<DIV>I have a question with llvm-gcc and llvm-gfortran.</DIV>
<DIV>Is it possible that llvm-ld can combine different bc files compiled from C programme and Fortran Programme together?</DIV>
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<DIV>For example:</DIV>
<DIV>Compile a c program into llvm bc file by the task:</DIV>
<DIV># llvm-gcc -emit-llvm test.c -c -o test.bc</DIV>
<DIV>and then compile a fortran program into llvm bc file by the task:</DIV>
<DIV># llvm-gfortran -emit-llvm testf.f -c -o testf.bc</DIV>
<DIV>And then use llvm-ld to combine two bc files into a single bc file as follows:</DIV>
<DIV># llvm-ld test.bc testf.bc -o testp.bc </DIV>
<DIV># ./testp.bc<BR>ERROR: Program used external function '_gfortran_st_write' which could not be resolved!<BR>lli[0x85c245f]<BR>/lib/libc.so.6(abort+0x101)[0x6988b1]<BR>lli(_ZN4llvm3JIT25getPointerToNamedFunctionERKSs+0xd2)[0x8267952]<BR>Aborted</DIV>
<DIV><BR>I have also tried to link gfortran dynamic libraries like this and here is a error message:</DIV>
<DIV># llvm-ld test.bc testf.bc -lgfortran<BR>llvm-ld: error: Cannot find library 'gfortran'</DIV>
<DIV>Note:gcc can find library 'gfortran'.</DIV>
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