost, i32 %iter, float %e, i32 %pid, %union.pthread_barrier_t* %barrier) nounwind {<br>
<br>What is the reason for the function renaming and is there a way to avoid so that the function name remains unchanged.<br><br>This is how I am invoking llvm-g++<br>llvm-g++ -emit-llvm -c -O0 streamcluster.cpp -o streamcluster.bc<br>