Hi,<br> <br> My pass compiles fine with Gmake,but when i run it with 'opt' it was initially breaking with the following error message :<br> <br> "Error opening '../../../Release/lib/ReusePass.so': ../../../Release/lib/ReusePass.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK4llvm4Pass5printERSoPKNS_6ModuleE<br>
-load request ignored.<br> opt: Unknown command line argument '-ReusePass'." <br><br> Then i changed my Makefile to include the libaries : LLVMSystem.a, LLVMSupport.a, LLVMCore.a.<br> Now the 'opt' command breaks witht he following error : " Two passes with the same argument (-domtree) attempted to be registered! <br>
UNREACHABLE executed! "<br><br> I also tried changing the "LLVMLIBS" line in the Makefile to "LINK_COMPONENTS" and the problem still persists. <br><br> Can u tell me why this happening and whats the work around for this?.<br>
<br>Thanks,<br>Rohith.<br> <br><br>