<pre> <---stuff deleted ----->
</pre>Basically the architecture I want to compile to (SABRE) RISC
does not support a conditional branch or a select instruction. It
supports explicit branches of the form.<br><br>
blt %a, %b, imm // branch on less than iff %a < %b then pc = pc +
So there are various branch instructions like .... ble, beq, bne, blt,
bltu and bleu (unsigned)<br><br>
Im just slightly confused as to the distinction between expand and
custom, and when it becomes appropriate to use custom over expand.
I'd like some definitive advice on whether to go for expansion or custom
to go further with getting instruction selection working
Dr. Andy Nisbet: URL
<a href="http://www.docm.mmu.ac.uk/STAFF/A.Nisbet" eudora="autourl">
</a>Department of Computing and Mathematics, John Dalton Building,
Metropolitan University, Chester
Street, Manchester M1 5GD, UK.<br>
Email: A.Nisbet@mmu.ac.uk, Phone:(+44)-161-247-1556;
Fax:(+44)-161-247-1483. <br><br>
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