<br>I have been following the recent posts regarding LLVM ARM backend on the list. I am trying to figure out if I should start using LLVM to compile my project or if I should just stick with cross compilers like those provided by Code Sourcery and wait till a later time. I have the following questions in this regard:<br>
<br>1. Can some one tell me if LLVM ARM is being used by anyone to compile any shipped products? If so, <br> a) how are you getting by despite the apparent bugs that exist (<a href="http://llvm.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=ARM">http://llvm.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=ARM</a>)?<br>
b) do you build LLVM natively on your ARM platform or do you build it as a cross compiler?<br><br>
2. I have heard "rumors" that Apple uses LLVM to compile code shipped on iPhone. Is that correct? If so, can someone tell me whether they use the sources available in the svn tree or do they add customized passes that plug-in to the LLVM infrastructure? Again, is the compiler used native or a cross compiler?<br>
<br>Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences.<br><br>SO<br>