<div dir="ltr"><div>Dear Prof.Vikram.</div>
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<div>Really appreciate the hard work and determination in bringing LLVM concept. I had been a GCC contributor for almost 3-4 years, specially in backend with Renesas(SH) targets. Gone through <a href="http://llvm.org/">http://llvm.org</a> and found very challenging, seems to be better in many areas w.r.t GCC. Seeing the work of LLVM, am motivated to contribute to LLVM with reference to HPC needs. I maybe slow to start with but w.r.t time, will certainly pick up.</div>
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<div>Hopefully, Performance w.r.t HPC seems to be known and explored a lot by you as seen from your publications, but tuning LLVM with MPI(in particular OpenMPI) and other HPC requirement still needs to be explored. I think you will appreciate my initiative as a contributor to LLVM.</div>
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<div>A brief about me could be available in <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/mukeshksrivastava">http://www.linkedin.com/in/mukeshksrivastava</a></div>
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<div>Looking forward.</div>
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<div>Mukesh K Srivastava</div></div>