Hello,<br><br>I'm developing a C compiler for a machine with different local memories, for which I need to be able to specify in which specific memory a global variable should be allocated, and I also need to generate different instructions for accessing different local memories.<br>
<br>I've seen in the LLVM 2.2 release notes that there is now support for
multiple address spaces, that seem to address my problem, but I couldn't understand how to use them.<br><br>Should I indeed use address spaces for my local memories requirements?<br>If yes, can someone tell me how to specify address spaces in C for global variables?<br>
Is it possible to specify that a given pointer (e.g. a function argument or local pointer variable) points to a specific address space and how?<br>How do I then retrieve the address space information in the LLVM IR, in particular when using pointers?<br>
<br>Thanks,<br><br>-- Giuma Cordes<br>