Hi,<div><br></div><div>I'm yet working on the LLVM ExecutionEngine portability (2.6 release version) and I get two different problems depending on the platform. The first problem concerns compilation on MacOs X (10.5.5) with an X86 processor, when trying to compile my own project containing the ExecutionEngine class and the linker class. I get links problem with "_ffi_type_sint16", "_ffi_type_sint32", "ffiInvoke" etc.. (The link problems are enclosed to this message) with Unix MakeFile or XCode project generated by CMake (llvm compilation options are get with llvm-config inside CMake). This project has been successfully tested on Linux and windows platforms with the same computer. So my first question is : </div>
<div>Is there additionnals information to provide to the linker when compiling llvm on mac os x?</div><div><br></div><div>The second question concerns Yellow Dog Distribution(6.2) on CellSPU processor. Does lli support JIT compilation on CELL? For the moment, it seems to only work with the interpreter (-force-interpreter option).</div>
<div><br></div><div>Many thanks</div><div><br></div>